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28 lines
860 B

use std::thread::sleep;
use std::time::Duration;
use cstr_core::CString;
use libnotcurses_sys as nc;
fn main() {
unsafe {
let ncd = nc::ncdirect_start();
let (mut cy, mut cx) = (0,0);
nc::ncdirect_cursor_yx(ncd, &mut cy, &mut cx);
nc::ncdirect_putstr(ncd, 0, CString::new(format!("({},{})\n", cy, cx)).unwrap().as_ptr());
// ISSUE 1: printing without a newline doesn't update the screen
sleep(Duration::new(2, 0));
nc::ncdirect_putstr(ncd, 0, CString::new("HELLO").unwrap().as_ptr());
sleep(Duration::new(2, 0));
nc::ncdirect_putstr(ncd, 0, CString::new("WORLD").unwrap().as_ptr());
nc::ncdirect_cursor_yx(ncd, &mut cy, &mut cx);
nc::ncdirect_putstr(ncd, 0, CString::new(format!("({},{})\n", cy, cx)).unwrap().as_ptr());