-- TODO: remove the __index here after a period of time to let people remove `libmodal.Layer` from their configurations return setmetatable( { layer = { --- enter a new layer. --- @param keymap table the keymaps (e.g. `{n = {gg = {rhs = 'G', silent = true}}}`) --- @param exit_char nil|string a character which can be used to exit the layer from normal mode. --- @return function|nil exit a function to exit the layer, or `nil` if `exit_char` is passed enter = function(keymap, exit_char) local layer = require('libmodal/src/Layer').new(keymap) layer:enter() if exit_char then layer:map('n', exit_char, function() layer:exit() end, {}) else return function() layer:exit() end end end, --- create a new layer. --- @param keymap table the keymaps (e.g. `{n = {gg = {rhs = 'G', silent = true}}}`) --- @return libmodal.Layer new = function(keymap) return require('libmodal/src/Layer').new(keymap) end, }, mode = { --- enter a mode. --- @param name string the name of the mode. --- @param instruction function|string|table a Lua function, keymap dictionary, Vimscript command. enter = function(name, instruction, supress_exit) require('libmodal/src/Mode').new(name, instruction, supress_exit):enter() end }, prompt = { --- enter a prompt. --- @param name string the name of the prompt --- @param instruction function|table what to do with user input --- @param user_completions table|nil a list of possible inputs, provided by the user enter = function(name, instruction, user_completions) require('libmodal/src/Prompt').new(name, instruction, user_completions):enter() end } }, { __index = function(tbl, key) if key ~= 'Layer' then return rawget(tbl, key) else vim.notify_once( '`libmodal.Layer` is deprecated in favor of `libmodal.layer`. It will work FOR NOW, but uncapitalize that `L` please :)', vim.log.levels.WARN, {title = 'nvim-libmodal'} ) return require 'libmodal/src/Layer' end end, } )