# Created by: Tk-Glitch # Originally based on https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/nvidia-beta-all/ # Includes DKMS support, libglvnd compat, 32-bit libs and building for all kernels currently installed plain ' .---.` `.---.' plain ' `/syhhhyso- -osyhhhys/`' plain ' .syNMdhNNhss/``.---.``/sshNNhdMNys.' plain ' +sdMh.`+MNsssssssssssssssNM+`.hMds+' plain ' :syNNdhNNhssssssssssssssshNNhdNNys:' plain ' /ssyhhhysssssssssssssssssyhhhyss/' plain ' .ossssssssssssssssssssssssssssso.' plain ' :sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss:' plain ' /sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss/' plain ' :sssssssssssssoosssssssoosssssssssssss:' plain ' osssssssssssssoosssssssoossssssssssssso' plain ' osssssssssssyyyyhhhhhhhyyyyssssssssssso' plain ' /yyyyyyhhdmmmmNNNNNNNNNNNmmmmdhhyyyyyy/' plain ' smmmNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNmmms' plain ' /dNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNd/' plain ' `:sdNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNds:`' plain ' `-+shdNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNdhs+-`' plain ' `.-:///////:-.`' plain '' where="$PWD" # track basedir as different Arch based distros are moving srcdir around source "$where"/customization.cfg # Load external configuration file if present. Available variable values will overwrite customization.cfg ones. if [ -e "$_EXT_CONFIG_PATH" ]; then source "$_EXT_CONFIG_PATH" && msg2 "External configuration file '$_EXT_CONFIG_PATH' will be used to override customization.cfg values." && plain "" fi # Auto-add kernel userpatches to source _autoaddpatch="false" # Package type selector if [ -z "$_driver_version" ] || [ "$_driver_version" = "latest" ] || [ -z "$_driver_branch" ] && [ ! -e options ]; then # Unset this just in case another prompt using CONDITION is ever added before this code. unset CONDITION if [ "$_driver_version" = "latest" ]; then if [ "$_driver_branch" = "regular" ]; then CONDITION="2" elif [ "$_driver_branch" = "vulkandev" ]; then CONDITION="1" else error "\"latest\" driver specified, but without branch. Make sure _driver_branch is set." fi fi if [[ -z $CONDITION ]]; then read -p " What driver version do you want?`echo $'\n > 1.Vulkan dev: 455.50.19\n 2.470 series: 470.42.01\n 3.465 series: 465.31\n 4.460 series: 460.84\n 5.455 series: 455.45.01\n 6.450 series: 450.119.03\n 7.440 series: 440.100 (kernel 5.8 or lower)\n 8.435 series: 435.21 (kernel 5.6 or lower)\n 9.430 series: 430.64 (kernel 5.5 or lower)\n 10.418 series: 418.113 (kernel 5.5 or lower)\n 11.415 series: 415.27 (kernel 5.4 or lower)\n 12.410 series: 410.104 (kernel 5.5 or lower)\n 13.396 series: 396.54 (kernel 5.3 or lower, 5.1 or lower recommended)\n 14.Custom version (396.xx series or higher)\n choice[1-14?]: '`" CONDITION; fi # This will be treated as the latest regular driver. if [ "$CONDITION" = "2" ]; then echo '_driver_version=470.42.01' > options echo '_md5sum=3d834af2a63df310736bfa99b258dd8c' >> options echo '_driver_branch=regular' >> options elif [ "$CONDITION" = "3" ]; then echo '_driver_version=465.31' > options echo '_md5sum=4996eefa54392b0c9541d22e88abab66' >> options echo '_driver_branch=regular' >> options elif [ "$CONDITION" = "4" ]; then echo '_driver_version=460.84' > options echo '_md5sum=629d4f2a0d6f593aa4cf9b73983d3c8b' >> options echo '_driver_branch=regular' >> options elif [ "$CONDITION" = "5" ]; then echo '_driver_version=455.45.01' > options echo '_md5sum=f0161877350aa9155eada811ff2844a8' >> options echo '_driver_branch=regular' >> options elif [ "$CONDITION" = "6" ]; then echo '_driver_version=450.119.03' > options echo '_md5sum=b2725b8c15a364582be90c5fa1d6690f' >> options echo '_driver_branch=regular' >> options elif [ "$CONDITION" = "7" ]; then echo '_driver_version=440.100' > options echo '_md5sum=7b99bcd2807ecd37af60d29de7bc30c2' >> options echo '_driver_branch=regular' >> options elif [ "$CONDITION" = "8" ]; then echo '_driver_version=435.21' > options echo '_md5sum=050acb0aecc3ba15d1fc609ee82bebe' >> options echo '_driver_branch=regular' >> options elif [ "$CONDITION" = "9" ]; then echo '_driver_version=430.64' > options echo '_md5sum=a4ea35bf913616c71f104f15092df714' >> options echo '_driver_branch=regular' >> options elif [ "$CONDITION" = "10" ]; then echo '_driver_version=418.113' > options echo '_md5sum=0b21dbabaa25beed46c20a177e59642e' >> options echo '_driver_branch=regular' >> options elif [ "$CONDITION" = "11" ]; then echo '_driver_version=415.27' > options echo '_md5sum=f4777691c4673c808d82e37695367f6d' >> options echo '_driver_branch=regular' >> options elif [ "$CONDITION" = "12" ]; then echo '_driver_version=410.104' > options echo '_md5sum=4f3219b5fad99465dea399fc3f4bb866' >> options echo '_driver_branch=regular' >> options elif [ "$CONDITION" = "13" ]; then echo '_driver_version=396.54' > options echo '_md5sum=195afa93d400bdbb9361ede6cef95143' >> options echo '_driver_branch=regular' >> options elif [ "$CONDITION" = "14" ]; then echo '_driver_version=custom' > options read -p "What branch do you want?`echo $'\n> 1.Stable or regular beta\n 2.Vulkan dev\nchoice[1-2?]: '`" CONDITION; if [ "$CONDITION" = "2" ]; then echo '_driver_branch=vulkandev' >> options read -p "Type the desired version number (examples: 415.18.02, 396.54.09): " _driver_version; else echo '_driver_branch=regular' >> options read -p "Type the desired version number (examples: 410.57, 396.51): " _driver_version; fi echo "_md5sum='SKIP'" >> options echo "_driver_version=$_driver_version" >> options # This (condition 1) will be treated as the latest Vulkan developer driver. else echo '_driver_version=455.50.19' > options echo '_md5sum=8c40a1590be7af02c5356df0e67226cf' >> options echo '_driver_branch=vulkandev' >> options fi # Package type selector if [ -z "$_dkms" ]; then read -p "Build the dkms package or the regular one?`echo $'\n> 1.dkms (recommended)\n 2.regular\nchoice[1-2?]: '`" CONDITION; if [ "$CONDITION" = "2" ]; then echo '_dkms="false"' >> options else echo '_dkms="true"' >> options fi fi else _md5sum='SKIP' fi if [ -e options ]; then source options fi # Check if the version we are going for is newer or not if enabled if [[ "$_only_update_if_newer" == "true" ]]; then # Check current version, if possible if pacman -Qs "nvidia-utils" >/dev/null; then # We have enough packages installed to get the version # returns a string, like "460.39" or "455.45.01" # HACK Checks the first nvidia-utils match, does not catch potential missmatches and other stuff _current_version=$(pacman -Q "nvidia-utils" | grep -oP '\d+(\.