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*libmodal-lua.txt* Create modes for Neovim - Lua Reference
This is a document specifying the lower-level implementation of |libmodal|. If
one wishes to make use of it to more finely control their |libmodal-mode| or
|libmodal-prompt|, this document should be the primary reference.
Any material not covered here is covered in |libmodal-usage|.
See: |libmodal-usage|, |lua|, |lua-require-example|.
0. Table of Contents *libmodal-lua-toc*
1. `libmodal` ............................. |libmodal-lua-libmodal|
2. `libmodal.base.globals` ................ |libmodal-lua-globals|
3. `libmodal.mode.ParseTable` ............. |libmodal-lua-ParseTable|
4. `libmodal.utils` ....................... |libmodal-lua-utils|
4.1. `libmodal.utils.api` ................... |libmodal-lua-api|
4.2. `libmodal.utils.Help` .................. |libmodal-lua-Help|
4.3. `libmodal.utils.Indicator` ............. |libmodal-lua-Indicator|
4.4. `libmodal.utils.vars` .................. |libmodal-lua-vars|
4.5. `libmodal.utils.WindowState` ........... |libmodal-lua-Windowstate|
1. `libmodal` *libmodal-lua-libmodal*
This is the base of |libmodal|. It can be imported using: >
local libmodal = require('libmodal')
<if |libmodal| is in your 'runtimepath'.
MODULES *libmodal-lua-modules*
* `libmodal`
* `libmodal.base`
* `libmodal.base.globals`
* `libmodal.mode`
* `libmodal.mode.ParseTable`
* `libmodal.prompt`
* `libmodal.utils`
* `libmodal.utils.api`
* `libmodal.utils.Help`
* `libmodal.utils.Indicator`
* `libmodal.utils.vars`
* `libmodal.utils.WindowState`
2. `libmodal.base.globals` *libmodal-lua-globals*
These are global variables used throughout the project. They are never
modified and never meant TO be modified.
VARIABLES *libmodal-lua-globals-variables*
`globals`.DEFAULT_ERROR_TITLE *libmodal-lua-globals.DEFAULT_ERROR_TITLE*
The default error message header for |libmodal| errors.
Type: ~
Value: ~
"vim-libmodal error"
`globals`.ESC_NR *libmodal-lua-globals.ESC_NR*
The byte of the <Esc> character.
Type: ~
Value: ~
`globals`.TYPE_FUNC *libmodal-lua-globals.TYPE_FUNC*
The `string` yielded by `lua type(x)` when `x` is a `function`.
Type: ~
Value: ~
`globals`.TYPE_NUM *libmodal-lua-globals.TYPE_NUM*
The `string` yielded by `lua type(x)` when `x` is a `number`.
Type: ~
Value: ~
`globals`.TYPE_STR *libmodal-lua-globals.TYPE_STR*
The `string` yielded by `lua type(x)` when `x` is a `string`.
Type: ~
Value: ~
`globals`.TYPE_TBL *libmodal-lua-globals.TYPE_TBL*
The `string` yielded by `lua type(x)` when `x` is a `table`.
Type: ~
Value: ~
`globals`.VIM_FALSE *libmodal-lua-globals.VIM_FALSE*
The value Vimscript uses to return `false` (besides |v:false|).
Type: ~
Value: ~
`globals`.VIM_TRUE *libmodal-lua-globals.VIM_TRUE*
Type: ~
Value: ~
FUNCTIONS *libmodal-lua-globals-functions*
`globals`.isFalse({val}) *libmodal-lua-globals.isFalse()*
Determine whether or not some {val} is equal to `globals.VIM_FALSE`,
|v:false|, or `false`.
Parameters: ~
{val} The value to check. Should be a `boolean` or a `boolean`
Return: ~
* `true` if {val} is equal to `globals.VIM_FALSE`, |v:false|, or
* `false` otherwise.
