*libmodal-lua.txt* Create modes for Neovim - Lua Reference *libmodal-lua* *libmodal-dev* This is a document specifying the lower-level implementation of |libmodal|. If one wishes to make use of it to more finely control their |libmodal-mode| or |libmodal-prompt|, this document should be the primary reference. Any material not covered here is covered in |libmodal-usage|. See: |libmodal-usage|, |lua|, |lua-require-example|. ================================================================================ 0. Table of Contents *libmodal-lua-toc* 1. `libmodal` ............................. |libmodal-lua-libmodal| 2. `libmodal.classes` ..................... |libmodal-lua-classes| 3. `libmodal.collections` ................. |libmodal-lua-collections| 3.1. `libmodal.collections.ParseTable` ...... |libmodal-lua-ParseTable| 3.2. `libmodal.collections.Popup` ........... |libmodal-lua-Popup| 3.3. `libmodal.collections.Stack` ........... |libmodal-lua-Stack| 4. `libmodal.globals` ..................... |libmodal-lua-globals| 5. `libmodal.Indicator` ................... |libmodal-lua-Indicator| 5.1. `libmodal.Indicator.HighlightSegment` .. |libmodal-lua-HighlightSegment| 6. `libmodal.Layer` ....................... |libmodal-lua-Layer| 7. `libmodal.Mode` ........................ |libmodal-lua-Mode| 8. `libmodal.Prompt` ...................... |libmodal-lua-Prompt| 9. `libmodal.utils` ....................... |libmodal-lua-utils| 9.1. `libmodal.utils.api` ................... |libmodal-lua-api| 9.2. `libmodal.utils.Help` .................. |libmodal-lua-Help| 9.3. `libmodal.utils.WindowState` ........... |libmodal-lua-Windowstate| 10. `libmodal.Vars` ........................ |libmodal-lua-Vars| ================================================================================ 1. `libmodal` *libmodal-lua-libmodal* This is the base of |libmodal|. It can be imported using: > local libmodal = require('libmodal') . Type: ~ `number` Value: ~ 13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTIONS *libmodal-lua-ParseTable-functions* `ParseTable`.stringSplit({str}, {regex}) *libmodal-lua-ParseTable.stringSplit()* Split some {str} into a `table` with a {regex} expression. Parameters: ~ {str} The `string` to split. {regex} The regex expression to split {str} with. Return: ~ * The split {str} as a `table`. Example: ~ > local ParseTable = require('libmodal').collections.ParseTable print(vim.inspect(ParseTable.stringSplit('testing split', ' '))) < `ParseTable`.parse({key}) *libmodal-lua-ParseTable.parse()* Parse some {key} so that it can be stored by a `ParseTable` instance. Note: this method can be locally overridden in order to change the `ParseTable`'s behavior. Example: > local ParseTable = require('libmodal').collections.ParseTable ParseTable.parse = function(key) return ParseTable.splitString(key, ' ') end < Parameters: ~ {key} The key of the `table` to parse. Return: ~ * The parsed {key}. Should be a `table`. Example: ~ > local ParseTable = require('libmodal').collections.ParseTable print(vim.inspect(ParseTable.parse('testkey'))) < `ParseTable`.new({userTable}) *libmodal-lua-ParseTable.new()* Create a new `ParseTable` from a user-defined `table` of combos. All keys of a `ParseTable` are numbers of characters. Parameters: ~ {userTable} the table of combos defined by the user (see `libmodal.mode.enter()`) Return: ~ A new `ParseTable`. Example: ~ > local libmodal = require('libmodal') -- Create a mock set of user mappings. local userTable = { ['zf'] = "echo 'Hello!'", ['zfo'] = "tabnew" } -- Create a new `ParseTable` local parseTable = libmodal.mode.ParseTable.new(userTable) -- Print the `parseTable`. print(vim.inspect(parseTable)) < See Also: ~ |char2nr|, |nr2char| For character to number conversion and vice versa. |libmodal-mode| For information about {userTable}. `self`:get({keyDict}) *libmodal-lua-ParseTable.get()* Get a value from an instance of `ParseTable`. Parameters: ~ {keyDict} a string of key characters as bytes. Return: ~ A `function` {keyDict} is a full match. A `table` the {keyDict} partially matches. * `nil` {keyDict} is not ANYWHERE. Example: ~ > local libmodal = require('libmodal') -- Simulate user input. local userInput = {122, 102} -- {'z', 'f'} -- Create a dummy `ParseTable`. local parseTable = libmodal.mode.ParseTable.new({ ['zfo'] = 'echo "Hello!"' }) -- Inspect