let s:winOpenOpts = { \ 'anchor' : 'SW', \ 'col' : &columns - 1, \ 'focusable': v:false, \ 'height' : 1, \ 'relative' : 'editor', \ 'row' : &lines - &cmdheight - 1, \ 'style' : 'minimal', \ 'width' : 25, \} " SUMMARY: " * Get user input with some `completions`. " PARAMS: " * `indicator` => the prompt string. " * `completions` => the list of completions to provide. " RETURNS: " * Input from `input()`. function! libmodal#_inputWith(indicator, completions) " TODO: 0.5 — return input(a:indicator, '', 'customlist,v:lua.require("libmodal/src/prompt")…') " return the closure that was generated using the completions from lua. function! LibmodalCompletionsProvider(argLead, cmdLine, cursorPos) abort closure return luaeval( \ 'require("libmodal/src/prompt/")._createCompletionsProvider(_A[1])(_A[2], _A[3], _A[4])', \ [a:completions, a:argLead, a:cmdLine, a:cursorPos] \) endfunction echohl LibmodalStar return input(a:indicator, '', 'customlist,LibmodalCompletionsProvider') endfunction " SUMMARY: " * Open a floating window using native vimscript. " REMARKS: " * There are bugs with creating floating windows using Lua (mostly they are " always focused), so it was necessary to create a vimscript method. " PARAMS: " * `bufHandle` => the buffer to spawn the window for. " RETURNS: " * A window handle. function! libmodal#_winOpen(bufHandle) abort return nvim_open_win(a:bufHandle, 0, s:winOpenOpts) endfunction " SUMMARY: " * Runs the nvim-libmodal command prompt loop. The function takes an optional " argument specifying how many times to run (runs until exiting by default). " PARAMS: " * `a:1` => `modeName` " * `a:2` => `modeCallback` OR `modeCombos` " * `a:3` => `supressExit` function! libmodal#Enter(...) abort call libmodal#_lua('mode', a:000) endfunction " SUMMARY: " * Runs the nvim-libmodal command prompt loop. The function takes an optional " argument specifying how many times to run (runs until exiting by default). " PARAMS: " * `a:1` => `modeName` " * `a:2` => `modeCallback` OR `modeCommands` " * `a:3` => `modeCompletions` function! libmodal#Prompt(...) abort call libmodal#_lua('prompt', a:000) endfunction " SUMMARY: " * Pass arguments to an nvim-libmodal `enter()` command at the specified " `lib` path. " PARAMS: " * `lib` => the name of the library. " * 'mode" or 'prompt'. " * `args` => the arguments to pass to `lib`.enter() function! libmodal#_lua(lib, args) call luaeval( \ 'require("libmodal/src/' . a:lib . '").enter(_A[1], _A[2], _A[3])', \ [ \ a:args[0], \ a:args[1], \ len(a:args) > 2 ? a:args[2] : v:false \ ] \) endfunction