You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

23 lines
506 B

# Example for $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sxiv/exec/image-info
# Called by sxiv(1) whenever an image gets loaded.
# The output is displayed in sxiv's status bar.
# Arguments:
# $1: path to image file
# $2: image width
# $3: image height
s=" | " # field separator
exec 2>/dev/null
filename=$(basename -- "$1")
filesize=$(du -Hh -- "$1" | cut -f 1)
tags=$(identify -format '%[IPTC:2:25]' ":$1" | tr ';' ',')
echo "${filesize}${s}${geometry}${tags:+$s}${tags}${s}${filename}"