You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1080 lines
30 KiB

#include <ncurses.h> // needed for some definitions, see terminfo(3ncurses)
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstring>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <readline/readline.h>
#include "version.h"
#include "visual-details.h"
#include "notcurses/direct.h"
#include "internal.h"
static inline uint64_t
ncdirect_channels(const ncdirect* nc){
return nc->channels;
static inline bool
ncdirect_fg_default_p(const struct ncdirect* nc){
return channels_fg_default_p(ncdirect_channels(nc));
static inline bool
ncdirect_bg_default_p(const struct ncdirect* nc){
return channels_bg_default_p(ncdirect_channels(nc));
int ncdirect_putstr(ncdirect* nc, uint64_t channels, const char* utf8){
return -1;
}else if(channels_fg_palindex_p(channels)){
if(ncdirect_set_fg_palindex(nc, channels_fg_palindex(channels))){
return -1;
}else if(ncdirect_set_fg_rgb(nc, channels_fg_rgb(channels))){
return -1;
return -1;
}else if(channels_bg_palindex_p(channels)){
if(ncdirect_set_bg_palindex(nc, channels_bg_palindex(channels))){
return -1;
}else if(ncdirect_set_bg_rgb(nc, channels_bg_rgb(channels))){
return -1;
return fprintf(nc->ttyfp, "%s", utf8);
int ncdirect_cursor_up(ncdirect* nc, int num){
if(num < 0){
return -1;
return -1;
return term_emit("cuu", tiparm(nc->tcache.cuu, num), nc->ttyfp, false);
int ncdirect_cursor_left(ncdirect* nc, int num){
if(num < 0){
return -1;
return -1;
return term_emit("cub", tiparm(nc->tcache.cub, num), nc->ttyfp, false);
int ncdirect_cursor_right(ncdirect* nc, int num){
if(num < 0){
return -1;
if(!nc->tcache.cuf){ // FIXME fall back to cuf1
return -1;
return term_emit("cuf", tiparm(nc->tcache.cuf, num), nc->ttyfp, false);
int ncdirect_cursor_down(ncdirect* nc, int num){
if(num < 0){
return -1;
return -1;
return term_emit("cud", tiparm(nc->tcache.cud, num), nc->ttyfp, false);
int ncdirect_clear(ncdirect* nc){
return -1; // FIXME scroll output off the screen
return term_emit("clear", nc->tcache.clearscr, nc->ttyfp, true);
int ncdirect_dim_x(const ncdirect* nc){
int x;
if(nc->ctermfd >= 0){
if(update_term_dimensions(nc->ctermfd, nullptr, &x) == 0){
return x;
return 80; // lol
return -1;
int ncdirect_dim_y(const ncdirect* nc){
int y;
if(nc->ctermfd >= 0){
if(update_term_dimensions(nc->ctermfd, &y, nullptr) == 0){
return y;
return 24; // lol
return -1;
int ncdirect_cursor_enable(ncdirect* nc){
return -1;
return term_emit("cnorm", nc->tcache.cnorm, nc->ttyfp, true);
int ncdirect_cursor_disable(ncdirect* nc){
return -1;
return term_emit("civis", nc->tcache.civis, nc->ttyfp, true);
int ncdirect_cursor_move_yx(ncdirect* n, int y, int x){
if(y == -1){ // keep row the same, horizontal move only
return -1;
return term_emit("hpa", tiparm(n->tcache.hpa, x), n->ttyfp, false);
}else if(x == -1){ // keep column the same, vertical move only
return -1;
return term_emit("vpa", tiparm(n->tcache.vpa, y), n->ttyfp, false);
return term_emit("cup", tiparm(n->tcache.cup, y, x), n->ttyfp, false);
}else if(n->tcache.vpa && n->tcache.hpa){
if(term_emit("hpa", tiparm(n->tcache.hpa, x), n->ttyfp, false) == 0 &&
term_emit("vpa", tiparm(n->tcache.vpa, y), n->ttyfp, false) == 0){
return 0;
return -1;
static int
cursor_yx_get(int ttyfd, int* y, int* x){
if(write(ttyfd, "\033[6n", 4) != 4){
return -1;
bool done = false;
enum { // what we expect now
CURSOR_ESC, // 27 (0x1b)
CURSOR_ROW, // delimited by a semicolon
} state = CURSOR_ESC;
int row = 0, column = 0;
char in;
while(read(ttyfd, &in, 1) == 1){
bool valid = false;
case CURSOR_ESC: valid = (in == NCKEY_ESC); state = CURSOR_LSQUARE; break;