Example: ~
local libmodal = require('libmodal')
-- Get Lua's truth values.
local falseValue = false
local trueValue = true
-- Get Vim's `v:` truth values.
local v_falseValue = vim.api.nvim_get_vvar('false')
local v_trueValue = vim.api.nvim_get_vvar('true')
-- Get Vimscript's truth values.
local vim_falseValue = libmodal.globals.VIM_FALSE
local vim_trueValue = libmodal.globals.VIM_TRUE
--[[ Test the function. ]]
`globals`.isTrue({val}) *libmodal-lua-globals.isTrue()*
Determine whether or not some {val} is equal to `globals.VIM_TRUE`,
|v:true|, or `true`.
Parameters: ~
{val} The value to check. Should be a `boolean` or a `boolean`
Return: ~
* `true` if {val} is equal to `globals.VIM_TRUE`, |v:true|, or `true`.
* `false` otherwise.
Example: ~
local libmodal = require('libmodal')
-- Get Lua's truth values.
local falseValue = false
local trueValue = true
-- Get Vim's `v:` truth values.
local v_falseValue = vim.api.nvim_get_vvar('false')
local v_trueValue = vim.api.nvim_get_vvar('true')
-- Get Vimscript's truth values.
local vim_falseValue = libmodal.globals.VIM_FALSE
local vim_trueValue = libmodal.globals.VIM_TRUE
--[[ Test the function. ]]
3. `libmodal.mode.ParseTable` *libmodal-lua-ParseTable*
A `ParseTable` is a pseudo-parse tree of a given user collection of
keybinding:expression pairs.
See: |libmodal-mode| for more information.
VARIABLES *libmodal-lua-ParseTable-variables*
`ParseTable`.CR *libmodal-lua-ParseTable.CR*
The character number for <CR>.
Type: ~
Value: ~
FUNCTIONS *libmodal-lua-ParseTable-functions*
`ParseTable`.new({userTable}) **
Create a new `ParseTable` from a user-defined `table` of combos.
All keys of a `ParseTable` are numbers of characters.
Parameters: ~
{userTable} the table of combos defined by the user (see
Return: ~
A new `ParseTable`.
Example: ~
local libmodal = require('libmodal')
-- Create a mock set of user mappings.
local userTable = {
['zf'] = "echo 'Hello!'",
['zfo'] = "tabnew"
-- Create a new `ParseTable`
local parseTable =
-- Print the `parseTable`.
See Also: ~
|char2nr|, |nr2char| For character to number conversion and vice
|libmodal-mode| For information about {userTable}.
`self`:get({keyDict}) *libmodal-lua-ParseTable.get()*
Get a value from an instance of `ParseTable`.
Parameters: ~
{keyDict} a string of key characters as bytes.
Return: ~
A `function` {keyDict} is a full match.
A `table` the {keyDict} partially matches.
* `false` {keyDict} is not ANYWHERE.
Example: ~
local libmodal = require('libmodal')
-- Simulate user input.
local userInput = {122, 102} -- {'z', 'f'}
-- Create a dummy `ParseTable`.
local parseTable ={
['zfo'] = 'echo "Hello!"'
-- Inspect it.
-- this will return a `table`
local tbl = parseTable:get(userInput)
-- Inspect it to show the difference.
`self`:parsePut({key}, {value}) *libmodal-lua-ParseTable.parsePut()*
Put `value` into the parse tree as `key`.
Parameters: ~
{key} the key that {value} is reffered to by. A `char`, not a
{value} the value to store as {key}. A `string` to |execute|.
Example: ~
-- Create a dummy `ParseTable`.
local parseTable ={
['zfo'] = 'echo "Hello!"'
-- Inspect it.
-- this will return a `table`
parseTable:parsePut('zfc', 'split')
-- Inspect it to show the difference.
See also: ~
|libmodal-lua-parsetable-parseputall| for how to put multiple {key}s
and {value}s at a time.