\d+)+' | head -n 1) _current_package_example=$(pacman -Q "nvidia-utils" | grep -oP '[a-z]+(\-[a-z]+)+' | head -n 1) msg2 "Found version $_current_version installed (from package '$_current_package_example')" ## HACK Stupid string compare ## TODO Ensure that nvidia versions do not differ from this format if [[ $_driver_version > $_current_version ]]; then # We have a newer version to install, do nothing msg2 "Selected version ($_driver_version, $_driver_branch) is newer than installed version, continuing." else # Older version, or at least not newer version msg2 "Selected version ($_driver_version, $_driver_branch) is not newer than installed version, exiting." plain "" if [ -e "$_EXT_CONFIG_PATH" ]; then plain "If this is not intended, have a look at '$_EXT_CONFIG_PATH'" else plain "If this is not intended, have a look at '"$where"/customization.cfg'" fi # We have to clean up "options" rm -f "${where}"/options # TODO Do we need to clean up something more? # TODO Should the exit_cleanup be called? (requires reorganization of script) exit 0 fi else warning "'\$_only_update_if_newer' is enabled, but no installed driver found." warning "Continuing on as if '\$_only_update_if_newer' was not enabled." plain "" fi fi msg2 "Building driver version $_driver_version on branch $_driver_branch." # Skip header check for dkms-only builds with explicit target kernel version if [ "$_dkms" != "true" ] || [ -z "$_kerneloverride" ]; then # Some people seem to believe making blank headers is a good idea if [ $(pacman -Qs linux-headers | head -c1 | wc -c) -eq 0 ]; then error "A (correctly made?) linux-headers package can't be found." plain "If you're sure it's installed, blame your kernel maintainer." read -p " Press enter to proceed anyway..." fi fi _pkgname_array=() if [ "$_driver_branch" = "vulkandev" ]; then _branchname="nvidia-dev" else _branchname="nvidia" fi # packages if [ "$_dkms" = "full" ]; then _pkgname_array+=("$_branchname-dkms-tkg") _pkgname_array+=("$_branchname-tkg") elif [ "$_dkms" = "true" ]; then _pkgname_array+=("$_branchname-dkms-tkg") else _pkgname_array+=("$_branchname-tkg") fi _pkgname_array+=("$_branchname-utils-tkg") if [ "$_lib32" = "true" ]; then _pkgname_array+=("lib32-$_branchname-utils-tkg") fi if [ "$_opencl" = "true" ]; then _pkgname_array+=("opencl-$_branchname-tkg") if [ "$_lib32" = "true" ]; then _pkgname_array+=("lib32-opencl-$_branchname-tkg") fi fi if [ "$_nvsettings" = "true" ]; then _pkgname_array+=("$_branchname-settings-tkg") fi if [ "$_eglwayland" = "true" ]; then _pkgname_array+=("$_branchname-egl-wayland-tkg") fi pkgname=("${_pkgname_array[@]}") pkgver=$_driver_version pkgrel=168 arch=('x86_64') url="http://www.nvidia.com/" license=('custom:NVIDIA') optdepends=('linux-headers' 'linux-lts-headers: Build the module for LTS Arch kernel') makedepends=('pahole') options=('!strip') cp "$where"/patches/* "$where" && cp -r "$where"/system/* "$where" # Installer name _pkg="NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-$pkgver" # Source if [ "$_driver_branch" = "vulkandev" ]; then if [[ $pkgver = 396* ]]; then _source_name="NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-$pkgver.run::https://developer.nvidia.com/linux-${pkgver//.}" else _source_name="NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-$pkgver.run::https://developer.nvidia.com/vulkan-beta-${pkgver//.}-linux" fi else _source_name="https://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/$pkgver/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-$pkgver.run" fi source=($_source_name '10-nvidia-drm-outputclass.conf' 'nvidia-utils-tkg.sysusers' 'linux-version.diff' # include linux version '01-ipmi-vm.diff' # ipmi & vm patch for older than 415.22 releases (2018.12.7) (396.xx) '02-ipmi-vm.diff' # ipmi & vm patch for older than 415.22 releases (2018.12.7) (addon for 410+) 'list_is_first.diff' # fix for "redefinition of ‘list_is_first’" on <418.56 drivers when used on 5.1+ 'kernel-4.16.patch' # 4.16 workaround 'kernel-4.19.patch' # 4.19 workaround 'kernel-5.0.patch' # 5.0 workaround 'kernel-5.1.patch' # 5.1 workaround 'kernel-5.2.patch' # 5.2 workaround 'kernel-5.3.patch' # 5.3 workaround 'kernel-5.4.patch' # 5.4 workaround 'kernel-5.4-symver.diff' # 5.4 symver fix only 'kernel-5.4-prime.diff' # 5.4+ PRIME fixing attempt 'kernel-5.5.patch' # 5.5 workaround 'kernel-5.6.patch' # 5.6 workaround '5.6-legacy-includes.diff' # 5.6 includes needed for <440.59(stable) and <440.58.01(vk dev) '5.6-ioremap.diff' # 5.6 additional ioremap workaround (<440.64) 'kernel-5.7.patch' # 5.7 workaround 'kernel-5.8.patch' # 5.8 workaround '5.8-legacy.diff' # 5.8 additional vmalloc workaround (<450.57) 'kernel-5.9.patch' # 5.9 workaround '5.9-gpl.diff' # 5.9 cuda/nvenc workaround 'kernel-5.10.patch' # 5.10 workaround 'kernel-5.11.patch' # 5.11 workaround '5.11-legacy.diff' # 5.11 additional workaround (<460.32.03) '455-crashfix.diff' # 455 drivers fix - https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/455-23-04-page-allocation-failure-in-kernel-module-at-random-points/155250/79 'kernel-5.12.patch' # 5.12 workaround ) msg2 "Selected driver integrity check behavior (md5sum or SKIP): $_md5sum" # If the driver is "known", return md5sum. If it isn't, return SKIP md5sums=("$_md5sum" 'cb27b0f4a78af78aa96c5aacae23256c' '3d2894e71d81570bd00bce416d3e547d' '7a825f41ada7e106c8c0b713a49b3bfa' 'd961d1dce403c15743eecfe3201e4b6a' '14460615a9d4e247c8d9bcae8776ed48' '401859ea7bb4a9864af24ecd67abf34c' 'adb83cede754daf5adb001f077b1ff67' '58d058367934813d29d38328bc3b4dcd' '6cff80c311debfdb6b543e575a81820a' 'a3ce8ebab6506f556f4b222e2372ce87' '98b67a671ece0a796f9767793c209c93' '6f9a62ef76ac86f299b0174f44488987' '8bf41d705afdf9aad7d934be06a7b12b' '0d9aa49647cc73a4522246cc22ae15e1' 'e6270c2d19afd982efc92bdecd9f48f0' '1c1966d6ee6f3cd381ebcc92f1488c68' 'c44e43638e1ab708fbdd6d7aa76afcf2' '84dc2d2eff2846b2f961388b153e2a89' '1f11f5c765e42c471b202e630e3cd407' 'd911a0531c6f270926cacabd1dd80f02' '589dfc0c801605018b7ccd690f06141a' 'd67bf0a9aa5c19f07edbaf6bd157d661' '888d12b9aea711e6a025835b8ad063e2' '0758046ed7c50463fd0ec378e9e34f95' 'bcdd512edad1bad8331a8872259d2581' 'fd0d6e14e675a61f32279558678cfc36' '8764cc714e61363cc8f818315957ad17' '08bec554de265ce5fdcfdbd55fb608fc' '3980770412a1d4d7bd3a16c9042200df') if [ "$_autoaddpatch" = "true" ]; then # Auto-add *.patch files from $startdir to source=() for _patch in $(find "$startdir" -maxdepth 1 -name '*.patch' -printf "%f\n"); do # Don't duplicate already listed ones if [[ ! " ${source[@]} " =~ " $_patch " ]]; then # https://stackoverflow.com/a/15394738/1821548 source+=("$_patch") md5sums+=('SKIP') fi done fi _create_links() { # create missing soname links for _lib in $(find "$pkgdir" -name '*.so*' | grep -v 'xorg/'); do # Get soname/base name _soname=$(dirname "$_lib")/$(readelf -d "$_lib" | grep -Po 'SONAME.*: \[\K[^]]*' || true) _base=$(echo "$_soname" | sed -r 's/(.*).so.*/\1.so/') # Create missing links [ -e "$_soname" ] || ln -s $(basename "$_lib") "$_soname" [ -e "$_base" ] || ln -s $(basename "$_soname") "$_base" done } prepare() { # Remove previous builds [ -d "$_pkg" ] && rm -rf "$_pkg" # Use custom compiler paths if defined if [ -n "${CUSTOM_GCC_PATH}" ]; then PATH=${CUSTOM_GCC_PATH}/bin:${CUSTOM_GCC_PATH}/lib:${CUSTOM_GCC_PATH}/include:${PATH} fi # Extract msg2 "Self-Extracting $_pkg.run..." sh "$_pkg".run -x cd "$_pkg" # linux-rt fix for newer drivers. This just passes the same value regardless of kernel type as a bypass. This was stolen from https://gitlab.manjaro.org/packages/community/realtime-kernels/linux416-rt-extramodules/blob/master/nvidia/PKGBUILD - Thanks Muhownage <3 sed -i -e 's|PREEMPT_RT_PRESENT=1|PREEMPT_RT_PRESENT=0|g' kernel/conftest.sh # non-english locale workaround for 440.26 if [[ $pkgver = 440.26 ]]; then sed -i -e 's|$CC $CFLAGS -c conftest_headers$$.c|LC_ALL=C $CC $CFLAGS -c conftest_headers$$.c|g' kernel/conftest.sh fi # 440.58.01 Unfrogging if [[ $pkgver = 440.58.01 ]]; then sed -i -e '/bug/d' nvidia-application-profiles-440.58.01-rc fi cp -a kernel kernel-dkms cd kernel-dkms sed -i "s/__VERSION_STRING/${pkgver}/" dkms.conf sed -i 's/__JOBS/`nproc`/' dkms.conf sed -i 's/__DKMS_MODULES//' dkms.conf if (( ${pkgver%%.*} >= 470 )); then sed -i '$iBUILT_MODULE_NAME[0]="nvidia"\ DEST_MODULE_LOCATION[0]="/kernel/drivers/video"\ BUILT_MODULE_NAME[1]="nvidia-uvm"\ DEST_MODULE_LOCATION[1]="/kernel/drivers/video"\ BUILT_MODULE_NAME[2]="nvidia-modeset"\ DEST_MODULE_LOCATION[2]="/kernel/drivers/video"\ BUILT_MODULE_NAME[3]="nvidia-drm"\ DEST_MODULE_LOCATION[3]="/kernel/drivers/video"\ BUILT_MODULE_NAME[4]="nvidia-peermem"\ DEST_MODULE_LOCATION[4]="/kernel/drivers/video"' dkms.conf elif (( ${pkgver%%.