You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

3367 lines
99 KiB

#include "linux.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "egcpool.h"
#include "internal.h"
#include <time.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistr.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <uniwbrk.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "compat/compat.h"
#include "unixsig.h"
#include "banner.h"
#define ESC "\x1b"
#define TABSTOP 8
void notcurses_version_components(int* major, int* minor, int* patch, int* tweak){
int notcurses_enter_alternate_screen(notcurses* nc){
if(nc->tcache.ttyfd < 0){
return -1;
if(enter_alternate_screen(nc->tcache.ttyfd, nc->ttyfp, &nc->tcache, nc->flags & NCOPTION_DRAIN_INPUT)){
return -1;
ncplane_set_scrolling(notcurses_stdplane(nc), false);
return 0;
int notcurses_leave_alternate_screen(notcurses* nc){
if(nc->tcache.ttyfd < 0){
return -1;
if(leave_alternate_screen(nc->tcache.ttyfd, nc->ttyfp,
&nc->tcache, nc->flags & NCOPTION_DRAIN_INPUT)){
return -1;
// move to the end of our output
if(nc->rstate.logendy < 0){
return 0;
ncplane_cursor_move_yx(notcurses_stdplane(nc), nc->rstate.logendy, nc->rstate.logendx);
return 0;
// reset the current colors, styles, and palette. called on startup (to purge
// any preexisting styling) and shutdown (to not affect further programs).
int reset_term_attributes(const tinfo* ti, fbuf* f){
int ret = 0;
const char* esc;
if((esc = get_escape(ti, ESCAPE_OP)) && fbuf_emit(f, esc)){
ret = -1;
if((esc = get_escape(ti, ESCAPE_SGR0)) && fbuf_emit(f, esc)){
ret = -1;
return ret;
// attempt to restore the palette. if XT{PUSH,POP}COLORS is supported, use
// XTPOPCOLORS. if we can program individual colors, and we read the palette,
// reload it from our initial capture. otherwise, use "oc" if available; this
// will blow away any preexisting palette in favor of the default. if we've
// never touched the palette, don't bother trying to restore it (unless we're
// using XTPOPCOLORS, since in that case we always used XTPUSHCOLORS).
int reset_term_palette(const tinfo* ti, fbuf* f, unsigned touchedpalette){
int ret = 0;
const char* esc;
if((esc = get_escape(ti, ESCAPE_RESTORECOLORS))){
loginfo("restoring palette via xtpopcolors");
if(fbuf_emit(f, esc)){
ret = -1;
return ret;
return 0;
if(ti->caps.can_change_colors && ti->maxpaletteread > -1){
loginfo("restoring saved palette (%d)", ti->maxpaletteread + 1);
esc = get_escape(ti, ESCAPE_INITC);
for(int z = 0 ; z < ti->maxpaletteread ; ++z){
unsigned r, g, b;
ncchannel_rgb8(ti->originalpalette.chans[z], &r, &g, &b);
// Need convert RGB values [0..256) to [0..1000], ugh
r = r * 1000 / 255;
g = g * 1000 / 255;
b = b * 1000 / 255;
if(fbuf_emit(f, tiparm(esc, z, r, g, b)) < 0){
return -1;
}else if((esc = get_escape(ti, ESCAPE_OC))){
loginfo("resetting palette");
if(fbuf_emit(f, esc)){
ret = -1;
logwarn("no method known to restore palette");
return ret;
// Do the minimum necessary stuff to restore the terminal, then return. This is
// the end of the line for fatal signal handlers. notcurses_stop() will go on
// to tear down and account for internal structures. note that we do lots of
// shit here that is unsafe within a signal handler =[ FIXME.
static int
notcurses_stop_minimal(void* vnc){
notcurses* nc = vnc;
int ret = 0;
ret |= drop_signals(nc);
// collect output into the memstream buffer, and then dump it directly using
// blocking_write(), to avoid problems with unreliable fflush().
fbuf* f = &nc->rstate.f;
// be sure to write the restoration sequences *prior* to running rmcup, as
// they apply to the screen (alternate or otherwise) we're actually using.
const char* esc;
ret |= reset_term_palette(&nc->tcache, f, nc->touched_palette);
ret |= reset_term_attributes(&nc->tcache, f);
if((esc = get_escape(&nc->tcache, ESCAPE_RMKX)) && fbuf_emit(f, esc)){
ret = -1;
const char* cnorm = get_escape(&nc->tcache, ESCAPE_CNORM);
if(cnorm && fbuf_emit(f, cnorm)){
ret = -1;
if(fbuf_flush(f, nc->ttyfp)){
ret = -1;
if(nc->tcache.ttyfd >= 0){
ret |= notcurses_mice_disable(nc);
ret |= tcsetattr(nc->tcache.ttyfd, TCSAFLUSH, nc->tcache.tpreserved);
// don't use use leave_alternate_screen() here; we need pop the keyboard
// whether we're in regular or alternate screen, and we need it done
// before returning to the regular screen if we're in the alternate. if
// we drained input, we never sent a keyboard modifier; send none now.
if(!(nc->flags & NCOPTION_DRAIN_INPUT)){
if(tty_emit(KKEYBOARD_POP, nc->tcache.ttyfd)){
ret = -1;
if(tty_emit(XTMODKEYSUNDO, nc->tcache.ttyfd)){
ret = -1;
if((esc = get_escape(&nc->tcache, ESCAPE_RMCUP))){
if(tty_emit(esc, nc->tcache.ttyfd)){
ret = -1;
nc->tcache.in_alt_screen = 0;
logdebug("restored terminal, returning %d", ret);
return ret;
static const char NOTCURSES_VERSION[] =
const char* notcurses_version(void){
void* ncplane_set_userptr(ncplane* n, void* opaque){
void* ret = n->userptr;
n->userptr = opaque;
return ret;
void* ncplane_userptr(ncplane* n){
return n->userptr;
const void* ncplane_userptr_const(const ncplane* n){
return n->userptr;
// is the cursor in an invalid position? it never should be, but it's probably
// better to make sure (it's cheap) than to read from/write to random crap.
static bool
cursor_invalid_p(const ncplane* n){
if(n->y >= n->leny || n->x >= n->lenx){
return true;
return false;
char* ncplane_at_cursor(const ncplane* n, uint16_t* stylemask, uint64_t* channels){
return ncplane_at_yx(n, n->y, n->x, stylemask, channels);
char* ncplane_at_yx(const ncplane* n, int y, int x, uint16_t* stylemask, uint64_t* channels){
if(y < 0){
if(y != -1){
logerror("invalid y: %d", y);
return NULL;
y = n->y;
if(x < 0){
if(x != -1){
logerror("invalid x: %d", x);
return NULL;
x = n->x;
if((unsigned)y >= n->leny || (unsigned)x >= n->lenx){
logerror("invalid coordinates: %d/%d", y, x);
return NULL;
*stylemask = 0;
*channels = 0;
return strdup(n->sprite->glyph.buf);
const nccell* yx = &n->fb[nfbcellidx(n, y, x)];
// if we're the right side of a wide glyph, we return the main glyph
return ncplane_at_yx(n, y, x - 1, stylemask, channels);
char* ret = nccell_extract(n, yx, stylemask, channels);
if(ret == NULL){
return NULL;
//fprintf(stderr, "GOT [%s]\n", ret);
if(strcmp(ret, "") == 0){
ret = nccell_strdup(n, &n->basecell);
if(ret == NULL){
return NULL;
*stylemask = n->basecell.stylemask;
// FIXME load basecell channels if appropriate
return ret;
int ncplane_at_cursor_cell(ncplane* n, nccell* c){
return ncplane_at_yx_cell(n, n->y, n->x, c);
int ncplane_at_yx_cell(ncplane* n, int y, int x, nccell* c){
logerror("invoked on a sprixel plane");
return -1;
if(y < 0){
if(y != -1){
logerror("invalid y: %d", y);
return -1;
y = n->y;
if(x < 0){
if(x != -1){
logerror("invalid x: %d", x);
return -1;
x = n->x;
if((unsigned)y >= n->leny || (unsigned)x >= n->lenx){
logerror("invalid coordinates: %d/%d", y, x);
return -1;
nccell* targ = ncplane_cell_ref_yx(n, y, x);
if(nccell_duplicate(n, c, targ)){
return -1;
// FIXME take base cell into account where necessary!
return strlen(nccell_extended_gcluster(n, targ));
void ncplane_dim_yx(const ncplane* n, unsigned* rows, unsigned* cols){
*rows = n->leny;
*cols = n->lenx;
// anyone calling this needs ensure the ncplane's framebuffer is updated
// to reflect changes in geometry. also called at startup for standard plane.
// sets |cgeo_changed| high iff the cell geometry changed (will happen on a
// resize, and on a font resize if the pixel geometry does not change).
// sets |pgeo_changed| high iff the cell-pixel geometry changed (will happen
// on a font resize).
int update_term_dimensions(unsigned* rows, unsigned* cols, tinfo* tcache,
int margin_b, unsigned* cgeo_changed, unsigned* pgeo_changed){
*pgeo_changed = 0;
*cgeo_changed = 0;
// if we're not a real tty, we presumably haven't changed geometry, return
if(tcache->ttyfd < 0){
*rows = tcache->default_rows;
*cols = tcache->default_cols;
tcache->cellpxy = 0;
tcache->cellpxx = 0;
return 0;
unsigned rowsafe, colsafe;
if(rows == NULL){
rows = &rowsafe;
rowsafe = tcache->dimy;
if(cols == NULL){
cols = &colsafe;
colsafe = tcache->dimx;
#ifndef __MINGW32__
struct winsize ws;
if(tiocgwinsz(tcache->ttyfd, &ws)){
return -1;
*rows = ws.ws_row;
*cols = ws.ws_col;
unsigned cpixy;
unsigned cpixx;
#ifdef __linux__
if(tcache->linux_fb_fd >= 0){
get_linux_fb_pixelgeom(tcache, &tcache->pixy, &tcache->pixx);
cpixy = tcache->pixy / *rows;
cpixx = tcache->pixx / *cols;
// we might have the pixel geometry from CSI14t, so don't override a valid
// earlier response with 0s from the ioctl. we do want to fire off a fresh
// CSI14t in this case, though FIXME.
tcache->pixy = ws.ws_ypixel;
tcache->pixx = ws.ws_xpixel;
// update even if we didn't get values just now, because we need set
// cellpx{y,x} up from an initial CSI14n, which set only pix{y,x}.
cpixy = ws.ws_row ? tcache->pixy / ws.ws_row : 0;
cpixx = ws.ws_col ? tcache->pixx / ws.ws_col : 0;
if(tcache->cellpxy != cpixy){
tcache->cellpxy = cpixy;
*pgeo_changed = 1;
if(tcache->cellpxx != cpixx){
tcache->cellpxx = cpixx;
*pgeo_changed = 1;
if(tcache->cellpxy == 0 || tcache->cellpxx == 0){
tcache->pixel_draw = NULL; // disable support
// There is the buffer itself, which is similar in function to the scrollback
// buffer in a Linux terminal, and there is the display window, which is the
// visible view of that buffer. The addressable area (from a VT point of
// view) spans the width of the buffer, but the height of the display window.