`self`:parsePutAll({tableToUnite}) *libmodal-lua-ParseTable.parsePutAll()*
Create the union of `self` and `tableToUnite`
Interally calls |libmodal-lua-parsetable-parseput| on every key:value pair
in {tableToUnite}.
Parameters: ~
{tableToUnite} the table to unite with `self.`
Example: ~
-- Create an empty `ParseTable`.
local parseTable ={})
-- Create some dummy keybindings.
local unparsedUserKeybinds = {
['zfo'] = 'echo "Hello!"',
['zfc'] = 'split'
-- Add the dummy keybindings.
-- Inspect it to show the difference.
See also: ~
|libmodal-lua-parsetable-parseput| For more information on
4. `libmodal.utils` *libmodal-lua-utils*
Provides extra utilities to the |libmodal| library.
FUNCTIONS *libmodal-lua-utils-functions*
`utils`.showError({pcallErr}) *libmodal-lua-utils.showError()*
Show an error from `pcall()`.
Parameters: ~
{pcallErr} the error generated by `pcall()`.
Example: ~
local libmodal = require('libmodal')
-- Run `pcall` on an anonymous function.
local noErrors, pcallErr = pcall(function()
-- This will always produce an error.
return "" .. true
-- If there were errors…
if not noErrors then
-- Show the error.
4.1. `libmodal.utils.api` *libmodal-lua-api*
Provides extensions to the `vim.api` |Lua| library.
See: |API|.
FUNCTIONS *libmodal-lua-api-functions*
`api`.nvim_bell() *libmodal-lua-api.nvim_bell()*
Make vim ring the visual/audio bell, if it is enabled.
Example: ~
local libmodal = require('libmodal')
See also: ~
'belloff' For bell settings.
'errorbells' For bell settings.
'visualbell' For bell settings.
`api`.nvim_exists({scope}, {var}) *libmodal-lua-api.nvim_exists()*
Check whether or not some |variable| exists.
Parameters: ~
{scope} The scope of the |variable| (i.e. `g:`, `l:`, etc.)
{var} The |variable| to check for.
Example: ~
local libmodal = require('libmodal')
-- Set a mock variable to 3.
libmodal.utils.api.nvim_set_var('foo', 3)
print(libmodal.utils.api.nvim_exists('g', 'foo')) -- true
libmodal.utils.api.nvim_command('unlet g:foo')
print(libmodal.utils.api.nvim_exists('g', 'foo')) -- false
`api`.nvim_input() *libmodal-lua-api.nvim_input()*
Gets one character of user input, as a number.
Uses |getchar()|.
Return: ~
One character of user input, as a number (byte).
Example: ~
local libmodal = require('libmodal')
-- Get one character of user input.
local char = string.char(libmodal.utils.api.nvim_input())
-- … wait for user to press a character …
-- Print the character.
`api`.nvim_lecho({hlTables}) *libmodal-lua-api.nvim_lecho()*
Echo an `Indicator`.
Meant to be read as "nvim list echo".
Parameters: ~
{hlTables} The `tables` to |echo| with |highlights|.
Example: ~
local libmodal = require('libmodal')
-- Create an indicator.
local indicator = libmodal.utils.Indicator.mode('FOO')
-- Show the indicator.
`api`.nvim_redraw() *libmodal-lua-api.nvim_redraw()*
Run |mode| to refresh the screen.
The function was not named `nvim_mode` because that would be really
confusing given the name of this plugin.
Example: ~
local libmodal = require('libmodal')
local api = vim.api
-- Echo hello and prompt for input before continuing.
api.nvim_command("echo 'Hello!'")
api.nvim_call_function('getchar', {})
-- Clear the screen.
`api`.nvim_show_err({title}, {msg}) *libmodal-lua-api.nvim_show_err()*
Show a {title}-error with a given {msg}.
Parameters: ~
{title} The title of the error.
{msg} The message of the error.
Example: ~
local libmodal = require('libmodal')
-- Show an error.