*} = 465 )); then sed -i '$iBUILT_MODULE_NAME[0]="nvidia"\ DEST_MODULE_LOCATION[0]="/kernel/drivers/video"\ BUILT_MODULE_NAME[1]="nvidia-uvm"\ DEST_MODULE_LOCATION[1]="/kernel/drivers/video"\ BUILT_MODULE_NAME[2]="nvidia-modeset"\ DEST_MODULE_LOCATION[2]="/kernel/drivers/video"\ BUILT_MODULE_NAME[3]="nvidia-drm"\ DEST_MODULE_LOCATION[3]="/kernel/drivers/video"\ BUILT_MODULE_NAME[4]="nvidia-peermem"\ DEST_MODULE_LOCATION[4]="/kernel/drivers/video"\ BUILT_MODULE_NAME[5]="nvidia-ib-peermem-stub"\ DEST_MODULE_LOCATION[5]="/kernel/drivers/video"' dkms.conf else sed -i '$iBUILT_MODULE_NAME[0]="nvidia"\ DEST_MODULE_LOCATION[0]="/kernel/drivers/video"\ BUILT_MODULE_NAME[1]="nvidia-uvm"\ DEST_MODULE_LOCATION[1]="/kernel/drivers/video"\ BUILT_MODULE_NAME[2]="nvidia-modeset"\ DEST_MODULE_LOCATION[2]="/kernel/drivers/video"\ BUILT_MODULE_NAME[3]="nvidia-drm"\ DEST_MODULE_LOCATION[3]="/kernel/drivers/video"' dkms.conf fi # Gift for linux-rt guys sed -i 's/NV_EXCLUDE_BUILD_MODULES/IGNORE_PREEMPT_RT_PRESENCE=1 NV_EXCLUDE_BUILD_MODULES/' dkms.conf cd ../ bsdtar -xf nvidia-persistenced-init.tar.bz2 if [[ $pkgver = 396* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 410* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 415* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 418* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 430* ]]; then sed -i 's/__NV_VK_ICD__/libGLX_nvidia.so.0/' nvidia_icd.json.template fi # Loop kernels (4.15.0-1-ARCH, 4.14.5-1-ck, ...) local -a _kernels if [ -n "$_kerneloverride" ]; then _kernels="$_kerneloverride" else mapfile -t _kernels < <(find /usr/lib/modules/*/build/version -exec cat {} + || find /usr/lib/modules/*/extramodules/version -exec cat {} +) fi for _kernel in "${_kernels[@]}"; do # Use separate source directories cp -r kernel kernel-$_kernel cd "$srcdir"/"$_pkg"/kernel-$_kernel if (( ${pkgver%%.*} <= 455 )); then msg2 "Applying linux-version.diff for $_kernel..." patch -p2 -i "$srcdir"/linux-version.diff fi # https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/455-23-04-page-allocation-failure-in-kernel-module-at-random-points/155250/77 # Not sure if it actually affects 455.50.02 - let's skip the patch on that version for now if [[ $pkgver = 455.2* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 455.3* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 455.4* ]]; then msg2 "Applying 455 crashfix for $_kernel..." patch -p2 -i "$srcdir"/455-crashfix.diff fi cd .. ## kernel version variables, quirks & driver patch whitelists # https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/62142 if [ "$_62142_fix" = "true" ]; then sed -i 's/return (ops->map_resource != NULL);/return (ops \&\& ops->map_resource);/' "$srcdir/$_pkg/kernel-$_kernel/nvidia/nv-dma.c" && msg2 "Applied fix for https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/62142" fi # 4.16 if (( $(vercmp "$_kernel" "4.16") >= 0 )); then _kernel416="1" _whitelist416=( 396* 410* 415* 418.3* 418.4* 418.52.0* 418.52.10 418.52.14 ) fi # 4.19 if (( $(vercmp "$_kernel" "4.19") >= 0 )); then _kernel419="1" _whitelist419=( 396* ) fi # 4.20 if (( $(vercmp "$_kernel" "4.20") >= 0 )); then # Fix for "unknown type name 'ipmi_user_t'" (required for older than 2018.12.7 drivers when used on 4.20+) if [[ $pkgver = 396* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 410.5* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 410.6* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 410.7* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 415.1* ]]; then _oldstuff="1" cd "$srcdir"/"$_pkg"/kernel-$_kernel msg2 "Applying 01-ipmi-vm.diff for $_kernel..." patch -p2 -i "$srcdir"/01-ipmi-vm.diff if [[ $pkgver != 396* ]]; then _youngeryetoldstuff="1" msg2 "Applying 02-ipmi-vm.diff for $_kernel..." patch -p2 -i "$srcdir"/02-ipmi-vm.diff fi cd .. else msg2 "Skipping ipmi-vm fixes (not needed for this driver/kernel combination)" fi fi # 5.0 if (( $(vercmp "$_kernel" "5.0") >= 0 )); then _kernel50="1" _whitelist50=( 396* 410.5* 410.6* 410.7* 410.9* 415* ) fi # 5.1 if (( $(vercmp "$_kernel" "5.1") >= 0 )); then _kernel51="1" _whitelist51=( 396* 410* 415* 418.3* 418.4* 418.52.0* 418.52.10 ) if [[ $pkgver != 430* ]]; then sed -i "s/static int nv_drm_vma_fault(struct vm_fault \*vmf)/#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(5, 1, 0)\nstatic int nv_drm_vma_fault(struct vm_fault \*vmf)\n#else\nstatic vm_fault_t nv_drm_vma_fault(struct vm_fault \*vmf)\n#endif/g" "$srcdir/$_pkg/kernel-$_kernel/nvidia-drm/nvidia-drm-gem-nvkms-memory.c" if [[ $pkgver = 396* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 410* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 415* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 418.3* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 418.4* ]]; then _low418="1" cd "$srcdir"/"$_pkg"/kernel-$_kernel msg2 "Applying list_is_first.diff for $_kernel..." # Use sed for the moving parts of the patch - Fix for "redefinition of ‘list_is_first’" (required for older than 418.56 drivers when used on 5.1+) sed -i "s/static inline int list_is_first(const struct list_head \*list,/#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(5, 1, 0)\nstatic inline int list_is_first(const struct list_head \*list,/g" "$srcdir/$_pkg/kernel-$_kernel/common/inc/nv-list-helpers.h" sed -i "s/ const struct list_head \*head)/ const struct list_head \*head)\n#else\nstatic inline int nv_list_is_first(const struct list_head \*list,\n const struct list_head \*head)\n#endif/g" "$srcdir/$_pkg/kernel-$_kernel/common/inc/nv-list-helpers.h" patch -Np2 -i "$srcdir"/list_is_first.diff cd .. else msg2 "Skipping list_is_first fixes (not needed for this driver/kernel combination)" fi fi fi # 5.2 if (( $(vercmp "$_kernel" "5.2") >= 0 )); then _kernel52="1" _whitelist52=( 396* 410* 415* 418.3* 418.4* 418.56 418.7* 418.52.0* 418.52.10 418.52.14 ) fi # 5.3 if (( $(vercmp "$_kernel" "5.3") >= 0 )); then _kernel53="1" _whitelist53=( 396* 410* 415* 418.3* 418.4* 418.5* 418.7* 418.8* ) fi # 5.4 if (( $(vercmp "$_kernel" "5.4") >= 0 )); then _kernel54="1" _whitelist54=( 396* 410* 415* 418.3* 418.4* 418.5* 418.7* 418.8* 430.0* 430.1* 430.2* 430.3* 430.4* 430.5* 435.1* 435.21* 435.24* 435.27.01 ) if [[ $pkgver = 435.27.02 ]] || [[ $pkgver = 435.27.03 ]] || [[ $pkgver = 435.27.06 ]] || [[ $pkgver = 435.27.07 ]] || [[ $pkgver = 435.27.08 ]] || [[ $pkgver = 440.26 ]]; then cd "$srcdir"/"$_pkg"/kernel-$_kernel msg2 "Applying kernel-5.4-symver.diff for $_kernel..." patch -Np2 -i "$srcdir"/kernel-5.4-symver.diff cd .. fi if [[ $pkgver = 396* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 410* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 415* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 418.* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 430.0* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 435.* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 440.2* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 440.3* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 440.43.* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 440.44 ]] && [ "$_54_prime_fixing_attempt" = "true" ]; then _54_prime="true" cd "$srcdir"/"$_pkg"/kernel-$_kernel msg2 "Applying kernel-5.4-prime.diff for $_kernel..." patch -Np2 -i "$srcdir"/kernel-5.4-prime.diff cd .. fi fi # 5.5 if (( $(vercmp "$_kernel" "5.5") >= 0 )); then _kernel55="1" _whitelist55=( 396* 410* 415* 418* 430* 435* 440.2* 440.3* 440.43.01 440.44 ) fi # 5.6 if (( $(vercmp "$_kernel" "5.6") >= 0 )); then _kernel56="1" _whitelist56=( 396* 410* 415* 418* 430* 435* 440.2* 440.3* 440.4* 440.5* 440.6* ) if [[ $pkgver = 396* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 410* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 415* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 418.* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 430.0* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 435.* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 440.2* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 440.3* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 440.4* ]]; then cd "$srcdir"/"$_pkg"/kernel-$_kernel msg2 "Applying 5.6-legacy-includes.diff for $_kernel..." patch -Np2 -i "$srcdir"/5.6-legacy-includes.diff msg2 "Applying 5.6-ioremap.diff for $_kernel..." patch -Np2 -i "$srcdir"/5.6-ioremap.diff cd .. elif [[ $pkgver = 440.5* ]]; then cd "$srcdir"/"$_pkg"/kernel-$_kernel msg2 "Applying 5.6-ioremap.diff for $_kernel..." patch -Np2 -i "$srcdir"/5.6-ioremap.diff cd .. fi fi # 5.7 if (( $(vercmp "$_kernel" "5.7") >= 0 )); then _kernel57="1" _whitelist57=( 396* 410* 415* 418* 430* 435* 440* ) fi # 5.8 if (( $(vercmp "$_kernel" "5.8") >= 0 )); then _kernel58="1" _whitelist58=( 396* 410* 415* 418* 430* 435* 440* 450.3* 450.51 450.56.01 ) if [[ $pkgver = 396* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 41* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 43* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 44* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 450.3* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 450.51 ]]; then cd "$srcdir"/"$_pkg"/kernel-$_kernel msg2 "Applying 5.8-legacy.diff for $_kernel..." patch -Np2 -i "$srcdir"/5.8-legacy.diff cd .. fi fi # 5.9 if (( $(vercmp "$_kernel" "5.9") >= 0 )); then _kernel59="1" _whitelist59=( 450.5* 450.6* ) fi # 5.9 - 5.10 quirk if (( $(vercmp "$_kernel" "5.9") >= 0 )) || (( $(vercmp "$_kernel" "5.10") >= 0 )); then if [[ $pkgver = 450* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 455.2* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 455.3* ]]; then cd "$srcdir"/"$_pkg"/kernel-$_kernel msg2 "Applying 5.9-gpl.diff for $_kernel..." patch -Np2 -i "$srcdir"/5.9-gpl.diff cd .. fi fi # 5.10 if (( $(vercmp "$_kernel" "5.10") >= 0 )); then _kernel510="1" _whitelist510=( 450.5* 450.6* 450.8* 455.2* 455.3* ) fi # 5.11 if (( $(vercmp "$_kernel" "5.11") >= 0 )); then _kernel511="1" _whitelist511=( 455.45* 455.50.0* 455.50.10 455.50.12 455.50.14 460.27* 460.32* ) if [[ $pkgver = 455.45* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 455.50* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 460.27* ]] && [[ $pkgver != 455.50.19 ]]; then cd "$srcdir"/"$_pkg"/kernel-$_kernel msg2 "Applying 5.11-legacy.diff for $_kernel..." patch -Np2 -i "$srcdir"/5.11-legacy.diff cd .. fi fi # 5.12 if (( $(vercmp "$_kernel" "5.12") >= 0 )); then _kernel512="1" _whitelist512=( 455.4* 455.5* ) fi # Loop patches (linux-4.15.patch, lol.patch, ...) for _p in $(printf -- '%s\n' ${source[@]} | grep .patch); do # https://stackoverflow.com/a/21058239/1821548 # Patch version (4.15, "", ...) _patch=$(echo $_p | grep -Po "\d+\.\d+") # Cd in place cd "$srcdir"/"$_pkg"/kernel-$_kernel if [ "$_patch" = "4.16" ]; then _whitelist=(${_whitelist416[@]}) fi if [ "$_patch" = "4.19" ]; then _whitelist=(${_whitelist419[@]}) fi if [ "$_patch" = "5.0" ]; then _whitelist=(${_whitelist50[@]}) fi if [ "$_patch" = "5.1" ]; then _whitelist=(${_whitelist51[@]}) fi if [ "$_patch" = "5.2" ]; then _whitelist=(${_whitelist52[@]}) fi if [ "$_patch" = "5.3" ]; then _whitelist=(${_whitelist53[@]}) fi if [ "$_patch" = "5.4" ]; then _whitelist=(${_whitelist54[@]}) fi if [ "$_patch" = "5.5" ]; then _whitelist=(${_whitelist55[@]}) fi if [ "$_patch" = "5.6" ]; then _whitelist=(${_whitelist56[@]}) fi if [ "$_patch" = "5.7" ]; then _whitelist=(${_whitelist57[@]}) fi if [ "$_patch" = "5.8" ]; then _whitelist=(${_whitelist58[@]}) fi if [ "$_patch" = "5.9" ]; then _whitelist=(${_whitelist59[@]}) fi if [ "$_patch" = "5.10" ]; then _whitelist=(${_whitelist510[@]}) fi if [ "$_patch" = "5.11" ]; then _whitelist=(${_whitelist511[@]}) fi if [ "$_patch" = "5.12" ]; then _whitelist=(${_whitelist512[@]}) fi patchy=0 if (( $(vercmp "$_kernel" "$_patch") >= 0 )); then for yup in "${_whitelist[@]}"; do [[ $pkgver = $yup ]] && patchy=1 done if [ "$patchy" = "1" ]; then msg2 "Applying $_p for $_kernel..." patch -p2 -i "$srcdir"/$_p else msg2 "Skipping $_p as it doesn't apply to this driver version..." fi fi done cd .. done # dkms patches if [ "$_dkms" = "true" ]; then # https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/62142 if [ "$_62142_fix" = "true" ]; then sed -i 's/return (ops->map_resource != NULL);/return (ops \&\& ops->map_resource);/' "$srcdir/$_pkg/kernel-dkms/nvidia/nv-dma.c" && msg2 "Applied fix for https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/62142" fi if (( ${pkgver%%.*} <= 455 )); then msg2 "Applying linux-version.diff for dkms..." patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/linux-version.diff fi # https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/455-23-04-page-allocation-failure-in-kernel-module-at-random-points/155250/77 # Not sure if it actually affects 455.50.02 - let's skip the patch on that version for now if [[ $pkgver = 455.2* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 455.3* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 455.4* ]]; then msg2 "Applying 455 crashfix for dkms..." patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/455-crashfix.diff fi # 4.16 if [ "$_kernel416" = "1" ]; then patchy=0 for yup in "${_whitelist416[@]}"; do [[ $pkgver = $yup ]] && patchy=1 done if [ "$patchy" = "1" ]; then msg2 "Applying kernel-4.16.patch for dkms..." patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/kernel-4.16.patch else msg2 "Skipping kernel-4.16.patch as it doesn't apply to this driver version..." fi fi # 4.19 if [ "$_kernel419" = "1" ]; then patchy=0 for yup in "${_whitelist419[@]}"; do [[ $pkgver = $yup ]] && patchy=1 done if [ "$patchy" = "1" ]; then msg2 "Applying kernel-4.19.patch for dkms..." patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/kernel-4.19.patch else msg2 "Skipping kernel-4.19.patch as it doesn't apply to this driver version..." fi fi # 5.0 if [ "$_kernel50" = "1" ]; then patchy=0 for yup in "${_whitelist50[@]}"; do [[ $pkgver = $yup ]] && patchy=1 done if [ "$patchy" = "1" ]; then msg2 "Applying kernel-5.0.patch for dkms..." patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/kernel-5.0.patch else msg2 "Skipping kernel-5.0.patch as it doesn't apply to this driver version..." fi fi # 5.1 if [ "$_kernel51" = "1" ]; then patchy=0 for yup in "${_whitelist51[@]}"; do [[ $pkgver = $yup ]] && patchy=1 done if [ "$patchy" = "1" ]; then msg2 "Applying kernel-5.1.patch for dkms..." patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/kernel-5.1.patch sed -i "s/static int nv_drm_vma_fault(struct vm_fault \*vmf)/#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(5, 1, 0)\nstatic int nv_drm_vma_fault(struct vm_fault \*vmf)\n#else\nstatic vm_fault_t nv_drm_vma_fault(struct vm_fault \*vmf)\n#endif/g" "$srcdir/$_pkg/kernel-dkms/nvidia-drm/nvidia-drm-gem-nvkms-memory.c" else msg2 "Skipping kernel-5.1.patch as it doesn't apply to this driver version..." fi if [ "$_low418" = "1" ]; then msg2 "Applying list_is_first.patch for dkms..." # Use sed for the moving parts of the patch - Fix for "redefinition of ‘list_is_first’" (required for older than 418.56 drivers when used on 5.1+) sed -i "s/static inline int list_is_first(const struct list_head \*list,/#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(5, 1, 0)\nstatic inline int list_is_first(const struct list_head \*list,/g" "$srcdir/$_pkg/kernel-dkms/common/inc/nv-list-helpers.h" sed -i "s/ const struct list_head \*head)/ const struct list_head \*head)\n#else\nstatic inline int nv_list_is_first(const struct list_head \*list,\n const struct list_head \*head)\n#endif/g" "$srcdir/$_pkg/kernel-dkms/common/inc/nv-list-helpers.h" patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/list_is_first.diff fi fi # 5.2 if [ "$_kernel52" = "1" ]; then