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//! The notcurses types are defined and/or explained here
use crate as nc;
/// RGB: 24 bits broken into 3x 8bpp channels.
/// type in C: no data type
pub type Rgb = u32;
/// 8 bpp channel
/// CCCCCCCC (1 Byte)
/// Used both for R/G/B color and 8 bit alpha
/// type in C: no data type
pub type Color = u8;
/// Channel: 32 bits of context-dependent info
/// containing RGB + 2 bits of alpha + crap
/// It is:
/// - an RGB value
/// - plus 2 bits of alpha
/// - plus context-dependent info
/// The context details are documented in ChannelPair,
/// type in C: channel (uint32_t)
pub type Channel = u32;
/// 2 bits of alpha (surrounded by context dependent bits).
/// It is part of a Channel.
/// ~~AA~~~~ -------- -------- --------
/// type in C: no data type
pub type AlphaBits = u32;
/// Channels: 64 bits containing a foreground and background channel
/// ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ foreground ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑|↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ background ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑
/// Detailed info (specially on the context-dependent bits on the 4th byte;
/// ~foreground channel~
/// part of a wide glyph: ↓bits view↓ ↓hex view↓
/// 1······· ········ ········ ········ ········ ········ ········ ········ = 8······· ········
/// foreground is *not* "default color":
/// ·1······ ········ ········ ········ ········ ········ ········ ········ = 4······· ········
/// foreground alpha (2bits):
/// ··11···· ········ ········ ········ ········ ········ ········ ········ = 3······· ········
/// foreground uses palette index:
/// ····1··· ········ ········ ········ ········ ········ ········ ········ = ·8······ ········
/// glyph is entirely foreground:
/// ·····1·· ········ ········ ········ ········ ········ ········ ········ = ·4······ ········
/// reserved, must be 0:
/// ······00 ········ ········ ········ ········ ········ ········ ········ = ·3······ ········
/// foreground in 3x8 RGB (rrggbb):
/// ········ 11111111 11111111 11111111 ········ ········ ········ ········ = ··FFFFFF ········
/// ~background channel~
/// reserved, must be 0: ↓bits view↓ ↓hex view↓
/// ········ ········ ········ ········ 0······· ········ ········ ········ = ········ 8·······
/// background is *not* "default color":
/// ········ ········ ········ ········ ·1······ ········ ········ ········ = ········ 4·······
/// background alpha (2 bits):
/// ········ ········ ········ ········ ··11···· ········ ········ ········ = ········ 3·······
/// background uses palette index:
/// ········ ········ ········ ········ ····1··· ········ ········ ········ = ········ ·8······
/// reserved, must be 0:
/// ········ ········ ········ ········ ·····000 ········ ········ ········ = ········ ·7······
/// background in 3x8 RGB (rrggbb):
/// 0········ ········ ········ ········ ········11111111 11111111 11111111 = ········ ··FFFFFF
/// At render time, these 24-bit values are quantized down to terminal
/// capabilities, if necessary. There's a clear path to 10-bit support should
/// we one day need it, but keep things cagey for now. "default color" is
/// best explained by color(3NCURSES). ours is the same concept. until the
/// "not default color" bit is set, any color you load will be ignored.
/// type in C: channels (uint64_t)
pub type ChannelPair = u64;
/// Pixel (RGBA): 32 bits broken into RGB + 8-bit alpha
/// ncpixel has 8 bits of alpha, more or less linear, contributing
/// directly to the usual alpha blending equation
/// we map the 8 bits of alpha to 2 bits of alpha via a level function:
/// type in C: ncpixel (uint32_t)
// NOTE: the order of the colors is different than channel. Why.
pub type Pixel = u32;
// Cell: 128 bits tying together a:
// 1. GCluster, 32b, either or:
// 2. GCluster backstop, 8b, (zero)
// 00000000
// 3. reserved, 8b (ought to be zero)
// ~~~~~~~~
// 4. Stylemask, 16b
// 11111111 11111111
// 5. Channels (64b)
// type in C: cell (struct)
pub type Cell = nc::cell;
/// EGC (Extended Grapheme Cluster)
/// This 32 bit char, together with the associated plane's associated egcpool,
/// completely define this cell's EGC. Unless the EGC requires more than four
/// bytes to encode as UTF-8, it will be inlined here:
/// extended grapheme cluster <= 4bytes
/// If more than four bytes are required, it will be spilled into the egcpool.
/// In either case, there's a NUL-terminated string available without copying,
/// because (1) the egcpool is all NUL-terminated sequences and (2) the fifth
/// byte of this struct (the GClusterBackStop field, see below) is
/// guaranteed to be zero, as are any unused bytes in gcluster.
/// A spilled EGC is indicated by the value 0x01iiiiii. This cannot alias a
/// true supra-ASCII EGC, because UTF-8 only encodes bytes <= 0x80 when they
/// are single-byte ASCII-derived values. The iiiiii is interpreted as a 24-bit
/// index into the egcpool (which may thus be up to 16MB):
/// 00000001 iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii
/// sign 24bit index to egpool
/// The cost of this scheme is that the character 0x01 (SOH) cannot be encoded
/// in a cell, and therefore it must not be allowed through the API.
/// -----
/// NOTE that even if the EGC is <= 4 bytes and inlined, is still interpreted a
/// a NUL-terminated char * (technically, &cell->gcluster is treated as a char*).
/// If it is more than 4 bytes, cell->gcluster has a first byte of 0x01,
/// and the remaining 24 bits are an index into the plane's egcpool,
/// which is carved into NUL-terminated chunks of arbitrary length.
/// type in C: gcluster (uint32_t)
// WIP towards a safe abstraction for Cell & functions receiving
pub type EGC = char;
// pub type EGCPool<'a> = &'a[u8];
pub type CellGcluster = u32; // the type cell.gcluster expects the EGB to be
/// EGC BackStop
/// type in C: cell.gcluster_backstop
pub type EGCBackstop = u8;
/// StyleMask
/// 16 bits NCSTYLE_* of boolean styling attributes:
/// 11111111 11111111
/// type in C: stylemask (uint16_t)
pub type StyleMask = u16;
// Plane: fundamental drawing surface. unites a:
// - CellMatrix
// - EGCPool
// type in C: ncplane (struct)
pub type Plane = nc::ncplane;
// EGCPool: contiguous region chopped up into NUL-terminated UTF8 EGCs, one per plane
// type in C: egcpool (struct)
// CellMatrix: rectilinear array of Cells
// one -- fb per plane, and transients show up ?
/// 8-bit value used for indexing into a palette
pub type PaletteIndex = u8;
pub type Palette = nc::palette256;
/// 32-bit signed value used to return errors, when value < 0, (usually -1)
pub type IntResult = i32;
pub type Align = nc::ncalign_e;
pub const ALIGN_LEFT: Align = nc::ncalign_e_NCALIGN_LEFT;
pub const ALIGN_RIGHT: Align = nc::ncalign_e_NCALIGN_RIGHT;
pub const ALIGN_CENTER: Align = nc::ncalign_e_NCALIGN_CENTER;
pub type DirectMode = nc::ncdirect;