-- Use the default error title.
-- Use a custom error message.
'This is a test error!'
4.2. `libmodal.utils.Help` *libmodal-lua-Help*
Allows for the creation of a default "Help" table.
By default, this "Help" is shown by pressing `?` in a |libmodal-mode| or by
entering "help" into a |libmodal-prompt|.
FUNCTIONS *libmodal-lua-Help-functions*
`Help`.new({commandsOrMaps}, {title}) **
Create a default help table with `commandsOrMaps` and vim expressions.
Parameters: ~
{commandsOrMaps} The `table` of |command|s or |map|pings to Vim |expression|s.
{title} The leftmost table column's title.
Return: ~
A new `Help`.
Example: ~
local libmodal = require('libmodal')
-- Create a table of mock user commands.
local commands = {
['close'] = 'tabclose',
['new'] = 'tabnew'
-- Create a table of mock user maps.
local maps = {
['zf'] = 'split',
['zfo'] = 'echo "Hello!"'
local commandHelp =, 'COMMANDS')
local mapsHelp =, 'MAPS')
`self`:show() **
Show the contents of this `Help`.
Example: ~
local libmodal = require('libmodal')
-- Create a table of mock user commands.
local commands = {
['close'] = 'tabclose',
['new'] = 'tabnew'
-- Create a table of mock user maps.
local maps = {
['zf'] = 'split',
['zfo'] = 'echo "Hello!"'
local commandHelp =, 'COMMANDS')
local mapsHelp =, 'MAPS')
4.3. `libmodal.utils.Indicator` *libmodal-lua-Indicator*
Provides creation sources for mode and prompt |echo| / |echohl| `string`s.
FUNCTIONS *libmodal-lua-indicator-functions*
`Indicator`.mode({modeName}) *libmodal-lua-Indicator.mode()*
Create a new `Indicator` for a mode.
Parameters: ~
{modeName} The name of the mode that this `Indicator` is for.
Example: ~
local libmodal = require('libmodal')
local indicator = libmodal.utils.Indicator.mode('FOO')
See also: ~
|libmodal-mode| For this function's use.
|libmodal-lua-api.nvim_lecho()| For effective |echo|ing of this
`Indicator`.prompt({modeName}) *libmodal-lua-Indicator.prompt()*
Create a new `Indicator` for a prompt.
Parameters: ~
{modeName} The name of the mode that this `Indicator` is for.
Example: ~
local libmodal = require('libmodal')
local indicator = libmodal.utils.Indicator.prompt('FOO')
print(indicator) -- you can't use `nvim_lecho` with this one.
See also: ~
|libmodal-prompt| For this function's use.
4.4. `libmodal.utils.vars` *libmodal-lua-vars*
Provides an interface between Vimscript and Lua instance variables that are
created during a |libmodal-mode| or |libmodal-prompt|'s execution.
Several `vars` are created by default:
Name Use
------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
`vars`.buffers Buffers that hold |nvim_open_win()| text.
`vars`.combos `ParseTable`s when |libmodal-mode|'s {instruction} is a
`vars`.completions |libmodal-prompt| completions.
`vars`.exit |libmodal-mode|'s {supressExit}.
`vars`.input Keeping user input history during |libmodal-mode|.
`vars`.timeouts Tracks if |libmodal-timeouts| are enabled for a mode.
`vars`.timer Tracks if there is an active |timer| for a mode.
`vars`.windows Tracks |nvim_open_win()| handles.
VARIABLES *libmodal-lua-vars-variables*
`vars`.libmodalTimeouts *libmodal-lua-vars.libmodalTimeouts*
The value of `g:libmodalTimeouts`.
Type: ~
Value: ~
`self`.instances *libmodal-lua-vars.instances*
Instances of variables pertaining to a certain mode.
Type: ~
Value: ~
Starts as `{}`.