patchy=0 for yup in "${_whitelist52[@]}"; do [[ $pkgver = $yup ]] && patchy=1 done if [ "$patchy" = "1" ]; then msg2 "Applying kernel-5.2.patch for dkms..." patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/kernel-5.2.patch else msg2 "Skipping kernel-5.2.patch as it doesn't apply to this driver version..." fi fi # 5.3 if [ "$_kernel53" = "1" ]; then patchy=0 for yup in "${_whitelist53[@]}"; do [[ $pkgver = $yup ]] && patchy=1 done if [ "$patchy" = "1" ]; then msg2 "Applying kernel-5.3.patch for dkms..." patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/kernel-5.3.patch else msg2 "Skipping kernel-5.3.patch as it doesn't apply to this driver version..." fi fi # 5.4 if [ "$_kernel54" = "1" ]; then patchy=0 for yup in "${_whitelist54[@]}"; do [[ $pkgver = $yup ]] && patchy=1 done if [ "$patchy" = "1" ]; then msg2 "Applying kernel-5.4.patch for dkms..." patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/kernel-5.4.patch else msg2 "Skipping kernel-5.4.patch as it doesn't apply to this driver version..." fi if [[ $pkgver = 435.27.02 ]] || [[ $pkgver = 435.27.03 ]] || [[ $pkgver = 435.27.06 ]] || [[ $pkgver = 435.27.07 ]] || [[ $pkgver = 435.27.08 ]] || [[ $pkgver = 440.26 ]]; then patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/kernel-5.4-symver.diff fi fi # 5.5 if [ "$_kernel55" = "1" ]; then patchy=0 for yup in "${_whitelist55[@]}"; do [[ $pkgver = $yup ]] && patchy=1 done if [ "$patchy" = "1" ]; then msg2 "Applying kernel-5.5.patch for dkms..." patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/kernel-5.5.patch else msg2 "Skipping kernel-5.5.patch as it doesn't apply to this driver version..." fi fi # 5.6 if [ "$_kernel56" = "1" ]; then patchy=0 for yup in "${_whitelist56[@]}"; do [[ $pkgver = $yup ]] && patchy=1 done if [ "$patchy" = "1" ]; then msg2 "Applying kernel-5.6.patch for dkms..." patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/kernel-5.6.patch else msg2 "Skipping kernel-5.6.patch as it doesn't apply to this driver version..." fi if [[ $pkgver = 396* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 410* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 415* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 418.* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 430.0* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 435.* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 440.2* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 440.3* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 440.4* ]]; then msg2 "Applying 5.6-legacy-includes.diff for dkms..." patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/5.6-legacy-includes.diff msg2 "Applying 5.6-ioremap.diff for dkms..." patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/5.6-ioremap.diff elif [[ $pkgver = 440.5* ]]; then msg2 "Applying 5.6-ioremap.diff for dkms..." patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/5.6-ioremap.diff fi fi # 5.7 if [ "$_kernel57" = "1" ]; then patchy=0 for yup in "${_whitelist57[@]}"; do [[ $pkgver = $yup ]] && patchy=1 done if [ "$patchy" = "1" ]; then msg2 "Applying kernel-5.7.patch for dkms..." patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/kernel-5.7.patch else msg2 "Skipping kernel-5.7.patch as it doesn't apply to this driver version..." fi fi # 5.8 if [ "$_kernel58" = "1" ]; then patchy=0 for yup in "${_whitelist58[@]}"; do [[ $pkgver = $yup ]] && patchy=1 done if [ "$patchy" = "1" ]; then msg2 "Applying kernel-5.8.patch for dkms..." patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/kernel-5.8.patch else msg2 "Skipping kernel-5.8.patch as it doesn't apply to this driver version..." fi if [[ $pkgver = 396* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 41* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 43* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 44* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 450.3* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 450.51 ]]; then msg2 "Applying 5.8-legacy.diff for dkms..." patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/5.8-legacy.diff fi fi # 5.9 if [ "$_kernel59" = "1" ]; then patchy=0 for yup in "${_whitelist59[@]}"; do [[ $pkgver = $yup ]] && patchy=1 done if [ "$patchy" = "1" ]; then msg2 "Applying kernel-5.9.patch for dkms..." patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/kernel-5.9.patch else msg2 "Skipping kernel-5.9.patch as it doesn't apply to this driver version..." fi fi # 5.10 if [ "$_kernel510" = "1" ]; then patchy=0 for yup in "${_whitelist510[@]}"; do [[ $pkgver = $yup ]] && patchy=1 done if [ "$patchy" = "1" ]; then msg2 "Applying kernel-5.10.patch for dkms..." patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/kernel-5.10.patch else msg2 "Skipping kernel-5.10.patch as it doesn't apply to this driver version..." fi fi # 5.11 if [ "$_kernel511" = "1" ]; then patchy=0 for yup in "${_whitelist511[@]}"; do [[ $pkgver = $yup ]] && patchy=1 done if [ "$patchy" = "1" ]; then msg2 "Applying kernel-5.11.patch for dkms..." patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/kernel-5.11.patch else msg2 "Skipping kernel-5.11.patch as it doesn't apply to this driver version..." fi if [[ $pkgver = 455.45* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 455.50* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 460.27* ]] && [[ $pkgver != 455.50.19 ]]; then msg2 "Applying 5.11-legacy.diff for $_kernel..." patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/5.11-legacy.diff fi fi # 5.9 - 5.10 quirk if [ "$_kernel59" = "1" ] || [ "$_kernel510" = "1" ]; then if [[ $pkgver = 450* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 455.2* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 455.3* ]]; then msg2 "Applying 5.9-gpl.diff for dkms..." patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/5.9-gpl.diff fi fi # 5.12 if [ "$_kernel512" = "1" ]; then patchy=0 for yup in "${_whitelist512[@]}"; do [[ $pkgver = $yup ]] && patchy=1 done if [ "$patchy" = "1" ]; then msg2 "Applying kernel-5.12.patch for dkms..." patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/kernel-5.12.patch else msg2 "Skipping kernel-5.12.patch as it doesn't apply to this driver version..." fi fi # Legacy quirks if [ "$_oldstuff" = "1" ]; then msg2 "Applying 01-ipmi-vm.diff for dkms..." patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/01-ipmi-vm.diff fi if [ "$_youngeryetoldstuff" = "1" ]; then msg2 "Applying 02-ipmi-vm.diff for dkms..." patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/02-ipmi-vm.diff fi if [[ $pkgver = 396* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 410* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 415* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 418.* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 430.0* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 435.* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 440.2* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 440.3* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 440.43.* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 440.44 ]] && [ "$_54_prime" = "true" ]; then msg2 "Applying kernel-5.4-prime.diff for dkms..." patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/kernel-5.4-prime.diff fi fi } build() { if [ "$_dkms" != "true" ]; then # Build for all kernels local _kernel local -a _kernels mapfile -t _kernels < <(find /usr/lib/modules/*/build/version -exec cat {} + || find /usr/lib/modules/*/extramodules/version -exec cat {} +) for _kernel in "${_kernels[@]}"; do cd "$srcdir"/$_pkg/kernel-$_kernel # Build module msg2 "Building Nvidia module for $_kernel..." make SYSSRC=/usr/lib/modules/$_kernel/build modules done fi } opencl-nvidia-tkg() { pkgdesc="NVIDIA's OpenCL implemention for 'nvidia-utils-tkg'" depends=('zlib') optdepends=('opencl-headers: headers necessary for OpenCL development') provides=("opencl-nvidia=$pkgver" "opencl-nvidia-tkg=$pkgver" 'opencl-driver') conflicts=('opencl-nvidia') cd $_pkg # OpenCL install -Dm644 nvidia.icd "$pkgdir"/etc/OpenCL/vendors/nvidia.icd install -Dm755 libnvidia-compiler.so.