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local libmodal = require('libmodal')
-- recurse counter
local foo_mode_recurse = 0
-- register 'z' as the map for recursing further (by calling the FooMode function again)
local foo_mode_keymaps =
z = 'lua FooMode()'
-- define the FooMode() function which is called whenever the user presses 'z'
function FooMode()
foo_mode_recurse = foo_mode_recurse + 1
libmodal.mode.enter('FOO' .. foo_mode_recurse, foo_mode_keymaps)
foo_mode_recurse = foo_mode_recurse - 1
-- define the character 'f' as the function we defined— but directly through lua, instead of vimL
foo_mode_keymaps['f'] = FooMode
4 years ago
-- call FooMode() initially to begin the demo