# About This is a rewrite of [vim-libmodal][libmodal] using Neovim's Lua API. Unfortunately, during `vim-libmodal`'s development several problems with Vimscript became apparent. Because of this, I have decided to rewrite it using Lua. This project aims to be cross-compatable with `vim-libmodal` version 2.`X`.`Y`, with the only alterations being _additions_ to the source code that have been made under the 2.x.y revision number. > `funcref()` cannot be used in `libmodal#Enter` or `libmodal#Prompt`, so `nvim-libmodal` is _mostly_ compatable, but not completely. > > * See |libmodal-usage| for more details. Note that cross-compatability does not mean that `vim-libmodal` and `nvim-libmodal` can be installed at the same time— as a matter of fact, they are developed specifically to replace each other for specific platforms. If you use Vim, use `vim-libmodal`. If you use Neovim, use `nvim-libmodal`. If you are a plugin creator, all code that works for `vim-libmodal` will work with `nvim-libmodal`, but the reverse is not true. See [vim-libmodal][libmodal] and the [docs](./doc) for more information. Alternatively, you may see [`nvim-tabmode`](https://github.com/Iron-E/nvim-tabmode) and [this gist](https://gist.github.com/Iron-E/f36116e8862ea03fd195e4e0a48cb05d) for more examples. # Requirements * Neovim 0.4+ * Eventually 0.5 will be required. * `vim-libmodal` is _not_ installed. [libmodal]: https://github.com/Iron-E/vim-libmodal