// +--------------------------+ ^
// | | |
// | | |
// +-----+--------------+-----+ ^ w | b
// +-----+--------------+-----+ v w | r
// | | |
// | | |
// +--------------------------+ v
// <--- window --->
//<--------- buffer --------->
// Because the buffer extends past the bottom of the display window, a user
// can potentially scroll down beyond what would normally be thought of as the
// end of the buffer. Because the buffer can be wider than the display
// window, the user can scroll horizontally to view parts of the addressable
// area that aren't currently visible.
if(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(tcache->outhandle, &csbi)){
*cols = csbi.dwSize.X;
*rows = csbi.srWindow.Bottom - csbi.srWindow.Top + 1;
*rows = tcache->default_rows;
*cols = tcache->default_cols;
if(tcache->dimy != *rows){
tcache->dimy = *rows;
*cgeo_changed = 1;
if(tcache->dimx != *cols){
tcache->dimx = *cols;
*cgeo_changed = 1;
int sixelrows = *rows - 1;
// if the bottom margin is at least one row, we can draw into the last
// row of our visible area. we must leave the true bottom row alone.
tcache->sixel_maxy = sixelrows * tcache->cellpxy;
if(tcache->sixel_maxy > tcache->sixel_maxy_pristine){
tcache->sixel_maxy = tcache->sixel_maxy_pristine;
return 0;
// destroy the sprixels of an ncpile (this will not hide the sprixels)
static void
free_sprixels(ncpile* n){
sprixel* tmp = n->sprixelcache->next;
n->sprixelcache = tmp;
// destroy an empty ncpile. only call with pilelock held.
static void
ncpile_destroy(ncpile* pile){
pile->prev->next = pile->next;
pile->next->prev = pile->prev;
void free_plane(ncplane* p){
// ncdirect fakes an ncplane with no ->pile
notcurses* nc = ncplane_notcurses(p);
ncplane_notcurses(p)->stats.s.fbbytes -= sizeof(*p->fb) * p->leny * p->lenx;
if(p->above == NULL && p->below == NULL){
void* w = p->widget;
void (*wdestruct)(void*) = p->wdestruct;
p->widget = NULL;
p->wdestruct = NULL;
logdebug("calling widget destructor %p(%p)", wdestruct, w);
logdebug("got the widget");
// create a new ncpile. only call with pilelock held. the return value
// was assigned to n->pile.
static ncpile*
make_ncpile(notcurses* nc, ncplane* n){
ncpile* ret = malloc(sizeof(*ret));
ret->nc = nc;
ret->top = n;
ret->bottom = n;
ret->roots = n;
n->bprev = &ret->roots;
if(nc->stdplane){ // stdplane (and thus stdpile) has already been created
ret->prev = ncplane_pile(nc->stdplane)->prev;
ncplane_pile(nc->stdplane)->prev->next = ret;
ret->next = ncplane_pile(nc->stdplane);
ncplane_pile(nc->stdplane)->prev = ret;
ret->prev = ret;
ret->next = ret;
n->above = NULL;
n->below = NULL;
ret->dimy = nc->tcache.dimy;
ret->dimx = nc->tcache.dimx;
ret->cellpxy = nc->tcache.cellpxy;
ret->cellpxx = nc->tcache.cellpxx;
ret->crender = NULL;
ret->crenderlen = 0;
ret->sprixelcache = NULL;
ret->scrolls = 0;
n->pile = ret;
return ret;
static inline size_t ncplane_sizeof_cellarray( unsigned rows, unsigned cols)
size_t fbsize;
size_t size;
// (nat) This protects against size_t overflow and also checks
// that dimensions are not zero en-passant. Why ?
// Assume: size_t is 16 bit, unsigned is 8 bit (UINT_MAX: 0xFF)
// nccell is sizeof( *p->fb): 0x10 (128 bit)
// 0xFF * 0xFF * 0x10 = 0xFE010, but overflows so: 0xE010
// 0x3F * 0x3F * 0x10 = 0xf810 is the biggest square possible
size = (size_t) cols * (size_t) rows;
if( size < (size_t) cols || size < (size_t) rows)
return 0;
fbsize = sizeof( struct nccell) * size;
if( fbsize <= size)
return 0;
return fbsize;
// create a new ncplane at the specified location (relative to the true screen,
// having origin at 0,0), having the specified size, and put it at the top of
// the planestack. its cursor starts at its origin; its style starts as null.
// a plane may exceed the boundaries of the screen, but must have positive
// size in both dimensions. bind the plane to 'n', which may be NULL to create
// a new pile. if bound to a plane instead, this plane moves when that plane
// moves, and coordinates to move to are relative to that plane.
// there are two denormalized case we also must handle, that of the "fake"
// isolated ncplane created by ncdirect for rendering visuals. in that case
// (and only in that case), nc is NULL (as is n). there's also creation of the
// initial standard plane, in which case nc is not NULL, but nc->stdplane *is*
// (as once more is n).
ncplane* ncplane_new_internal(notcurses* nc, ncplane* n,
const ncplane_options* nopts){
if(nopts->flags >= (NCPLANE_OPTION_FIXED << 1u)){
logwarn("provided unsupported flags %016" PRIx64, nopts->flags);
if(n == NULL){
logerror("alignment requires a parent plane");
return NULL;
if(nopts->rows != 0 || nopts->cols != 0){
logerror("geometry specified with margins (r=%u, c=%u)",
nopts->rows, nopts->cols);
return NULL;
ncplane* p = malloc(sizeof(*p));
if(p == NULL){
return NULL;
p->scrolling = nopts->flags & NCPLANE_OPTION_VSCROLL;
p->fixedbound = nopts->flags & NCPLANE_OPTION_FIXED;
p->autogrow = nopts->flags & NCPLANE_OPTION_AUTOGROW;
p->widget = NULL;
p->wdestruct = NULL;
p->margin_b = nopts->margin_b;
p->margin_r = nopts->margin_r;
if(n){ // use parent size
p->leny = ncplane_dim_y(n);
p->lenx = ncplane_dim_x(n);
}else{ // use pile size
notcurses_term_dim_yx(nc, &p->leny, &p->lenx);
if((p->leny -= p->margin_b) <= 0){
p->leny = 1;
if((p->lenx -= p->margin_r) <= 0){
p->lenx = 1;
p->leny = nopts->rows;
p->lenx = nopts->cols;
size_t fbsize = ncplane_sizeof_cellarray( p->leny, p->lenx);
if( ! fbsize || (p->fb = calloc(1,fbsize)) == NULL){
logerror("error allocating cellmatrix (r=%u, c=%u)",
p->leny, p->lenx);
return NULL;
p->x = p->y = 0;
p->logrow = 0;
p->sprite = NULL;
p->blist = NULL;
p->name = strdup(nopts->name ? nopts->name : "");
p->tam = NULL;
if(!n){ // new root/standard plane
p->absy = nopts->y;
p->absx = nopts->x;
p->bnext = NULL;
p->bprev = NULL;
p->boundto = p;
}else{ // bound to preexisting pile
p->absx = ncplane_halign(n, nopts->x, nopts->cols);
p->halign = nopts->x;
p->absx = nopts->x;
p->absx += n->absx;
p->absy = ncplane_valign(n, nopts->y, nopts->rows);
p->valign = nopts->y;
p->absy = nopts->y;
p->absy += n->absy;
if( (p->bnext = n->blist) ){
n->blist->bprev = &p->bnext;
p->bprev = &n->blist;
*p->bprev = p;
p->boundto = n;
// FIXME handle top/left margins
p->resizecb = nopts->resizecb;
p->stylemask = 0;
p->channels = 0;
p->userptr = nopts->userptr;
if(nc == NULL){ // fake ncplane backing ncdirect object
p->above = NULL;
p->below = NULL;
p->pile = NULL;
ncpile* pile = n ? ncplane_pile(n) : NULL;
if( (p->pile = pile) ){ // existing pile
p->above = NULL;
if( (p->below = pile->top) ){ // always happens save initial plane
pile->top->above = p;
pile->bottom = p;
pile->top = p;
}else{ // new pile
make_ncpile(nc, p);
nc->stats.s.fbbytes += fbsize;
loginfo("created new %ux%u plane \"%s\" @ %dx%d",
p->leny, p->lenx, p->name ? p->name : "", p->absy, p->absx);
return p;
// create an ncplane of the specified dimensions, but do not yet place it in
// the z-buffer. clear out all cells. this is for a wholly new context.
static ncplane*
create_initial_ncplane(notcurses* nc, int dimy, int dimx){
ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = 0, .x = 0,
.rows = dimy - (nc->margin_t + nc->margin_b),
.cols = dimx - (nc->margin_l + nc->margin_r),
.userptr = NULL,
.name = "std",
.resizecb = NULL,
.flags = 0,
return nc->stdplane = ncplane_new_internal(nc, NULL, &nopts);
ncplane* notcurses_stdplane(notcurses* nc){
return nc->stdplane;
const ncplane* notcurses_stdplane_const(const notcurses* nc){
return nc->stdplane;
ncplane* ncplane_create(ncplane* n, const ncplane_options* nopts){
return ncplane_new_internal(ncplane_notcurses(n), n, nopts);
ncplane* ncpile_create(notcurses* nc, const struct ncplane_options* nopts){
return ncplane_new_internal(nc, NULL, nopts);
void ncplane_home(ncplane* n){
n->x = 0;
n->y = 0;
int ncplane_cursor_move_yx(ncplane* n, int y, int x){
if(x < 0){
if(x < -1){
logerror("negative target x %d", x);
return -1;
}else if((unsigned)x >= n->lenx){
logerror("target x %d >= width %u", x, n->lenx);
return -1;
n->x = x;
if(y < 0){
if(y < -1){
logerror("negative target y %d", y);
return -1;
}else if((unsigned)y >= n->leny){
logerror("target y %d >= height %u", y, n->leny);
return -1;
n->y = y;
logerror("invalid cursor following move (%d/%d)", n->y, n->x);
return -1;
return 0;
int ncplane_cursor_move_rel(ncplane* n, int y, int x){
if((int)n->y + y == -1){
logerror("invalid target y -1");
return -1;
}else if((int)n->x + x == -1){
logerror("invalid target x -1");
return -1;
}else return ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, n->y + y, n->x + x);
ncplane* ncplane_dup(const ncplane* n, void* opaque){
int dimy = n->leny;
int dimx = n->lenx;
const int placey = n->absy;
const int placex = n->absx;
struct ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = placey,
.x = placex,
.rows = dimy,
.cols = dimx,
.userptr = opaque,
.name = n->name,
.resizecb = ncplane_resizecb(n),
.flags = 0,
ncplane* newn = ncplane_create(n->boundto, &nopts);
if(newn == NULL){
return NULL;
// we don't duplicate sprites...though i'm unsure why not
size_t fbsize = sizeof(*n->fb) * dimx * dimy;
if(egcpool_dup(&newn->pool, &n->pool)){
return NULL;
memmove(newn->fb, n->fb, fbsize);
// don't use ncplane_cursor_move_yx() here; the cursor could be in an
// invalid location, which will be disallowed, failing out.
newn->y = n->y;
newn->x = n->x;
newn->halign = n->halign;
newn->stylemask = ncplane_styles(n);
newn->channels = ncplane_channels(n);
// we dupd the egcpool, so just dup the goffset
newn->basecell = n->basecell;
return newn;
// call the resize callback for each bound child in turn. we only need to do
// the first generation; if they resize, they'll invoke
// ncplane_resize_internal(), leading to this function being called anew.
int resize_callbacks_children(ncplane* n){
int ret = 0;
for(struct ncplane* child = n->blist ; child ; child = child->bnext){
ret |= child->resizecb(child);
return ret;
// can be used on stdplane, unlike ncplane_resize() which prohibits it.
int ncplane_resize_internal(ncplane* n, int keepy, int keepx,
unsigned keepleny, unsigned keeplenx,
int yoff, int xoff,
unsigned ylen, unsigned xlen){
if(keepy < 0 || keepx < 0){ // can't start at negative origin
logerror("can't retain negative offset %dx%d", keepy, keepx);
return -1;
if((!keepleny && keeplenx) || (keepleny && !keeplenx)){ // both must be 0
logerror("can't retain null dimension %dx%d", keepleny, keeplenx);
return -1;
// can't be smaller than keep length
if(ylen < keepleny){
logerror("can't map in y dimension: %u < %d", ylen, keepleny);
return -1;
if(xlen < keeplenx){
logerror("can't map in x dimension: %u < %d", xlen, keeplenx);
return -1;
if(ylen <= 0 || xlen <= 0){ // can't resize to trivial or negative size
logerror("can't achieve meaningless size %ux%u", ylen, xlen);
return -1;
unsigned rows, cols;
ncplane_dim_yx(n, &rows, &cols);
if(keepleny + keepy > rows){
logerror("can't keep %d@%d rows from %d", keepleny, keepy, rows);
return -1;
if(keeplenx + keepx > cols){
logerror("can't keep %d@%d cols from %d", keeplenx, keepx, cols);
return -1;
loginfo("%dx%d @ %d/%d → %u/%u @ %d/%d (want %ux%u@%d/%d)", rows, cols, n->absy, n->absx, ylen, xlen, n->absy + keepy + yoff, n->absx + keepx + xoff, keepleny, keeplenx, keepy, keepx);
if(n->absy == n->absy + keepy && n->absx == n->absx + keepx &&
rows == ylen && cols == xlen){
return 0;
notcurses* nc = ncplane_notcurses(n);
// we're good to resize. we'll need alloc up a new framebuffer, and copy in
// those elements we're retaining, zeroing out the rest. alternatively, if
// we've shrunk, we will be filling the new structure.
int oldarea = rows * cols;
int keptarea = keepleny * keeplenx;
int newarea = ylen * xlen;
size_t fbsize = sizeof(nccell) * newarea;
nccell* fb;
// there are two cases worth optimizing:
// * nothing is kept. we malloc() a new cellmatrix, dump the EGCpool in
// toto, and zero out the matrix. no copies, one memset.
