You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

145 lines
4.9 KiB

local utils = require('libmodal.utils') --- @type libmodal.utils
--- the number corresponding to `<CR>` in vim.
local CR = utils.api.replace_termcodes('<CR>'):byte()
--- @class libmodal.collections.ParseTable
--- @field CR integer the byte representation of `<CR>`
local ParseTable = {CR = CR}
--- reverse the order of elements in some `list`.
--- @generic T
--- @param list T[]
--- @return T[] reversed
local function table_reverse(list)
local reversed = {}
for i = #list, 1, -1 do
table.insert(reversed, list[i])
return reversed
--- @param s string
--- @return string[] chars of `str`
local function chars(s)
return vim.split(s, '', {plain = true, trimempty = true})
--- retrieve the mapping of `lhs_reversed_bytes`
--- @param parse_table libmodal.collections.ParseTable the table to fetch `lhs_reversed_bytes` from.
--- @param lhs_reversed_bytes string[]|integer[] the characters of the left-hand side of the mapping reversed passed to `string.byte`
--- @return false|fun()|nil|string|table match a string/func when fully matched; a table when partially matched; false when no match.
local function get(parse_table, lhs_reversed_bytes)
--[[ Get the next character in the keymap string. ]]
local k = ''
if #lhs_reversed_bytes > 0 then -- there is more input to parse
k = table.remove(lhs_reversed_bytes) -- the table should already be `string.byte`'d
else -- the user input has run out, but there is more in the `parse_table`.
return parse_table
--[[ Parse the `k`. ]]
-- make sure the dicitonary has a key for that value.
if parse_table[k] then
local val = parse_table[k]
local val_type = type(val)
if val_type == 'table' then
if val[CR] and #lhs_reversed_bytes < 1 then
return val
return get(val, lhs_reversed_bytes)
elseif val_type == 'string' or val_type == 'function' and #lhs_reversed_bytes < 1 then
return val
return nil
--- insert a `value` into `parse_table` at the position indicated by `lhs_reversed_bytes`
--- @param lhs_reversed_bytes string[] the characters of the left-hand side of the mapping reversed passed to `string.byte`
--- @param value fun()|string the right-hand-side of the mapping
--- @return nil
local function put(parse_table, lhs_reversed_bytes, value)
--[[ Get the next character in the table. ]]
local byte = table.remove(lhs_reversed_bytes):byte()
if #lhs_reversed_bytes > 0 then -- there are still characters left in the key.
if not parse_table[byte] then -- this is a new mapping
parse_table[byte] = {}
else -- if there is a previous command mapping in place
local value_type = type(parse_table[byte])
if value_type == 'string' or value_type == 'function' then -- if this is not a tree of inputs already
-- make the mapping require hitting enter before executing
parse_table[byte] = {[CR] = parse_table[byte]}
-- run put() again
put(parse_table[byte], lhs_reversed_bytes, value)
-- if parse_Table[k] is a pre-existing table, don't clobber the table— clobber the `CR` value.
elseif type(parse_table[byte]) == 'table' then
parse_table[byte][CR] = value
parse_table[byte] = value -- parse_table[k] is not a table, go ahead and clobber the value.
--- retrieve the mapping of `lhs_reversed_bytes`
--- @param key_dict table a list of characters (most recent input first)
--- @return false|fun()|nil|string|table match a string/func when fully matched; a table when partially matched; false when no match.
function ParseTable:get(key_dict)
return get(self, table_reverse(key_dict))
--- create a new `libmodal.collections.ParseTable` from a user-provided table.
--- @param user_table table keymaps (e.g. `{zfo = 'tabnew'}`)
--- @return libmodal.collections.ParseTable
local self = setmetatable({}, ParseTable)
-- parse the passed in table.
-- return the new `ParseTable`.
return self
--- parse `key` and retrieve its value
--- @param key string the left-hand-side of the mapping to retrieve
--- @return false|fun()|nil|string|table match a string/func when fully found; a table when partially found; false when not found.
function ParseTable:parse_get(key)
--- @type table<number|string>
local parsed_table = chars(key:reverse())
-- convert all of the strings to bytes.
for i, v in ipairs(parsed_table) do
parsed_table[i] = v:byte()
return get(self, parsed_table)
--- parse `key` and assign it to `value`.
--- @param key string the left-hand-side of the mapping
--- @param value fun()|string the right-hand-side of the mapping
--- @return nil
function ParseTable:parse_put(key, value)
put(self, chars(key:reverse()), value)
--- `:parse_put` all `{key, value}` pairs in `keys_and_values`.
--- @param keys_and_values {[string]: fun()|string}
--- @return nil
function ParseTable:parse_put_all(keys_and_values)
for k, v in pairs(keys_and_values) do
self:parse_put(k, v)
return ParseTable