$pkgver "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/libnvidia-compiler.so.$pkgver install -Dm755 libnvidia-opencl.so.$pkgver "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/libnvidia-opencl.so.$pkgver # create missing soname links _create_links # License (link) install -d "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/ ln -s nvidia-utils "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/opencl-nvidia } package_opencl-nvidia-tkg() { opencl-nvidia-tkg } package_opencl-nvidia-dev-tkg() { opencl-nvidia-tkg } nvidia-egl-wayland-tkg() { if [[ $pkgver = 396* ]]; then _eglwver="1.0.3" elif [[ $pkgver = 410* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 415* ]]; then _eglwver="1.1.0" elif [[ $pkgver = 418* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 430* ]]; then _eglwver="1.1.2" elif [[ $pkgver = 435* ]]; then _eglwver="1.1.3" elif [[ $pkgver = 44* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 450* ]]; then _eglwver="1.1.4" elif [[ $pkgver = 455* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 460* ]]; then _eglwver="1.1.5" else _eglwver="1.1.7" fi pkgdesc="NVIDIA EGL Wayland library (libnvidia-egl-wayland.so.$_eglwver) for 'nvidia-utils-tkg'" depends=('nvidia-utils-tkg') provides=("egl-wayland" "nvidia-egl-wayland-tkg") conflicts=('egl-wayland') cd $_pkg install -Dm755 libnvidia-egl-wayland.so."${_eglwver}" "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/libnvidia-egl-wayland.so."${_eglwver}" ln -s libnvidia-egl-wayland.so."${_eglwver}" "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/libnvidia-egl-wayland.so.1 ln -s libnvidia-egl-wayland.so.1 "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/libnvidia-egl-wayland.so install -Dm755 10_nvidia_wayland.json "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/egl/egl_external_platform.d/10_nvidia_wayland.json install -Dm755 "$where"/egl-wayland/licenses/egl-wayland/COPYING "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/egl-wayland/COPYING install -Dm755 "$where"/egl-wayland/pkgconfig/wayland-eglstream-protocols.pc "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/pkgconfig/wayland-eglstream-protocols.pc install -Dm755 "$where"/egl-wayland/pkgconfig/wayland-eglstream.pc "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/pkgconfig/wayland-eglstream.pc install -Dm755 "$where"/egl-wayland/wayland-eglstream/wayland-eglstream-controller.xml "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/wayland-eglstream/wayland-eglstream-controller.xml install -Dm755 "$where"/egl-wayland/wayland-eglstream/wayland-eglstream.xml "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/wayland-eglstream/wayland-eglstream.xml sed -i "s/Version:.*/Version: $_eglwver/g" "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/pkgconfig/wayland-eglstream-protocols.pc sed -i "s/Version:.*/Version: $_eglwver/g" "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/pkgconfig/wayland-eglstream.pc } package_nvidia-egl-wayland-tkg() { nvidia-egl-wayland-tkg } package_nvidia-dev-egl-wayland-tkg() { nvidia-egl-wayland-tkg } nvidia-utils-tkg() { pkgdesc="NVIDIA driver utilities and libraries for 'nvidia-tkg'" depends=('xorg-server' 'libglvnd' 'mesa' 'vulkan-icd-loader') optdepends=('gtk2: nvidia-settings (GTK+ v2)' 'gtk3: nvidia-settings (GTK+ v3)' 'opencl-nvidia-tkg: OpenCL support' 'xorg-server-devel: nvidia-xconfig' 'egl-wayland-git: for alternative, more advanced Wayland library (libnvidia-egl-wayland.so)') provides=("nvidia-utils=$pkgver" "nvidia-utils-tkg=$pkgver" 'vulkan-driver' 'opengl-driver' 'nvidia-libgl') conflicts=('nvidia-utils' 'nvidia-libgl') install=nvidia-utils-tkg.install cd $_pkg # X driver install -D -m755 nvidia_drv.so "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.so" if [[ $pkgver = 396* ]]; then # GLX extension module for X install -D -m755 "libglx.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/nvidia/xorg/libglx.so.${pkgver}" ln -s "libglx.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/nvidia/xorg/libglx.so.1" # X doesn't find glx otherwise ln -s "libglx.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/nvidia/xorg/libglx.so" # X doesn't find glx otherwise else # GLX extension module for X install -D -m755 "libglxserver_nvidia.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/nvidia/xorg/libglxserver_nvidia.so.${pkgver}" # Ensure that X finds glx ln -s "libglxserver_nvidia.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/nvidia/xorg/libglxserver_nvidia.so.1" ln -s "libglxserver_nvidia.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/nvidia/xorg/libglxserver_nvidia.so" fi if [[ $pkgver != 396* ]] && [[ $pkgver != 410* ]] && [[ $pkgver != 415* ]]; then # optical flow install -D -m755 "libnvidia-opticalflow.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libnvidia-opticalflow.so.${pkgver}" else # X wrapped software rendering install -D -m755 "libnvidia-wfb.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libnvidia-wfb.so.${pkgver}" fi install -D -m755 "libGLX_nvidia.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libGLX_nvidia.so.${pkgver}" # OpenGL libraries install -D -m755 "libEGL_nvidia.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libEGL_nvidia.so.${pkgver}" install -D -m755 "libGLESv1_CM_nvidia.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libGLESv1_CM_nvidia.so.${pkgver}" install -D -m755 "libGLESv2_nvidia.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libGLESv2_nvidia.so.${pkgver}" install -D -m644 "10_nvidia.json" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/glvnd/egl_vendor.d/10_nvidia.json" # OpenGL core library install -D -m755 "libnvidia-glcore.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libnvidia-glcore.so.${pkgver}" install -D -m755 "libnvidia-eglcore.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libnvidia-eglcore.so.${pkgver}" install -D -m755 "libnvidia-glsi.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libnvidia-glsi.so.${pkgver}" # misc install -D -m755 "libnvidia-ifr.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libnvidia-ifr.so.${pkgver}" install -D -m755 "libnvidia-fbc.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libnvidia-fbc.so.${pkgver}" install -D -m755 "libnvidia-encode.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libnvidia-encode.so.${pkgver}" install -D -m755 "libnvidia-cfg.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libnvidia-cfg.so.${pkgver}" install -D -m755 "libnvidia-ml.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libnvidia-ml.so.${pkgver}" install -D -m755 "libnvidia-glvkspirv.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libnvidia-glvkspirv.so.${pkgver}" # Allocator library if [[ -e libnvidia-allocator.so.${pkgver} ]]; then install -D -m755 "libnvidia-allocator.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libnvidia-allocator.so.${pkgver}" fi if [[ $pkgver != 396* ]]; then # Ray tracing install -D -m755 "libnvoptix.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libnvoptix.so.${pkgver}" install -D -m755 "libnvidia-rtcore.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libnvidia-rtcore.so.${pkgver}" install -D -m755 "libnvidia-cbl.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libnvidia-cbl.so.