FUNCTIONS *libmodal-lua-vars-functions*
`self`:name({modeName}) **
Get the name of this variable's global setting for a specific {modeName}.
Note: not all variables have a global setting. See |libmodal-usage| and
|libmodal-configuration| for what is pertinent.
Note: This function is case insensitive. {modeName} will always come out
lower case.
Parameters: ~
{modeName} The name of the mode that this global setting is for.
Return: ~
The name of this variable's global setting for a specific {modeName}.
Example: ~
local libmodal = require('libmodal')
-- Get the |libmodal-timeouts| variable for `FOO` mode.
`vars`.nvim_get({var}, {modeName}) *libmodal-lua-vars.nvim_get()*
Retrieve a {var} value for {modeName} from |nvim_get_var()|.
Parameters: ~
{var} The `vars` table to retrieve the value of.
(e.g. `vars.input`)
{modeName} The mode name this value is being retrieved for.
Return: ~
`vim.api.nvim_get_var( {var}:name({modeName}) )`
Example: ~
local libmodal = require('libmodal')
-- Set the 'g:fooModeExit' variable.
vim.api.nvim_set_var('fooModeExit', 1)
-- Get the `g:fooModeExit` variable.
print( libmodal.utils.vars.nvim_get(libmodal.utils.vars.exit, 'FOO') )
`vars`.nvim_set({var}, {modeName}, {val}) *libmodal-lua-vars.nvim_set()*
Set a {var} {val} for {modeName} with |nvim_set_var()|.
Parameters: ~
{var} The `vars` table to retrieve the value of.
(e.g. `vars.input`)
{modeName} The mode name this value is being retrieved for.
{val} The value to set {var} to.
Example: ~
local libmodal = require('libmodal')
-- Set the 'g:fooModeExit' variable.
libmodal.utils.vars.nvim_set(libmodal.utils.vars.exit, 'FOO', 1)
-- Get the `g:fooModeExit` variable.
`vars`:tearDown({modeName}) *libmodal-lua-vars.tearDown()*
Remove temporary variables created by the |libmodal-mode| {modeName}.
Parameters: ~
{modeName} The name of the |libmodal-mode| that created the variables.
Example: ~
local libmodal = require('libmodal')
-- Create a mock name for a mode.
local mode = 'foo'
-- Define a function to display all of the `vars`.
function print_vars()
for k, v in pairs(libmodal.utils.vars) do
if type(v) == libmodal.globals.TYPE_TBL and v['instances'] then
-- Add some variable values for the mode.
libmodal.utils.vars.input.instances[mode] = {}
libmodal.utils.vars.timeouts.instances[mode] = true
libmodal.utils.vars.timer.instances[mode] = vim.loop.new_timer()
-- Print the `vars` with our new assigned values.
-- Print the `vars` after `tearDown`.
<<<<<<AFTER TEARDOWN.>>>>>>
4.5 `libmodal.utils.WindowState` *libmodal-lua-WindowState*
Tracks 'winheight' and 'winwidth' when created, so that it can be modified
freely and then restored later.
FUNCTIONS *libmodal-lua-WindowState-functions*
`WindowState`.new() **
Create a table representing the size of the current window.
Return: ~
The new `WindowState`.
Example: ~
local libmodal = require('libmodal')
local windowState =
See also: ~
'winheight' The `height` property of a `WindowState`.
'winwidth' The `width` property of a `WindowState`.
`self`:restore() *libmodal-lua-WindowState.restore()*
Restore the state of this `WindowState`.
Example: ~
local libmodal = require('libmodal')
local api = vim.api
-- Create a new `WindowState`.
local windowState =
-- Set the 'winheight' to a new value.
api.nvim_set_option('winheight', 100)
-- Define a function to print the 'winheight' value.
local print_height = function()
api.nvim_command('echo &winheight')
-- Print the 'winheight' prior to `restore()`.
-- Restore the `windowState`.
-- Print the 'winheight' after `restore()`ing.