case CURSOR_LSQUARE: valid = (in == '['); state = CURSOR_ROW; break;
row *= 10;
row += in - '0';
valid = true;
}else if(in == ';'){
valid = true;
column *= 10;
column += in - '0';
valid = true;
}else if(in == 'R'){
state = CURSOR_R;
valid = true;
case CURSOR_R: default: // logical error, whoops
fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected result from terminal: %d\n", in);
if(state == CURSOR_R){
done = true;
return -1;
*y = row;
*x = column;
return 0;
// an algorithm to detect inverted cursor reporting on terminals 2x2 or larger:
// * get initial cursor position / push cursor position
// * move right using cursor-independent routines
// * move up using cursor-independent routines
// * get cursor position
// * if cursor position is unchanged, either cursor reporting is broken, or
// we started in the upper-right corner. determine the latter by checking
// terminal dimensions. if we were in the upper-right corner, move somewhere
// else and retry.
// * if cursor coordinate changed in only one dimension, we were either on the
// right side, or along the top row, but not both. determine which one, and
// determine whether we're inverted.
// * if both dimensions changed, determine whether we're inverted by checking
// the change. the row ought have decreased; the column ought have increased.
// * move back to intiial position / pop cursor position
static int
detect_cursor_inversion(ncdirect* n, int rows, int cols, int* y, int* x){
if(rows <= 1 || cols <= 1){ // FIXME can this be made to work in 1 dimension?
return -1;
if(cursor_yx_get(n->ctermfd, y, x)){
return -1;
if(*x == cols && *y == 1){
if(ncdirect_cursor_down(n, 1) || ncdirect_cursor_left(n, 1)){
return -1;
if(ncdirect_cursor_right(n, 1) || ncdirect_cursor_up(n, 1)){
return -1;
return -1;
int newy, newx;
if(cursor_yx_get(n->ctermfd, &newy, &newx)){
return -1;
if(*x == cols && *y == 1){ // need to swap values, since we moved opposite
*x = newx;
newx = cols;
*y = newy;
newy = 1;
if(*y == newy && *x == newx){
return -1; // hopelessly broken
}else if(*x == newx){
// we only changed one, supposedly the number of rows. if we were on the
// top row before, the reply is inverted.
if(*y == 0){
n->inverted_cursor = true;
}else if(*y == newy){
// we only changed one, supposedly the number of columns. if we were on the
// rightmost column before, the reply is inverted.
if(*x == cols){
n->inverted_cursor = true;
// the row ought have decreased, and the column ought have increased. if it
// went the other way, the reply is inverted.
if(newy > *y && newx < *x){
n->inverted_cursor = true;
n->detected_cursor_inversion = true;
return 0;
static int
detect_cursor_inversion_wrapper(ncdirect* n, int* y, int* x){
const int toty = ncdirect_dim_y(n);
const int totx = ncdirect_dim_x(n);
return -1; // FIXME work around lack of sc
int ret = detect_cursor_inversion(n, toty, totx, y, x);
return -1;
return ret;
// no terminfo capability for this. dangerous--it involves writing controls to
// the terminal, and then reading a response. many things can distupt this
// non-atomic procedure, leading to unexpected results. a garbage function.
int ncdirect_cursor_yx(ncdirect* n, int* y, int* x){
struct termios termio, oldtermios;
// this is only meaningful for real terminals
if(n->ctermfd < 0){
return -1;
if(tcgetattr(n->ctermfd, &termio)){
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get terminal info from %d (%s)\n", n->ctermfd, strerror(errno));
return -1;
memcpy(&oldtermios, &termio, sizeof(termio));
// we might already be in cbreak mode from ncdirect_init(), but just in case
// it got changed by the client code since then, duck into cbreak mode anew.
