local libmodal = require 'libmodal' local k = vim.keycode or function(s) return vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes(s, true, true, true) end local barModeKeymaps = { p = function() vim.notify('Hello!') end, } -- register key commands and what they do local fooModeKeymaps = { [k ''] = 'echom "You cant exit using escape."', q = 'let g:fooModeExit = 1', -- exits all instances of this mode x = function(self) self:exit() -- exits this instance of the mode end, y = function(self) self:switch('Bar', barModeKeymaps) -- enters Bar and then exits Foo when it is done end, z = libmodal.mode.switch('Bar', barModeKeymaps), -- the same as above, but more convenience } -- tell the mode not to exit automatically vim.g.fooModeExit = false -- enter the mode using the keymaps created before libmodal.mode.enter('FOO', fooModeKeymaps, true)