// * old and new x dimensions match, and we're keeping the full width.
// we release any cells we're about to lose, realloc() the cellmatrix,
// and zero out any new cells. so long as the realloc() doesn't move
// us, there are no copies, one memset, one iteration (since this is
// most often due to autogrowth by a single line, the likelihood that
// we remain where we are is pretty high).
// * otherwise, we malloc() a new cellmatrix, zero out any new cells,
// copy over any reused cells, and release any lost cells. one
// gigantic iteration.
// we might realloc instead of mallocing, in which case we NULL out
// |preserved|. it must otherwise be free()d at the end.
nccell* preserved = n->fb;
if(cols == xlen && cols == keeplenx && keepleny && !keepy){
// we need release the cells that we're losing, lest we leak EGCpool
// memory. unfortunately, this means we mutate the plane on the error case.
// any solution would involve copying them out first. we only do this if
// we're keeping some, as we otherwise drop the EGCpool in toto.
if(n->leny > keepleny){
for(unsigned y = keepleny ; y < n->leny ; ++y){
for(unsigned x = 0 ; x < n->lenx ; ++x){
nccell_release(n, ncplane_cell_ref_yx(n, y, x));
if((fb = realloc(n->fb, fbsize)) == NULL){
return -1;
preserved = NULL;
if((fb = malloc(fbsize)) == NULL){
return -1;
loginfo("tam realloc to %d entries", newarea);
// FIXME first, free any disposed auxiliary vectors!
tament* tmptam = realloc(n->tam, sizeof(*tmptam) * newarea);
if(tmptam == NULL){
return -1;
n->tam = tmptam;
if(newarea > oldarea){
memset(n->tam + oldarea, 0, sizeof(*n->tam) * (newarea - oldarea));
// update the cursor, if it would otherwise be off-plane
if(n->y >= ylen){
n->y = ylen - 1;
if(n->x >= xlen){
n->x = xlen - 1;
ncplane_notcurses(n)->stats.s.fbbytes -= sizeof(*fb) * (rows * cols);
ncplane_notcurses(n)->stats.s.fbbytes += fbsize;
const int oldabsy = n->absy;
// go ahead and move. we can no longer fail at this point. but don't yet
// resize, because n->len[xy] are used in fbcellidx() in the loop below. we
// don't use ncplane_move_yx(), because we want to planebinding-invariant.
n->absy += keepy + yoff;
n->absx += keepx + xoff;
//fprintf(stderr, "absx: %d keepx: %d xoff: %d\n", n->absx, keepx, xoff);
if(keptarea == 0){ // keep nothing, resize/move only.
// if we're keeping nothing, dump the old egcspool. otherwise, we go ahead
// and keep it. perhaps we ought compact it?
memset(fb, 0, sizeof(*fb) * newarea);
}else if(!preserved){
// the x dimensions are equal, and we're keeping across the width. only the
// y dimension changed. if we grew, we need zero out the new cells (if we
// shrunk, we already released the old cells prior to the realloc).
unsigned tozorch = (ylen - keepleny) * xlen * sizeof(*fb);
unsigned zorchoff = keepleny * xlen;
memset(fb + zorchoff, 0, tozorch);
// we currently have maxy rows of maxx cells each. we will be keeping rows
// keepy..keepy + keepleny - 1 and columns keepx..keepx + keeplenx - 1.
// anything else is zerod out. itery is the row we're writing *to*, and we
// must write to each (and every cell in each).
for(unsigned itery = 0 ; itery < ylen ; ++itery){
int truey = itery + n->absy;
int sourceoffy = truey - oldabsy;
//fprintf(stderr, "sourceoffy: %d keepy: %d ylen: %d\n", sourceoffy, keepy, ylen);
// if we have nothing copied to this line, zero it out in one go
if(sourceoffy < keepy || sourceoffy >= keepy + (int)keepleny){
//fprintf(stderr, "writing 0s to line %d of %d\n", itery, ylen);
memset(fb + (itery * xlen), 0, sizeof(*fb) * xlen);
int copyoff = itery * xlen; // our target at any given time
// we do have something to copy, and zero, one, or two regions to zero out
unsigned copied = 0;
if(xoff < 0){
memset(fb + copyoff, 0, sizeof(*fb) * -xoff);
copyoff += -xoff;
copied += -xoff;
const int sourceidx = nfbcellidx(n, sourceoffy, keepx);
//fprintf(stderr, "copying line %d (%d) to %d (%d)\n", sourceoffy, sourceidx, copyoff / xlen, copyoff);
memcpy(fb + copyoff, preserved + sourceidx, sizeof(*fb) * keeplenx);
copyoff += keeplenx;
copied += keeplenx;
unsigned perline = xlen - copied;
for(unsigned x = copyoff ; x < n->lenx ; ++x){
nccell_release(n, ncplane_cell_ref_yx(n, sourceoffy, x));
memset(fb + copyoff, 0, sizeof(*fb) * perline);
n->fb = fb;
n->lenx = xlen;
n->leny = ylen;
return resize_callbacks_children(n);
int ncplane_resize(ncplane* n, int keepy, int keepx,
unsigned keepleny, unsigned keeplenx,
int yoff, int xoff,
unsigned ylen, unsigned xlen){
if(n == ncplane_notcurses(n)->stdplane){
//fprintf(stderr, "Can't resize standard plane\n");
return -1;
return ncplane_resize_internal(n, keepy, keepx, keepleny, keeplenx,
yoff, xoff, ylen, xlen);
int ncplane_destroy(ncplane* ncp){
if(ncp == NULL){
return 0;
if(ncplane_notcurses(ncp)->stdplane == ncp){
logerror("won't destroy standard plane");
return -1;
//notcurses_debug(ncplane_notcurses(ncp), stderr);
loginfo("destroying %dx%d plane \"%s\" @ %dx%d",
ncp->leny, ncp->lenx, ncp->name ? ncp->name : NULL, ncp->absy, ncp->absx);
int ret = 0;
// dissolve our binding from behind (->bprev is either NULL, or its
// predecessor on the bound list's ->bnext, or &ncp->boundto->blist)
if( (*ncp->bprev = ncp->bnext) ){
ncp->bnext->bprev = ncp->bprev;
}else if(ncp->bnext){
//assert(ncp->boundto->blist == ncp);
ncp->bnext->bprev = NULL;
// recursively reparent our children to the plane to which we are bound.
// this will extract each one from the sibling list.
struct ncplane* bound = ncp->blist;
struct ncplane* tmp = bound->bnext;
ncplane* bindto = ((ncp == ncp->boundto) ? bound : ncp->boundto);
if(ncplane_reparent_family(bound, bindto) == NULL){
ret = -1;
bound = tmp;
// extract ourselves from the z-axis. do this *after* reparenting, in case
// reparenting shifts up the z-axis somehow (though i don't think it can,
// at least not within a pile?).
ncp->above->below = ncp->below;
ncplane_pile(ncp)->top = ncp->below;
ncp->below->above = ncp->above;
ncplane_pile(ncp)->bottom = ncp->above;
return ret;
int ncplane_destroy_family(ncplane *ncp){
if(ncp == NULL){
return 0;
if(ncplane_notcurses(ncp)->stdplane == ncp){
logerror("won't destroy standard plane");
return -1;
int ret = 0;
ret |= ncplane_destroy_family(ncp->blist);
ret |= ncplane_destroy(ncp);
return ret;
// it's critical that we're using UTF-8 encoding if at all possible. since the
// client might not have called setlocale(2) (if they weren't reading the
// directions...), go ahead and try calling setlocale(LC_ALL, "") and then
// setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "C.UTF-8") ourselves *iff* we're not using UTF-8 *and*
// LANG is not explicitly set to "C" nor "POSIX". this still requires the user
// to have a proper locale generated and available on disk. either way, they're
// going to get a diagnostic (unless the user has explicitly configured a LANG
// of "C" or "POSIX"). recommended practice is for the client code to have
// called setlocale() themselves, and set the NCOPTION_INHIBIT_SETLOCALE flag.
// if that flag is set, we take the locale and encoding as we get them.
void init_lang(void){
#ifdef __MINGW32__
if(setlocale(LC_ALL, ".UTF8") == NULL){
logwarn("couldn't set LC_ALL to utf8");
const char* encoding = nl_langinfo(CODESET);
if(encoding && !strcmp(encoding, "UTF-8")){
return; // already utf-8, great!
const char* lang = getenv("LANG");
// if LANG was explicitly set to C/POSIX, life sucks, roll with it
if(lang && (!strcmp(lang, "C") || !strcmp(lang, "POSIX"))){
loginfo("LANG was explicitly set to %s, not changing locale", lang);
#ifndef __MINGW32__
if(setlocale(LC_ALL, "") == NULL){
logwarn("setting locale based on LANG failed");
encoding = nl_langinfo(CODESET);
if(encoding && !strcmp(encoding, "UTF-8")){
loginfo("set locale from LANG; client should call setlocale(2)!");
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "C.UTF-8");
encoding = nl_langinfo(CODESET);
if(encoding && !strcmp(encoding, "UTF-8")){
loginfo("forced UTF-8 encoding; client should call setlocale(2)!");
// initialize a recursive mutex lock in a way that works on both glibc + musl
static int
recursive_lock_init(pthread_mutex_t *lock){
#ifndef __GLIBC__
pthread_mutexattr_t attr;
return -1;
if(pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE_NP)){
return -1;
if(pthread_mutex_init(lock, &attr)){
return -1;
return 0;
#ifndef __GLIBC__
ncpixelimpl_e notcurses_check_pixel_support(const notcurses* nc){
if(nc->tcache.cellpxy == 0 || nc->tcache.cellpxx == 0){
return nc->tcache.pixel_implementation;
// the earliest stage of initialization. logging does not yet work; all
// diagostics should be emitted with fprintf(stderr).
// * validates |opts|, if not NULL
// * creates and zeroes out the notcurses struct
// * ensures that we're using ASCII or UTF8 and calls setlocale(3)
// * checks the environment for NOTCURSES_LOGLEVEL and sets ret->loglevel
// * writes TERM to the environment, if specified via opts->termtype
// iff we're using UTF8, |utf8| will be set to 1. it is otherwise set to 0.
__attribute__ ((nonnull (2))) static notcurses*
notcurses_early_init(const struct notcurses_options* opts, FILE* fp, unsigned* utf8){
if(fwide(fp, 0) > 0){
fprintf(stderr, "error: output stream is wide-oriented");
return NULL;
notcurses* ret = malloc(sizeof(*ret));
if(ret == NULL){
return ret;
memset(ret, 0, sizeof(*ret));
if(opts->flags >= (NCOPTION_SCROLLING << 1u)){
fprintf(stderr, "warning: unknown Notcurses options %016" PRIu64, opts->flags);
return NULL;
ret->flags = opts->flags;
ret->margin_t = opts->margin_t;
ret->margin_b = opts->margin_b;
ret->margin_l = opts->margin_l;
ret->margin_r = opts->margin_r;
ret->loglevel = opts->loglevel;
//fprintf(stderr, "getenv LC_ALL: %s LC_CTYPE: %s\n", getenv("LC_ALL"), getenv("LC_CTYPE"));
const char* encoding = nl_langinfo(CODESET);
if(encoding && !strcmp(encoding, "UTF-8")){
*utf8 = true;
*utf8 = false;
if(encoding && (strcmp(encoding, "ANSI_X3.4-1968") &&
strcmp(encoding, "US-ASCII") &&
strcmp(encoding, "ASCII"))){
fprintf(stderr, "encoding (\"%s\") was neither ANSI_X3.4-1968 nor UTF-8, refusing to start\n did you call setlocale()?\n",
encoding ? encoding : "none found");
return NULL;
ret->cursory = ret->cursorx = -1;
ret->ttyfp = fp;
if(ret->loglevel > NCLOGLEVEL_TRACE || ret->loglevel < NCLOGLEVEL_SILENT){
fprintf(stderr, "invalid loglevel %d", ret->loglevel);
return NULL;
fprintf(stderr, "couldn't initialize pile mutex");
return NULL;
if(pthread_mutex_init(&ret->stats.lock, NULL)){
return NULL;
return ret;
notcurses* notcurses_core_init(const notcurses_options* opts, FILE* outfp){
if(outfp == NULL){
outfp = stdout;
unsigned utf8;
// ret comes out entirely zero-initialized
notcurses* ret = notcurses_early_init(opts, outfp, &utf8);
if(ret == NULL){
return NULL;
// the fbuf is needed by notcurses_stop_minimal, so this must be done
// before registering fatal signal handlers.
return NULL;
if(setup_signals(ret, (ret->flags & NCOPTION_NO_QUIT_SIGHANDLERS),
return NULL;
// don't set loglevel until we've acquired the signal handler, lest we
// change the loglevel out from under a running instance
loglevel = ret->loglevel;
ret->rstate.logendy = -1;
ret->rstate.logendx = -1;
ret->rstate.x = ret->rstate.y = -1;
int fakecursory = ret->rstate.logendy;
int fakecursorx = ret->rstate.logendx;
int* cursory = ret->flags & NCOPTION_PRESERVE_CURSOR ?