termio.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO);
if(tcsetattr(n->ctermfd, TCSAFLUSH, &termio)){
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't put terminal into cbreak mode via %d (%s)\n",
n->ctermfd, strerror(errno));
return -1;
int ret, yval, xval;
y = &yval;
x = &xval;
ret = detect_cursor_inversion_wrapper(n, y, x);
ret = cursor_yx_get(n->ctermfd, y, x);
if(ret == 0){
int tmp = *y;
*y = *x;
*x = tmp;
// we use 0-based coordinates, but known terminals use 1-based coordinates
if(tcsetattr(n->ctermfd, TCSANOW, &oldtermios)){
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't restore terminal mode on %d (%s)\n",
n->ctermfd, strerror(errno)); // don't return error for this
return ret;
int ncdirect_cursor_push(ncdirect* n){
if(n-> == nullptr){
return -1;
return term_emit("sc", n->, n->ttyfp, false);
int ncdirect_cursor_pop(ncdirect* n){
if(n->tcache.rc == nullptr){
return -1;
return term_emit("rc", n->tcache.rc, n->ttyfp, false);
static inline int
ncdirect_align(const struct ncdirect* n, ncalign_e align, int c){
if(align == NCALIGN_LEFT){
return 0;
int cols = ncdirect_dim_x(n);
if(c > cols){
return 0;
if(align == NCALIGN_CENTER){
return (cols - c) / 2;
}else if(align == NCALIGN_RIGHT){
return cols - c;
return INT_MAX;
static int
ncdirect_dump_plane(ncdirect* n, const ncplane* np, int xoff){
const int toty = ncdirect_dim_y(n);
int dimy, dimx;
ncplane_dim_yx(np, &dimy, &dimx);
//fprintf(stderr, "rasterizing %dx%d+%d\n", dimy, dimx, xoff);
// save the existing style and colors
const bool fgdefault = ncdirect_fg_default_p(n);
const bool bgdefault = ncdirect_bg_default_p(n);
const uint32_t fgrgb = channels_fg_rgb(n->channels);
const uint32_t bgrgb = channels_bg_rgb(n->channels);
for(int y = 0 ; y < dimy ; ++y){
if(ncdirect_cursor_move_yx(n, -1, xoff)){
return -1;
for(int x = 0 ; x < dimx ; ++x){
uint16_t stylemask;
uint64_t channels;
char* egc = ncplane_at_yx(np, y, x, &stylemask, &channels);
if(egc == nullptr){
return -1;
if(channels_fg_alpha(channels) == CELL_ALPHA_TRANSPARENT){
ncdirect_set_fg_rgb(n, channels_fg_rgb(channels));
if(channels_bg_alpha(channels) == CELL_ALPHA_TRANSPARENT){
ncdirect_set_bg_rgb(n, channels_bg_rgb(channels));
//fprintf(stderr, "%03d/%03d [%s] (%03dx%03d)\n", y, x, egc, dimy, dimx);
if(fprintf(n->ttyfp, "%s", strlen(egc) == 0 ? " " : egc) < 0){
return -1;
// yes, we want to reset colors and emit an explicit new line following
// each line of output; this is necessary if our output is lifted out and
// used in something e.g. paste(1).
