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4 years ago
# Getting started using Lua in Neovim
## Introduction
4 years ago
The integration of Lua as a first-class language inside Neovim is shaping up to be one of its killer features. However, the amount of teaching material for learning how to write plugins in Lua is not as large as what you would find for writing them in Vimscript. This is an attempt at providing some basic information to get people started.
This guide assumes you are using the latest [nightly build]( of Neovim.
4 years ago
### Learning Lua
If you are not already familiar with the language, there are plenty of resources to get started:
- The [Learn X in Y minutes page about Lua]( should give you a quick overview of the basics
- If videos are more to your liking, Derek Banas has a [1-hour tutorial on the language](
- The [lua-users wiki]( is full of useful information on all kinds of Lua-related topics
- The [official reference manual for Lua]( should give you the most comprehensive tour of the language
It should also be noted that Lua is a very clean and simple language. It is easy to learn, especially if you have experience with similar scripting languages like JavaScript. You may already know more Lua than you realise!
4 years ago
Note: the version of Lua that Neovim embeds is LuaJIT 2.1.0, which maintains compatibility with Lua 5.1 (with a few 5.2 extensions)
4 years ago
### Existing tutorials for writing Lua in Neovim
A few tutorials have already been written to help people write plugins in Lua. Some of them helped quite a bit when writing this guide. Many thanks to their authors.
- [ - From init.vim to init.lua](
- [ - How to write neovim plugins in Lua](
- [ms-jpq - Neovim Async Tutorial](
4 years ago
## Where to put Lua files
Lua files are typically found inside a `lua/` folder in your `runtimepath` (for most users, this will mean `~/.config/nvim/lua` on *nix systems and `~/AppData/Local/nvim/lua` on Windows). The `package.path` and `package.cpath` globals are automatically adjusted to include lua files in this folder. This means you can `require()` these files as Lua modules.
Let's take the following folder structure as an example:
📂 ~/.config/nvim
├── 📁 after
├── 📁 ftplugin
├── 📂 lua
│ ├── 🌑 myluamodule.lua
│ └── 📂 other_modules
│ ├── 🌑 anothermodule.lua
│ └── 🌑 init.lua
├── 📁 pack
├── 📁 plugin
├── 📁 syntax
└── 🇻 init.vim
The following Lua code will load `myluamodule.lua`:
Notice the absence of a `.lua` extension.
Similarly, loading `other_modules/anothermodule.lua` is done like so:
-- or
Path separators are denoted by either a dot `.` or a slash `/`.
A folder containing an `init.lua` file can be required directly, without have to specify the name of the file.
require('other_modules') -- loads other_modules/init.lua
For more information: `:help lua-require`
Unlike .vim files, .lua files are not automatically sourced from directories in your `runtimepath`. Instead, you have to source/require them from Vimscript. There are plans to add the option to load an `init.lua` file as an alternative to `init.vim`:
- [Issue #7895](
- [Corresponding pull request](
4 years ago
## Using Lua from Vimscript
### :lua
### :luado
### :luafile
### luaeval()
### v:lua
## The vim namespace
### vim.inspect()
## Using Vimscript from Lua
### vim.api.nvim_eval()
### vim.api.nvim_exec()
### vim.api.nvim_command()
<!-- TODO: talk about the vim.cmd alias -->
## Managing vim options
### Using api functions
<!-- vim.api.nvim_set_option() -->
<!-- vim.api.nvim_get_option() -->
<!-- vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option() -->
<!-- vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option() -->
<!-- vim.api.nvim_win_set_option() -->
<!-- vim.api.nvim_win_get_option() -->
### Using meta-accessors
<!-- vim.o.{option} -->
<!--{option} -->
<!-- vim.wo.{option} -->
## Managing vim internal variables
### Using api functions
<!-- vim.api.nvim_set_var() -->
<!-- vim.api.nvim_get_var() -->
<!-- vim.api.nvim_del_var() -->
<!-- vim.api.nvim_buf_set_var() -->
<!-- vim.api.nvim_buf_get_var() -->
<!-- vim.api.nvim_buf_del_var() -->
<!-- vim.api.nvim_win_set_var() -->
<!-- vim.api.nvim_win_get_var() -->
<!-- vim.api.nvim_win_del_var() -->
<!-- vim.api.nvim_tabpage_set_var() -->
<!-- vim.api.nvim_tabpage_get_var() -->
<!-- vim.api.nvim_tabpage_del_var() -->
<!-- vim.api.nvim_set_vvar() -->
<!-- vim.api.nvim_get_vvar() -->
### Using meta-accessors
<!-- vim.g.{name} -->
<!-- vim.b.{name} -->
<!-- vim.w.{name} -->
<!-- vim.t.{name} -->
<!-- vim.v.{name} -->
## Calling Vimscript functions
### vim.api.nvim_call_function()
### vim.fn.{function}()
## Defining mappings
<!-- nvim_set_keymap() -->
<!-- nvim_get_keymap() -->
<!-- nvim_del_keymap() -->
<!-- nvim_buf_set_keymap() -->
<!-- nvim_buf_get_keymap() -->
<!-- nvim_buf_del_keymap() -->
## Defining user commands
<!-- -->
4 years ago
## Defining autocommands
<!-- TODO: Mention wrapper + pending PR -->
## Making your code more robust
### vim.validate()
### Unit tests
## Miscellaneous
### vim.loop
<!-- TODO: Mention libuv docs + luvit api -->
<!-- -->
4 years ago
### vim.lsp
### vim.treesitter
<!-- TODO: add interesting projects (transpilers) -->
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