local globals = require 'libmodal.globals' --- @class libmodal.utils.api local api = {} --- send a character to exit a mode. --- @param exit_char? number|string the character used to exit the mode, or ESCAPE if none was provided. --- @return nil function api.mode_exit(exit_char) -- if there was no provided `exit_char`, or it is a character code. if type(exit_char) == 'number' then -- translate the character code or default to escape. --- @diagnostic disable-next-line:param-type-mismatch we just checked `exit_char` == `number` exit_char = string.char(exit_char) elseif not exit_char then -- translate the character code or default to escape. exit_char = string.char(globals.ESC_NR) end -- exit the prompt by sending an escape key. vim.api.nvim_feedkeys(exit_char, 'nt', false) end --- run the `mode` command to refresh the screen. --- @return nil function api.redraw() vim.api.nvim_command 'mode' end --- @param termcodes string --- @return string replaced function api.replace_termcodes(termcodes) return vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes(termcodes, true, true, true) end return api