// FIXME replace with a SGR clear
if(putc('\n', n->ttyfp) == EOF){
return -1;
if(y == toty){
if(ncdirect_cursor_down(n, 1)){
return -1;
// restore the previous colors
ncdirect_set_fg_rgb(n, fgrgb);
ncdirect_set_bg_rgb(n, bgrgb);
return 0;
int ncdirect_raster_frame(ncdirect* n, ncdirectv* ncdv, ncalign_e align){
int lenx = ncplane_dim_x(ncdv);
int xoff = ncdirect_align(n, align, lenx);
if(ncdirect_dump_plane(n, ncdv, xoff)){
return -1;
int r = ncdirect_flush(n);
return r;
ncdirectv* ncdirect_render_frame(ncdirect* n, const char* file,
ncblitter_e blitter, ncscale_e scale){
struct ncvisual* ncv = ncvisual_from_file(file);
if(ncv == nullptr){
return nullptr;
//fprintf(stderr, "OUR DATA: %p rows/cols: %d/%d\n", ncv->data, ncv->rows, ncv->cols);
int leny = ncv->rows; // we allow it to freely scroll
int lenx = ncv->cols;
if(leny == 0 || lenx == 0){
return nullptr;
//fprintf(stderr, "render %d/%d to %d+%d scaling: %d\n", ncv->rows, ncv->cols, leny, lenx, scale);
auto bset = rgba_blitter_low(n->utf8, n->tcache.sextants, scale, true, blitter);
return nullptr;
int disprows, dispcols;
if(scale != NCSCALE_NONE && scale != NCSCALE_NONE_HIRES){
dispcols = ncdirect_dim_x(n) * encoding_x_scale(bset);
disprows = ncdirect_dim_y(n) * encoding_y_scale(bset);
if(scale == NCSCALE_SCALE || scale == NCSCALE_SCALE_HIRES){
scale_visual(ncv, &disprows, &dispcols);
disprows = ncv->rows;
dispcols = ncv->cols / encoding_x_scale(bset);
leny = (leny / (double)ncv->rows) * ((double)disprows);
lenx = (lenx / (double)ncv->cols) * ((double)dispcols);
//fprintf(stderr, "render: %d+%d of %d/%d stride %u %p\n", leny, lenx, ncv->rows, ncv->cols, ncv->rowstride, ncv->data);
ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = 0,
.x = 0,
.rows = disprows / encoding_y_scale(bset),
.cols = dispcols / encoding_x_scale(bset),
.userptr = nullptr,
.name = "fake",
.resizecb = nullptr,
.flags = 0,
auto ncdv = ncplane_new_internal(nullptr, nullptr, &nopts);
return nullptr;
if(ncvisual_blit(ncv, disprows, dispcols, ncdv, bset,
0, 0, 0, 0, leny, lenx, false)){
return nullptr;
return ncdv;
int ncdirect_render_image(ncdirect* n, const char* file, ncalign_e align,
ncblitter_e blitter, ncscale_e scale){
auto faken = ncdirect_render_frame(n, file, blitter, scale);
return -1;
return ncdirect_raster_frame(n, faken, align);
int ncdirect_set_fg_palindex(ncdirect* nc, int pidx){
if(channels_set_fg_palindex(&nc->channels, pidx) < 0){
return -1;
return term_emit("setaf", tiparm(nc->tcache.setaf, pidx), nc->ttyfp, false);
int ncdirect_set_bg_palindex(ncdirect* nc, int pidx){
if(channels_set_bg_palindex(&nc->channels, pidx) < 0){
return -1;
return term_emit("setab", tiparm(nc->tcache.setab, pidx), nc->ttyfp, false);
int ncdirect_vprintf_aligned(ncdirect* n, int y, ncalign_e align, const char* fmt, va_list ap){
char* r = ncplane_vprintf_prep(fmt, ap);
if(r == nullptr){
return -1;
const size_t len = ncstrwidth(r);