&ret->rstate.logendy : &fakecursory;
int* cursorx = ret->flags & NCOPTION_PRESERVE_CURSOR ?
&ret->rstate.logendx : &fakecursorx;
if(interrogate_terminfo(&ret->tcache, ret->ttyfp, utf8,
cursory, cursorx, &ret->stats,
ret->margin_l, ret->margin_t,
ret->margin_r, ret->margin_b,
ret->flags & NCOPTION_DRAIN_INPUT)){
return NULL;
if(ret->tcache.maxpaletteread > -1){
memcpy(ret->palette.chans, ret->tcache.originalpalette.chans,
sizeof(*ret->palette.chans) * (ret->tcache.maxpaletteread + 1));
if((ret->flags & NCOPTION_PRESERVE_CURSOR) ||
// the u7 led the queries so that we would get a cursor position
// unaffected by any query spill (unconsumed control sequences). move
// us back to that location, in case there was any such spillage.
if(*cursory < 0 || *cursorx < 0){
unsigned cy, cx;
if(locate_cursor(&ret->tcache, &cy, &cx)){
logwarn("couldn't preserve cursor");
*cursory = cy;
*cursorx = cx;
if(*cursory >= 0 && *cursorx >= 0){
if(goto_location(ret, &ret->rstate.f, *cursory, *cursorx, NULL)){
goto err;
unsigned dimy, dimx, cgeo, pgeo; // latter two are don't-cares
if(update_term_dimensions(&dimy, &dimx, &ret->tcache, ret->margin_b, &cgeo, &pgeo)){
goto err;
goto err;
ret->stdplane = NULL;
if((ret->stdplane = create_initial_ncplane(ret, dimy, dimx)) == NULL){
logpanic("couldn't create the initial plane (bad margins?)");
goto err;
if(ret->flags & NCOPTION_SCROLLING){
ncplane_set_scrolling(ret->stdplane, true);
reset_term_attributes(&ret->tcache, &ret->rstate.f);
const char* cinvis = get_escape(&ret->tcache, ESCAPE_CIVIS);
if(cinvis && fbuf_emit(&ret->rstate.f, cinvis) < 0){
goto err;
const char* pushcolors = get_escape(&ret->tcache, ESCAPE_SAVECOLORS);
if(pushcolors && fbuf_emit(&ret->rstate.f, pushcolors)){
goto err;
init_banner(ret, &ret->rstate.f);
if(fbuf_flush(&ret->rstate.f, ret->ttyfp) < 0){
goto err;
if(ret->rstate.logendy >= 0){ // if either is set, both are
if(!(ret->flags & NCOPTION_SUPPRESS_BANNERS) && ret->tcache.ttyfd >= 0){
unsigned uendy, uendx;
if(locate_cursor(&ret->tcache, &uendy, &uendx)){
goto err;
ret->rstate.logendy = uendy;
ret->rstate.logendx = uendx;
ncplane_cursor_move_yx(ret->stdplane, ret->rstate.logendy, ret->rstate.logendx);
// perform an explicit clear since the alternate screen was requested
// (smcup *might* clear, but who knows? and it might not have been
// available in any case).
if(clear_and_home(ret, &ret->tcache, &ret->rstate.f)){
goto err;
// no need to reestablish a preserved cursor -- that only affects the
// standard plane, not the physical cursor that was just disrupted.
// the sprite clear ought take place within the alternate screen, if it's
// being used.
if(!(ret->flags & NCOPTION_NO_CLEAR_BITMAPS)){
if(sprite_clear_all(&ret->tcache, &ret->rstate.f)){
goto err;
if(fbuf_flush(&ret->rstate.f, ret->ttyfp) < 0){
goto err;
return ret;
logpanic("alas, you will not be going to space today.");
if(ret->tcache.ttyfd >= 0 && ret->tcache.tpreserved){
(void)tcsetattr(ret->tcache.ttyfd, TCSAFLUSH, ret->tcache.tpreserved);
return NULL;
// updates *pile to point at (*pile)->next, frees all but standard pile/plane
static void
ncpile_drop(notcurses* nc, ncpile** pile){
bool sawstdplane = false;
ncpile* next = (*pile)->next;
ncplane* p = (*pile)->top;
ncplane* tmp = p->below;
logdebug("killing plane %p, next is %p", p, tmp);
if(nc->stdplane != p){
sawstdplane = true;
p = tmp;
*pile = next;
ncplane_pile(nc->stdplane)->top = nc->stdplane;
ncplane_pile(nc->stdplane)->bottom = nc->stdplane;
nc->stdplane->above = nc->stdplane->below = NULL;
nc->stdplane->blist = NULL;
// drop all piles and all planes, save the standard plane and its pile
void notcurses_drop_planes(notcurses* nc){
logdebug("we have some planes");
ncpile* p = ncplane_pile(nc->stdplane);
ncpile* p0 = p;
ncpile_drop(nc, &p);
}while(p0 != p);
logdebug("all planes dropped");
int notcurses_stop(notcurses* nc){
logdebug("stopping notcurses");
//notcurses_debug(nc, stderr);
int ret = 0;
ret |= notcurses_stop_minimal(nc);
// if we were not using the alternate screen, our cursor's wherever we last
// wrote. move it to the furthest place to which it advanced.
if(!get_escape(&nc->tcache, ESCAPE_SMCUP)){
//fprintf(stderr, "CLOSING TO %d/%d\n", nc->rstate.logendy, nc->rstate.logendx);
goto_location(nc, &nc->rstate.f, nc->rstate.logendy, nc->rstate.logendx, NULL);
//fprintf(stderr, "***"); fflush(stderr);
fbuf_finalize(&nc->rstate.f, stdout);
if(nc->tcache.ttyfd >= 0){
ret |= close(nc->tcache.ttyfd);
// get any current stats loaded into stash_stats
notcurses_stats_reset(nc, NULL);
#ifndef __MINGW32__
ret |= pthread_mutex_destroy(&nc->stats.lock);
ret |= pthread_mutex_destroy(&nc->pilelock);
return ret;
uint64_t ncplane_channels(const ncplane* n){
return ncchannels_channels(n->channels);
void ncplane_set_channels(ncplane* n, uint64_t channels){
ncchannels_set_channels(&n->channels, channels);
uint16_t ncplane_styles(const ncplane* n){
return n->stylemask;
void ncplane_set_fg_default(ncplane* n){
void ncplane_set_bg_default(ncplane* n){
void ncplane_set_bg_rgb8_clipped(ncplane* n, int r, int g, int b){
ncchannels_set_bg_rgb8_clipped(&n->channels, r, g, b);
int ncplane_set_bg_rgb8(ncplane* n, unsigned r, unsigned g, unsigned b){
return ncchannels_set_bg_rgb8(&n->channels, r, g, b);
void ncplane_set_fg_rgb8_clipped(ncplane* n, int r, int g, int b){
ncchannels_set_fg_rgb8_clipped(&n->channels, r, g, b);
int ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(ncplane* n, unsigned r, unsigned g, unsigned b){
return ncchannels_set_fg_rgb8(&n->channels, r, g, b);
int ncplane_set_fg_rgb(ncplane* n, unsigned channel){
return ncchannels_set_fg_rgb(&n->channels, channel);
uint64_t ncplane_set_bchannel(ncplane* n, uint32_t channel){
return ncchannels_set_bchannel(&n->channels, channel);
uint64_t ncplane_set_fchannel(ncplane* n, uint32_t channel){
return ncchannels_set_fchannel(&n->channels, channel);
int ncplane_set_bg_rgb(ncplane* n, unsigned channel){
return ncchannels_set_bg_rgb(&n->channels, channel);
int ncplane_set_fg_alpha(ncplane* n, int alpha){
return ncchannels_set_fg_alpha(&n->channels, alpha);
int ncplane_set_bg_alpha(ncplane *n, int alpha){
return ncchannels_set_bg_alpha(&n->channels, alpha);
int ncplane_set_fg_palindex(ncplane* n, unsigned idx){
return ncchannels_set_fg_palindex(&n->channels, idx);
int ncplane_set_bg_palindex(ncplane* n, unsigned idx){
return ncchannels_set_bg_palindex(&n->channels, idx);
int ncplane_set_base_cell(ncplane* ncp, const nccell* c){
return -1;
return nccell_duplicate(ncp, &ncp->basecell, c);
int ncplane_set_base(ncplane* ncp, const char* egc, uint16_t stylemask, uint64_t channels){
return nccell_prime(ncp, &ncp->basecell, egc, stylemask, channels);
int ncplane_base(ncplane* ncp, nccell* c){
return nccell_duplicate(ncp, c, &ncp->basecell);
const char* nccell_extended_gcluster(const ncplane* n, const nccell* c){
return (const char*)&c->gcluster;
return egcpool_extended_gcluster(&n->pool, c);
// 'n' ends up above 'above'
int ncplane_move_above(ncplane* restrict n, ncplane* restrict above){
if(n == above){ // probably gets optimized out =/
return -1;
ncpile* p = ncplane_pile(n);
if(above == NULL){
if( (n->below->above = n->above) ){
n->above->below = n->below;
p->top = n->below;
n->below = NULL;
if( (n->above = p->bottom) ){
n->above->below = n;
p->bottom = n;
return 0;
if(n->below != above){
if(p != ncplane_pile(above)){ // can't move among piles
return -1;
// splice out 'n'
n->below->above = n->above;
p->bottom = n->above;
n->above->below = n->below;
p->top = n->below;
if( (n->above = above->above) ){
above->above->below = n;
p->top = n;
above->above = n;
n->below = above;
return 0;
// 'n' ends up below 'below', or on top if 'below' == NULL
int ncplane_move_below(ncplane* restrict n, ncplane* restrict below){
if(n == below){ // probably gets optimized out =/
return -1;
ncpile* p = ncplane_pile(n);
if(below == NULL){
if( (n->above->below = n->below) ){
n->below->above = n->above;
p->bottom = n->above;
n->above = NULL;
if( (n->below = p->top) ){
n->below->above = n;
p->top = n;
return 0;
if(n->above != below){
if(p != ncplane_pile(below)){ // can't move among piles
return -1;
n->below->above = n->above;
p->bottom = n->above;
n->above->below = n->below;
p->top = n->below;
if( (n->below = below->below) ){
below->below->above = n;
p->bottom = n;
below->below = n;
n->above = below;
return 0;
// if above is NULL, we're moving to the bottom
int ncplane_move_family_above(ncplane* restrict n, ncplane* restrict bpoint){
ncplane* above = ncplane_above(n);
ncplane* below = ncplane_below(n);
if(ncplane_move_above(n, bpoint)){
return -1;
// traverse the planes above n, until we hit NULL. do the planes above n
// first, so that we know the topmost element of our new ensplicification.
// at this point, n is the bottommost plane, and we're inserting above it.
ncplane* targ = n;
while(above && above != n){
ncplane* tmp = ncplane_above(above);
if(ncplane_descendant_p(above, n)){
ncplane_move_above(above, targ);
targ = above;
above = tmp;
// n remains the topmost plane, and we're inserting above it. we have to be
// careful this time not to cross into any we moved below n.
const ncplane* topmost = targ;
targ = n;
while(below && below != topmost){
ncplane* tmp = ncplane_below(below);
if(ncplane_descendant_p(below, n)){
ncplane_move_below(below, targ);
targ = below;
below = tmp;
return 0;
// if below is NULL, we're moving to the top
int ncplane_move_family_below(ncplane* restrict n, ncplane* restrict bpoint){
ncplane* below = ncplane_below(n);
ncplane* above = ncplane_above(n);
if(ncplane_move_below(n, bpoint)){
return -1;
// traverse the planes below n, until we hit NULL. do the planes below n
// first, so that we know the bottommost element of our new ensplicification.
