Conversion gotchas (#59)

add section about conversion gotchas
Timothée Sterle 3 years ago committed by GitHub
parent 1561654e0e
commit ce3c7768c6
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -856,6 +856,89 @@ The syntax API is still a work in progress. Here are a couple of pointers:
## General tips and recommendations
### Notes about Vimscript <-> Lua type conversion
#### Converting a variable creates a copy:
You can't directly interact with the reference to a Vim object from Lua or a Lua object from Vimscript.
For example, the `map()` function in Vimscript modifies a variable in place:
let s:list = [1, 2, 3]
let s:newlist = map(s:list, {_, v -> v * 2})
echo s:list
" [2, 4, 6]
echo s:newlist
" [2, 4, 6]
Using this function from Lua creates a copy instead:
local tbl = {1, 2, 3}
local newtbl =, function(_, v) return v * 2 end)
print(vim.inspect(tbl)) -- { 1, 2, 3 }
print(vim.inspect(newtbl)) -- { 2, 4, 6 }
#### Conversion is not always possible
This mostly affects functions and tables:
Lua tables that are a mix between a List and a Dictionary can't be converted:
print(vim.fn.count({1, 1, number = 1}, 1))
-- E5100: Cannot convert given lua table: table should either have a sequence of positive integer keys or contain only string keys
While you can call Vim functions in Lua with `vim.fn`, you can't hold references to them. This can cause surprising behaviors:
local FugitiveHead = vim.fn.funcref('FugitiveHead')
print(FugitiveHead) -- vim.NIL
vim.cmd("let g:test_dict = {'test_lambda': {-> 1}}")
print(vim.g.test_dict.test_lambda) -- nil
print(vim.inspect(vim.g.test_dict)) -- {}
Passing Lua functions to Vim functions is OK, storing them in Vim variables is not:
-- This works:
vim.fn.jobstart({'ls'}, {
on_stdout = function(chan_id, data, name)
-- This doesn't:
vim.g.test_dict = {test_lambda = function() return 1 end} -- Error: Cannot convert given lua type
Note however that doing the same from Vimscript with `luaeval()` **does** work:
let g:test_dict = {'test_lambda': luaeval('function() return 1 end')}
echo g:test_dict
" {'test_lambda': function('<lambda>4714')}
#### Vim booleans
A common pattern in Vim scripts is to use `1` or `0` instead of proper booleans. Indeed, Vim did not have a separate boolean type until version 7.4.1154.
Lua booleans are converted to actual booleans in Vimscript, not numbers:
lua vim.g.lua_true = true
echo g:lua_true
" v:true
lua vim.g.lua_false = false
echo g:lua_false
" v:false
### Setting up linters/language servers
If you're using linters and/or language servers to get diagnostics and autocompletion for Lua projects, you may have to configure Neovim-specific settings for them. Here are a few recommended settings for popular tools:

@ -4,11 +4,14 @@
The integration of Lua as a first-class language inside Neovim is shaping
up to be one of its killer features. However, the amount of teaching
material for learning how to write plugins in Lua is not as large as
what you would find for writing them in Vimscript. This is an attempt
at providing some basic information to get people started.
The integration of Lua:
as a first-class language inside Neovim:
is shaping up to be one of its killer features.
However, the amount of teaching material for learning how to write
plugins in Lua is not as large as what you would find for writing them
in Vimscript. This is an attempt at providing some basic information to
get people started.
This guide assumes you are using the latest nightly build: of Neovim. Since
@ -1057,6 +1060,99 @@
Notes about Vimscript <-> Lua type conversion~
Converting a variable creates a copy:~
You can't directly interact with the reference to a Vim object from Lua
or a Lua object from Vimscript.
For example, the `map()` function in Vimscript modifies a variable
in place:
let s:list = [1, 2, 3]
let s:newlist = map(s:list, {_, v -> v * 2})
echo s:list
" [2, 4, 6]
echo s:newlist
" [2, 4, 6]
Using this function from Lua creates a copy instead:
local tbl = {1, 2, 3}
local newtbl =, function(_, v) return v * 2 end)
print(vim.inspect(tbl)) -- { 1, 2, 3 }
print(vim.inspect(newtbl)) -- { 2, 4, 6 }
Conversion is not always possible~
This mostly affects functions and tables:
Lua tables that are a mix between a List and a Dictionary can't be
print(vim.fn.count({1, 1, number = 1}, 1))
-- E5100: Cannot convert given lua table: table should either have
a sequence of positive integer keys or contain only string keys
While you can call Vim functions in Lua with `vim.fn`, you can't hold
references to them. This can cause surprising behaviors:
local FugitiveHead = vim.fn.funcref('FugitiveHead')
print(FugitiveHead) -- vim.NIL
vim.cmd("let g:test_dict = {'test_lambda': {-> 1}}")
print(vim.g.test_dict.test_lambda) -- nil
print(vim.inspect(vim.g.test_dict)) -- {}
Passing Lua functions to Vim functions is OK, storing them in Vim
variables is not:
-- This works:
vim.fn.jobstart({'ls'}, {
on_stdout = function(chan_id, data, name)
-- This doesn't:
vim.g.test_dict = {test_lambda = function() return 1 end} -- Error:
Cannot convert given lua type
Note however that doing the same from Vimscript with `luaeval()`
**does** work:
let g:test_dict = {'test_lambda': luaeval('function() return 1 end')}
echo g:test_dict
" {'test_lambda': function('<lambda>4714')}
Vim booleans~
A common pattern in Vim scripts is to use `1` or `0` instead of proper
booleans. Indeed, Vim did not have a separate boolean type until version
Lua booleans are converted to actual booleans in Vimscript, not numbers:
lua vim.g.lua_true = true
echo g:lua_true
" v:true
lua vim.g.lua_false = false
echo g:lua_false
" v:false
Setting up linters/language servers~
If you're using linters and/or language servers to get diagnostics and