const int x = ncdirect_align(n, align, len);
if(ncdirect_cursor_move_yx(n, y, x)){
return -1;
int ret = puts(r);
if(ret == EOF){
return -1;
return ret;
int ncdirect_printf_aligned(ncdirect* n, int y, ncalign_e align, const char* fmt, ...){
va_list va;
va_start(va, fmt);
int ret = ncdirect_vprintf_aligned(n, y, align, fmt, va);
return ret;
int get_controlling_tty(FILE* ttyfp){
int fd = fileno(ttyfp);
if(fd > 0 && isatty(fd)){
if((fd = dup(fd)) >= 0){
return fd;
char cbuf[L_ctermid + 1];
if(ctermid(cbuf) == nullptr){
return -1;
return open(cbuf, O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC);
static int
ncdirect_stop_minimal(void* vnc){
ncdirect* nc = static_cast<ncdirect*>(vnc);
int ret = drop_signals(nc);
if(nc->tcache.op && term_emit("op", nc->tcache.op, nc->ttyfp, true)){
ret = -1;
if(nc->tcache.sgr0 && term_emit("sgr0", nc->tcache.sgr0, nc->ttyfp, true)){
ret = -1;
if(nc->tcache.oc && term_emit("oc", nc->tcache.oc, nc->ttyfp, true)){
ret = -1;
if(nc->ctermfd >= 0){
if(nc->tcache.cnorm && tty_emit("cnorm", nc->tcache.cnorm, nc->ctermfd)){
ret = -1;
ret |= tcsetattr(nc->ctermfd, TCSANOW, &nc->tpreserved);
ret |= close(nc->ctermfd);
return ret;
ncdirect* ncdirect_core_init(const char* termtype, FILE* outfp, uint64_t flags){
if(flags > (NCDIRECT_OPTION_NO_QUIT_SIGHANDLERS << 1)){ // allow them through with warning
logwarn((struct notcurses*)NULL, "Passed unsupported flags 0x%016jx\n", (uintmax_t)flags);
if(outfp == nullptr){
outfp = stdout;
auto ret = new ncdirect{};
if(ret == nullptr){
return ret;
ret->flags = flags;
ret->ttyfp = outfp;
memset(&ret->palette, 0, sizeof(ret->palette));
const char* encoding = nl_langinfo(CODESET);
if(encoding && strcmp(encoding, "UTF-8") == 0){
ret->utf8 = true;
if(setup_signals(ret, (flags & NCDIRECT_OPTION_NO_QUIT_SIGHANDLERS),
true, ncdirect_stop_minimal)){
delete ret;
return nullptr;
// we don't need a controlling tty for everything we do; allow a failure here
if((ret->ctermfd = get_controlling_tty(ret->ttyfp)) >= 0){
if(tcgetattr(ret->ctermfd, &ret->tpreserved)){
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't preserve terminal state for %d (%s)\n", ret->ctermfd, strerror(errno));
goto err;
if(cbreak_mode(ret->ctermfd, &ret->tpreserved)){
goto err;
if(ncinputlayer_init(&ret->input, stdin)){
goto err;
const char* shortname_term;
int termerr;
if(setupterm(termtype, ret->ctermfd, &termerr) != OK){
fprintf(stderr, "Terminfo error %d (see terminfo(3ncurses))\n", termerr);
goto err;
shortname_term = termname();
goto err;
if(interrogate_terminfo(&ret->tcache, shortname_term)){
goto err;
ncdirect_set_styles(ret, 0);
return ret;
if(ret->ctermfd >= 0){
tcsetattr(ret->ctermfd, TCSANOW, &ret->tpreserved);
return nullptr;
int ncdirect_stop(ncdirect* nc){
int ret = 0;
ret |= ncdirect_stop_minimal(nc);
return ret;
char* ncdirect_readline(ncdirect* n, const char* prompt){
rl_outstream = n->ttyfp;