// we're inserting below n...
ncplane* targ = n;
while(below && below != n){
ncplane* tmp = ncplane_below(below);
if(ncplane_descendant_p(below, n)){
ncplane_move_below(below, targ);
targ = below;
below = tmp;
// n remains the topmost plane, and we're inserting above it. we have to be
// careful this time not to cross into any we moved below n.
const ncplane* bottommost = targ;
targ = n;
while(above && above != bottommost){
ncplane* tmp = ncplane_above(above);
if(ncplane_descendant_p(above, n)){
ncplane_move_above(above, targ);
targ = above;
above = tmp;
return 0;
void ncplane_cursor_yx(const ncplane* n, unsigned* y, unsigned* x){
*y = n->y;
*x = n->x;
static inline void
nccell_obliterate(ncplane* n, nccell* c){
nccell_release(n, c);
// increment y by 1 and rotate the framebuffer up one line. x moves to 0. any
// non-fixed bound planes move up 1 line if they intersect the plane.
void scroll_down(ncplane* n){
//fprintf(stderr, "pre-scroll: %d/%d %d/%d log: %d scrolling: %u\n", n->y, n->x, n->leny, n->lenx, n->logrow, n->scrolling);
n->x = 0;
if(n->y == n->leny - 1){
// we're on the last line of the plane
ncplane_resize_simple(n, n->leny + 1, n->lenx);
ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, n->leny - 1, 0);
// we'll actually be scrolling material up and out, and making a new line.
// if this is the standard plane, that means a "physical" scroll event is
// called for.
if(n == notcurses_stdplane(ncplane_notcurses(n))){
n->logrow = (n->logrow + 1) % n->leny;
nccell* row = n->fb + nfbcellidx(n, n->y, 0);
for(unsigned clearx = 0 ; clearx < n->lenx ; ++clearx){
nccell_release(n, &row[clearx]);
memset(row, 0, sizeof(*row) * n->lenx);
for(struct ncplane* c = n->blist ; c ; c = c->bnext){
if(ncplanes_intersect_p(n, c)){
ncplane_move_rel(c, -1, 0);
int ncplane_scrollup(ncplane* n, int r){
logerror("can't scroll %d on non-scrolling plane", r);
return -1;
if(r < 0){
logerror("can't scroll %d lines", r);
return -1;
while(r-- > 0){
if(n == notcurses_stdplane(ncplane_notcurses(n))){
return 0;
// Scroll |n| up until |child| is no longer hidden beneath it. Returns an
// error if |child| is not a child of |n|, or |n| is not scrolling, or |child|
// is fixed. Returns the number of scrolling events otherwise (might be 0).
int ncplane_scrollup_child(ncplane* n, const ncplane* child){
if(!ncplane_descendant_p(child, n)){
logerror("not a descendant of specified plane");
return -1;
logerror("child plane is fixed");
return -1;
int parend = ncplane_abs_y(n) + ncplane_dim_y(n) - 1; // where parent ends
int chend = ncplane_abs_y(child) + ncplane_dim_y(child) - 1; // where child ends
if(chend <= parend){
return 0;
int r = chend - parend; // how many rows we need scroll parent
ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, ncplane_dim_y(n) - 1, 0);
int ret = ncplane_scrollup(n, r);
return ret;
int nccell_load(ncplane* n, nccell* c, const char* gcluster){
int cols;
int bytes = utf8_egc_len(gcluster, &cols);
return pool_load_direct(&n->pool, c, gcluster, bytes, cols);
// where the magic happens. write the single EGC completely described by |egc|,
// occupying |cols| columns, to the ncplane |n| at the coordinate |y|, |x|. if
// either or both of |y|/|x| is -1, the current cursor location for that
// dimension will be used. if the glyph cannot fit on the current line, it is
// an error unless scrolling is enabled.
static int
ncplane_put(ncplane* n, int y, int x, const char* egc, int cols,
uint16_t stylemask, uint64_t channels, int bytes){
logerror("can't write [%s] to sprixelated plane", egc);
return -1;
// reject any control character for output other than newline (and then only
// on a scrolling plane) and tab.
if(is_control_egc((const unsigned char*)egc, bytes)){
if(*egc == '\n'){
// if we're not scrolling, autogrow would be to the right (as opposed to
// down), and thus it still wouldn't apply to the case of a newline.
logerror("rejecting newline on non-scrolling plane");
return -1;
}else if(*egc != '\t'){
logerror("rejecting %dB control character", bytes);
return -1;
// check *before ncplane_cursor_move_yx()* whether we're past the end of the
// line. if scrolling is enabled, move to the next line if so. if x or y are
// specified, we must always try to print at exactly that location, and
// there's no need to check the present location in that dimension.
bool linesend = false;
if(x < 0){
// we checked x for all negatives, but only -1 is valid (our else clause is
// predicated on a non-negative x).
if(x == -1){
if(n->x + cols - 1 >= n->lenx){
linesend = true;
if((unsigned)x + cols - 1 >= n->lenx){
linesend = true;
bool scrolled = false;
scrolled = true;
}else if(n->autogrow){
ncplane_resize_simple(n, n->leny, n->lenx + cols);
logerror("target x %d [%.*s] > length %d", n->x, bytes, egc, n->lenx);
return -1;
// targets outside the plane will be rejected here.
if(ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, y, x)){
return -1;
if(*egc == '\n'){
scrolled = true;
// A wide character obliterates anything to its immediate right (and marks
// that cell as wide). Any character placed atop one cell of a wide character
// obliterates all cells. Note that a two-cell glyph can thus obliterate two
// other two-cell glyphs, totalling four columns.
nccell* targ = ncplane_cell_ref_yx(n, n->y, n->x);
// we're always starting on the leftmost cell of our output glyph. check the
// target, and find the leftmost cell of the glyph it will be displacing.
// obliterate as we go along.
int idx = n->x;
nccell* lmc = targ;
nccell_obliterate(n, &n->fb[nfbcellidx(n, n->y, idx)]);
lmc = ncplane_cell_ref_yx(n, n->y, --idx);
// we're now on the leftmost cell of the target glyph.
int twidth = nccell_cols(lmc);
nccell_release(n, lmc);
twidth -= n->x - idx;
while(--twidth > 0){
nccell_obliterate(n, &n->fb[nfbcellidx(n, n->y, n->x + twidth)]);
targ->stylemask = stylemask;
targ->channels = channels;
// tabs get replaced with spaces, up to the next tab stop. we always try to
// write at least one. if there are no more tabstops on the current line, if
// autogrowing to the right, extend as necessary. otherwise, if scrolling,
// move to the next line. otherwise, simply fill any spaces we can. this has
// already taken place by the time we get here, if it ought have happened.
if(*egc == '\t'){
cols = TABSTOP - (n->x % TABSTOP);
if(n->x + 1 >= n->lenx){
if(!n->scrolling && n->autogrow){
ncplane_resize_simple(n, n->leny, n->lenx + (cols ? cols - 1 : TABSTOP - 1));
// must refresh targ; resize invalidated it
targ = ncplane_cell_ref_yx(n, n->y, n->x);
if(cell_load_direct(n, targ, " ", bytes, 1) < 0){
return -1;
if(cell_load_direct(n, targ, egc, bytes, cols) < 0){
return -1;
//fprintf(stderr, "%08x %016lx %c %d %d\n", targ->gcluster, targ->channels, nccell_double_wide_p(targ) ? 'D' : 'd', bytes, cols);
if(*egc != '\n'){
// if wide, set our right hand columns wide, and check for further damage
for(int i = 1 ; i < cols ; ++i){
nccell* candidate = &n->fb[nfbcellidx(n, n->y, n->x)];
int off = nccell_cols(candidate);
nccell_release(n, &n->fb[nfbcellidx(n, n->y, n->x)]);
while(--off > 0){
nccell_obliterate(n, &n->fb[nfbcellidx(n, n->y, n->x + off)]);
if(*egc != '\t'){
candidate->channels = targ->channels;
candidate->stylemask = targ->stylemask;
candidate->width = targ->width;
if(cell_load_direct(n, candidate, " ", bytes, 1) < 0){
return -1;
if(n == notcurses_stdplane(ncplane_notcurses(n))){
return cols;
int ncplane_putc_yx(ncplane* n, int y, int x, const nccell* c){
const int cols = nccell_cols(c);
// unfortunately, |c| comes from |n|. the act of writing |c| to |n| could
// grow |n|'s egcpool, invalidating the reference represented by
// nccell_extended_gcluster(). so we must copy and free it.
char* egc = nccell_strdup(n, c);
if(egc == NULL){
logerror("couldn't duplicate cell");
return -1;
int r = ncplane_put(n, y, x, egc, cols, c->stylemask, c->channels, strlen(egc));
return r;
int ncplane_putegc_yx(ncplane* n, int y, int x, const char* gclust, size_t* sbytes){
int cols;
int bytes = utf8_egc_len(gclust, &cols);
if(bytes < 0){
return -1;
*sbytes = bytes;
//fprintf(stderr, "glust: %s cols: %d wcs: %d\n", gclust, cols, bytes);
return ncplane_put(n, y, x, gclust, cols, n->stylemask, n->channels, bytes);
int ncplane_putchar_stained(ncplane* n, char c){
uint64_t channels = n->channels;
uint16_t stylemask = n->stylemask;
const nccell* targ = &n->fb[nfbcellidx(n, n->y, n->x)];
n->channels = targ->channels;
n->stylemask = targ->stylemask;
int ret = ncplane_putchar(n, c);
n->channels = channels;
n->stylemask = stylemask;
return ret;
int ncplane_putwegc_stained(ncplane* n, const wchar_t* gclust, size_t* sbytes){
uint64_t channels = n->channels;
uint16_t stylemask = n->stylemask;
const nccell* targ = &n->fb[nfbcellidx(n, n->y, n->x)];
n->channels = targ->channels;
n->stylemask = targ->stylemask;
int ret = ncplane_putwegc(n, gclust, sbytes);
n->channels = channels;
n->stylemask = stylemask;
return ret;
int ncplane_putegc_stained(ncplane* n, const char* gclust, size_t* sbytes){
uint64_t channels = n->channels;
uint16_t stylemask = n->stylemask;
const nccell* targ = &n->fb[nfbcellidx(n, n->y, n->x)];
n->channels = targ->channels;
n->stylemask = targ->stylemask;
int ret = ncplane_putegc(n, gclust, sbytes);
n->channels = channels;
n->stylemask = stylemask;
return ret;
int ncplane_cursor_at(const ncplane* n, nccell* c, char** gclust){
if(n->y >= n->leny || n->x >= n->lenx){
return -1;
const nccell* src = &n->fb[nfbcellidx(n, n->y, n->x)];
memcpy(c, src, sizeof(*src));
*gclust = NULL;
}else if((*gclust = strdup(nccell_extended_gcluster(n, src))) == NULL){
return -1;
return 0;
uint16_t notcurses_supported_styles(const notcurses* nc){
return term_supported_styles(&nc->tcache);
unsigned notcurses_palette_size(const notcurses* nc){
return nc->tcache.caps.colors;
char* notcurses_detected_terminal(const notcurses* nc){
return termdesc_longterm(&nc->tcache);
// conform to the specified stylebits
void ncplane_set_styles(ncplane* n, unsigned stylebits){
n->stylemask = (stylebits & NCSTYLE_MASK);
// turn on any specified stylebits
void ncplane_on_styles(ncplane* n, unsigned stylebits){
n->stylemask |= (stylebits & NCSTYLE_MASK);
// turn off any specified stylebits
void ncplane_off_styles(ncplane* n, unsigned stylebits){
n->stylemask &= ~(stylebits & NCSTYLE_MASK);
// i hate the big allocation and two copies here, but eh what you gonna do?
