--- @class libmodal.utils.Popup --- @field private buffer number the number of the window which this popup is rendered on. --- @field private input_chars string[] the characters input by the user. --- @field private window number the number of the window which this popup is rendered on. local Popup = require('libmodal/src/utils/classes').new(nil) --- @param window number --- @return boolean `true` if the window is non-`nil` and `nvim_win_is_valid` local function valid(window) return window and vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(window) end --- Close `self.window` --- The `self` is inert after calling this. --- @param keep_buffer boolean `self.buffer` is passed to `nvim_buf_delete` unless `keep_buffer` is `false` function Popup:close(keep_buffer) if valid(self.window) then vim.api.nvim_win_close(self.window, false) end self.window = nil if not keep_buffer then vim.api.nvim_buf_delete(self.buffer, {force = true}) self.buffer = nil self.input_chars = nil end end --- attempt to open this popup. If the popup was already open, close it and re-open it. function Popup:open(config) if not config then config = { anchor = 'SW', col = vim.go.columns - 1, focusable = false, height = 1, relative = 'editor', row = vim.go.lines - vim.go.cmdheight - 1, style = 'minimal', width = 1 } end if valid(self.window) then self:close(true) end self.window = vim.api.nvim_open_win(self.buffer, false, config) end --- display `input_bytes` in `self.buffer` --- @param input_bytes number[] a list of character codes to display function Popup:refresh(input_bytes) -- the user simply typed one more character onto the last one. if #input_bytes == #self.input_chars + 1 then self.input_chars[#input_bytes] = string.char(input_bytes[#input_bytes]) elseif #input_bytes == 1 then -- the user's typing was reset by a parser. self.input_chars = {string.char(input_bytes[1])} else -- other tries to optimize this procedure fell through, so do it the hard way. self.input_chars = {} for i, byte in ipairs(input_bytes) do self.input_chars[i] = string.char(byte) end end vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(self.buffer, 0, 1, true, {table.concat(self.input_chars)}) -- close and reopen the window if it was not already open. if not valid(self.window) or vim.api.nvim_win_get_tabpage(self.window) ~= vim.api.nvim_get_current_tabpage() then self:open() end vim.api.nvim_win_set_width(self.window, #self.input_chars) end return { new = function(config) local self = setmetatable({buffer = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true), input_chars = {}}, Popup) self:open(config) return self end }