rl_instream = stdin;
rl_prep_terminal(1); // 1 == read 8-bit input
n->initialized_readline = true;
return readline(prompt);
static inline int
ncdirect_style_emit(ncdirect* n, unsigned stylebits, FILE* out){
int r = -1;
if(stylebits == 0 && n->tcache.sgr0){
r = term_emit("sgr0", n->tcache.sgr0, n->ttyfp, false);
}else if(n->tcache.sgr){
r = term_emit("sgr", tiparm(n->tcache.sgr, stylebits & NCSTYLE_STANDOUT,
stylebits & NCSTYLE_REVERSE,
stylebits & NCSTYLE_BLINK,
stylebits & NCSTYLE_DIM,
stylebits & NCSTYLE_BOLD,
stylebits & NCSTYLE_INVIS,
stylebits & NCSTYLE_PROTECT, 0), out, false);
// sgr resets colors, so set them back up if not defaults
if(r == 0){
// FIXME need to handle palette-indexed colors
r |= ncdirect_set_fg_rgb(n, channels_fg_rgb(n->channels));
r |= ncdirect_set_bg_rgb(n, channels_bg_rgb(n->channels));
return r;
// turn on any specified stylebits
int ncdirect_styles_on(ncdirect* n, unsigned stylebits){
return ncdirect_on_styles(n, stylebits);
int ncdirect_on_styles(ncdirect* n, unsigned stylebits){
uint32_t stylemask = n->stylemask | stylebits;
if(ncdirect_style_emit(n, stylemask, n->ttyfp) == 0){
if(term_setstyle(n->ttyfp, n->stylemask, stylemask, NCSTYLE_ITALIC,
n->tcache.italics, n->tcache.italoff)){
return 0;
if(term_setstyle(n->ttyfp, n->stylemask, stylemask, NCSTYLE_STRUCK,
n->tcache.struck, n->tcache.struckoff)){
return -1;
n->stylemask = stylemask;
return 0;
return -1;
int ncdirect_styles_off(ncdirect* n, unsigned stylebits){
return ncdirect_off_styles(n, stylebits);
// turn off any specified stylebits
int ncdirect_off_styles(ncdirect* n, unsigned stylebits){
uint32_t stylemask = n->stylemask & ~stylebits;
if(ncdirect_style_emit(n, stylemask, n->ttyfp) == 0){
if(term_setstyle(n->ttyfp, n->stylemask, stylemask, NCSTYLE_ITALIC,
n->tcache.italics, n->tcache.italoff)){
return -1;
if(term_setstyle(n->ttyfp, n->stylemask, stylemask, NCSTYLE_STRUCK,
n->tcache.struck, n->tcache.struckoff)){
return -1;
n->stylemask = stylemask;
return 0;
return -1;
int ncdirect_styles_set(ncdirect* n, unsigned stylebits){
return ncdirect_set_styles(n, stylebits);
// set the current stylebits to exactly those provided
int ncdirect_set_styles(ncdirect* n, unsigned stylebits){
uint32_t stylemask = stylebits;
if(ncdirect_style_emit(n, stylemask, n->ttyfp) == 0){
n->stylemask &= !(NCSTYLE_ITALIC | NCSTYLE_STRUCK); // sgr clears both
if(term_setstyle(n->ttyfp, n->stylemask, stylemask, NCSTYLE_ITALIC,
n->tcache.italics, n->tcache.italoff)){
return -1;
if(term_setstyle(n->ttyfp, n->stylemask, stylemask, NCSTYLE_STRUCK,
n->tcache.struck, n->tcache.struckoff)){
return -1;
n->stylemask = stylemask;
return 0;
return -1;
unsigned ncdirect_palette_size(const ncdirect* nc){
return nc->tcache.colors;
int ncdirect_set_fg_default(ncdirect* nc){
return 0;
if(term_emit("fgop", nc->tcache.fgop, nc->ttyfp, false)){
return -1;
}else if(term_emit("op", nc->tcache.op, nc->ttyfp, false) == 0){