// well, for one, we don't need the huge allocation FIXME
char* ncplane_vprintf_prep(const char* format, va_list ap){
const size_t size = BUFSIZ; // healthy estimate, can embiggen below
char* buf = malloc(size);
if(buf == NULL){
return NULL;
va_list vacopy;
va_copy(vacopy, ap);
int ret = vsnprintf(buf, size, format, ap);
if(ret < 0){
return NULL;
if((size_t)ret >= size){
char* tmp = realloc(buf, ret + 1);
if(tmp == NULL){
return NULL;
buf = tmp;
vsprintf(buf, format, vacopy);
return buf;
int ncplane_vprintf_yx(ncplane* n, int y, int x, const char* format, va_list ap){
char* r = ncplane_vprintf_prep(format, ap);
if(r == NULL){
return -1;
int ret = ncplane_putstr_yx(n, y, x, r);
return ret;
int ncplane_vprintf_aligned(ncplane* n, int y, ncalign_e align,
const char* format, va_list ap){
char* r = ncplane_vprintf_prep(format, ap);
if(r == NULL){
return -1;
int ret = ncplane_putstr_aligned(n, y, align, r);
return ret;
int ncplane_vprintf_stained(struct ncplane* n, const char* format, va_list ap){
char* r = ncplane_vprintf_prep(format, ap);
if(r == NULL){
return -1;
int ret = ncplane_putstr_stained(n, r);
return ret;
int ncplane_putnstr_aligned(struct ncplane* n, int y, ncalign_e align, size_t s, const char* str){
char* chopped = strndup(str, s);
int ret = ncplane_putstr_aligned(n, y, align, chopped);
return ret;
int ncplane_hline_interp(ncplane* n, const nccell* c, unsigned len,
uint64_t c1, uint64_t c2){
if(len <= 0){
logerror("passed invalid length %u", len);
return -1;
unsigned ur, ug, ub;
int r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2;
int br1, bg1, bb1, br2, bg2, bb2;
ncchannels_fg_rgb8(c1, &ur, &ug, &ub);
r1 = ur; g1 = ug; b1 = ub;
ncchannels_fg_rgb8(c2, &ur, &ug, &ub);
r2 = ur; g2 = ug; b2 = ub;
ncchannels_bg_rgb8(c1, &ur, &ug, &ub);
br1 = ur; bg1 = ug; bb1 = ub;
ncchannels_bg_rgb8(c2, &ur, &ug, &ub);
br2 = ur; bg2 = ug; bb2 = ub;
int deltr = r2 - r1;
int deltg = g2 - g1;
int deltb = b2 - b1;
int deltbr = br2 - br1;
int deltbg = bg2 - bg1;
int deltbb = bb2 - bb1;
unsigned ret;
if(nccell_duplicate(n, &dupc, c) < 0){
return -1;
bool fgdef = false, bgdef = false;
if(ncchannels_fg_default_p(c1) && ncchannels_fg_default_p(c2)){
fgdef = true;
if(ncchannels_bg_default_p(c1) && ncchannels_bg_default_p(c2)){
bgdef = true;
for(ret = 0 ; ret < len ; ++ret){
int r = (deltr * (int)ret) / (int)len + r1;
int g = (deltg * (int)ret) / (int)len + g1;
int b = (deltb * (int)ret) / (int)len + b1;
int br = (deltbr * (int)ret) / (int)len + br1;
int bg = (deltbg * (int)ret) / (int)len + bg1;
int bb = (deltbb * (int)ret) / (int)len + bb1;
nccell_set_fg_rgb8(&dupc, r, g, b);
nccell_set_bg_rgb8(&dupc, br, bg, bb);
if(ncplane_putc(n, &dupc) <= 0){
return -1;
nccell_release(n, &dupc);
return ret;
int ncplane_vline_interp(ncplane* n, const nccell* c, unsigned len,
uint64_t c1, uint64_t c2){
if(len <= 0){
logerror("passed invalid length %u", len);
return -1;
unsigned ur, ug, ub;
int r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2;
int br1, bg1, bb1, br2, bg2, bb2;
ncchannels_fg_rgb8(c1, &ur, &ug, &ub);
r1 = ur; g1 = ug; b1 = ub;
ncchannels_fg_rgb8(c2, &ur, &ug, &ub);
r2 = ur; g2 = ug; b2 = ub;
ncchannels_bg_rgb8(c1, &ur, &ug, &ub);
br1 = ur; bg1 = ug; bb1 = ub;
ncchannels_bg_rgb8(c2, &ur, &ug, &ub);
br2 = ur; bg2 = ug; bb2 = ub;
int deltr = (r2 - r1) / ((int)len + 1);
int deltg = (g2 - g1) / ((int)len + 1);
int deltb = (b2 - b1) / ((int)len + 1);
int deltbr = (br2 - br1) / ((int)len + 1);
int deltbg = (bg2 - bg1) / ((int)len + 1);
int deltbb = (bb2 - bb1) / ((int)len + 1);
unsigned ypos, xpos;
unsigned ret;
ncplane_cursor_yx(n, &ypos, &xpos);
if(nccell_duplicate(n, &dupc, c) < 0){
return -1;
bool fgdef = false, bgdef = false;
if(ncchannels_fg_default_p(c1) && ncchannels_fg_default_p(c2)){
fgdef = true;
if(ncchannels_bg_default_p(c1) && ncchannels_bg_default_p(c2)){
bgdef = true;
for(ret = 0 ; ret < len ; ++ret){
if(ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, ypos + ret, xpos)){
return -1;
r1 += deltr;
g1 += deltg;
b1 += deltb;
br1 += deltbr;
bg1 += deltbg;
bb1 += deltbb;
nccell_set_fg_rgb8(&dupc, r1, g1, b1);
nccell_set_bg_rgb8(&dupc, br1, bg1, bb1);
if(ncplane_putc(n, &dupc) <= 0){
return -1;
nccell_release(n, &dupc);
return ret;
// we must have at least 2x2, or it's an error
int ncplane_box(ncplane* n, const nccell* ul, const nccell* ur,
const nccell* ll, const nccell* lr, const nccell* hl,
const nccell* vl, unsigned ystop, unsigned xstop,
unsigned ctlword){
unsigned yoff, xoff;
ncplane_cursor_yx(n, &yoff, &xoff);
// must be at least 2x2, with its upper-left corner at the current cursor
if(ystop < yoff + 1){
logerror("ystop (%u) insufficient for yoff (%d)", ystop, yoff);
return -1;
if(xstop < xoff + 1){
logerror("xstop (%u) insufficient for xoff (%d)", xstop, xoff);
return -1;
unsigned ymax, xmax;
ncplane_dim_yx(n, &ymax, &xmax);
// must be within the ncplane
if(xstop >= xmax || ystop >= ymax){
logerror("boundary (%ux%u) beyond plane (%dx%d)", ystop, xstop, ymax, xmax);
return -1;
unsigned edges;
edges = !(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_TOP) + !(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_LEFT);
if(edges >= box_corner_needs(ctlword)){
if(ncplane_putc(n, ul) < 0){
return -1;
if(!(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_TOP)){ // draw top border, if called for
if(xstop - xoff >= 2){
if(ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, yoff, xoff + 1)){
return -1;
if(!(ctlword & NCBOXGRAD_TOP)){ // cell styling, hl
if(ncplane_hline(n, hl, xstop - xoff - 1) < 0){
return -1;
}else{ // gradient, ul -> ur
if(ncplane_hline_interp(n, hl, xstop - xoff - 1, ul->channels, ur->channels) < 0){
return -1;
edges = !(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_TOP) + !(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_RIGHT);
if(edges >= box_corner_needs(ctlword)){
if(ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, yoff, xstop)){
return -1;
if(ncplane_putc(n, ur) < 0){
return -1;
// middle rows (vertical lines)
if(yoff < ystop){
if(!(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_LEFT)){
if(ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, yoff, xoff)){
return -1;
if((ctlword & NCBOXGRAD_LEFT)){ // grad styling, ul->ll
if(ncplane_vline_interp(n, vl, ystop - yoff, ul->channels, ll->channels) < 0){
return -1;
if(ncplane_vline(n, vl, ystop - yoff) < 0){
return -1;
if(!(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_RIGHT)){
if(ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, yoff, xstop)){
return -1;
if((ctlword & NCBOXGRAD_RIGHT)){ // grad styling, ur->lr
if(ncplane_vline_interp(n, vl, ystop - yoff, ur->channels, lr->channels) < 0){
return -1;
if(ncplane_vline(n, vl, ystop - yoff) < 0){
return -1;
// bottom line
yoff = ystop;
edges = !(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_BOTTOM) + !(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_LEFT);
if(edges >= box_corner_needs(ctlword)){
if(ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, yoff, xoff)){
return -1;
if(ncplane_putc(n, ll) < 0){
return -1;
if(!(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_BOTTOM)){
if(xstop - xoff >= 2){
if(ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, yoff, xoff + 1)){
return -1;
if(!(ctlword & NCBOXGRAD_BOTTOM)){ // cell styling, hl
if(ncplane_hline(n, hl, xstop - xoff - 1) < 0){
return -1;
if(ncplane_hline_interp(n, hl, xstop - xoff - 1, ll->channels, lr->channels) < 0){
return -1;
edges = !(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_BOTTOM) + !(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_RIGHT);
if(edges >= box_corner_needs(ctlword)){
if(ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, yoff, xstop)){
return -1;
if(ncplane_putc(n, lr) < 0){
return -1;
return 0;
// takes the head of a list of bound planes. performs a DFS on all planes bound
// to 'n', and all planes down-list from 'n', moving all *by* 'dy' and 'dx'.
static void
move_bound_planes(ncplane* n, int dy, int dx){
sprixel_movefrom(n->sprite, n->absy, n->absx);
n->absy += dy;
n->absx += dx;
move_bound_planes(n->blist, dy, dx);
n = n->bnext;
int ncplane_move_yx(ncplane* n, int y, int x){
if(n == ncplane_notcurses(n)->stdplane){
return -1;
int dy, dx; // amount moved
if(n->boundto == n){
dy = y - n->absy;
dx = x - n->absx;
dy = (n->boundto->absy + y) - n->absy;
dx = (n->boundto->absx + x) - n->absx;
if(dy || dx){ // don't want to trigger sprixel_movefrom() if unneeded
sprixel_movefrom(n->sprite, n->absy, n->absx);
n->absx += dx;
n->absy += dy;
move_bound_planes(n->blist, dy, dx);
return 0;
int ncplane_y(const ncplane* n){
if(n->boundto == n){
return n->absy;
return n->absy - n->boundto->absy;
int ncplane_x(const ncplane* n){
if(n->boundto == n){
return n->absx;
return n->absx - n->boundto->absx;
void ncplane_yx(const ncplane* n, int* y, int* x){
*y = ncplane_y(n);
*x = ncplane_x(n);
// special case of ncplane_erase_region()
void ncplane_erase(ncplane* n){
loginfo("erasing %dx%d plane", n->leny, n->lenx);
// we must preserve the background, but a pure nccell_duplicate() would be
// wiped out by the egcpool_dump(). do a duplication (to get the stylemask
// and channels), and then reload.
char* egc = nccell_strdup(n, &n->basecell);
memset(n->fb, 0, sizeof(*n->fb) * n->leny * n->lenx);
// we need to zero out the EGC before handing this off to nccell_load, but
// we don't want to lose the channels/attributes, so explicit gcluster load.