${pkgver}" fi # Vulkan ICD if [[ $pkgver != 396* ]] && [[ $pkgver != 410* ]] && [[ $pkgver != 415* ]] && [[ $pkgver != 418* ]] && [[ $pkgver != 430* ]]; then install -D -m644 "nvidia_icd.json" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/nvidia_icd.json" else install -D -m644 "nvidia_icd.json.template" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/nvidia_icd.json" fi if [ -e nvidia_layers.json ]; then install -D -m644 "nvidia_layers.json" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/vulkan/explicit_layer.d/nvidia_layers.json" fi # VDPAU install -D -m755 "libvdpau_nvidia.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/vdpau/libvdpau_nvidia.so.${pkgver}" # nvidia-tls library install -D -m755 "libnvidia-tls.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libnvidia-tls.so.${pkgver}" if [[ $pkgver = 396* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 410* ]]; then install -D -m755 "tls/libnvidia-tls.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/tls/libnvidia-tls.so.${pkgver}" fi # CUDA install -D -m755 "libcuda.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libcuda.so.${pkgver}" install -D -m755 "libnvcuvid.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libnvcuvid.so.${pkgver}" # PTX JIT Compiler (Parallel Thread Execution (PTX) is a pseudo-assembly language for CUDA) install -D -m755 "libnvidia-ptxjitcompiler.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libnvidia-ptxjitcompiler.so.${pkgver}" # nvvm if [[ $pkgver = 470* ]]; then install -D -m755 "libnvidia-nvvm.so.4.0.0" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libnvidia-nvvm.so.4.0.0" fi # wine nvngx lib if [[ $pkgver = 470* ]]; then install -D -m755 "_nvngx.dll" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/nvidia/wine/_nvngx.dll" install -D -m755 "nvngx.dll" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/nvidia/wine/nvngx.dll" fi # Fat (multiarchitecture) binary loader if [[ $pkgver = 396* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 41* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 43* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 44* ]]; then install -D -m755 "libnvidia-fatbinaryloader.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libnvidia-fatbinaryloader.so.${pkgver}" else install -D -m755 "libnvidia-ngx.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libnvidia-ngx.so.${pkgver}" if (( ${pkgver%%.*} >= 470 )); then install -D -m755 "nvngx.dll" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/nvngx.dll" install -D -m755 "_nvngx.dll" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/_nvngx.dll" fi fi if (( ${pkgver%%.*} >= 455 )); then install -D -m755 nvidia-ngx-updater "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/nvidia-ngx-updater" fi # DEBUG install -D -m755 nvidia-debugdump "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/nvidia-debugdump" # nvidia-xconfig install -D -m755 nvidia-xconfig "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/nvidia-xconfig" install -D -m644 nvidia-xconfig.1.gz "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1/nvidia-xconfig.1.gz" # nvidia-bug-report install -D -m755 nvidia-bug-report.sh "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/nvidia-bug-report.sh" # nvidia-smi install -D -m755 nvidia-smi "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/nvidia-smi" install -D -m644 nvidia-smi.1.gz "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1/nvidia-smi.1.gz" # nvidia-cuda-mps install -D -m755 nvidia-cuda-mps-server "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/nvidia-cuda-mps-server" install -D -m755 nvidia-cuda-mps-control "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/nvidia-cuda-mps-control" install -D -m644 nvidia-cuda-mps-control.1.gz "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1/nvidia-cuda-mps-control.1.gz" # nvidia-modprobe # This should be removed if nvidia fixed their uvm module! install -D -m4755 nvidia-modprobe "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/nvidia-modprobe" install -D -m644 nvidia-modprobe.1.gz "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1/nvidia-modprobe.1.gz" # nvidia-persistenced install -D -m755 nvidia-persistenced "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/nvidia-persistenced" install -D -m644 nvidia-persistenced.1.gz "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1/nvidia-persistenced.1.gz" install -D -m644 nvidia-persistenced-init/systemd/nvidia-persistenced.service.template "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/nvidia-persistenced.service" sed -i 's/__USER__/nvidia-persistenced/' "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/nvidia-persistenced.service" # application profiles install -D -m644 nvidia-application-profiles-${pkgver}-rc "${pkgdir}/usr/share/nvidia/nvidia-application-profiles-${pkgver}-rc" install -D -m644 nvidia-application-profiles-${pkgver}-key-documentation "${pkgdir}/usr/share/nvidia/nvidia-application-profiles-${pkgver}-key-documentation" install -D -m644 LICENSE "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/nvidia-utils/LICENSE" install -D -m644 README.txt "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/nvidia/README" install -D -m644 NVIDIA_Changelog "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/nvidia/NVIDIA_Changelog" cp -r html "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/nvidia/" ln -s nvidia "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/nvidia-utils" if [[ $pkgver != 396* ]] && [[ $pkgver != 415* ]] && [[ $pkgver != 418* ]]; then if (( ${pkgver%%.*} >= 465 )); then _path_addon1="systemd/system/" _path_addon2="systemd/system-sleep/" _path_addon3="systemd/" fi # new power management support install -D -m644 ${_path_addon1}nvidia-suspend.service "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/nvidia-suspend.service" install -D -m644 ${_path_addon1}nvidia-hibernate.service "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/nvidia-hibernate.service" install -D -m644 ${_path_addon1}nvidia-resume.service "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/nvidia-resume.service" install -D -m755 ${_path_addon2}nvidia "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system-sleep/nvidia" install -D -m755 ${_path_addon3}nvidia-sleep.sh "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/nvidia-sleep.sh" fi # gsp firmware if (( ${pkgver%%.*} >= 465 )); then install -D -m644 firmware/gsp.bin "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/firmware/nvidia/${pkgver}/gsp.bin" fi # Distro-specific files must be installed in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/10-nvidia-drm-outputclass.conf "$pkgdir"/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-nvidia-drm-outputclass.conf install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/nvidia-utils-tkg.sysusers "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/sysusers.d/$pkgname.conf _create_links } package_nvidia-utils-tkg() { nvidia-utils-tkg } package_nvidia-dev-utils-tkg() { nvidia-utils-tkg } nvidia-settings-tkg() { pkgdesc='Tool for configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver' depends=("nvidia-utils-tkg>=${pkgver}" 'gtk3') provides=("nvidia-settings=${pkgver}" "nvidia-settings-tkg=${pkgver}") conflicts=('nvidia-settings') cd "$_pkg" install -D -m755 nvidia-settings -t "${pkgdir}/usr/bin" install -D -m644 nvidia-settings.1.gz -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1" install -D -m644 nvidia-settings.png -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/pixmaps" install -D -m644 nvidia-settings.desktop -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications" sed -e 's:__UTILS_PATH__:/usr/bin:' -e 's:__PIXMAP_PATH__:/usr/share/pixmaps:' -i "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/nvidia-settings.desktop" install -D -m755 "libnvidia-gtk3.so.