if(ncdirect_set_bg_rgb(nc, channels_bg_rgb(nc->channels))){
return -1;
return 0;
int ncdirect_set_bg_default(ncdirect* nc){
return 0;
if(term_emit("bgop", nc->tcache.bgop, nc->ttyfp, false)){
return -1;
}else if(term_emit("op", nc->tcache.op, nc->ttyfp, false) == 0){
if(ncdirect_set_fg_rgb(nc, channels_fg_rgb(nc->channels))){
return -1;
return 0;
int ncdirect_hline_interp(ncdirect* n, const char* egc, int len,
uint64_t c1, uint64_t c2){
unsigned ur, ug, ub;
int r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2;
int br1, bg1, bb1, br2, bg2, bb2;
channels_fg_rgb8(c1, &ur, &ug, &ub);
r1 = ur; g1 = ug; b1 = ub;
channels_fg_rgb8(c2, &ur, &ug, &ub);
r2 = ur; g2 = ug; b2 = ub;
channels_bg_rgb8(c1, &ur, &ug, &ub);
br1 = ur; bg1 = ug; bb1 = ub;
channels_bg_rgb8(c2, &ur, &ug, &ub);
br2 = ur; bg2 = ug; bb2 = ub;
int deltr = r2 - r1;
int deltg = g2 - g1;
int deltb = b2 - b1;
int deltbr = br2 - br1;
int deltbg = bg2 - bg1;
int deltbb = bb2 - bb1;
int ret;
bool fgdef = false, bgdef = false;
if(channels_fg_default_p(c1) && channels_fg_default_p(c2)){
fgdef = true;
if(channels_bg_default_p(c1) && channels_bg_default_p(c2)){
bgdef = true;
for(ret = 0 ; ret < len ; ++ret){
int r = (deltr * ret) / len + r1;
int g = (deltg * ret) / len + g1;
int b = (deltb * ret) / len + b1;
int br = (deltbr * ret) / len + br1;
int bg = (deltbg * ret) / len + bg1;
int bb = (deltbb * ret) / len + bb1;
ncdirect_set_fg_rgb8(n, r, g, b);
ncdirect_set_bg_rgb8(n, br, bg, bb);
if(fprintf(n->ttyfp, "%s", egc) < 0){
return ret;
int ncdirect_vline_interp(ncdirect* n, const char* egc, int len,
uint64_t c1, uint64_t c2){
unsigned ur, ug, ub;
int r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2;
int br1, bg1, bb1, br2, bg2, bb2;
channels_fg_rgb8(c1, &ur, &ug, &ub);
r1 = ur; g1 = ug; b1 = ub;
channels_fg_rgb8(c2, &ur, &ug, &ub);
r2 = ur; g2 = ug; b2 = ub;
channels_bg_rgb8(c1, &ur, &ug, &ub);
br1 = ur; bg1 = ug; bb1 = ub;
channels_bg_rgb8(c2, &ur, &ug, &ub);
br2 = ur; bg2 = ug; bb2 = ub;
int deltr = (r2 - r1) / (len + 1);
int deltg = (g2 - g1) / (len + 1);
int deltb = (b2 - b1) / (len + 1);
int deltbr = (br2 - br1) / (len + 1);
int deltbg = (bg2 - bg1) / (len + 1);
int deltbb = (bb2 - bb1) / (len + 1);
int ret;
bool fgdef = false, bgdef = false;
if(channels_fg_default_p(c1) && channels_fg_default_p(c2)){
fgdef = true;
if(channels_bg_default_p(c1) && channels_bg_default_p(c2)){
bgdef = true;
for(ret = 0 ; ret < len ; ++ret){
r1 += deltr;
g1 += deltg;
b1 += deltb;
br1 += deltbr;
bg1 += deltbg;
bb1 += deltbb;
uint64_t channels = 0;
channels_set_fg_rgb8(&channels, r1, g1, b1);
channels_set_bg_rgb8(&channels, br1, bg1, bb1);
if(ncdirect_putstr(n, channels, egc) <= 0){
if(len - ret > 1){
if(ncdirect_cursor_down(n, 1) || ncdirect_cursor_left(n, 1)){
return ret;
// wchars: wchar_t[6] mapping to UL, UR, BL, BR, HL, VL.
// they cannot be complex EGCs, but only a single wchar_t, alas.