n->basecell.gcluster = 0;
nccell_load(n, &n->basecell, egc);
n->y = n->x = 0;
int ncplane_erase_region(ncplane* n, int ystart, int xstart, int ylen, int xlen){
if(ystart == -1){
ystart = n->y;
if(xstart == -1){
xstart = n->x;
if(ystart < 0 || xstart < 0){
logerror("illegal start of erase (%d, %d)", ystart, xstart);
return -1;
if(ystart >= (int)ncplane_dim_y(n) || xstart >= (int)ncplane_dim_x(n)){
logerror("illegal start of erase (%d, %d)", ystart, xstart);
return -1;
if(xlen < 0){
if(xlen + 1 < -xstart){
xlen = -xstart - 1;
xstart = xstart + xlen + 1;
xlen = -xlen;
}else if(xlen == 0){
xstart = 0;
xlen = ncplane_dim_x(n);
if(xlen > (int)ncplane_dim_x(n) || xstart + xlen > (int)ncplane_dim_x(n)){
xlen = ncplane_dim_x(n) - xstart;
if(ylen < 0){
if(ylen + 1 < -ystart){
ylen = -ystart - 1;
ystart = ystart + ylen + 1;
ylen = -ylen;
}else if(ylen == 0){
ystart = 0;
ylen = ncplane_dim_y(n);
if(ylen > (int)ncplane_dim_y(n) || ystart + ylen > (int)ncplane_dim_y(n)){
ylen = ncplane_dim_y(n) - ystart;
// special-case the full plane erasure, as it's powerfully optimized (O(1))
if(ystart == 0 && xstart == 0 &&
ylen == (int)ncplane_dim_y(n) && xlen == (int)ncplane_dim_x(n)){
int tmpy = n->y; // preserve cursor location
int tmpx = n->x;
n->y = tmpy;
n->x = tmpx;
return 0;
loginfo("erasing %d/%d - %d/%d", ystart, xstart, ystart + ylen, xstart + xlen);
for(int y = ystart ; y < ystart + ylen ; ++y){
for(int x = xstart ; x < xstart + xlen ; ++x){
nccell_release(n, &n->fb[nfbcellidx(n, y, x)]);
nccell_init(&n->fb[nfbcellidx(n, y, x)]);
return 0;
ncplane* ncpile_top(ncplane* n){
return ncplane_pile(n)->top;
ncplane* ncpile_bottom(ncplane* n){
return ncplane_pile(n)->bottom;
ncplane* ncplane_below(ncplane* n){
return n->below;
ncplane* ncplane_above(ncplane* n){
return n->above;
int notcurses_mice_enable(notcurses* n, unsigned eventmask){
if(mouse_setup(&n->tcache, eventmask)){
return -1;
return 0;
ncpalette* ncpalette_new(notcurses* nc){
ncpalette* p = malloc(sizeof(*p));
memcpy(p, &nc->palette, sizeof(*p));
return p;
int ncpalette_use(notcurses* nc, const ncpalette* p){
int ret = -1;
return -1;
for(size_t z = 0 ; z < sizeof(p->chans) / sizeof(*p->chans) ; ++z){
if(nc->palette.chans[z] != p->chans[z]){
nc->palette.chans[z] = p->chans[z];
nc->palette_damage[z] = true;
ret = 0;
return ret;
void ncpalette_free(ncpalette* p){
bool ncplane_translate_abs(const ncplane* n, int* restrict y, int* restrict x){
ncplane_translate(ncplane_stdplane_const(n), n, y, x);
if(*y < 0){
return false;
unsigned yval = *y;
if(yval >= n->leny){
return false;
if(*x < 0){
return false;
unsigned xval = *x;
if(xval >= n->lenx){
return false;
return true;
void ncplane_translate(const ncplane* src, const ncplane* dst,
int* restrict y, int* restrict x){
if(dst == NULL){
dst = ncplane_stdplane_const(src);
*y = src->absy - dst->absy + *y;
*x = src->absx - dst->absx + *x;
notcurses* ncplane_notcurses(const ncplane* n){
return ncplane_pile(n)->nc;
const notcurses* ncplane_notcurses_const(const ncplane* n){
return ncplane_pile_const(n)->nc;
int ncplane_abs_y(const ncplane* n){
return n->absy;
int ncplane_abs_x(const ncplane* n){
return n->absx;
void ncplane_abs_yx(const ncplane* n, int* RESTRICT y, int* RESTRICT x){
*y = ncplane_abs_y(n);
*x = ncplane_abs_x(n);
ncplane* ncplane_parent(ncplane* n){
return n->boundto;
const ncplane* ncplane_parent_const(const ncplane* n){
return n->boundto;
int ncplane_set_name(ncplane* n, const char* name){
char* copy = name ? strdup(name) : NULL;
if(copy == NULL && name != NULL){
return -1;
n->name = copy;
return 0;
char* ncplane_name(const ncplane* n){
return n->name ? strdup(n->name) : NULL;
void ncplane_set_resizecb(ncplane* n, int(*resizecb)(ncplane*)){
n->resizecb = resizecb;
int (*ncplane_resizecb(const ncplane* n))(ncplane*){
return n->resizecb;
int ncplane_resize_placewithin(ncplane* n){
if(n->boundto == n){
return 0;
int absy = ncplane_abs_y(n);
int absx = ncplane_abs_x(n);
int ret = 0;
if(absy + ncplane_dim_y(n) > ncplane_dim_y(n->boundto)){
const int dy = (absy + ncplane_dim_y(n)) - ncplane_dim_y(n->boundto);
logdebug("moving up %d", dy);
if(ncplane_move_rel(n, -dy, 0)){
ret = -1;
absy = ncplane_abs_y(n);
if(absx + ncplane_dim_x(n) > ncplane_dim_x(n->boundto)){
const int dx = ncplane_dim_x(n->boundto) - (absx + ncplane_dim_x(n));
logdebug("moving left %d", dx);
if(ncplane_move_rel(n, 0, dx)){
ret = -1;
absx = ncplane_abs_x(n);
// this will prefer upper-left material if the child plane is larger than
// the parent. we might want a smarter rule, one based on origin?
if(absy < 0){
logdebug("moving down %d", -absy);
// we're at least partially above our parent
if(ncplane_move_rel(n, -absy, 0)){
ret = -1;
absy = ncplane_abs_y(n);
if(absx < 0){
logdebug("moving right %d", -absx);
// we're at least partially to the left of our parent
if(ncplane_move_rel(n, 0, -absx)){
ret = -1;
absx = ncplane_abs_x(n);
return ret;
int ncplane_resize_marginalized(ncplane* n){
const ncplane* parent = ncplane_parent_const(n);
// a marginalized plane cannot be larger than its oppressor plane =]
unsigned maxy, maxx;
if(parent == n){ // root plane, need to use pile size
ncpile* p = ncplane_pile(n);
maxy = p->dimy;
maxx = p->dimx;
ncplane_dim_yx(parent, &maxy, &maxx);
if((maxy -= (n->margin_b + (n->absy - n->boundto->absy))) < 1){
maxy = 1;
if((maxx -= (n->margin_r + (n->absx - n->boundto->absx))) < 1){
maxx = 1;
unsigned oldy, oldx;
ncplane_dim_yx(n, &oldy, &oldx); // current dimensions of 'n'
unsigned keepleny = oldy > maxy ? maxy : oldy;
unsigned keeplenx = oldx > maxx ? maxx : oldx;
if(ncplane_resize_internal(n, 0, 0, keepleny, keeplenx, 0, 0, maxy, maxx)){
return -1;
int targy = maxy - n->margin_b;
int targx = maxx - n->margin_b;
loginfo("marg %d/%d, pdim %d/%d, move %d/%d", n->margin_b, n->margin_r, maxy, maxx, targy, targx);
return ncplane_move_yx(n, targy, targx);
int ncplane_resize_maximize(ncplane* n){
const ncpile* pile = ncplane_pile(n); // FIXME should be taken against parent
const unsigned rows = pile->dimy;
const unsigned cols = pile->dimx;
unsigned oldy, oldx;
ncplane_dim_yx(n, &oldy, &oldx); // current dimensions of 'n'
unsigned keepleny = oldy > rows ? rows : oldy;
unsigned keeplenx = oldx > cols ? cols : oldx;
return ncplane_resize_internal(n, 0, 0, keepleny, keeplenx, 0, 0, rows, cols);
int ncplane_resize_realign(ncplane* n){
const ncplane* parent = ncplane_parent_const(n);
if(parent == n){
logerror("can't realign a root plane");
return 0;
if(n->halign == NCALIGN_UNALIGNED && n->valign == NCALIGN_UNALIGNED){
logerror("passed a non-aligned plane");
return -1;
int xpos = ncplane_x(n);
if(n->halign != NCALIGN_UNALIGNED){
xpos = ncplane_halign(parent, n->halign, ncplane_dim_x(n));
int ypos = ncplane_y(n);
if(n->valign != NCALIGN_UNALIGNED){
ypos = ncplane_valign(parent, n->valign, ncplane_dim_y(n));
return ncplane_move_yx(n, ypos, xpos);
// The standard plane cannot be reparented; we return NULL in that case.
// If provided |newparent|==|n|, we are moving |n| to its own pile. If |n|
// is already bound to |newparent|, this is a no-op, and we return |n|.
// This is essentially a wrapper around ncplane_reparent_family() that first
// reparents any children to the parent of 'n', or makes them root planes if
// 'n' is a root plane.
ncplane* ncplane_reparent(ncplane* n, ncplane* newparent){
const notcurses* nc = ncplane_notcurses_const(n);
if(n == nc->stdplane){
logerror("won't reparent standard plane");
return NULL; // can't reparent standard plane
if(n->boundto == newparent){
loginfo("won't reparent plane to itself");
return n; // don't return error, just a no-op
//notcurses_debug(ncplane_notcurses(n), stderr);
if(n->boundto == n){ // children become new root planes
ncplane* lastlink;
ncplane* child = n->blist;
child->boundto = child;
lastlink = child;
child = child->bnext;
}while(child); // n->blist != NULL -> lastlink != NULL
if( (lastlink->bnext = ncplane_pile(n)->roots) ){
lastlink->bnext->bprev = &lastlink->bnext;
n->blist->bprev = &ncplane_pile(n)->roots;
ncplane_pile(n)->roots = n->blist;
}else{ // children are rebound to current parent
ncplane* lastlink;
ncplane* child = n->blist;
child->boundto = n->boundto;
lastlink = child;
child = child->bnext;
}while(child); // n->blist != NULL -> lastlink != NULL
if( (lastlink->bnext = n->boundto->blist) ){
lastlink->bnext->bprev = &lastlink->bnext;
n->blist->bprev = &n->boundto->blist;
n->boundto->blist = n->blist;
n->blist = NULL;
// FIXME would be nice to skip ncplane_descendant_p() on this call...:/
return ncplane_reparent_family(n, newparent);
// unsplice self from the z-axis, and then unsplice all children, recursively.
// to be called before unbinding 'n' from old pile.
static void
unsplice_zaxis_recursive(ncplane* n){
// might already have been unspliced, in which case ->above/->below are NULL
if(ncplane_pile(n)->top == n){
ncplane_pile(n)->top = n->below;
}else if(n->above){
n->above->below = n->below;
if(ncplane_pile(n)->bottom == n){
ncplane_pile(n)->bottom = n->above;
}else if(n->below){
n->below->above = n->above;
for(ncplane* child = n->blist ; child ; child = child->bnext){
n->below = n->above = NULL;
// unsplice our sprixel from the pile's sprixellist, and then unsplice all
// children, recursively. call before unbinding. returns a doubly-linked
// list of any sprixels found.
static sprixel*
unsplice_sprixels_recursive(ncplane* n, sprixel* prev){
sprixel* s = n->sprite;
s->prev->next = s->next;
ncplane_pile(n)->sprixelcache = s->next;
s->next->prev = s->prev;
if( (s->prev = prev) ){
prev->next = s;
s->next = NULL;
prev = s;
for(ncplane* child = n->blist ; child ; child = child->bnext){
unsplice_sprixels_recursive(child, prev);
while(prev && prev->next){ // FIXME lame
prev = prev->next;
return prev;
// recursively splice 'n' and children into the z-axis, above 'n->boundto'.
// handles 'n' == 'n->boundto'. to be called after binding 'n' into new pile.
static void
splice_zaxis_recursive(ncplane* n, ncpile* p, unsigned ocellpxy, unsigned ocellpxx,
unsigned ncellpxy, unsigned ncellpxx){
n->pile = p;
if(n != n->boundto){
if((n->above = n->boundto->above) == NULL){
n->pile->top = n;
n->boundto->above->below = n;
n->below = n->boundto;
n->boundto->above = n;
if(ocellpxy != ncellpxy || ocellpxx != ncellpxx){
sprixel_rescale(n->sprite, ncellpxy, ncellpxx);
// FIXME do what on error?
for(ncplane* child = n->blist ; child ; child = child->bnext){
splice_zaxis_recursive(child, p, ocellpxy, ocellpxx, ncellpxy, ncellpxx);
ncplane* ncplane_reparent_family(ncplane* n, ncplane* newparent){
// ncplane_notcurses() goes through ncplane_pile(). since we're possibly
// destroying piles below, get the notcurses reference early on.
notcurses* nc = ncplane_notcurses(n);
if(n == nc->stdplane){
return NULL; // can't reparent standard plane
if(n->boundto == newparent){ // no-op
return n;
if(ncplane_descendant_p(newparent, n)){
return NULL;
//notcurses_debug(ncplane_notcurses(n), stderr);
if(n->bprev){ // extract from sibling list
if( (*n->bprev = n->bnext) ){
n->bnext->bprev = n->bprev;
}else if(n->bnext){
n->bnext->bprev = NULL;
n->bprev = NULL;
n->bnext = NULL;
// if leaving a pile, extract n from the old zaxis, and also any sprixel
sprixel* s = NULL;
if(n == newparent || ncplane_pile(n) != ncplane_pile(newparent)){
s = unsplice_sprixels_recursive(n, NULL);
const unsigned ocellpxy = ncplane_pile(n)->cellpxy;
const unsigned ocellpxx = ncplane_pile(n)->cellpxx;
n->boundto = newparent;
if(n == n->boundto){ // we're a new root plane
logdebug("reparenting new root plane %p", n);
n->bnext = NULL;
n->bprev = NULL;
if(ncplane_pile(n)->top == NULL){ // did we just empty our pile?
make_ncpile(nc, n);
unsigned ncellpxy = ncplane_pile(n)->cellpxy;
unsigned ncellpxx = ncplane_pile(n)->cellpxx;
if(ncplane_pile(n)){ // FIXME otherwise, we've got a problem...!
splice_zaxis_recursive(n, ncplane_pile(n), ocellpxy, ocellpxx, ncellpxy, ncellpxx);
}else{ // establish ourselves as a sibling of new parent's children
if( (n->bnext = newparent->blist) ){
n->bnext->bprev = &n->bnext;
n->bprev = &newparent->blist;
newparent->blist = n;
// place it immediately above the new binding plane if crossing piles
if(ncplane_pile(n) != ncplane_pile(n->boundto)){
unsigned ncellpxy = ncplane_pile(n->boundto)->cellpxy;
unsigned ncellpxx = ncplane_pile(n->boundto)->cellpxx;
if(ncplane_pile(n)->top == NULL){ // did we just empty our pile?
n->pile = ncplane_pile(n->boundto);
splice_zaxis_recursive(n, ncplane_pile(n), ocellpxy, ocellpxx, ncellpxy, ncellpxx);
if(s){ // must be on new plane, with sprixels to donate
sprixel* lame = s;
lame = lame->next;
if( (lame->next = n->pile->sprixelcache) ){
n->pile->sprixelcache->prev = lame;
n->pile->sprixelcache = s;
return n;
bool ncplane_set_scrolling(ncplane* n, unsigned scrollp){
bool old = n->scrolling;
n->scrolling = scrollp;
return old;
bool ncplane_scrolling_p(const ncplane* n){
return n->scrolling;
bool ncplane_set_autogrow(ncplane* n, unsigned growp){
if(n == notcurses_stdplane_const(ncplane_notcurses_const(n))){
logerror("can't set the standard plane autogrow");
return false;
bool old = n->autogrow;
n->autogrow = growp;
return old;
bool ncplane_autogrow_p(const ncplane* n){
return n->autogrow;
// extract an integer, which must be non-negative, and followed by either a
// comma or a NUL terminator.
static int
lex_ulong(const char* op, unsigned* i, char** endptr){
errno = 0;
long l = strtol(op, endptr, 10);
if(l < 0 || (l == LONG_MAX && errno == ERANGE) || (l > INT_MAX)){
fprintf(stderr, "invalid margin: %s", op);
return -1;
if((**endptr != ',' && **endptr) || *endptr == op){
fprintf(stderr, "invalid margin: %s", op);
return -1;
*i = l;
return 0;
int notcurses_lex_scalemode(const char* op, ncscale_e* scalemode){
if(strcasecmp(op, "stretch") == 0){
*scalemode = NCSCALE_STRETCH;
}else if(strcasecmp(op, "scalehi") == 0){
}else if(strcasecmp(op, "hires") == 0){
*scalemode = NCSCALE_NONE_HIRES;
}else if(strcasecmp(op, "scale") == 0){
*scalemode = NCSCALE_SCALE;
}else if(strcasecmp(op, "none") == 0){
*scalemode = NCSCALE_NONE;
return -1;
return 0;
const char* notcurses_str_scalemode(ncscale_e scalemode){
if(scalemode == NCSCALE_STRETCH){
return "stretch";
}else if(scalemode == NCSCALE_SCALE){
return "scale";
}else if(scalemode == NCSCALE_NONE){
return "none";
}else if(scalemode == NCSCALE_NONE_HIRES){
return "hires";
}else if(scalemode == NCSCALE_SCALE_HIRES){
return "scalehi";
return NULL;
int notcurses_lex_margins(const char* op, notcurses_options* opts){
char* eptr;
if(lex_ulong(op, &opts->margin_t, &eptr)){
return -1;
if(!*eptr){ // allow a single value to be specified for all four margins
opts->margin_r = opts->margin_l = opts->margin_b = opts->margin_t;
return 0;
op = ++eptr; // once here, we require four values
if(lex_ulong(op, &opts->margin_r, &eptr) || !*eptr){
return -1;
op = ++eptr;
if(lex_ulong(op, &opts->margin_b, &eptr) || !*eptr){
return -1;
op = ++eptr;
if(lex_ulong(op, &opts->margin_l, &eptr) || *eptr){ // must end in NUL
return -1;
return 0;
int notcurses_inputready_fd(notcurses* n){
return inputready_fd(n->tcache.ictx);
int ncdirect_inputready_fd(ncdirect* n){
return inputready_fd(n->tcache.ictx);
// FIXME speed this up, PoC
// given an egc, get its index in the blitter's EGC set
static int
get_blitter_egc_idx(const struct blitset* bset, const char* egc){
wchar_t wc;
mbstate_t mbs = {0};
size_t sret = mbrtowc(&wc, egc, strlen(egc), &mbs);
if(sret == (size_t)-1 || sret == (size_t)-2){
return -1;
wchar_t* wptr = wcsrchr(bset->egcs, wc);
if(wptr == NULL){
//fprintf(stderr, "FAILED TO FIND [%s] (%lc) in [%ls]\n", egc, wc, bset->egcs);
return -1;
//fprintf(stderr, "FOUND [%s] (%lc) in [%ls] (%zu)\n", egc, wc, bset->egcs, wptr - bset->egcs);
return wptr - bset->egcs;
static bool
is_bg_p(int idx, int py, int px, int width){
// bit increases to the right, and down
const int bpos = py * width + px; // bit corresponding to pixel, 0..|egcs|-1
const unsigned mask = 1u << bpos;
if(idx & mask){
return false;
return true;
static inline uint32_t*
ncplane_as_rgba_internal(const ncplane* nc, ncblitter_e blit,
int begy, int begx, unsigned leny, unsigned lenx,
unsigned* pxdimy, unsigned* pxdimx){
const notcurses* ncur = ncplane_notcurses_const(nc);
unsigned ystart, xstart;
if(check_geometry_args(nc, begy, begx, &leny, &lenx, &ystart, &xstart)){
return NULL;
if(blit == NCBLIT_PIXEL){ // FIXME extend this to support sprixels
logerror("pixel blitter %d not yet supported", blit);
return NULL;
if(blit == NCBLIT_DEFAULT){
logerror("must specify exact blitter, not NCBLIT_DEFAULT");
return NULL;
const struct blitset* bset = lookup_blitset(&ncur->tcache, blit, false);
if(bset == NULL){
logerror("blitter %d invalid in current environment", blit);
return NULL;
//fprintf(stderr, "ALLOCATING %u %d %d %p\n", 4u * lenx * leny * 2, leny, lenx, bset);
*pxdimy = leny * bset->height;
*pxdimx = lenx * bset->width;
uint32_t* ret = malloc(sizeof(*ret) * lenx * bset->width * leny * bset->height);
//fprintf(stderr, "GEOM: %d/%d %d/%d ret: %p\n", bset->height, bset->width, *pxdimy, *pxdimx, ret);
for(unsigned y = ystart, targy = 0 ; y < ystart + leny ; ++y, targy += bset->height){
for(unsigned x = xstart, targx = 0 ; x < xstart + lenx ; ++x, targx += bset->width){
uint16_t stylemask;
uint64_t channels;
char* c = ncplane_at_yx(nc, y, x, &stylemask, &channels);
if(c == NULL){
return NULL;
int idx = get_blitter_egc_idx(bset, c);
if(idx < 0){
return NULL;
unsigned fr, fg, fb, br, bg, bb, fa, ba;
ncchannels_fg_rgb8(channels, &fr, &fb, &fg);
fa = ncchannels_fg_alpha(channels);
ncchannels_bg_rgb8(channels, &br, &bb, &bg);
ba = ncchannels_bg_alpha(channels);
// handle each destination pixel from this cell
for(unsigned py = 0 ; py < bset->height ; ++py){
for(unsigned px = 0 ; px < bset->width ; ++px){
uint32_t* p = &ret[(targy + py) * (lenx * bset->width) + (targx + px)];
bool background = is_bg_p(idx, py, px, bset->width);
*p = 0;
ncpixel_set_a(p, 0xff);
ncpixel_set_r(p, br);
ncpixel_set_g(p, bb);
ncpixel_set_b(p, bg);
*p = 0;
ncpixel_set_a(p, 0xff);
ncpixel_set_r(p, fr);
ncpixel_set_g(p, fb);
ncpixel_set_b(p, fg);
return ret;
uint32_t* ncplane_as_rgba(const ncplane* nc, ncblitter_e blit,
int begy, int begx, unsigned leny,
unsigned lenx, unsigned* pxdimy, unsigned* pxdimx){
unsigned px, py;
pxdimy = &py;
pxdimx = &px;
return ncplane_as_rgba_internal(nc, blit, begy, begx, leny, lenx, pxdimy, pxdimx);
// return a heap-allocated copy of the contents
char* ncplane_contents(ncplane* nc, int begy, int begx, unsigned leny, unsigned lenx){
unsigned ystart, xstart;
if(check_geometry_args(nc, begy, begx, &leny, &lenx, &ystart, &xstart)){
return NULL;
size_t retlen = 1;
char* ret = malloc(retlen);
for(unsigned y = ystart, targy = 0 ; y < ystart + leny ; ++y, targy += 2){
for(unsigned x = xstart, targx = 0 ; x < xstart + lenx ; ++x, ++targx){
// we need ncplane_at_yx_cell() here instead of ncplane_at_yx(),
// because we should only have one copy of each wide EGC.
int clen;
if((clen = ncplane_at_yx_cell(nc, y, x, &ncl)) < 0){
return NULL;
const char* c = nccell_extended_gcluster(nc, &ncl);
char* tmp = realloc(ret, retlen + clen);
return NULL;
ret = tmp;
memcpy(ret + retlen - 1, c, clen);
retlen += clen;
ret[retlen - 1] = '\0';
return ret;
// find the center coordinate of a plane, preferring the top/left in the
// case of an even number of rows/columns (in such a case, there will be one
// more cell to the bottom/right of the center than the top/left). the
// center is then modified relative to the plane's origin.
void ncplane_center_abs(const ncplane* n, int* RESTRICT y, int* RESTRICT x){
ncplane_center(n, y, x);
*y += n->absy;
*x += n->absx;
int ncplane_putwstr_stained(ncplane* n, const wchar_t* gclustarr){
mbstate_t ps = {0};
const wchar_t** wset = &gclustarr;
size_t mbytes = wcsrtombs(NULL, wset, 0, &ps);
if(mbytes == (size_t)-1){
logerror("error converting wide string");
return -1;
char* mbstr = malloc(mbytes);
if(mbstr == NULL){
return -1;
size_t s = wcsrtombs(mbstr, wset, mbytes, &ps);
if(s == (size_t)-1){
return -1;
int r = ncplane_putstr_stained(n, mbstr);
return r;
int notcurses_ucs32_to_utf8(const uint32_t* ucs32, unsigned ucs32count,
unsigned char* resultbuf, size_t buflen){
if(u32_to_u8(ucs32, ucs32count, resultbuf, &buflen) == NULL){
return -1;
return buflen;
int ncstrwidth(const char* egcs, int* validbytes, int* validwidth){
int cols;
if(validwidth == NULL){
validwidth = &cols;
*validwidth = 0;
int bytes;
if(validbytes == NULL){
validbytes = &bytes;
*validbytes = 0;
int thesecols, thesebytes;
thesebytes = utf8_egc_len(egcs, &thesecols);
if(thesebytes < 0){
return -1;
egcs += thesebytes;
*validbytes += thesebytes;
*validwidth += thesecols;
return *validwidth;
void ncplane_pixel_geom(const ncplane* n,
unsigned* RESTRICT pxy, unsigned* RESTRICT pxx,
unsigned* RESTRICT celldimy, unsigned* RESTRICT celldimx,
unsigned* RESTRICT maxbmapy, unsigned* RESTRICT maxbmapx){
const notcurses* nc = ncplane_notcurses_const(n);
const ncpile* p = ncplane_pile_const(n);
*celldimy = p->cellpxy;
*celldimx = p->cellpxx;
*pxy = p->cellpxy * ncplane_dim_y(n);
*pxx = p->cellpxx * ncplane_dim_x(n);
if(notcurses_check_pixel_support(nc) > 0){
*maxbmapy = p->cellpxy * ncplane_dim_y(n);
if(*maxbmapy > nc->tcache.sixel_maxy && nc->tcache.sixel_maxy){
*maxbmapy = nc->tcache.sixel_maxy;
*maxbmapx = p->cellpxx * ncplane_dim_x(n);
if(*maxbmapx > nc->tcache.sixel_maxx && nc->tcache.sixel_maxx){
*maxbmapx = nc->tcache.sixel_maxx;
*maxbmapy = 0;
*maxbmapx = 0;
const nccapabilities* notcurses_capabilities(const notcurses* n){
return &n->tcache.caps;