--[[ /* * IMPORTS */ --]] local api = vim.api --[[ /* * MODULE */ --]] local _TIMEOUT_GLOBAL_NAME = 'libmodalTimeouts' local Vars = { [_TIMEOUT_GLOBAL_NAME] = api.nvim_get_var(_TIMEOUT_GLOBAL_NAME), ['TYPE'] = 'libmodal-vars' } --[[ /* * META `_metaVars` */ --]] local _metaVars = require('libmodal/src/classes').new(Vars.TYPE) --------------------------------- --[[ SUMMARY: * Get the name of `modeName`s global setting. ]] --[[ PARAMS: * `modeName` => the name of the mode. ]] --------------------------------- function _metaVars:name() return self._modeName .. self._varName end ------------------------------------ --[[ SUMMARY: * Retrieve a variable value. ]] --[[ PARAMS: * `modeName` => the mode name this value is being retrieved for. ]] ------------------------------------ function _metaVars:nvimGet() return api.nvim_get_var(self:name()) end ----------------------------------------- --[[ SUMMARY: * Set a variable value. ]] --[[ PARAMS: * `modeName` => the mode name this value is being retrieved for. * `val` => the value to set `self`'s Vimscript var to. ]] ----------------------------------------- function _metaVars:nvimSet(val) api.nvim_set_var(self:name(), val) end --[[ /* * CLASS `VARS` */ --]] -------------------------- --[[ SUMMARY: * Create a new entry in `Vars` ]] --[[ PARAMS: * `keyName` => the name of the key used to refer to this variable in `Vars`. ]] -------------------------- function Vars.new(keyName, modeName) local self = setmetatable({}, _metaVars) local function noSpaces(strWithSpaces, firstLetterModifier) local splitStr = vim.split( string.gsub(strWithSpaces, vim.pesc('_'), vim.pesc(' ')), ' ' ) local function camelCase(str, func) return func(string.sub(str, 0, 1) or '') .. string.lower(string.sub(str, 2) or '') end splitStr[1] = camelCase(splitStr[1], firstLetterModifier) for i = 2, #splitStr do splitStr[i] = camelCase(splitStr[i], string.upper) end return table.concat(splitStr) end self._modeName = noSpaces(modeName, string.lower) self._varName = 'Mode' .. noSpaces(keyName, string.upper) return self end --[[ /* * PUBLICIZE MODULE */ --]] return Vars