int ncdirect_box(ncdirect* n, uint64_t ul, uint64_t ur,
uint64_t ll, uint64_t lr, const wchar_t* wchars,
int ylen, int xlen, unsigned ctlword){
if(xlen < 2 || ylen < 2){
return -1;
char hl[WCHAR_MAX_UTF8BYTES + 1];
char vl[WCHAR_MAX_UTF8BYTES + 1];
unsigned edges;
edges = !(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_TOP) + !(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_LEFT);
if(edges >= box_corner_needs(ctlword)){
ncdirect_set_fg_rgb(n, channels_fg_rgb(ul));
ncdirect_set_bg_rgb(n, channels_bg_rgb(ul));
if(fprintf(n->ttyfp, "%lc", wchars[0]) < 0){
return -1;
ncdirect_cursor_right(n, 1);
mbstate_t ps = {};
size_t bytes;
if((bytes = wcrtomb(hl, wchars[4], &ps)) == (size_t)-1){
return -1;
hl[bytes] = '\0';
memset(&ps, 0, sizeof(ps));
if((bytes = wcrtomb(vl, wchars[5], &ps)) == (size_t)-1){
return -1;
vl[bytes] = '\0';
if(!(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_TOP)){ // draw top border, if called for
if(xlen > 2){
if(ncdirect_hline_interp(n, hl, xlen - 2, ul, ur) < 0){
return -1;
ncdirect_cursor_right(n, xlen - 2);
edges = !(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_TOP) + !(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_RIGHT);
if(edges >= box_corner_needs(ctlword)){
ncdirect_set_fg_rgb(n, channels_fg_rgb(ur));
ncdirect_set_bg_rgb(n, channels_bg_rgb(ur));
if(fprintf(n->ttyfp, "%lc", wchars[1]) < 0){
return -1;
ncdirect_cursor_left(n, xlen);
ncdirect_cursor_left(n, xlen - 1);
ncdirect_cursor_down(n, 1);
// middle rows (vertical lines)
if(ylen > 2){
if(!(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_LEFT)){
if(ncdirect_vline_interp(n, vl, ylen - 2, ul, ll) < 0){
return -1;
ncdirect_cursor_right(n, xlen - 2);
ncdirect_cursor_up(n, ylen - 3);
ncdirect_cursor_right(n, xlen - 1);
if(!(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_RIGHT)){
if(ncdirect_vline_interp(n, vl, ylen - 2, ur, lr) < 0){
return -1;
ncdirect_cursor_left(n, xlen);
ncdirect_cursor_left(n, xlen - 1);
ncdirect_cursor_down(n, 1);
// bottom line
edges = !(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_BOTTOM) + !(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_LEFT);
if(edges >= box_corner_needs(ctlword)){
ncdirect_set_fg_rgb(n, channels_fg_rgb(ll));
ncdirect_set_bg_rgb(n, channels_bg_rgb(ll));
if(fprintf(n->ttyfp, "%lc", wchars[2]) < 0){
return -1;
ncdirect_cursor_right(n, 1);
if(!(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_BOTTOM)){
if(xlen > 2){
if(ncdirect_hline_interp(n, hl, xlen - 2, ll, lr) < 0){
return -1;
ncdirect_cursor_right(n, xlen - 2);
edges = !(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_BOTTOM) + !(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_RIGHT);
if(edges >= box_corner_needs(ctlword)){
ncdirect_set_fg_rgb(n, channels_fg_rgb(lr));
ncdirect_set_bg_rgb(n, channels_bg_rgb(lr));
if(fprintf(n->ttyfp, "%lc", wchars[3]) < 0){
return -1;
return 0;
int ncdirect_rounded_box(ncdirect* n, uint64_t ul, uint64_t ur,
uint64_t ll, uint64_t lr,
int ylen, int xlen, unsigned ctlword){
return ncdirect_box(n, ul, ur, ll, lr, L"╭╮╰╯─│", ylen, xlen, ctlword);
int ncdirect_double_box(ncdirect* n, uint64_t ul, uint64_t ur,
uint64_t ll, uint64_t lr,
int ylen, int xlen, unsigned ctlword){
return ncdirect_box(n, ul, ur, ll, lr, L"╔╗╚╝═║", ylen, xlen, ctlword);
// Can we load images? This requires being built against FFmpeg/OIIO.
bool ncdirect_canopen_images(const ncdirect* n __attribute__ ((unused))){
return notcurses_canopen_images(NULL);
// Is our encoding UTF-8? Requires LANG being set to a UTF8 locale.
bool ncdirect_canutf8(const ncdirect* n){
return n->utf8;
int ncdirect_flush(const ncdirect* nc){
while(fflush(nc->ttyfp) == EOF){
if(errno != EAGAIN){
return -1;
return 0;