local globals = require 'libmodal/src/globals' local utils = require 'libmodal/src/utils' --- @class libmodal.Prompt --- @field private completions table|nil --- @field private exit libmodal.utils.Vars --- @field private help libmodal.utils.Help|nil --- @field private indicator libmodal.utils.Indicator --- @field private input libmodal.utils.Vars --- @field private instruction function|table --- @field private name string local Prompt = utils.classes.new() local HELP = 'help' local REPLACEMENTS = { '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '=', '+', '<', '>', '^', ',', '/', ':', '?', '@', '!', '$', '*', '.', '%', '&', '\\', } for i, replacement in ipairs(REPLACEMENTS) do REPLACEMENTS[i], _ = vim.pesc(replacement) end --- execute the instruction specified by the `user_input`. --- @param user_input string function Prompt:execute_instruction(user_input) if type(self.instruction) == globals.TYPE_TBL then -- the self.instruction is a command table. if self.instruction[user_input] then -- there is a defined command for the input. local to_execute = self.instruction[user_input] if type(to_execute) == globals.TYPE_FUNC then to_execute() else vim.api.nvim_command(to_execute) end elseif user_input == HELP then -- the user did not define a 'help' command, so use the default. self.help:show() else -- show an error. utils.api.nvim_show_err(globals.DEFAULT_ERROR_TITLE, 'Unknown command') end elseif type(self.instruction) == globals.TYPE_STR then -- the self.instruction is a function. vim.fn[self.instruction]() else -- attempt to call the self.instruction. self.instruction() end end --- get more input from the user. --- @return boolean more_input function Prompt:get_user_input() -- clear previous `echo`s. utils.api.nvim_redraw() local continue_prompt -- will set to true `true` if looping this prompt again --- 1. Set `g:ModeInput` to `user_input` --- 2. Execute any commands indicated by `user_input` --- 3. Read `g:ModeExit` to see if we should `continue_prompt` --- @param user_input string local function user_input_callback(user_input) if user_input and string.len(user_input) > 0 then -- the user actually entered something. self.input:set(user_input) self:execute_instruction(user_input) local should_exit = self.exit:get() if should_exit ~= nil then continue_prompt = not should_exit end else -- the user entered nothing. continue_prompt = false end end -- echo the highlighting vim.api.nvim_command('echohl ' .. self.indicator.hl) -- set the user input variable if self.completions then vim.api.nvim_command('echo "' .. self.indicator.str .. '"') vim.ui.select(self.completions, {}, user_input_callback) else vim.ui.input({prompt = self.indicator.str}, user_input_callback) end return continue_prompt == nil and true or continue_prompt end --- enter the prompt. function Prompt:enter() -- enter the mode using a loop. local continue_mode = true while continue_mode do local no_errors, prompt_result = pcall(self.get_user_input, self) -- if there were errors. if not no_errors then utils.show_error(prompt_result) continue_mode = false else continue_mode = prompt_result end end end return { --- enter a prompt. --- @param name string the name of the prompt --- @param instruction function|table what to do with user input --- @param user_completions table|nil a list of possible inputs, provided by the user --- @return libmodal.Prompt new = function(name, instruction, user_completions) name = vim.trim(name) local self = setmetatable( { exit = utils.Vars.new('exit', name), indicator = utils.Indicator.prompt(name), input = utils.Vars.new('input', name), instruction = instruction, name = name }, Prompt ) -- get the completion list. if type(instruction) == globals.TYPE_TBL then -- unload the keys of the mode command table. -- create one if the user specified a command table. local completions = {} local contained_help = false for command, _ in pairs(instruction) do completions[#completions + 1] = command if command == HELP then contained_help = true end end if not contained_help then -- assign it. completions[#completions + 1] = HELP self.help = utils.Help.new(instruction, 'COMMAND') end self.completions = completions elseif user_completions then -- use the table that the user gave. self.completions = user_completions end return self end }