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//! Macros
// NOTE: Use full paths everywhere. Don't assume anything will be in scope.
// enjoy briefer doc comments
use crate::{NcDirect, NcError, NcResult, Notcurses, NCRESULT_ERR, NCRESULT_OK};
// Sleep, Render & Flush Macros ------------------------------------------------
/// Sleeps for `$ns` seconds + `$ms` milliseconds
/// + `$us` microseconds + `$ns` nanoseconds
macro_rules! sleep {
($s:expr) => {
($s:expr, $ms:expr) => {
std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis($s * 1000 + $ms));
($s:expr, $ms:expr, $us:expr) => {
$s * 1_000_000 + $ms * 1_000 + $us,
($s:expr, $ms:expr, $us:expr, $ns:expr) => {
$s * 1_000_000_000 + $ms * 1_000_000 + $us * 1_000 + $ns,
/// [`Notcurses.render`][Notcurses#method.render]\(`$nc`\)? plus [`sleep!`]`[$sleep_args]`.
/// Renders the `$nc` [Notcurses] object and, if there's no error,
/// calls the sleep macro with the rest of the arguments.
/// Returns [NcResult].
macro_rules! rsleep {
($nc:expr, $( $sleep_args:expr),+ ) => {
// Rust style, with methods & NcResult
sleep![$( $sleep_args ),+];
($nc:expr, $( $sleep_args:expr),+ ,) => {
rsleep![$nc, $( $sleep_args ),* ]
/// [`NcDirect.flush`][NcDirect#method.flush]\(`$ncd`\)? plus [`sleep!`]`[$sleep_args]`.
/// Flushes the `$ncd` [NcDirect] object and, if there's no error,
/// calls the sleep macro with the rest of the arguments.
/// Returns [NcResult].
macro_rules! fsleep {
($ncd:expr, $( $sleep_args:expr),+ ) => {
// Rust style, with methods & NcResult
sleep![$( $sleep_args ),+];
($ncd:expr, $( $sleep_args:expr),+ ,) => {
rsleep![$ncd, $( $sleep_args ),* ]
// String & Print Macros -------------------------------------------------------
/// Converts an `&str` into `*const c_char`.
macro_rules! cstring {
($s:expr) => {
/// Converts an `&str` into `*mut c_char`.
macro_rules! cstring_mut {
($s:expr) => {
/// Converts a `*const c_char` into an `&str`.
macro_rules! rstring {
($s:expr) => {
unsafe { std::ffi::CStr::from_ptr($s).to_str().unwrap() }
// possible alternative:
// unsafe { std::ffi::CStr::from_ptr($s).to_string_lossy() }
/// Wrapper around [libc::printf].
macro_rules! printf {
($s:expr) => {
unsafe { libc::printf(cstring![$s]) }
($s:expr $(, $opt:expr)*) => {
unsafe { libc::printf(cstring![$s], $($opt),*) }
// Error Wrappers Macros -------------------------------------------------------
/// Returns an `Ok($ok)`,
/// or an `Err(`[`NcError`]`)` if `$res` < [`NCRESULT_OK`].
/// In other words:
/// Returns Ok(`$ok`) if `$res` >= [NCRESULT_OK], otherwise returns
/// Err([NcError]::[new][](`$res`, `$msg`)).
/// `$ok` & `$msg` are optional. By default they will be the unit
/// type `()`, and an empty `&str` `""`, respectively.
macro_rules! error {
($res:expr, $msg:expr, $ok:expr) => {{
let res = $res;
if res >= crate::NCRESULT_OK {
return Ok($ok);
} else {
return Err(crate::NcError::with_msg(res, $msg));
($res:expr, $msg:expr) => {
error![$res, $msg, ()];
($res:expr) => {
error![$res, "", ()];
/// Returns an `Ok(&T)` from a `*const T` pointer,
/// or an `Err(`[`NcError`]`)` if the pointer is null.
/// In other words:
/// Returns Ok(&*`$ptr`) if `$ptr` != `null()`, otherwise returns
/// Err([NcError]]::[new][]([NCRESULT_ERR], `$msg`)).
/// `$msg` is optional. By default it will be an empty `&str` `""`.
macro_rules! error_ref {
($ptr:expr, $msg:expr, $ok:expr) => {{
let ptr = $ptr; // avoid calling a function multiple times
if ptr.is_null() {
return Err(crate::NcError::with_msg(crate::NCRESULT_ERR, $msg));
} else {
return Ok(unsafe { $ok });
($ptr:expr, $msg:expr) => {{
let ptr = $ptr;
error_ref![$ptr, $msg, unsafe { &*ptr }];
($ptr:expr) => {{
let ptr = $ptr;
error_ref![$ptr, "", unsafe { &*ptr }];
/// Returns an `Ok(&mut T)` from a `*mut T` pointer,
/// or an `Err(`[`NcError`]`)` if the pointer is null.
/// In other words:
/// Returns Ok(&mut *`$ptr`) if `$ptr` != `null_mut()`, otherwise returns
/// Err([NcError]]::[new][]([NCRESULT_ERR], `$msg`)).
/// `$msg` is optional. By default it will be an empty `&str` `""`.
macro_rules! error_ref_mut {
($ptr:expr, $msg:expr, $ok:expr) => {{
let ptr = $ptr; // avoid calling a function multiple times
if ptr.is_null() {
return Err(crate::NcError::with_msg(crate::NCRESULT_ERR, $msg));
} else {
return Ok(unsafe { $ok });
($ptr:expr, $msg:expr) => {{
let ptr = $ptr;
error_ref_mut![ptr, $msg, unsafe { &mut *ptr }];
($ptr:expr) => {{
let ptr = $ptr;
error_ref_mut![ptr, "", unsafe { &mut *ptr }];
/// Returns an `Ok(String)` from a `*const` pointer to a C string,
/// or an `Err(`[`NcError`]`)` if the pointer is null.
/// In other words:
/// Returns Ok((&*`$str`).to_string()) if `$str` != `null()`, otherwise returns
/// Err([NcError]]::[new][]([NCRESULT_ERR], `$msg`)).
/// `$msg` is optional. By default it will be an empty `&str` `""`.
macro_rules! error_str {
($str:expr, $msg:expr) => {
if $str != core::ptr::null_mut() {
return Ok(unsafe { (&*$str).to_string() });
} else {
return Err(crate::NcError::with_msg(crate::NCRESULT_ERR, $msg));
($str:expr) => {
error_str![$str, ""];
/// Returns an [`NcResult`]`<Self { raw: T }>` from an [`NcResult`]`<T>`.
macro_rules! raw_wrap {
($res:expr) => {
match $res {
Ok(raw) => return Ok(Self { raw }),
Err(e) => return Err(e),