${pkgver}" -t "${pkgdir}/usr/lib" # license install -D -m644 LICENSE -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}" } package_nvidia-settings-tkg() { nvidia-settings-tkg } package_nvidia-dev-settings-tkg() { nvidia-settings-tkg } if [ "$_dkms" = "false" ] || [ "$_dkms" = "full" ]; then nvidia-tkg() { pkgdesc="Full NVIDIA drivers' package for all kernels on the system (drivers and shared utilities and libraries)" depends=("nvidia-utils-tkg>=$pkgver" 'libglvnd') provides=("nvidia=$pkgver" "nvidia-tkg>=$pkgver") conflicts=('nvidia-96xx' 'nvidia-173xx' 'nvidia') install=nvidia-tkg.install # Install for all kernels local _kernel local -a _kernels mapfile -t _kernels < <(find /usr/lib/modules/*/build/version -exec cat {} + || find /usr/lib/modules/*/extramodules/version -exec cat {} +) for _kernel in "${_kernels[@]}"; do install -D -m644 "${_pkg}/kernel-${_kernel}/"nvidia{,-drm,-modeset,-uvm}.ko -t "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/modules/${_kernel}/extramodules" if [[ ${pkgver%%.*} = 465 ]]; then install -D -m644 "${_pkg}/kernel-${_kernel}/"nvidia-peermem.ko -t "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/modules/${_kernel}/extramodules" install -D -m644 "${_pkg}/kernel-${_kernel}/"nvidia-ib-peermem-stub.ko -t "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/modules/${_kernel}/extramodules" fi find "$pkgdir" -name '*.ko' -exec gzip -n {} + done echo "blacklist nouveau" | install -Dm644 /dev/stdin "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/modprobe.d/${pkgname}.conf" } package_nvidia-tkg() { nvidia-tkg } package_nvidia-dev-tkg() { nvidia-tkg } fi lib32-opencl-nvidia-tkg() { pkgdesc="NVIDIA's OpenCL implemention for 'lib32-nvidia-utils-tkg' " depends=('lib32-zlib' 'lib32-gcc-libs') optdepends=('opencl-headers: headers necessary for OpenCL development') provides=("lib32-opencl-nvidia=$pkgver" "lib32-opencl-nvidia-tkg=$pkgver" 'lib32-opencl-driver') conflicts=('lib32-opencl-nvidia') cd $_pkg/32 # OpenCL install -D -m755 libnvidia-compiler.so.$pkgver "$pkgdir"/usr/lib32/libnvidia-compiler.so.$pkgver install -D -m755 libnvidia-opencl.so.$pkgver "$pkgdir"/usr/lib32/libnvidia-opencl.so.$pkgver # create missing soname links _create_links # License (link) install -d "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/ ln -s nvidia-utils/ "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/lib32-opencl-nvidia } package_lib32-opencl-nvidia-tkg() { lib32-opencl-nvidia-tkg } package_lib32-opencl-nvidia-dev-tkg() { lib32-opencl-nvidia-tkg } lib32-nvidia-utils-tkg() { pkgdesc="NVIDIA driver utilities and libraries for 'nvidia-tkg' (32-bit)" depends=('lib32-zlib' 'lib32-gcc-libs' 'nvidia-utils-tkg' 'lib32-libglvnd' 'lib32-mesa' 'lib32-vulkan-icd-loader') optdepends=('lib32-opencl-nvidia-tkg: OpenCL support') provides=("lib32-nvidia-utils=$pkgver" "lib32-nvidia-utils-tkg=$pkgver" 'lib32-vulkan-driver' 'lib32-opengl-driver' 'lib32-nvidia-libgl') conflicts=('lib32-nvidia-utils' 'lib32-nvidia-libgl') cd $_pkg/32 install -D -m755 "libGLX_nvidia.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib32/libGLX_nvidia.so.${pkgver}" # OpenGL libraries install -D -m755 "libEGL_nvidia.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib32/libEGL_nvidia.so.${pkgver}" install -D -m755 "libGLESv1_CM_nvidia.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib32/libGLESv1_CM_nvidia.so.${pkgver}" install -D -m755 "libGLESv2_nvidia.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib32/libGLESv2_nvidia.so.${pkgver}" # OpenGL core library install -D -m755 "libnvidia-glcore.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib32/libnvidia-glcore.so.${pkgver}" install -D -m755 "libnvidia-eglcore.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib32/libnvidia-eglcore.so.${pkgver}" install -D -m755 "libnvidia-glsi.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib32/libnvidia-glsi.so.${pkgver}" # Allocator library if [[ -e libnvidia-allocator.so.${pkgver} ]]; then install -D -m755 "libnvidia-allocator.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib32/libnvidia-allocator.so.${pkgver}" fi install -D -m755 "libnvidia-ifr.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib32/libnvidia-ifr.so.${pkgver}" install -D -m755 "libnvidia-fbc.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib32/libnvidia-fbc.so.${pkgver}" install -D -m755 "libnvidia-encode.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib32/libnvidia-encode.so.${pkgver}" install -D -m755 "libnvidia-ml.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib32/libnvidia-ml.so.${pkgver}" install -D -m755 "libnvidia-glvkspirv.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib32/libnvidia-glvkspirv.so.${pkgver}" # VDPAU install -D -m755 "libvdpau_nvidia.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib32/vdpau/libvdpau_nvidia.so.${pkgver}" # nvidia-tls library install -D -m755 "libnvidia-tls.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib32/libnvidia-tls.so.${pkgver}" if [[ $pkgver = 396* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 410* ]]; then install -D -m755 "tls/libnvidia-tls.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib32/tls/libnvidia-tls.so.${pkgver}" fi # CUDA install -D -m755 "libcuda.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib32/libcuda.so.${pkgver}" install -D -m755 "libnvcuvid.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib32/libnvcuvid.so.${pkgver}" # PTX JIT Compiler (Parallel Thread Execution (PTX) is a pseudo-assembly language for CUDA) install -D -m755 "libnvidia-ptxjitcompiler.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib32/libnvidia-ptxjitcompiler.so.${pkgver}" # Fat (multiarchitecture) binary loader if [[ $pkgver = 396* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 41* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 43* ]] || [[ $pkgver = 44* ]]; then install -D -m755 "libnvidia-fatbinaryloader.so.${pkgver}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib32/libnvidia-fatbinaryloader.so.${pkgver}" fi _create_links rm -rf "${pkgdir}"/usr/{include,share,bin} mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses" ln -s nvidia-utils/ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}" } package_lib32-nvidia-utils-tkg() { lib32-nvidia-utils-tkg } package_lib32-nvidia-dev-utils-tkg() { lib32-nvidia-utils-tkg } if [ "$_dkms" = "true" ] || [ "$_dkms" = "full" ]; then nvidia-dkms-tkg() { pkgdesc="NVIDIA kernel module sources (DKMS)" depends=('dkms' "nvidia-utils-tkg>=${pkgver}" 'nvidia-libgl' 'pahole') provides=("nvidia=${pkgver}" 'nvidia-dkms' "nvidia-dkms-tkg=${pkgver}" 'NVIDIA-MODULE') conflicts=('nvidia' 'nvidia-dkms') cd ${_pkg} install -dm 755 "${pkgdir}"/usr/{lib/modprobe.d,src} cp -dr --no-preserve='ownership' kernel-dkms "${pkgdir}/usr/src/nvidia-${pkgver}" echo "blacklist nouveau" | install -Dm644 /dev/stdin "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/modprobe.d/${pkgname}.conf" install -Dt "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}" -m644 "${srcdir}/${_pkg}/LICENSE" } package_nvidia-dkms-tkg() { nvidia-dkms-tkg } package_nvidia-dev-dkms-tkg() { nvidia-dkms-tkg } fi function exit_cleanup { # Sanitization rm -f "${where}"/options rm -f "${where}"/*.conf rm -f "${where}"/*.install rm -f "${where}"/*.patch rm -f "${where}"/*.diff rm -f "${where}"/nvidia-utils-tkg.sysusers rm -rf "${where}"/egl-wayland rm -rf "${where}"/src/* # Put the built packages in a versioned dir - overwrite if needed if [ "$_local_package_storing" = "true" ]; then rm -rf "${where}/${pkgver}-packages" && mkdir -p "${where}/${pkgver}-packages" && mv "${where}/"*.pkg.* "${where}/${pkgver}-packages"/ >/dev/null 2>&1 fi remove_deps msg2 'exit cleanup done' } trap exit_cleanup EXIT