it. print(vim.inspect(parseTable)) -- this will return a `table` local tbl = parseTable:get(userInput) -- Inspect it to show the difference. print(vim.inspect(tbl)) < `self`:parsePut({key}, {value}) *libmodal-lua-ParseTable.parsePut()* Put `value` into the parse tree as `key`. Parameters: ~ {key} the key that {value} is reffered to by. A `char`, not a `byte`. {value} the value to store as {key}. A `string` to |execute|. Example: ~ > -- Create a dummy `ParseTable`. local parseTable = libmodal.mode.ParseTable.new({ ['zfo'] = 'echo "Hello!"' }) -- Inspect it. print(vim.inspect(parseTable)) -- this will return a `table` parseTable:parsePut('zfc', 'split') -- Inspect it to show the difference. print(vim.inspect(parseTable)) < See also: ~ |libmodal-lua-parsetable-parseputall| for how to put multiple {key}s and {value}s at a time. `self`:parsePutAll({tableToUnite}) *libmodal-lua-ParseTable.parsePutAll()* Create the union of `self` and `tableToUnite` Interally calls |libmodal-lua-parsetable-parseput| on every key:value pair in {tableToUnite}. Parameters: ~ {tableToUnite} the table to unite with `self.` Example: ~ > -- Create an empty `ParseTable`. local parseTable = libmodal.mode.ParseTable.new({}) -- Create some dummy keybindings. local unparsedUserKeybinds = { ['zfo'] = 'echo "Hello!"', ['zfc'] = 'split' } -- Add the dummy keybindings. parseTable:parsePutAll(unparsedUserKeybinds) -- Inspect it to show the difference. print(vim.inspect(parseTable)) < See also: ~ |libmodal-lua-parsetable-parseput| For more information on {tableToUnite}. ================================================================================ 3.2. `libmodal.collections.Popup` *libmodal-lua-Popup* When `:enter()`ing a `Mode`, an |api-floatwin| is displayed at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. `libmodal.Mode.Popup` is responsible for opening it and keeping updated. Whenever a `Popup` is created, it is immediately opened. Additionally, it is opened with the following options: > local _winOpenOpts = { ['anchor'] = 'SW', ['col'] = api.nvim_get_option('columns') - 1, ['focusable'] = false, ['height'] = 1, ['relative'] = 'editor', ['row'] = api.nvim_get_option('lines') - api.nvim_get_option('cmdheight') - 1, ['style'] = 'minimal', ['width'] = 25, } < -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VARIABLES *libmodal-lua-Popup-variables* `Popup`.config *libmodal-lua-Popup.apiOptions* The options used when opening a `Popup`. Note: this can be overwritten to change the default behavior of `Popup`. Type: ~ |nvim_open_win| {config} `table`. Value: ~ > { ['anchor'] = 'SW', ['col'] = api.nvim_get_option('columns') - 1, ['focusable'] = false, ['height'] = 1, ['relative'] = 'editor', ['row'] = api.nvim_get_option('lines') - api.nvim_get_option('cmdheight') - 1, ['style'] = 'minimal', ['width'] = 1 } < `self`.buffer *libmodal-lua-Popup.buffer* The scratch buffer used by `Popup` to display text. Type: ~ |nvim_create_buf| handle. Value: ~ `vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true)` `self`.window *libmodal-lua-Popup.window* The window used to display the contents of `Popup.buffer`. Type: ~ |nvim_open_win| handle. Value: ~ `vim.api.nvim_open_win(self.buffer, false, Popup.config)` -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTIONS *libmodal-lua-Popup-functions* `self`:close({keepBuffer}) *libmodal-lua-Popup.close()* Close the |Popup.window|. Note: Variables of |Popup| are de-initialized after this method. Parameters: ~ {keepBuffer} A `boolean` that (when `true`) indicates the underlying               |scratch-buffer| should be kept `self`:open() *libmodal-lua-Popup.open()* Open the |Popup.window|. Note: if the |Popup.window| is already open, then it will be reopened in       case the |current_tabpage| has changed. `self`:refresh({inputBytes}) *libmodal-lua-Popup.refresh()* Update the content of the `Popup` using an array-like `table` of |char2nr|s. Note: This is normally used to add what the user is typing. If you have a `function` `Mode` {instruction}, then you can use `Popup` and this function to manually show user input as it is typed. Parameters: ~ {inputBytes} An array-like `table` of |char2nr|s to write to the `Popup`. `Popup`.new() *libmodal-lua-Popup.new()* Create a new `Popup` and immediately open it. Return: ~ * A new `Popup`. See also: ~ |libmodal-lua-Popup| For the options used to spawn the window. ================================================================================ 4.2. `libmodal.collections.Stack` *libmodal-lua-Stack* The `libmodal.collections.Stack` is a simple implementation of a Stack data structure. It is designed with reuse of resources in mind, as commonly-accessed pieces of data are locally stored for faster reference times. The `#` operator in |Lua| will work on this structure. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTIONS *libmodal-lua-Stack-functions* `self`:peek() *libmodal-lua-Stack.peek()* Access the value at the top of the stack without removing it. Return: ~ * The value at the top of the stack. Example: ~ > local Stack = require('libmodal').collections.Stack local stk = Stack.new() stk:push('foo') stk:push('bar') print(stk:peek()) < `self`:pop() *libmodal-lua-Stack.pop()* Access the value at the top of the stack by removing it. Return: ~ * The value at the top of the stack. Example: ~ > local Stack = require('libmodal').collections.Stack local stk = Stack.new() stk:push('foo') stk:push('bar') print(stk:peek()) local _ = stk:pop() print(stk:peek()) < `self`:push({value}) *libmodal-lua-Stack.push()* Push some {value} onto the top of the stack. Parameters: ~ {value} The value to put on top of the stack. Example: ~ > local Stack = require('libmodal').collections.Stack local stk = Stack.new() stk:push('foo') stk:push('bar') print(vim.inspect(stk)) < `Stack`.new() *libmodal-lua-Stack.new()* Create a new `libmodal.collections.Stack` and return it. Return: ~ * A new `libmodal.collections.Stack`. Example: ~ > local Stack = require('libmodal').collections.Stack local stk = Stack.new() print(vim.inspect(stk)) < ================================================================================ 4. `libmodal.globals` *libmodal-lua-globals* These are global functions used throughout the project. They are never modified and never meant TO be modified. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTIONS *libmodal-lua-globals-functions* `globals`.DEFAULT_ERROR_TITLE *libmodal-lua-globals.DEFAULT_ERROR_TITLE* The default error message header for |libmodal| errors. Type: ~ `string` Value: ~ "vim-libmodal error" `globals`.ESC_NR *libmodal-lua-globals.ESC_NR* The byte of the character. Type: ~ `number` Value: ~ 27 `globals`.TYPE_FUNC *libmodal-lua-globals.TYPE_FUNC* The `string` yielded by `lua type(x)` when `x` is a `function`. Type: ~ `string` Value: ~ "function" `globals`.TYPE_NUM *libmodal-lua-globals.TYPE_NUM* The `string` yielded by `lua type(x)` when `x` is a `number`. Type: ~ `string` Value: ~ "number" `globals`.TYPE_STR *libmodal-lua-globals.TYPE_STR* The `string` yielded by `lua type(x)` when `x` is a `string`. Type: ~ `string` Value: ~ "string" `globals`.TYPE_TBL *libmodal-lua-globals.TYPE_TBL* The `string` yielded by `lua type(x)` when `x` is a `table`. Type: ~ `string` Value: ~ "table" `globals`.VIM_FALSE *libmodal-lua-globals.VIM_FALSE* The value Vimscript uses to return `false` (besides |v:false|). Type: ~ `number` Value: ~ 0 `globals`.VIM_TRUE *libmodal-lua-globals.VIM_TRUE* Type: ~ `number` Value: ~ 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTIONS *libmodal-lua-globals-functions* `globals`.is_false({val}) *libmodal-lua-globals.is_false()* Determine whether or not some {val} is equal to `globals.VIM_FALSE`, |v:false|, or `false`. Parameters: ~ {val} The value to check. Should be a `boolean` or a `boolean` expression. Return: ~ - `true` if {val} is equal to `globals.VIM_FALSE`, |v:false|, or `false`. - `false` otherwise. Example: ~ > local libmodal = require('libmodal') -- Get Lua's truth values. local falseValue = false local trueValue = true -- Get Vim's `v:` truth values. local v_falseValue = vim.api.nvim_get_vvar('false') local v_trueValue = vim.api.nvim_get_vvar('true') -- Get Vimscript's truth values. local vim_falseValue = libmodal.globals.VIM_FALSE local vim_trueValue = libmodal.globals.VIM_TRUE --[[ Test the function. ]] print(libmodal.globals.is_false(falseValue)) print(libmodal.globals.is_false(v_falseValue)) print(libmodal.globals.is_false(vim_falseValue)) print(libmodal.globals.is_false(trueValue)) print(libmodal.globals.is_false(v_trueValue)) print(libmodal.globals.is_false(vim_trueValue)) < `globals`.is_true({val}) *libmodal-lua-globals.is_true()* Determine whether or not some {val} is equal to `globals.VIM_TRUE`, |v:true|, or `true`. Parameters: ~ {val} The value to check. Should be a `boolean` or a `boolean` expression. Return: ~ - `true` if {val} is equal to `globals.VIM_TRUE`, |v:true|, or `true`. - `false` otherwise. Example: ~ > local libmodal = require('libmodal') -- Get Lua's truth values. local falseValue = false local trueValue = true -- Get Vim's `v:` truth values. local v_falseValue = vim.api.nvim_get_vvar('false') local v_trueValue = vim.api.nvim_get_vvar('true') -- Get Vimscript's truth values. local vim_falseValue = libmodal.globals.VIM_FALSE local vim_trueValue = libmodal.globals.VIM_TRUE --[[ Test the function. ]] print(libmodal.globals.is_true(falseValue)) print(libmodal.globals.is_true(v_falseValue)) print(libmodal.globals.is_true(vim_falseValue)) print(libmodal.globals.is_true(trueValue)) print(libmodal.globals.is_true(v_trueValue)) print(libmodal.globals.is_true(vim_trueValue)) < ================================================================================ 5. `libmodal.utils.Indicator` *libmodal-lua-Indicator* Provides creation sources for mode and prompt |echo| / |echohl| `string`s. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTIONS *libmodal-lua-indicator-functions* `Indicator`.mode({modeName}) *libmodal-lua-Indicator.mode()* Create a new `Indicator` for a mode. Parameters: ~ {modeName} The name of the mode that this `Indicator` is for. Example: ~ > local libmodal = require('libmodal') local indicator = libmodal.utils.Indicator.mode('FOO') libmodal.utils.api.nvim_lecho(indicator) < See also: ~ |libmodal-mode| For this function's use. |libmodal-lua-api.nvim_lecho()| For effective |echo|ing of this function. `Indicator`.prompt({modeName}) *libmodal-lua-Indicator.prompt()* Create a new `Indicator` for a prompt. Parameters: ~ {modeName} The name of the mode that this `Indicator` is for. Example: ~ > local libmodal = require('libmodal') local indicator = libmodal.utils.Indicator.prompt('FOO') print(indicator) -- you can't use `nvim_lecho` with this one. < See also: ~ |libmodal-prompt| For this function's use. ================================================================================ 5.1. `libmodal.Indicator.HighlightSegment` *libmodal-lua-HighlightSegment* The `HighlightSegment` is a map describing how a particular string should be highlighted by Vim. These `HighlightSegment`s can be put into a list and interpreted by `libmodal.utils.api.nvim_lecho()`. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTIONS *libmodal-lua-HighlightSegment-functions* `self`.hl *libmodal-lua-HighlightSegment.hl* Which |highlight-group| to use when |highlight|ing `HighlightSegment.str`. Type: ~ |highlight-group| `string`. `self`.str *libmodal-lua-HighlightSegment.str* What this `HighlightSegment`'s string value is. Type: ~ `string` -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTIONS *libmodal-lua-HighlightSegment-Functions* `HighlightSegment`.new({hlgroup}, {str}) *libmodal-lua-HighlightSegment.new()* -- Create a new `HighlightSegment`. Parameters: ~ {hlgroup} The |highlight-group| to use when |highlight|ing {str}. {str} The {str} to |highlight|. Return: ~ - A new `HighlightSegment`. Example: ~ > local libmodal = require('libmodal') local api = libmodal.utils.api local HighlightSegment = libmodal.Indicator.HighlightSegment api.nvim_lecho({ HighlightSegment.new('ModeMsg', '-- '), HighlightSegment.new('None', 'FOO') HighlightSegment.new('ModeMsg', ' --'), }) < ================================================================================ 6. `libmodal.Layer` *libmodal-lua-Layer* The libmodal `Layer` class provides many additional features to the base `libmodal.layer.enter()`. As there is no default mapping to leave a `Layer`, `libmodal.layer.enter()` returns an anonymous `Layer`'s `:exit()` `function`. By directly having a reference to a `Layer`, one can use the other `function`s that are provided, and extend was is possible. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTIONS *libmodal-lua-Layer-functions* `self`:enter() *libmodal-lua-Layer.enter()* Enter the `Layer`. Note: mappings only get replaced for the current buffer. *Error when the Layer has been entered previously but hasn't been exited. Example: ~ > local libmodal = require('libmodal') local layer = libmodal.Layer.new({ ['n'] = { ['gg'] = { ['rhs'] = G } } }) -- use `layer:exit()` or close the buffer to exit. layer:enter() < See also: ~ |libmodal-lua-Layer.exit()| How to enter the `Layer`. `self`:map({mode}, {lhs}, {rhs}, {options}) *libmodal-lua-Layer.enter()* Add a mapping to the `Layer`. Note: if the layer has been `:enter()`ed, then the current buffer's mappings will be updated. Parameters: ~ {mode} The |mode| that this mapping for. Note: |libmodal-mode| support is coming. {lhs} The left hand side of the mapping. {rhs} The right hand side of the mapping. {options} Options for the mapping. Example: ~ > local libmodal = require('libmodal') local layer = libmodal.Layer.new({ ['n'] = { ['gg'] = { ['rhs'] = G } } }) -- this adds a binding for `G` to `gg` in normal mode. layer:map('n', 'G', 'gg', {['noremap'] = true}) -- use `layer:exit()` or close the buffer to exit. layer:enter() -- you can also call `:map()` after entering. -- this adds a binding for `o` to `gg` in visual mode. layer:map('v', 'o', 'gg', {['noremap'] = true}) < See also: ~ |nvim_buf_set_keymap()| For more information about the parameters. `self`:unmap({mode}, {lhs}) *libmodal-lua-Layer.unmap()* Remove a mapping from the `Layer`. Parameters: ~ {mode} The |mode| that this mapping for. Note: |libmodal-mode| support is coming. {lhs} The left hand side of the mapping. Example: ~ > local libmodal = require('libmodal') local layer = libmodal.Layer.new({ ['n'] = { ['gg'] = { ['rhs'] = G } } }) -- This adds a binding for `G` to `gg` in normal mode. layer:map('n', 'G', 'gg', {['noremap'] = true}) -- Unmap the initial `gg`. layer:unmap('n', 'gg') -- Use `layer:exit()` or close the buffer to exit. layer:enter() -- Start a timer for five seconds. vim.loop.new_timer():start(5000, 0, vim.schedule_wrap( -- You can also call `:unmap()` after entering. function() layer:unmap('n', 'G') end -- No bindings should be active now. )) < See also: ~ |nvim_buf_del_keymap()| For more information about the parameters. `self`:exit() *libmodal-lua-Layer.exit()* Exit the `Layer`. *Error when the Layer has not been entered yet. Example: ~ > local libmodal = require('libmodal') local layer = libmodal.Layer.new({ ['n'] = { ['gg'] = { ['rhs'] = G } } }) -- Enter the layer. layer:enter() -- Start a timer for five seconds. vim.loop.new_timer():start(5000, 0, -- Exit the layer. `gg` should return to normal. vim.schedule_wrap(layer:exit()) ) < See also: ~ |libmodal-lua-Layer.enter()| How to enter the `Layer`. `Layer`.new({keymap}) *libmodal-lua-Layer.new()* Create a new `Layer` for `mappings`. Parameters: ~ {keymap} The list of |map|pings to replace. Returns: ~ - A new `Layer`. See also: ~ |libmodal-layer| For more information about the parameters. ================================================================================ 7. `libmodal.Mode` *libmodal-lua-Mode* While `libmodal.mode.enter()` may enter a mode, it silently creates a `Mode` underneath: > function mode.enter(...) Mode.new(...):enter() end < If you wish to have more control over a mode, such as the text of an `Indicator`, one may manually create a `Mode` with `Mode.new()` and then change some of the properties in order to make the mode do what you want. Additionally, one may alter the actual `function`s that are used by a `Mode` without forking |libmodal|. By using `setmetatable`, and `vim.inspect()`, one can grab code from the |nvim-libmodal| repository and change whatever they want to for their mode specifically. > local libmodal = require('libmodal') local Mode = libmodal.Mode local HighlightSegment = libmodal.Indicator.HighlightSegment local fooMode = Mode.new(…) fooMode.indicator = { HighlightSegment.new('Error', '*'), HighlightSegment.new('None', ' Something a duck walks on '), HighlightSegment.new('Error', '>'), HighlightSegment.new('None', ' ') } fooMode fooMode:enter() < (The specifications for these functions can be found at other places in this document.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTIONS *libmodal-lua-Mode-functions* `self`.exit *libmodal-lua-Mode.exit* A liason to the `g:`{name}`ModeExit` variable. Type: ~ `libmodal.Vars` Value: ~ `libmodal.Vars.new('exit', `{name}`)` `self`.indicator *libmodal-lua-Mode.indicator* The message that is shown in the bottom-left corner of the screen while the mode is active. Note: this value may be replaced with any `table` of `HighlightSegment`s (as shown in |libmodal-lua-Mode|). That will allow you to change the message that a mode has from the vim-default "-- {name} --" to something else. Type: ~ `libmodal.Indicator`/array-like `table` of `HighlightSegment`s. Value: ~ `libmodal.Indicator.mode(`{name}`)` `self`.input *libmodal-lua-Mode.input* A liason to `g:`{name}`ModeInput`. Note: you may use {ModeInstance}`.input:nvimGet()` and `:nvimSet()` to consistently read and write to the mode's unique variable. Type: ~ `libmodal.Vars` Value: ~ `libmodal.Vars.new('input', `{name}`)` `self`.inputBytes *libmodal-lua-Mode.inputBytes* The history of user input, stored as |char2nr|s. Note: This variable is inert when `libmodal.Mode.new()`'s {instruction} parameter is a `function`. Feel free to use it rather than creating your own, to make your code more familiar to others. Type: ~ array-like `table` of |char2nr|s. Value: ~ - `nil` => {instruction} is a `function`. - `{}` => {instruction} is a `table`. `self`.mappings *libmodal-lua-Mode.mappings* The mappings that have been processed by a `Mode` when `libmodal.Mode.new()`'s {instruction} parameter is a `table`. Users may add or remove mappings at any time, and they will be reflected in the next keypress. Type: ~ `libmodal.collections.ParseTable` Value: ~ `libmodal.collections.ParseTable.new(`{instruction}`)` See also: ~ |libmodal-lua-ParseTable| For information about how to use this variable. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTIONS *libmodal-lua-Mode-functions* `self`:enter() *libmodal-lua-Mode.enter()* Enter the `Mode` that was created. Example: ~ > local Mode = require('libmodal').Mode local fooMode = Mode.new('FOO', {zz = 'tabnew', gg = 'tabclose'}) fooMode:enter() < `Mode`.new({name}, {instruction} [, {supressExit}]) *libmodal-lua-Mode.new()* Create a new `Mode` with a given {name}, using an {instruction} to perform whenever a key is pressed, and whether or not to {supressExit} handling. Return: ~ A new `Mode`. See also: ~ |libmodal-mode| For more information, as all of the parameters are the same. ================================================================================ 8. `libmodal.Prompt` *libmodal-lua-Prompt* While `libmodal.prompt.enter()` may enter a |libmodal-prompt|, itilently creates a `Mode` underneath: > function prompt.enter(...) Prompt.new(...):enter() end < See |libmodal-lua-Mode| for more information about the possibilities that are enabled by using such a "class". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VARIABLES *libmodal-lua-Prompt-variables* `self`.indicator *libmodal-lua-Prompt.indicator* The message that is shown in the bottom-left corner of the screen while the mode is active. Note: this value may be replaced with any `HighlightSegment`. That will allow you to change the message to something else. Type: ~ `HighlightSegment` Value: ~ `libmodal.Indicator.prompt(`{name}`)` `self`.input *libmodal-lua-Prompt.input* A liason to `g:`{name}`ModeInput`. Note: you may use {ModeInstance}`.input:nvimGet()` and `:nvimSet()` to consistently read and write to the mode's unique variable. Type: ~ `libmodal.Vars` Value: ~ `libmodal.Vars.new('input', `{name}`)` -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTIONS *libmodal-lua-Prompt-functions* `self`:enter() *libmodal-lua-Prompt.enter()* Enter the `Prompt` that was created. Example: ~ > local Prompt = require('libmodal').Prompt local fooMode = Prompt.new('FOO', {new = 'tabnew', close = 'tabclose'}) fooMode:enter() < *libmodal-lua-Prompt.new()* `Prompt`.new({name}, {instruction} [, {completions}]) User input is taken using |input()|. It is passed through a |g:var| determined by the {name} of the mode. For example, if {name} is "FOO" then the |g:var| is `g:fooModeInput`. Return: ~ A new `Mode`. See also: ~ |libmodal-prompt| For more information, as all of the parameters are the same. ================================================================================ 9. `libmodal.utils` *libmodal-lua-utils* Provides extra utilities to the |libmodal| library. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTIONS *libmodal-lua-utils-functions* `utils`.show_error({pcall_err}) *libmodal-lua-utils.show_error()* Show an error from `pcall()`. Parameters: ~ {pcall_err} the error generated by `pcall()`. Example: ~ > local libmodal = require('libmodal') -- Run `pcall` on an anonymous function. local noErrors, pcall_err = pcall(function() -- This will always produce an error. return "" .. true end) -- If there were errors… if not noErrors then -- Show the error. libmodal.utils.show_error(pcall_err) end < ============================================================================= 9.1. `libmodal.utils.api` *libmodal-lua-api* Provides extensions to the `vim.api` |Lua| library. See: |API|. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTIONS *libmodal-lua-api-functions* `api`.mode_exit({exit_char}) *libmodal-lua-api.mode_exit()* Use |feedkeys()| to send an {exit_char} which signals a |libmodal-mode| or |libmodal-prompt| to stop listening for input. It is not usually necessary to specify {exit_char}. It is only necessary to do so when |libmodal-mode|'s {supressExit} flag is active, because it is possible that the user has set up some non-default character which should be used to exit the mode (see |libmodal-examples-supress-exit|). Parameters: ~ {exit_char} (Optional) The character used to exit the mode, or |libmodal-lua-globals.ESC_NR| by default. Can be a character number (see |char2nr()|) or a string. Example: ~ > local libmodal = require('libmodal') -- This function is called every time the user presses a key. local function _instruction() -- Exit the mode after pressing any key. libmodal.utils.api.mode_exit() end libmodal.mode.enter('Press any key to exit.', _instruction) < See also: ~ |char2nr()| For more information about character numbers. |libmodal-mode| For more information about {supressExit}. |feedkeys()| For information about how this method is implemented. `api`.nvim_bell() *libmodal-lua-api.nvim_bell()* Make vim ring the visual/audio bell, if it is enabled. Example: ~ > local libmodal = require('libmodal') libmodal.utils.api.nvim_bell() < See also: ~ 'belloff' For bell settings. 'errorbells' For bell settings. 'visualbell' For bell settings. `api`.nvim_exists({scope}, {var}) *libmodal-lua-api.nvim_exists()* Check whether or not some |variable| exists. Parameters: ~ {scope} The scope of the |variable| (i.e. `g:`, `l:`, etc.) {var} The |variable| to check for. Example: ~ > local libmodal = require('libmodal') -- Set a mock variable to 3. libmodal.utils.api.nvim_set_var('foo', 3) print(libmodal.utils.api.nvim_exists('g', 'foo')) -- true libmodal.utils.api.nvim_command('unlet g:foo') print(libmodal.utils.api.nvim_exists('g', 'foo')) -- false < `api`.nvim_input() *libmodal-lua-api.nvim_input()* Gets one character of user input, as a number. Uses |getchar()|. Return: ~ One character of user input, as a number (byte). Example: ~ > local libmodal = require('libmodal') -- Get one character of user input. local char = string.char(libmodal.utils.api.nvim_input()) -- … wait for user to press a character … -- Print the character. print(char) < `api`.nvim_lecho({hlTables}) *libmodal-lua-api.nvim_lecho()* Echo an `Indicator`. Meant to be read as "nvim list echo". Parameters: ~ {hlTables} The `tables` to |echo| with |highlights|. Example: ~ > local libmodal = require('libmodal') -- Create an indicator. local indicator = libmodal.utils.Indicator.mode('FOO') -- Show the indicator. libmodal.utils.api.nvim_lecho(indicator) < `api`.nvim_redraw() *libmodal-lua-api.nvim_redraw()* Run |mode| to refresh the screen. The function was not named `nvim_mode` because that would be really confusing given the name of this plugin. Example: ~ > local libmodal = require('libmodal') local api = vim.api -- Echo hello and prompt for input before continuing. api.nvim_command("echo 'Hello!'") api.nvim_call_function('getchar', {}) -- Clear the screen. libmodal.utils.api.nvim_redraw() < `api`.nvim_show_err({title}, {msg}) *libmodal-lua-api.nvim_show_err()* Show a {title}-error with a given {msg}. Parameters: ~ {title} The title of the error. {msg} The message of the error. Example: ~ > local libmodal = require('libmodal') -- Show an error. libmodal.utils.api.nvim_show_err( -- Use the default error title. libmodal.globals.DEFAULT_ERROR_TITLE, -- Use a custom error message. 'This is a test error!' ) < ================================================================================ 9.2. `libmodal.utils.Help` *libmodal-lua-Help* Allows for the creation of a default "Help" table. By default, this "Help" is shown by pressing `?` in a |libmodal-mode| or by entering "help" into a |libmodal-prompt|. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTIONS *libmodal-lua-Help-functions* `Help`.new({commandsOrMaps}, {title}) *libmodal-lua-Help.new()* Create a default help table with `commandsOrMaps` and vim expressions. Parameters: ~ {commandsOrMaps} The `table` of |command|s or |map|pings to Vim |expression|s. {title} The leftmost table column's title. Return: ~ A new `Help`. Example: ~ > local libmodal = require('libmodal') -- Create a table of mock user commands. local commands = { ['close'] = 'tabclose', ['new'] = 'tabnew' } -- Create a table of mock user maps. local maps = { ['zf'] = 'split', ['zfo'] = 'echo "Hello!"' } local commandHelp = libmodal.utils.Help.new(commands, 'COMMANDS') local mapsHelp = libmodal.utils.Help.new(maps, 'MAPS') < `self`:show() *libmodal-lua-Help.show()* Show the contents of this `Help`. Example: ~ > local libmodal = require('libmodal') -- Create a table of mock user commands. local commands = { ['close'] = 'tabclose', ['new'] = 'tabnew' } -- Create a table of mock user maps. local maps = { ['zf'] = 'split', ['zfo'] = 'echo "Hello!"' } local commandHelp = libmodal.utils.Help.new(commands, 'COMMANDS') local mapsHelp = libmodal.utils.Help.new(maps, 'MAPS') commandHelp:show() mapsHelp:show() < ================================================================================ 9.3. `libmodal.utils.WindowState` *libmodal-lua-WindowState* Tracks 'winheight' and 'winwidth' when created, so that it can be modified freely and then restored later. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTIONS *libmodal-lua-WindowState-functions* `WindowState`.new() *libmodal-lua-WindowState.new()* Create a table representing the size of the current window. Return: ~ The new `WindowState`. Example: ~ > local libmodal = require('libmodal') local windowState = libmodal.utils.WindowState.new() print(vim.inspect(windowState)) < See also: ~ 'winheight' The `height` property of a `WindowState`. 'winwidth' The `width` property of a `WindowState`. `self`:restore() *libmodal-lua-WindowState.restore()* Restore the state of this `WindowState`. Example: ~ > local libmodal = require('libmodal') local api = vim.api -- Create a new `WindowState`. local windowState = libmodal.utils.WindowState.new() -- Set the 'winheight' to a new value. api.nvim_set_option('winheight', 100) -- Define a function to print the 'winheight' value. local print_height = function() api.nvim_command('echo &winheight') end -- Print the 'winheight' prior to `restore()`. print_height() -- Restore the `windowState`. windowState:restore() -- Print the 'winheight' after `restore()`ing. print_height() < ================================================================================ 10. `libmodal.Vars` *libmodal-lua-Vars* A `Var`'s purpose is to act as an intermediary between |global-variables| and the modes that use them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTIONS *libmodal-lua-Vars.functions* `self`:name() *libmodal-lua-Vars.name()* Get the name of `modeName`s global setting. Parameters: ~ {modeName} The name of the mode. Return: ~ - The name of the vimscript variable that this `Var` corresponds to. Example: ~ > local libmodal = require('libmodal') local input = libmodal.Vars('input', 'FOO') print(input:name()) -- 'fooModeInput' < `self`:nvimGet() *libmodal-lua-Vars.nvimGet()* Retrieve a variable value. Parameters: ~ {modeName} The mode name this value is being retrieved for. Return: ~ * The |global-variable| value that this `Var` represents Example: ~ > local libmodal = require('libmodal') local input = libmodal.Vars('input', 'FOO') vim.api.nvim_set_var(input:name(), 'test') print(input:nvimGet()) < `self`:nvimSet({val}) *libmodal-lua-Vars.nvimSet()* Set a |variable| value. Parameters: ~ {modeName} The mode name this value is being retrieved for. {val} The value to set `self`'s Vimscript var to. Example: ~ > local libmodal = require('libmodal') local input = libmodal.Vars('input', 'FOO') input:nvimSet('test') print(input:nvimGet()) < `Vars`.new(keyName, modeName) *libmodal-lua-Vars.new()* Create a new `Var`. Parameters: ~ {keyName} The name of the key used to refer to this variable in `Vars`. {modeName} The name of the mode that this `Variable` is for. Return: ~ * A new `Var`. ================================================================================ vim:tw=80:ts=4:ft=help:norl: