You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2694 lines
80 KiB

#include "version.h"
#include "egcpool.h"
#include "internal.h"
#include <ncurses.h> // needed for some definitions, see terminfo(3ncurses)
#include <poll.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <term.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistr.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <uniwbrk.h>
#include <langinfo.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <notcurses/direct.h>
#define ESC "\x1b"
// there does not exist any true standard terminal size. with that said, we
// need assume *something* for the case where we're not actually attached to
// a terminal (mainly unit tests, but also daemon environments).
static const int DEFAULT_ROWS = 24;
static const int DEFAULT_COLS = 80;
void notcurses_version_components(int* major, int* minor, int* patch, int* tweak){
// reset the current colors, styles, and palette. called on startup (to purge
// any preexisting styling) and shutdown (to not affect further programs).
static int
reset_term_attributes(notcurses* nc){
int ret = 0;
if(nc->tcache.op && term_emit("op", nc->tcache.op, nc->ttyfp, false)){
ret = -1;
if(nc->tcache.sgr0 && term_emit("sgr0", nc->tcache.sgr0, nc->ttyfp, false)){
ret = -1;
if(nc->tcache.oc && term_emit("oc", nc->tcache.oc, nc->ttyfp, true)){
ret = -1;
ret |= notcurses_mouse_disable(nc);
return ret;
// Do the minimum necessary stuff to restore the terminal, then return. This is
// the end of the line for fatal signal handlers. notcurses_stop() will go on
// to tear down and account for internal structures.
static int
notcurses_stop_minimal(void* vnc){
notcurses* nc = vnc;
int ret = drop_signals(nc);
// be sure to write the restoration sequences *prior* to running rmcup, as
// they apply to the screen (alternate or otherwise) we're actually using.
ret |= reset_term_attributes(nc);
if(nc->ttyfd >= 0){
if(nc->tcache.rmcup && tty_emit("rmcup", nc->tcache.rmcup, nc->ttyfd)){
ret = -1;
if(nc->tcache.cnorm && tty_emit("cnorm", nc->tcache.cnorm, nc->ttyfd)){
ret = -1;
ret |= tcsetattr(nc->ttyfd, TCSANOW, &nc->tpreserved);
return ret;
// make a heap-allocated wchar_t expansion of the multibyte string at s
wchar_t* wchar_from_utf8(const char* s){
mbstate_t ps;
memset(&ps, 0, sizeof(ps));
// worst case is a wchar_t for every byte of input (all-ASCII case)
const size_t maxw = strlen(s) + 1;
wchar_t* dst = malloc(sizeof(*dst) * maxw);
size_t wcount = mbsrtowcs(dst, &s, maxw, &ps);
if(wcount == (size_t)-1){
return NULL;
return NULL;
return dst;
int ncplane_putstr_aligned(ncplane* n, int y, ncalign_e align, const char* s){
wchar_t* w = wchar_from_utf8(s);
if(w == NULL){
return -1;
int r = ncplane_putwstr_aligned(n, y, align, w);
return r;
static const char NOTCURSES_VERSION[] =
const char* notcurses_version(void){
void* ncplane_set_userptr(ncplane* n, void* opaque){
void* ret = n->userptr;
n->userptr = opaque;
return ret;
void* ncplane_userptr(ncplane* n){
return n->userptr;
const void* ncplane_userptr_const(const ncplane* n){
return n->userptr;
// is the cursor in an invalid position? it never should be, but it's probably
// better to make sure (it's cheap) than to read from/write to random crap.
static bool
cursor_invalid_p(const ncplane* n){
if(n->y >= n->leny || n->x >= n->lenx){
return true;
if(n->y < 0 || n->x < 0){
return true;
return false;
char* ncplane_at_cursor(ncplane* n, uint16_t* stylemask, uint64_t* channels){
return ncplane_at_yx(n, n->y, n->x, stylemask, channels);
char* ncplane_at_yx(const ncplane* n, int y, int x, uint16_t* stylemask, uint64_t* channels){
if(y < n->leny && x < n->lenx){
if(y >= 0 && x >= 0){
return cell_extract(n, &n->fb[nfbcellidx(n, y, x)], stylemask, channels);
return NULL;
int ncplane_at_cursor_cell(ncplane* n, nccell* c){
return ncplane_at_yx_cell(n, n->y, n->x, c);
int ncplane_at_yx_cell(ncplane* n, int y, int x, nccell* c){
if(y < n->leny && x < n->lenx){
if(y >= 0 && x >= 0){
nccell* targ = ncplane_cell_ref_yx(n, y, x);
if(cell_duplicate(n, c, targ) == 0){
return strlen(cell_extended_gcluster(n, targ));
return -1;
void ncplane_dim_yx(const ncplane* n, int* rows, int* cols){
*rows = n->leny;
*cols = n->lenx;
// anyone calling this needs ensure the ncplane's framebuffer is updated
// to reflect changes in geometry. also called at startup for standard plane.
int update_term_dimensions(int fd, int* rows, int* cols){
// if we're not a real tty, we presumably haven't changed geometry, return
if(fd < 0){
return 0;
struct winsize ws;
int i = ioctl(fd, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws);
if(i < 0){
fprintf(stderr, "TIOCGWINSZ failed on %d (%s)\n", fd, strerror(errno));
return -1;
if(ws.ws_row <= 0 || ws.ws_col <= 0){
fprintf(stderr, "Bogus return from TIOCGWINSZ on %d (%d/%d)\n",
fd, ws.ws_row, ws.ws_col);
return -1;
*rows = ws.ws_row;
*cols = ws.ws_col;
return 0;
// destroy an empty ncpile. only call with pilelock held.
static void
ncpile_destroy(ncpile* pile){
pile->prev->next = pile->next;
pile->next->prev = pile->prev;
void free_plane(ncplane* p){
// ncdirect fakes an ncplane with no ->pile
ncplane_notcurses(p)->stats.fbbytes -= sizeof(*p->fb) * p->leny * p->lenx;
if(p->above == NULL && p->below == NULL){
struct notcurses* nc = ncplane_notcurses(p);
// create a new ncpile. only call with pilelock held.
static ncpile*
make_ncpile(notcurses* nc, ncplane* n){
ncpile* ret = malloc(sizeof(*ret));
ret->nc = nc;
ret->top = n;
ret->bottom = n;
ret->roots = n;
n->bprev = &ret->roots;
if(nc->stdplane){ // stdplane (and thus stdpile) has already been created
ret->prev = ncplane_pile(nc->stdplane)->prev;
ncplane_pile(nc->stdplane)->prev->next = ret;
ret->next = ncplane_pile(nc->stdplane);
ncplane_pile(nc->stdplane)->prev = ret;
ret->prev = ret;
ret->next = ret;
n->pile = ret;
n->above = NULL;
n->below = NULL;
ret->dimy = 0;
ret->dimx = 0;
ret->crender = NULL;
return ret;
// create a new ncplane at the specified location (relative to the true screen,
// having origin at 0,0), having the specified size, and put it at the top of
// the planestack. its cursor starts at its origin; its style starts as null.
// a plane may exceed the boundaries of the screen, but must have positive
// size in both dimensions. bind the plane to 'n', which may be NULL to create
// a new pile. if bound to a plane instead, this plane moves when that plane
// moves, and coordinates to move to are relative to that plane.
// there are two denormalized case we also must handle, that of the "fake"
// isolated ncplane created by ncdirect for rendering visuals. in that case
// (and only in that case), nc is NULL (as is n). there's also creation of the
// initial standard plane, in which case nc is not NULL, but nc->stdplane *is*
// (as once more is n).
ncplane* ncplane_new_internal(notcurses* nc, ncplane* n,
const ncplane_options* nopts){
if(nopts->flags >= (NCPLANE_OPTION_HORALIGNED << 1u)){
logwarn(nc, "Provided unsupported flags %016jx\n", (uintmax_t)nopts->flags);
if(nopts->rows <= 0 || nopts->cols <= 0){
logerror(nc, "Won't create denormalized plane (r=%d, c=%d)\n",
nopts->rows, nopts->cols);
return NULL;
ncplane* p = malloc(sizeof(*p));
size_t fbsize = sizeof(*p->fb) * (nopts->rows * nopts->cols);
if((p->fb = malloc(fbsize)) == NULL){
logerror(nc, "Error allocating cellmatrix (r=%d, c=%d)\n",
nopts->rows, nopts->cols);
return NULL;
memset(p->fb, 0, fbsize);
p->scrolling = false;
p->leny = nopts->rows;
p->lenx = nopts->cols;
p->x = p->y = 0;
p->logrow = 0;
p->blist = NULL;
p->name = strdup(nopts->name ? nopts->name : "");
if(!n){ // new root/standard plane
p->absy = nopts->y;
p->absx = nopts->x;
p->bnext = NULL;
p->bprev = NULL;
p->boundto = p;
}else{ // bound to preexisting pile
p->absx = ncplane_align(n, nopts->x, nopts->cols);
p->align = nopts->x;
p->absx = nopts->x;
p->absx += n->absx;
p->absy = nopts->y + n->absy;
if( (p->bnext = n->blist) ){
n->blist->bprev = &p->bnext;
p->bprev = &n->blist;
*p->bprev = p;
p->boundto = n;
p->resizecb = nopts->resizecb;
p->stylemask = 0;
p->channels = 0;
p->userptr = nopts->userptr;
if(nc == NULL){ // fake ncplane backing ncdirect object
p->above = NULL;
p->below = NULL;
p->pile = NULL;
ncpile* pile = n ? ncplane_pile(n) : NULL;
if( (p->pile = pile) ){ // existing pile
p->above = NULL;
if( (p->below = pile->top) ){ // always happens save initial plane
pile->top->above = p;
pile->bottom = p;
pile->top = p;
}else{ // new pile
make_ncpile(nc, p);
nc->stats.fbbytes += fbsize;
loginfo(nc, "Created new %dx%d plane \"%s\" @ %dx%d\n",
nopts->rows, nopts->cols, p->name, p->absy, p->absx);
return p;
// create an ncplane of the specified dimensions, but do not yet place it in
// the z-buffer. clear out all cells. this is for a wholly new context.
// FIXME set up using resizecb rather than special-purpose from SIGWINCH
static ncplane*
create_initial_ncplane(notcurses* nc, int dimy, int dimx){
ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = nc->margin_t,
.x = nc->margin_l,
.rows = dimy - (nc->margin_t + nc->margin_b),
.cols = dimx - (nc->margin_l + nc->margin_r),
.userptr = NULL,
.name = "std",
.resizecb = ncplane_resize_maximize,
.flags = 0,
return nc->stdplane = ncplane_new_internal(nc, NULL, &nopts);
ncplane* notcurses_stdplane(notcurses* nc){
return nc->stdplane;
const ncplane* notcurses_stdplane_const(const notcurses* nc){
return nc->stdplane;
ncplane* ncplane_create(ncplane* n, const ncplane_options* nopts){
return ncplane_new_internal(ncplane_notcurses(n), n, nopts);
ncplane* ncpile_create(notcurses* nc, const struct ncplane_options* nopts){
return ncplane_new_internal(nc, NULL, nopts);
struct ncplane* ncplane_new(struct ncplane* n, int rows, int cols, int y, int x, void* opaque, const char* name){
ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = y,
.x = x,
.rows = rows,
.cols = cols,
.userptr = opaque,
.name = name,
.resizecb = NULL,
.flags = 0,
return ncplane_create(n, &nopts);
void ncplane_home(ncplane* n){
n->x = 0;
n->y = 0;
inline int ncplane_cursor_move_yx(ncplane* n, int y, int x){
if(x >= n->lenx){
logerror(ncplane_notcurses(n), "Target x %d >= length %d\n", x, n->lenx);
return -1;
}else if(x < 0){
if(x < -1){
logerror(ncplane_notcurses(n), "Negative target x %d\n", x);
return -1;
n->x = x;
if(y >= n->leny){
logerror(ncplane_notcurses(n), "Target y %d >= height %d\n", y, n->leny);
return -1;
}else if(y < 0){
if(y < -1){
logerror(ncplane_notcurses(n), "Negative target y %d\n", y);
return -1;
n->y = y;
logerror(ncplane_notcurses(n), "Invalid cursor following move (%d/%d)\n", n->y, n->x);
return -1;
return 0;
ncplane* ncplane_dup(const ncplane* n, void* opaque){
int dimy = n->leny;
int dimx = n->lenx;
// if we're duping the standard plane, we need adjust for marginalia
const struct notcurses* nc = ncplane_notcurses_const(n);
const int placey = n->absy - nc->margin_t;
const int placex = n->absx - nc->margin_l;
struct ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = placey,
.x = placex,
.rows = dimy,
.cols = dimx,
.userptr = opaque,
.name = n->name,
.resizecb = ncplane_resizecb(n),
.flags = 0,
ncplane* newn = ncplane_create(n->boundto, &nopts);
if(egcpool_dup(&newn->pool, &n->pool)){
return NULL;
if(ncplane_cursor_move_yx(newn, n->y, n->x) < 0){
return NULL;
newn->align = n->align;
newn->stylemask = ncplane_styles(n);
newn->channels = ncplane_channels(n);
memmove(newn->fb, n->fb, sizeof(*n->fb) * dimx * dimy);
// we dupd the egcpool, so just dup the goffset
newn->basecell = n->basecell;
return newn;
// call the resize callback for each bound child in turn. we only need to do
// the first generation; if they resize, they'll invoke
// ncplane_resize_internal(), leading to this function being called anew.
int resize_callbacks_children(ncplane* n){
int ret = 0;
for(struct ncplane* child = n->blist ; child ; child = child->bnext){
ret |= child->resizecb(child);
return ret;
// can be used on stdplane, unlike ncplane_resize() which prohibits it.
int ncplane_resize_internal(ncplane* n, int keepy, int keepx, int keepleny,
int keeplenx, int yoff, int xoff, int ylen, int xlen){
if(keepleny < 0 || keeplenx < 0){ // can't retain negative size
logerror(ncplane_notcurses(n), "Can't retain negative size %dx%d\n", keepleny, keeplenx);
return -1;
if(keepy < 0 || keepx < 0){ // can't start at negative origin
logerror(ncplane_notcurses(n), "Can't retain negative offset %dx%d\n", keepy, keepx);
return -1;
if((!keepleny && keeplenx) || (keepleny && !keeplenx)){ // both must be 0
logerror(ncplane_notcurses(n), "Can't retain null dimension %dx%d\n", keepleny, keeplenx);
return -1;
// can't be smaller than keep length + abs(offset from keep area)
const int yprescribed = keepleny + (yoff < 0 ? -yoff : yoff);
if(ylen < yprescribed){
logerror(ncplane_notcurses(n), "Can't map in y dimension: %d < %d\n", ylen, yprescribed);
return -1;
const int xprescribed = keeplenx + (xoff < 0 ? -xoff : xoff);
if(xlen < xprescribed){
logerror(ncplane_notcurses(n), "Can't map in x dimension: %d < %d\n", xlen, xprescribed);
return -1;
if(ylen <= 0 || xlen <= 0){ // can't resize to trivial or negative size
logerror(ncplane_notcurses(n), "Can't achieve meaningless size %dx%d\n", ylen, xlen);
return -1;
int rows, cols;
ncplane_dim_yx(n, &rows, &cols);
if(keepleny + keepy > rows){
logerror(ncplane_notcurses(n), "Can't keep %d@%d rows from %d\n", keepleny, keepy, rows);
return -1;
if(keeplenx + keepx > cols){
logerror(ncplane_notcurses(n), "Can't keep %d@%d cols from %d\n", keeplenx, keepx, cols);
return -1;
loginfo(ncplane_notcurses(n), "%dx%d @ %d/%d → %d/%d @ %d/%d (keeping %dx%d from %d/%d)\n", rows, cols, n->absy, n->absx, ylen, xlen, n->absy + keepy + yoff, n->absx + keepx + xoff, keepleny, keeplenx, keepy, keepx);
// we're good to resize. we'll need alloc up a new framebuffer, and copy in
// those elements we're retaining, zeroing out the rest. alternatively, if
// we've shrunk, we will be filling the new structure.
int keptarea = keepleny * keeplenx;
int newarea = ylen * xlen;
size_t fbsize = sizeof(nccell) * newarea;
nccell* fb = malloc(fbsize);
if(fb == NULL){
return -1;
// update the cursor, if it would otherwise be off-plane
if(n->y >= ylen){
n->y = ylen - 1;
if(n->x >= xlen){
n->x = xlen - 1;
nccell* preserved = n->fb;
ncplane_notcurses(n)->stats.fbbytes -= sizeof(*preserved) * (rows * cols);
ncplane_notcurses(n)->stats.fbbytes += fbsize;
n->fb = fb;
const int oldabsy = n->absy;
// go ahead and move. we can no longer fail at this point. but don't yet
// resize, because n->len[xy] are used in fbcellidx() in the loop below. we
// don't use ncplane_move_yx(), because we want to planebinding-invariant.
n->absy += keepy + yoff;
n->absx += keepx + xoff;
//fprintf(stderr, "absx: %d keepx: %d xoff: %d\n", n->absx, keepx, xoff);
if(keptarea == 0){ // keep nothing, resize/move only
// if we're keeping nothing, dump the old egcspool. otherwise, we go ahead
// and keep it. perhaps we ought compact it?
memset(fb, 0, sizeof(*fb) * newarea);
n->lenx = xlen;
n->leny = ylen;
return resize_callbacks_children(n);
// we currently have maxy rows of maxx cells each. we will be keeping rows
// keepy..keepy + keepleny - 1 and columns keepx..keepx + keeplenx - 1.
// anything else is zerod out. itery is the row we're writing *to*, and we
// must write to each (and every cell in each).
for(int itery = 0 ; itery < ylen ; ++itery){
int truey = itery + n->absy;
int sourceoffy = truey - oldabsy;
//fprintf(stderr, "sourceoffy: %d keepy: %d ylen: %d\n", sourceoffy, keepy, ylen);
// if we have nothing copied to this line, zero it out in one go
if(sourceoffy < keepy || sourceoffy >= keepy + keepleny){
//fprintf(stderr, "writing 0s to line %d of %d\n", itery, ylen);
memset(fb + (itery * xlen), 0, sizeof(*fb) * xlen);
int copyoff = itery * xlen; // our target at any given time
// we do have something to copy, and zero, one, or two regions to zero out
int copied = 0;
if(xoff < 0){
memset(fb + copyoff, 0, sizeof(*fb) * -xoff);
copyoff += -xoff;
copied += -xoff;
const int sourceidx = nfbcellidx(n, sourceoffy, keepx);
//fprintf(stderr, "copying line %d (%d) to %d (%d)\n", sourceoffy, sourceidx, copyoff / xlen, copyoff);
memcpy(fb + copyoff, preserved + sourceidx, sizeof(*fb) * keeplenx);
copyoff += keeplenx;
copied += keeplenx;
if(xlen > copied){
memset(fb + copyoff, 0, sizeof(*fb) * (xlen - copied));
n->lenx = xlen;
n->leny = ylen;
return resize_callbacks_children(n);
int ncplane_resize(ncplane* n, int keepy, int keepx, int keepleny,
int keeplenx, int yoff, int xoff, int ylen, int xlen){
if(n == ncplane_notcurses(n)->stdplane){
//fprintf(stderr, "Can't resize standard plane\n");
return -1;
return ncplane_resize_internal(n, keepy, keepx, keepleny, keeplenx,
yoff, xoff, ylen, xlen);
int ncplane_destroy(ncplane* ncp){
if(ncp == NULL){
return 0;
if(ncplane_notcurses(ncp)->stdplane == ncp){
logerror(ncplane_notcurses(ncp), "Won't destroy standard plane\n");
return -1;
//notcurses_debug(ncplane_notcurses(ncp), stderr);
ncp->above->below = ncp->below;
ncplane_pile(ncp)->top = ncp->below;
ncp->below->above = ncp->above;
ncplane_pile(ncp)->bottom = ncp->above;
if( (*ncp->bprev = ncp->bnext) ){
ncp->bnext->bprev = ncp->bprev;
int ret = 0;
struct ncplane* bound = ncp->blist;
struct ncplane* tmp = bound->bnext;
if(ncplane_reparent_family(bound, ncp->boundto) == NULL){
ret = -1;
bound = tmp;
return ret;
int ncplane_genocide(ncplane *ncp){
if(ncp == NULL){
return 0;
if(ncplane_notcurses(ncp)->stdplane == ncp){
logerror(ncplane_notcurses(ncp), "Won't destroy standard plane\n");
return -1;
int ret = 0;
ret |= ncplane_genocide(ncp->blist);
ret |= ncplane_destroy(ncp);
return ret;
static int
make_nonblocking(FILE* fp){
int fd = fileno(fp);
if(fd < 0){
return -1;
int flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0);
if(flags < 0){
return -1;
return fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
static void
reset_stats(ncstats* stats){
uint64_t fbbytes = stats->fbbytes;
memset(stats, 0, sizeof(*stats));
stats->render_min_ns = 1ull << 62u;
stats->render_min_bytes = 1ull << 62u;
stats->writeout_min_ns = 1ull << 62u;
stats->fbbytes = fbbytes;
// add the current stats to the cumulative stashed stats, and reset them
static void
stash_stats(notcurses* nc){
nc->stashstats.renders += nc->stats.renders;
nc->stashstats.render_ns += nc->stats.render_ns;
nc->stashstats.writeouts += nc->stats.writeouts;
nc->stashstats.writeout_ns += nc->stats.writeout_ns;
nc->stashstats.failed_renders += nc->stats.failed_renders;
nc->stashstats.failed_writeouts += nc->stats.failed_writeouts;
nc->stashstats.render_bytes += nc->stats.render_bytes;
if(nc->stashstats.render_max_bytes < nc->stats.render_max_bytes){
nc->stashstats.render_max_bytes = nc->stats.render_max_bytes;
if(nc->stashstats.render_max_ns < nc->stats.render_max_ns){
nc->stashstats.render_max_ns = nc->stats.render_max_ns;
if(nc->stashstats.render_min_bytes > nc->stats.render_min_bytes){
nc->stashstats.render_min_bytes = nc->stats.render_min_bytes;
if(nc->stashstats.render_min_ns > nc->stats.render_min_ns){
nc->stashstats.render_min_ns = nc->stats.render_min_ns;
if(nc->stashstats.writeout_max_ns < nc->stats.writeout_max_ns){
nc->stashstats.writeout_max_ns = nc->stats.writeout_max_ns;
if(nc->stashstats.writeout_min_ns > nc->stats.writeout_min_ns){
nc->stashstats.writeout_min_ns = nc->stats.writeout_min_ns;
nc->stashstats.cellelisions += nc->stats.cellelisions;
nc->stashstats.cellemissions += nc->stats.cellemissions;
nc->stashstats.fgelisions += nc->stats.fgelisions;
nc->stashstats.fgemissions += nc->stats.fgemissions;
nc->stashstats.bgelisions += nc->stats.bgelisions;
nc->stashstats.bgemissions += nc->stats.bgemissions;
nc->stashstats.defaultelisions += nc->stats.defaultelisions;
nc->stashstats.defaultemissions += nc->stats.defaultemissions;
nc->stashstats.refreshes += nc->stats.refreshes;
// fbbytes aren't stashed
void notcurses_stats(const notcurses* nc, ncstats* stats){
memcpy(stats, &nc->stats, sizeof(*stats));
ncstats* notcurses_stats_alloc(const notcurses* nc __attribute__ ((unused))){
return malloc(sizeof(ncstats));
void notcurses_stats_reset(notcurses* nc, ncstats* stats){
memcpy(stats, &nc->stats, sizeof(*stats));
// Convert a notcurses log level to some multimedia library equivalent.
int ffmpeg_log_level(ncloglevel_e level){
default: break;
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid log level: %d\n", level);
return AV_LOG_TRACE;
return level;
// unless the suppress_banner flag was set, print some version information and
// (if applicable) warnings to stdout. we are not yet on the alternate screen.
static void
init_banner(const notcurses* nc){
char prefixbuf[BPREFIXSTRLEN + 1];
term_fg_palindex(nc, stdout, nc->tcache.colors <= 256 ? 50 % nc->tcache.colors : 0x20e080);
printf("\n notcurses %s by nick black et al", notcurses_version());
term_fg_palindex(nc, stdout, nc->tcache.colors <= 256 ? 12 % nc->tcache.colors : 0x2080e0);
printf("\n %d rows %d cols (%sB) %zuB cells %d colors%s\n"
" compiled with gcc-%s, %s-endian\n"
" terminfo from %s\n",
nc->stdplane->leny, nc->stdplane->lenx,
bprefix(nc->stats.fbbytes, 1, prefixbuf, 0), sizeof(nccell),
nc->tcache.colors, nc->tcache.RGBflag ? "+RGB" : "",
#ifdef __BYTE_ORDER__
#error "No __BYTE_ORDER__ definition"
, curses_version());
term_fg_palindex(nc, stderr, nc->tcache.colors <= 88 ? 1 % nc->tcache.colors : 0xcb);
if(!nc->tcache.RGBflag){ // FIXME
fprintf(stderr, "\n Warning! Colors subject to");
fprintf(stderr, "\n Specify a (correct) TrueColor TERM, or COLORTERM=24bit.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\n Warning! Advertised TrueColor but no 'ccc' flag\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\n Warning! Encoding is not UTF-8; output may be degraded.\n");
term_emit("sgr0", nc->tcache.sgr0, stderr, true);
// it's critical that we're using UTF-8 encoding if at all possible. since the
// client might not have called setlocale(2) (if they weren't reading the
// directions...), go ahead and try calling setlocale(LC_ALL, "") and then
// setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "C.UTF-8") ourselves *iff* we're not using UTF-8 *and*
// LANG is not explicitly set to "C" nor "POSIX". this still requires the user
// to have a proper locale generated and available on disk. either way, they're
// going to get a diagnostic (unless the user has explicitly configured a LANG
// of "C" or "POSIX"). recommended practice is for the client code to have
// called setlocale() themselves, and set the NCOPTION_INHIBIT_SETLOCALE flag.
// if that flag is set, we take the locale and encoding as we get them.
void init_lang(struct notcurses* nc){
const char* encoding = nl_langinfo(CODESET);
if(encoding && !strcmp(encoding, "UTF-8")){
return; // already utf-8, great!
const char* lang = getenv("LANG");
// if LANG was explicitly set to C/POSIX, life sucks, roll with it
if(lang && (!strcmp(lang, "C") || !strcmp(lang, "POSIX"))){
loginfo(nc, "LANG was explicitly set to %s, not changing locale\n", lang);
setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
encoding = nl_langinfo(CODESET);
if(encoding && !strcmp(encoding, "UTF-8")){
loginfo(nc, "Set locale from LANG; client should call setlocale(2)!\n");
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "C.UTF-8");
encoding = nl_langinfo(CODESET);
if(encoding && !strcmp(encoding, "UTF-8")){
loginfo(nc, "Forced UTF-8 encoding; client should call setlocale(2)!\n");
// if ttyfp is a tty, return a file descriptor extracted from it. otherwise,
// try to get the controlling terminal. otherwise, return -1.
static int
get_tty_fd(notcurses* nc, FILE* ttyfp){
int fd = -1;
if((fd = fileno(ttyfp)) < 0){
logwarn(nc, "No file descriptor was available in outfp %p\n", ttyfp);
fd = dup(fd);
loginfo(nc, "File descriptor %d was not a TTY\n", fd);
fd = -1;
if(fd < 0){
fd = open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC);
if(fd < 0){
loginfo(nc, "Error opening /dev/tty (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
loginfo(nc, "File descriptor for /dev/tty (%d) is not actually a TTY\n", fd);
fd = -1;
return fd;
int ncinputlayer_init(ncinputlayer* nilayer, FILE* infp){
setbuffer(infp, NULL, 0);
nilayer->inputescapes = NULL;
nilayer->ttyinfp = infp;
return -1;
nilayer->inputbuf_occupied = 0;
nilayer->inputbuf_valid_starts = 0;
nilayer->inputbuf_write_at = 0;
nilayer->input_events = 0;
return 0;
// initialize a recursive mutex lock in a way that works on both glibc + musl
int recursive_lock_init(pthread_mutex_t *lock){
#ifndef __GLIBC__
pthread_mutexattr_t attr;
return -1;
if(pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE_NP)){
return -1;
if(pthread_mutex_init(lock, &attr)){
return -1;
return 0;
#ifndef __GLIBC__
notcurses* notcurses_init(const notcurses_options* opts, FILE* outfp){
notcurses_options defaultopts;
memset(&defaultopts, 0, sizeof(defaultopts));
opts = &defaultopts;
if(opts->margin_t < 0 || opts->margin_b < 0 || opts->margin_l < 0 || opts->margin_r < 0){
fprintf(stderr, "Provided an illegal negative margin, refusing to start\n");
return NULL;
if(opts->flags >= (NCOPTION_NO_FONT_CHANGES << 1u)){
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: unknown Notcurses options %016jx\n", (uintmax_t)opts->flags);
notcurses* ret = malloc(sizeof(*ret));
if(ret == NULL){
return ret;
ret->loglevel = opts->loglevel;
if(!(opts->flags & NCOPTION_INHIBIT_SETLOCALE)){
const char* encoding = nl_langinfo(CODESET);
if(encoding && !strcmp(encoding, "UTF-8")){
ret->utf8 = true;
}else if(encoding && (!strcmp(encoding, "ANSI_X3.4-1968") || !strcmp(encoding, "US-ASCII"))){
ret->utf8 = false;
fprintf(stderr, "Encoding (\"%s\") was neither ANSI_X3.4-1968 nor UTF-8, refusing to start\n Did you call setlocale()?\n",
encoding ? encoding : "none found");
return NULL;
if(outfp == NULL){
outfp = stdout;
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize pile mutex\n");
return NULL;
ret->margin_t = opts->margin_t;
ret->margin_b = opts->margin_b;
ret->margin_l = opts->margin_l;
ret->margin_r = opts->margin_r;
ret->cursory = ret->cursorx = -1;
ret->stats.fbbytes = 0;
ret->stashstats.fbbytes = 0;
ret->ttyfp = outfp;
ret->renderfp = opts->renderfp;
memset(&ret->rstate, 0, sizeof(ret->rstate));
memset(&ret->palette_damage, 0, sizeof(ret->palette_damage));
memset(&ret->palette, 0, sizeof(ret->palette));
ret->lastframe = NULL;
ret->lfdimy = 0;
ret->lfdimx = 0;
ret->libsixel = false;
if((ret->loglevel = opts->loglevel) > NCLOGLEVEL_TRACE || ret->loglevel < 0){
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid loglevel %d\n", ret->loglevel);
return NULL;
ret->ttyfd = get_tty_fd(ret, ret->ttyfp);
is_linux_console(ret, !!(opts->flags & NCOPTION_NO_FONT_CHANGES));
if(ret->ttyfd >= 0){
if(tcgetattr(ret->ttyfd, &ret->tpreserved)){
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't preserve terminal state for %d (%s)\n", ret->ttyfd, strerror(errno));
return NULL;
if(cbreak_mode(ret->ttyfd, &ret->tpreserved)){
return NULL;
fprintf(stderr, "Defaulting to %dx%d (output is not to a terminal)\n", DEFAULT_ROWS, DEFAULT_COLS);
if(setup_signals(ret, (opts->flags & NCOPTION_NO_QUIT_SIGHANDLERS),
// don't treat failure here as an error. it screws up unit tests, and one
// day we'll need support multiple notcurses contexts. FIXME
int termerr;
if(setupterm(opts->termtype, ret->ttyfd, &termerr) != OK){
fprintf(stderr, "Terminfo error %d (see terminfo(3ncurses))\n", termerr);
goto err;
int dimy, dimx;
if(update_term_dimensions(ret->ttyfd, &dimy, &dimx)){
goto err;
ret->suppress_banner = opts->flags & NCOPTION_SUPPRESS_BANNERS;
char* shortname_term = termname();
char* longname_term = longname();
fprintf(stderr, "Term: %dx%d %s (%s)\n", dimy, dimx,
shortname_term ? shortname_term : "?",
longname_term ? longname_term : "?");
if(interrogate_terminfo(&ret->tcache, shortname_term)){
goto err;
warn_terminfo(ret, &ret->tcache);
if(ncinputlayer_init(&ret->input, stdin)){
goto err;
goto err;
// Neither of these is supported on e.g. the "linux" virtual console.
if(!(opts->flags & NCOPTION_NO_ALTERNATE_SCREEN)){
terminfostr(&ret->tcache.smcup, "smcup");
terminfostr(&ret->tcache.rmcup, "rmcup");
goto err;
ret->stdplane = NULL;
if((ret->stdplane = create_initial_ncplane(ret, dimy, dimx)) == NULL){
goto err;
if(ret->ttyfd >= 0){
if(ret->tcache.smkx && tty_emit("smkx", ret->tcache.smkx, ret->ttyfd)){
goto err;
if(ret->tcache.civis && tty_emit("civis", ret->tcache.civis, ret->ttyfd)){
goto err;
if((ret->rstate.mstreamfp = open_memstream(&ret->rstate.mstream, &ret->rstate.mstrsize)) == NULL){
goto err;
ret->rstate.x = ret->rstate.y = -1;
// flush on the switch to alternate screen, lest initial output be swept away
if(ret->ttyfd >= 0){
if(tty_emit("smcup", ret->tcache.smcup, ret->ttyfd)){
goto err;
// explicit clear even though smcup *might* clear
if(tty_emit("clear", ret->tcache.clearscr, ret->ttyfd)){
notcurses_refresh(ret, NULL, NULL);
}else if(!(opts->flags & NCOPTION_NO_ALTERNATE_SCREEN)){
// if they expected the alternate screen, but we didn't have one to
// offer, at least clear the screen. try using "clear"; if that doesn't
// fly, use notcurses_refresh() to force a clearing via iterated writes.
if(tty_emit("clear", ret->tcache.clearscr, ret->ttyfd)){
notcurses_refresh(ret, NULL, NULL);
return ret;
fprintf(stderr, "Alas, you will not be going to space today.\n");
// FIXME looks like we have some memory leaks on this error path?
tcsetattr(ret->ttyfd, TCSANOW, &ret->tpreserved);
return NULL;
// updates *pile to point at (*pile)->next, frees all but standard pile/plane
static void
ncpile_drop(notcurses* nc, ncpile** pile){
bool sawstdplane = false;
ncpile* next = (*pile)->next;
ncplane* p = (*pile)->top;
ncplane* tmp = p->below;
if(nc->stdplane != p){
sawstdplane = true;
p = tmp;
*pile = next;
ncplane_pile(nc->stdplane)->top = nc->stdplane;
ncplane_pile(nc->stdplane)->bottom = nc->stdplane;
nc->stdplane->above = nc->stdplane->below = NULL;
nc->stdplane->blist = NULL;
// drop all piles and all planes, save the standard plane and its pile
void notcurses_drop_planes(notcurses* nc){
ncpile* p = ncplane_pile(nc->stdplane);
ncpile* p0 = p;
ncpile_drop(nc, &p);
}while(p0 != p);
int notcurses_stop(notcurses* nc){
int ret = 0;
ret |= notcurses_stop_minimal(nc);
if(nc->ttyfd >= 0){
ret |= close(nc->ttyfd);
char totalbuf[BPREFIXSTRLEN + 1];
char minbuf[BPREFIXSTRLEN + 1];
char maxbuf[BPREFIXSTRLEN + 1];
char avgbuf[BPREFIXSTRLEN + 1];
qprefix(nc->stashstats.render_ns, NANOSECS_IN_SEC, totalbuf, 0);
qprefix(nc->stashstats.render_min_ns, NANOSECS_IN_SEC, minbuf, 0);
qprefix(nc->stashstats.render_max_ns, NANOSECS_IN_SEC, maxbuf, 0);
qprefix(nc->stashstats.render_ns / nc->stashstats.renders, NANOSECS_IN_SEC, avgbuf, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "\n%ju render%s, %ss total (%ss min, %ss max, %ss avg)\n",
nc->stashstats.renders, nc->stashstats.renders == 1 ? "" : "s",
totalbuf, minbuf, maxbuf, avgbuf);
qprefix(nc->stashstats.writeout_ns, NANOSECS_IN_SEC, totalbuf, 0);
qprefix(nc->stashstats.writeout_min_ns, NANOSECS_IN_SEC, minbuf, 0);
qprefix(nc->stashstats.writeout_max_ns, NANOSECS_IN_SEC, maxbuf, 0);
qprefix(nc->stashstats.writeouts ? nc->stashstats.writeout_ns / nc->stashstats.writeouts : 0,
NANOSECS_IN_SEC, avgbuf, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "%ju write%s, %ss total (%ss min, %ss max, %ss avg)\n",
nc->stashstats.writeouts, nc->stashstats.writeouts == 1 ? "" : "s",
totalbuf, minbuf, maxbuf, avgbuf);
bprefix(nc->stashstats.render_bytes, 1, totalbuf, 0),
bprefix(nc->stashstats.render_min_bytes, 1, minbuf, 0),
bprefix(nc->stashstats.render_max_bytes, 1, maxbuf, 0),
fprintf(stderr, "%sB total (%sB min, %sB max, %.03gKiB avg)\n",
totalbuf, minbuf, maxbuf,
nc->stashstats.render_bytes / (double)nc->stashstats.renders / 1024);
if(nc->stashstats.renders || nc->stashstats.failed_renders){
fprintf(stderr, "%ju failed render%s, %ju failed write%s, %ju refresh%s\n",
nc->stashstats.failed_renders == 1 ? "" : "s",
nc->stashstats.failed_writeouts == 1 ? "" : "s",
nc->stashstats.refreshes == 1 ? "" : "es");
fprintf(stderr, "RGB emits:elides: def %ju:%ju fg %ju:%ju bg %ju:%ju\n",
fprintf(stderr, "Cell emits:elides: %ju/%ju (%.2f%%) %.2f%% %.2f%% %.2f%%\n",
nc->stashstats.cellemissions, nc->stashstats.cellelisions,
(nc->stashstats.cellemissions + nc->stashstats.cellelisions) == 0 ? 0 :
(nc->stashstats.cellelisions * 100.0) / (nc->stashstats.cellemissions + nc->stashstats.cellelisions),
(nc->stashstats.defaultemissions + nc->stashstats.defaultelisions) == 0 ? 0 :
(nc->stashstats.defaultelisions * 100.0) / (nc->stashstats.defaultemissions + nc->stashstats.defaultelisions),
(nc->stashstats.fgemissions + nc->stashstats.fgelisions) == 0 ? 0 :
(nc->stashstats.fgelisions * 100.0) / (nc->stashstats.fgemissions + nc->stashstats.fgelisions),
(nc->stashstats.bgemissions + nc->stashstats.bgelisions) == 0 ? 0 :
(nc->stashstats.bgelisions * 100.0) / (nc->stashstats.bgemissions + nc->stashstats.bgelisions));
ret |= pthread_mutex_destroy(&nc->pilelock);
return ret;
uint64_t ncplane_channels(const ncplane* n){
return n->channels;
uint16_t ncplane_styles(const ncplane* n){
return n->stylemask;
void ncplane_set_channels(ncplane* n, uint64_t channels){
n->channels = channels;
void ncplane_set_fg_default(ncplane* n){
uint64_t ncplane_set_fchannel(ncplane* n, uint32_t channel){
return channels_set_fchannel(&n->channels, channel);
uint64_t ncplane_set_bchannel(ncplane* n, uint32_t channel){
return channels_set_bchannel(&n->channels, channel);
void ncplane_set_bg_default(ncplane* n){
void ncplane_set_bg_rgb8_clipped(ncplane* n, int r, int g, int b){
channels_set_bg_rgb8_clipped(&n->channels, r, g, b);
int ncplane_set_bg_rgb8(ncplane* n, int r, int g, int b){
return channels_set_bg_rgb8(&n->channels, r, g, b);
void ncplane_set_fg_rgb8_clipped(ncplane* n, int r, int g, int b){
channels_set_fg_rgb8_clipped(&n->channels, r, g, b);
int ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(ncplane* n, int r, int g, int b){
return channels_set_fg_rgb8(&n->channels, r, g, b);
int ncplane_set_fg_rgb(ncplane* n, unsigned channel){
return channels_set_fg_rgb(&n->channels, channel);
int ncplane_set_bg_rgb(ncplane* n, unsigned channel){
return channels_set_bg_rgb(&n->channels, channel);
int ncplane_set_fg_alpha(ncplane* n, int alpha){
return channels_set_fg_alpha(&n->channels, alpha);
int ncplane_set_bg_alpha(ncplane *n, int alpha){
return channels_set_bg_alpha(&n->channels, alpha);
int ncplane_set_fg_palindex(ncplane* n, int idx){
if(idx < 0 || idx >= NCPALETTESIZE){
return -1;
n->channels |= CELL_FGDEFAULT_MASK;
n->channels |= CELL_FG_PALETTE;
channels_set_fg_alpha(&n->channels, CELL_ALPHA_OPAQUE);
n->stylemask &= 0xffff00ff;
n->stylemask |= (idx << 8u);
return 0;
int ncplane_set_bg_palindex(ncplane* n, int idx){
if(idx < 0 || idx >= NCPALETTESIZE){
return -1;
n->channels |= CELL_BGDEFAULT_MASK;
n->channels |= CELL_BG_PALETTE;
channels_set_bg_alpha(&n->channels, CELL_ALPHA_OPAQUE);
n->stylemask &= 0xffffff00;
n->stylemask |= idx;
return 0;
int ncplane_set_base_cell(ncplane* ncp, const nccell* c){
return -1;
return cell_duplicate(ncp, &ncp->basecell, c);
int ncplane_set_base(ncplane* ncp, const char* egc, uint32_t stylemask, uint64_t channels){
return cell_prime(ncp, &ncp->basecell, egc, stylemask, channels);
int ncplane_base(ncplane* ncp, nccell* c){
return cell_duplicate(ncp, c, &ncp->basecell);
const char* cell_extended_gcluster(const ncplane* n, const nccell* c){
return (const char*)&c->gcluster;
return egcpool_extended_gcluster(&n->pool, c);
// 'n' ends up above 'above'
int ncplane_move_above(ncplane* restrict n, ncplane* restrict above){
if(n == above){
return -1;
if(ncplane_pile(n) != ncplane_pile(above)){ // can't move among piles
return -1;
if(n->below != above){
// splice out 'n'
n->below->above = n->above;
ncplane_pile(n)->bottom = n->above;
n->above->below = n->below;
ncplane_pile(n)->top = n->below;
if( (n->above = above->above) ){
above->above->below = n;
ncplane_pile(n)->top = n;
above->above = n;
n->below = above;
return 0;
// 'n' ends up below 'below'
int ncplane_move_below(ncplane* restrict n, ncplane* restrict below){
if(n == below){
return -1;
if(ncplane_pile(n) != ncplane_pile(below)){ // can't move among piles
return -1;
if(n->above != below){
n->below->above = n->above;
ncplane_pile(n)->bottom = n->above;
n->above->below = n->below;
ncplane_pile(n)->top = n->below;
if( (n->below = below->below) ){
below->below->above = n;
ncplane_pile(n)->bottom = n;
below->below = n;
n->above = below;
return 0;
void ncplane_move_top(ncplane* n){
if( (n->above->below = n->below) ){
n->below->above = n->above;
ncplane_pile(n)->bottom = n->above;
n->above = NULL;
if( (n->below = ncplane_pile(n)->top) ){
n->below->above = n;
ncplane_pile(n)->top = n;
void ncplane_move_bottom(ncplane* n){
if( (n->below->above = n->above) ){
n->above->below = n->below;
ncplane_pile(n)->top = n->below;
n->below = NULL;
if( (n->above = ncplane_pile(n)->bottom) ){
n->above->below = n;
ncplane_pile(n)->bottom = n;
void ncplane_cursor_yx(const ncplane* n, int* y, int* x){
*y = n->y;
*x = n->x;
static inline void
cell_obliterate(ncplane* n, nccell* c){
cell_release(n, c);
// increment y by 1 and rotate the framebuffer up one line. x moves to 0.
void scroll_down(ncplane* n){
n->x = 0;
if(n->y == n->leny - 1){
n->logrow = (n->logrow + 1) % n->leny;
nccell* row = n->fb + nfbcellidx(n, n->y, 0);
for(int clearx = 0 ; clearx < n->lenx ; ++clearx){
cell_release(n, &row[clearx]);
memset(row, 0, sizeof(*row) * n->lenx);
int cell_load(ncplane* n, nccell* c, const char* gcluster){
return pool_load(&n->pool, c, gcluster);
// where the magic happens. write the single EGC completely described by |egc|,
// occupying |cols| columns, to the ncplane |n| at the coordinate |y|, |x|. if
// either or both of |y|/|x| is -1, the current cursor location for that
// dimension will be used. if the glyph cannot fit on the current line, it is
// an error unless scrolling is enabled.
static inline int
ncplane_put(ncplane* n, int y, int x, const char* egc, int cols,
uint16_t stylemask, uint64_t channels, int bytes){
// if scrolling is enabled, check *before ncplane_cursor_move_yx()* whether
// we're past the end of the line, and move to the next line if so. if x or y
// are specified, however, we must always try to print there.
if(x != -1){
if(x + cols > n->lenx){
logerror(ncplane_notcurses(n), "Target x %d + %d cols >= length %d\n", x, cols, n->lenx);
ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, y, x); // update cursor, though
return -1;
}else if(y == -1 && n->x + cols > n->lenx){
logerror(ncplane_notcurses(n), "No room to output [%.*s] %d/%d\n", bytes, egc, n->y, n->x);
return -1;
if(ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, y, x)){
return -1;
// FIXME don't we need to check here for wide character on edge (though our
// docs currently claim that a wide char on edge is allowed...)?
if(*egc == '\n'){
return 0;
// FIXME isn't it an error if scrolling is disabled?
// A wide character obliterates anything to its immediate right (and marks
// that cell as wide). Any character placed atop one half of a wide character
// obliterates the other half. Note that a wide char can thus obliterate two
// wide chars, totalling four columns.
nccell* targ = ncplane_cell_ref_yx(n, n->y, n->x);
if(n->x > 0){
if(cell_double_wide_p(targ)){ // replaced cell is half of a wide char
nccell* sacrifice = targ->gcluster == 0 ?
// right half will never be on the first column of a row
&n->fb[nfbcellidx(n, n->y, n->x - 1)] :
// left half will never be on the last column of a row
&n->fb[nfbcellidx(n, n->y, n->x + 1)];
cell_obliterate(n, sacrifice);
targ->stylemask = stylemask;
targ->channels = channels;
if(cell_load_direct(n, targ, egc, bytes, cols) < 0){
return -1;
//fprintf(stderr, "%08x %016lx %c %d %d\n", targ->gcluster, targ->channels, cell_double_wide_p(targ) ? 'D' : 'd', bytes, cols);
// must set our right hand sides wide, and check for further damage
for(int i = 1 ; i < cols ; ++i){
nccell* candidate = &n->fb[nfbcellidx(n, n->y, n->x)];
cell_obliterate(n, &n->fb[nfbcellidx(n, n->y, n->x + 1)]);
cell_release(n, candidate);
candidate->channels = targ->channels;
candidate->stylemask = targ->stylemask;
candidate->width = targ->width;
return cols;
int ncplane_putc_yx(ncplane* n, int y, int x, const nccell* c){
const int cols = cell_double_wide_p(c) ? 2 : 1;
const char* egc = cell_extended_gcluster(n, c);
return ncplane_put(n, y, x, egc, cols, c->stylemask, c->channels, strlen(egc));
int ncplane_putegc_yx(ncplane* n, int y, int x, const char* gclust, int* sbytes){
int cols;
int bytes = utf8_egc_len(gclust, &cols);
if(bytes < 0){
return -1;
*sbytes = bytes;
//fprintf(stderr, "cols: %d wcs: %d\n", cols, bytes);
return ncplane_put(n, y, x, gclust, cols, n->stylemask, n->channels, bytes);
int ncplane_putchar_stained(ncplane* n, char c){
uint64_t channels = n->channels;
uint32_t stylemask = n->stylemask;
const nccell* targ = &n->fb[nfbcellidx(n, n->y, n->x)];
n->channels = targ->channels;
n->stylemask = targ->stylemask;
int ret = ncplane_putchar(n, c);
n->channels = channels;
n->stylemask = stylemask;
return ret;
int ncplane_putwegc_stained(ncplane* n, const wchar_t* gclust, int* sbytes){
uint64_t channels = n->channels;
uint32_t stylemask = n->stylemask;
const nccell* targ = &n->fb[nfbcellidx(n, n->y, n->x)];
n->channels = targ->channels;
n->stylemask = targ->stylemask;
int ret = ncplane_putwegc(n, gclust, sbytes);
n->channels = channels;
n->stylemask = stylemask;
return ret;
int ncplane_putegc_stained(ncplane* n, const char* gclust, int* sbytes){
uint64_t channels = n->channels;
uint32_t stylemask = n->stylemask;
const nccell* targ = &n->fb[nfbcellidx(n, n->y, n->x)];
n->channels = targ->channels;
n->stylemask = targ->stylemask;
int ret = ncplane_putegc(n, gclust, sbytes);
n->channels = channels;
n->stylemask = stylemask;
return ret;
int ncplane_cursor_at(const ncplane* n, nccell* c, char** gclust){
if(n->y == n->leny && n->x == n->lenx){
return -1;
const nccell* src = &n->fb[nfbcellidx(n, n->y, n->x)];
memcpy(c, src, sizeof(*src));
*gclust = NULL;
}else if((*gclust = strdup(cell_extended_gcluster(n, src))) == NULL){
return -1;
return 0;
unsigned notcurses_supported_styles(const notcurses* nc){
unsigned styles = 0;
styles |= nc->tcache.standout ? NCSTYLE_STANDOUT : 0;
styles |= nc->tcache.uline ? NCSTYLE_UNDERLINE : 0;
styles |= nc->tcache.reverse ? NCSTYLE_REVERSE : 0;
styles |= nc->tcache.blink ? NCSTYLE_BLINK : 0;
styles |= nc->tcache.dim ? NCSTYLE_DIM : 0;
styles |= nc->tcache.bold ? NCSTYLE_BOLD : 0;
styles |= nc->tcache.italics ? NCSTYLE_ITALIC : 0;
styles |= nc->tcache.struck ? NCSTYLE_STRUCK : 0;
return styles;
unsigned notcurses_palette_size(const notcurses* nc){
return nc->tcache.colors;
bool notcurses_cantruecolor(const notcurses* nc){
return nc->tcache.RGBflag;
// conform to the specified stylebits
void ncplane_set_styles(ncplane* n, unsigned stylebits){
n->stylemask = (stylebits & NCSTYLE_MASK);
void ncplane_styles_set(ncplane* n, unsigned stylebits){ // deprecated
ncplane_set_styles(n, stylebits);
// turn on any specified stylebits
void ncplane_on_styles(ncplane* n, unsigned stylebits){
n->stylemask |= (stylebits & NCSTYLE_MASK);
void ncplane_styles_on(ncplane* n, unsigned stylebits){ // deprecated
ncplane_on_styles(n, stylebits);
// turn off any specified stylebits
void ncplane_off_styles(ncplane* n, unsigned stylebits){
n->stylemask &= ~(stylebits & NCSTYLE_MASK);
void ncplane_styles_off(ncplane* n, unsigned stylebits){ // deprecated
ncplane_off_styles(n, stylebits);
// i hate the big allocation and two copies here, but eh what you gonna do?
// well, for one, we don't need the huge allocation FIXME
char* ncplane_vprintf_prep(const char* format, va_list ap){
const size_t size = BUFSIZ; // healthy estimate, can embiggen below
char* buf = malloc(size);
if(buf == NULL){
return NULL;
va_list vacopy;
va_copy(vacopy, ap);
int ret = vsnprintf(buf, size, format, ap);
if(ret < 0){
return NULL;
if((size_t)ret >= size){
char* tmp = realloc(buf, ret + 1);
if(tmp == NULL){
return NULL;
buf = tmp;
vsprintf(buf, format, vacopy);
return buf;
int ncplane_vprintf_yx(ncplane* n, int y, int x, const char* format, va_list ap){
char* r = ncplane_vprintf_prep(format, ap);
if(r == NULL){
return -1;
int ret = ncplane_putstr_yx(n, y, x, r);
return ret;
int ncplane_vprintf_aligned(ncplane* n, int y, ncalign_e align,
const char* format, va_list ap){
char* r = ncplane_vprintf_prep(format, ap);
if(r == NULL){
return -1;
int ret = ncplane_putstr_aligned(n, y, align, r);
return ret;
int ncplane_vprintf_stained(struct ncplane* n, const char* format, va_list ap){
char* r = ncplane_vprintf_prep(format, ap);
if(r == NULL){
return -1;
int ret = ncplane_putstr_stained(n, r);
return ret;
int ncplane_hline_interp(ncplane* n, const nccell* c, int len,
uint64_t c1, uint64_t c2){
unsigned ur, ug, ub;
int r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2;
int br1, bg1, bb1, br2, bg2, bb2;
channels_fg_rgb8(c1, &ur, &ug, &ub);
r1 = ur; g1 = ug; b1 = ub;
channels_fg_rgb8(c2, &ur, &ug, &ub);
r2 = ur; g2 = ug; b2 = ub;
channels_bg_rgb8(c1, &ur, &ug, &ub);
br1 = ur; bg1 = ug; bb1 = ub;
channels_bg_rgb8(c2, &ur, &ug, &ub);
br2 = ur; bg2 = ug; bb2 = ub;
int deltr = r2 - r1;
int deltg = g2 - g1;
int deltb = b2 - b1;
int deltbr = br2 - br1;
int deltbg = bg2 - bg1;
int deltbb = bb2 - bb1;
int ret;
if(cell_duplicate(n, &dupc, c) < 0){
return -1;
bool fgdef = false, bgdef = false;
if(channels_fg_default_p(c1) && channels_fg_default_p(c2)){
fgdef = true;
if(channels_bg_default_p(c1) && channels_bg_default_p(c2)){
bgdef = true;
for(ret = 0 ; ret < len ; ++ret){
int r = (deltr * ret) / len + r1;
int g = (deltg * ret) / len + g1;
int b = (deltb * ret) / len + b1;
int br = (deltbr * ret) / len + br1;
int bg = (deltbg * ret) / len + bg1;
int bb = (deltbb * ret) / len + bb1;
cell_set_fg_rgb8(&dupc, r, g, b);
cell_set_bg_rgb8(&dupc, br, bg, bb);
if(ncplane_putc(n, &dupc) <= 0){
cell_release(n, &dupc);
return ret;
int ncplane_vline_interp(ncplane* n, const nccell* c, int len,
uint64_t c1, uint64_t c2){
unsigned ur, ug, ub;
int r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2;
int br1, bg1, bb1, br2, bg2, bb2;
channels_fg_rgb8(c1, &ur, &ug, &ub);
r1 = ur; g1 = ug; b1 = ub;
channels_fg_rgb8(c2, &ur, &ug, &ub);
r2 = ur; g2 = ug; b2 = ub;
channels_bg_rgb8(c1, &ur, &ug, &ub);
br1 = ur; bg1 = ug; bb1 = ub;
channels_bg_rgb8(c2, &ur, &ug, &ub);
br2 = ur; bg2 = ug; bb2 = ub;
int deltr = (r2 - r1) / (len + 1);
int deltg = (g2 - g1) / (len + 1);
int deltb = (b2 - b1) / (len + 1);
int deltbr = (br2 - br1) / (len + 1);
int deltbg = (bg2 - bg1) / (len + 1);
int deltbb = (bb2 - bb1) / (len + 1);
int ret, ypos, xpos;
ncplane_cursor_yx(n, &ypos, &xpos);
if(cell_duplicate(n, &dupc, c) < 0){
return -1;
bool fgdef = false, bgdef = false;
if(channels_fg_default_p(c1) && channels_fg_default_p(c2)){
fgdef = true;
if(channels_bg_default_p(c1) && channels_bg_default_p(c2)){
bgdef = true;
for(ret = 0 ; ret < len ; ++ret){
if(ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, ypos + ret, xpos)){
return -1;
r1 += deltr;
g1 += deltg;
b1 += deltb;
br1 += deltbr;
bg1 += deltbg;
bb1 += deltbb;
cell_set_fg_rgb8(&dupc, r1, g1, b1);
cell_set_bg_rgb8(&dupc, br1, bg1, bb1);
if(ncplane_putc(n, &dupc) <= 0){
cell_release(n, &dupc);
return ret;
int ncplane_box(ncplane* n, const nccell* ul, const nccell* ur,
const nccell* ll, const nccell* lr, const nccell* hl,
const nccell* vl, int ystop, int xstop,
unsigned ctlword){
int yoff, xoff, ymax, xmax;
ncplane_cursor_yx(n, &yoff, &xoff);
// must be at least 2x2, with its upper-left corner at the current cursor
if(ystop < yoff + 1){
logerror(ncplane_notcurses(n), "ystop (%d) insufficient for yoff (%d)\n", ystop, yoff);
return -1;
if(xstop < xoff + 1){
logerror(ncplane_notcurses(n), "xstop (%d) insufficient for xoff (%d)\n", xstop, xoff);
return -1;
ncplane_dim_yx(n, &ymax, &xmax);
// must be within the ncplane
if(xstop >= xmax || ystop >= ymax){
logerror(ncplane_notcurses(n), "Boundary (%dx%d) beyond plane (%dx%d)\n", ystop, xstop, ymax, xmax);
return -1;
unsigned edges;
edges = !(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_TOP) + !(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_LEFT);
if(edges >= box_corner_needs(ctlword)){
if(ncplane_putc(n, ul) < 0){
return -1;
if(!(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_TOP)){ // draw top border, if called for
if(xstop - xoff >= 2){
if(ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, yoff, xoff + 1)){
return -1;
if(!(ctlword & NCBOXGRAD_TOP)){ // cell styling, hl
if(ncplane_hline(n, hl, xstop - xoff - 1) < 0){
return -1;
}else{ // gradient, ul -> ur
if(ncplane_hline_interp(n, hl, xstop - xoff - 1, ul->channels, ur->channels) < 0){
return -1;
edges = !(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_TOP) + !(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_RIGHT);
if(edges >= box_corner_needs(ctlword)){
if(ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, yoff, xstop)){
return -1;
if(ncplane_putc(n, ur) < 0){
return -1;
// middle rows (vertical lines)
if(yoff < ystop){
if(!(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_LEFT)){
if(ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, yoff, xoff)){
return -1;
if((ctlword & NCBOXGRAD_LEFT)){ // grad styling, ul->ll
if(ncplane_vline_interp(n, vl, ystop - yoff, ul->channels, ll->channels) < 0){
return -1;
if(ncplane_vline(n, vl, ystop - yoff) < 0){
return -1;
if(!(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_RIGHT)){
if(ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, yoff, xstop)){
return -1;
if((ctlword & NCBOXGRAD_RIGHT)){ // grad styling, ur->lr
if(ncplane_vline_interp(n, vl, ystop - yoff, ur->channels, lr->channels) < 0){
return -1;
if(ncplane_vline(n, vl, ystop - yoff) < 0){
return -1;
// bottom line
yoff = ystop;
edges = !(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_BOTTOM) + !(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_LEFT);
if(edges >= box_corner_needs(ctlword)){
if(ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, yoff, xoff)){
return -1;
if(ncplane_putc(n, ll) < 0){
return -1;
if(!(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_BOTTOM)){
if(xstop - xoff >= 2){
if(ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, yoff, xoff + 1)){
return -1;
if(!(ctlword & NCBOXGRAD_BOTTOM)){ // cell styling, hl
if(ncplane_hline(n, hl, xstop - xoff - 1) < 0){
return -1;
if(ncplane_hline_interp(n, hl, xstop - xoff - 1, ll->channels, lr->channels) < 0){
return -1;
edges = !(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_BOTTOM) + !(ctlword & NCBOXMASK_RIGHT);
if(edges >= box_corner_needs(ctlword)){
if(ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, yoff, xstop)){
return -1;
if(ncplane_putc(n, lr) < 0){
return -1;
return 0;
// takes the head of a list of bound planes. performs a DFS on all planes bound
// to 'n', and all planes down-list from 'n', moving all *by* 'dy' and 'dx'.
static void
move_bound_planes(ncplane* n, int dy, int dx){
n->absy += dy;
n->absx += dx;
move_bound_planes(n->blist, dy, dx);
n = n->bnext;
int ncplane_move_yx(ncplane* n, int y, int x){
if(n == ncplane_notcurses(n)->stdplane){
return -1;
int dy, dx; // amount moved
dy = (n->boundto->absy + y) - n->absy;
dx = (n->boundto->absx + x) - n->absx;
n->absx += dx;
n->absy += dy;
move_bound_planes(n->blist, dy, dx);
return 0;
int ncplane_y(const ncplane* n){
if(n->boundto == n){
return n->absy - ncplane_notcurses_const(n)->margin_t;
return n->absy - n->boundto->absy;
int ncplane_x(const ncplane* n){
if(n->boundto == n){
return n->absx - ncplane_notcurses_const(n)->margin_t;
return n->absx - n->boundto->absx;
void ncplane_yx(const ncplane* n, int* y, int* x){
*y = ncplane_y(n);
*x = ncplane_x(n);
void ncplane_erase(ncplane* n){
// we must preserve the background, but a pure cell_duplicate() would be
// wiped out by the egcpool_dump(). do a duplication (to get the stylemask
// and channels), and then reload.
char* egc = cell_strdup(n, &n->basecell);
memset(n->fb, 0, sizeof(*n->fb) * n->lenx * n->leny);
// we need to zero out the EGC before handing this off to cell_load, but
// we don't want to lose the channels/attributes, so explicit gcluster load.
n->basecell.gcluster = 0;
cell_load(n, &n->basecell, egc);
n->y = n->x = 0;
ncplane* notcurses_top(notcurses* n){
return ncplane_pile(n->stdplane)->top;
ncplane* notcurses_bottom(notcurses* n){
return ncplane_pile(n->stdplane)->bottom;
ncplane* ncpile_top(ncplane* n){
return ncplane_pile(n)->top;
ncplane* ncpile_bottom(ncplane* n){
return ncplane_pile(n)->bottom;
ncplane* ncplane_below(ncplane* n){
return n->below;
ncplane* ncplane_above(ncplane* n){
return n->above;
#define SET_BTN_EVENT_MOUSE "1002"
#define SET_FOCUS_EVENT_MOUSE "1004"
#define SET_SGR_MODE_MOUSE "1006"
int notcurses_mouse_enable(notcurses* n){
if(n->ttyfd >= 0){
return tty_emit("mouse", ESC "[?" SET_BTN_EVENT_MOUSE ";"
return 0;
// this seems to work (note difference in suffix, 'l' vs 'h'), but what about
// the sequences 1000 etc?
int notcurses_mouse_disable(notcurses* n){
if(n->ttyfd >= 0){
return tty_emit("mouse", ESC "[?" SET_BTN_EVENT_MOUSE ";"
return 0;
bool notcurses_canutf8(const notcurses* nc){
return nc->utf8;
bool notcurses_cansextant(const notcurses* nc){
return nc->tcache.sextants && nc->utf8;
bool notcurses_canfade(const notcurses* nc){
return nc->tcache.CCCflag || nc->tcache.RGBflag;
bool notcurses_canchangecolor(const notcurses* nc){
return false;
palette256* p;
if((unsigned)nc->tcache.colors < sizeof(p->chans) / sizeof(*p->chans)){
return false;
return true;
bool notcurses_cansixel(const notcurses* nc){
return nc->libsixel;
palette256* palette256_new(notcurses* nc){
palette256* p = malloc(sizeof(*p));
memcpy(p, &nc->palette, sizeof(*p));
return p;
int palette256_use(notcurses* nc, const palette256* p){
int ret = -1;
return -1;
for(size_t z = 0 ; z < sizeof(p->chans) / sizeof(*p->chans) ; ++z){
if(nc->palette.chans[z] != p->chans[z]){
nc->palette.chans[z] = p->chans[z];
nc->palette_damage[z] = true;
ret = 0;
return ret;
void palette256_free(palette256* p){
bool ncplane_translate_abs(const ncplane* n, int* restrict y, int* restrict x){
ncplane_translate(ncplane_stdplane_const(n), n, y, x);
if(*y < 0){
return false;
if(*y >= n->leny){
return false;
if(*x < 0){
return false;
if(*x >= n->lenx){
return false;
return true;
void ncplane_translate(const ncplane* src, const ncplane* dst,
int* restrict y, int* restrict x){
if(dst == NULL){
dst = ncplane_stdplane_const(src);
*y = src->absy - dst->absy + *y;
*x = src->absx - dst->absx + *x;
notcurses* ncplane_notcurses(ncplane* n){
return ncplane_pile(n)->nc;
const notcurses* ncplane_notcurses_const(const ncplane* n){
return ncplane_pile_const(n)->nc;
int ncplane_abs_y(const ncplane* n){
return n->absy; // FIXME adjust for margins?
int ncplane_abs_x(const ncplane* n){
return n->absx; // FIXME adjust for margins?
void ncplane_abs_yx(const ncplane* n, int* RESTRICT y, int* RESTRICT x){
*y = ncplane_abs_y(n);
*x = ncplane_abs_x(n);
ncplane* ncplane_parent(ncplane* n){
return n->boundto;
const ncplane* ncplane_parent_const(const ncplane* n){
return n->boundto;
void ncplane_set_resizecb(ncplane* n, int(*resizecb)(ncplane*)){
if(n == notcurses_stdplane(ncplane_notcurses(n))){
n->resizecb = resizecb;
int (*ncplane_resizecb(const ncplane* n))(ncplane*){
return n->resizecb;
int ncplane_resize_maximize(ncplane* n){
const ncpile* pile = ncplane_pile(n);
const int rows = pile->dimy;
const int cols = pile->dimx;
int oldy, oldx;
ncplane_dim_yx(n, &oldy, &oldx); // current dimensions of 'n'
//fprintf(stderr, "CURRENT: %d/%d TERM: %d/%d\n", oldy, oldx, rows, cols);
int keepleny = oldy > rows ? rows : oldy;
int keeplenx = oldx > cols ? cols : oldx;
return ncplane_resize_internal(n, 0, 0, keepleny, keeplenx, 0, 0, rows, cols);
int ncplane_resize_realign(ncplane* n){
const ncplane* parent = ncplane_parent_const(n);
if(parent == n){ // somehow got stdplane, should never get here
logerror(ncplane_notcurses(n), "Passed the standard plane");
return -1;
if(n->align == NCALIGN_UNALIGNED){
logerror(ncplane_notcurses(n), "Passed a non-aligned plane");
return -1;
int xpos = ncplane_align(parent, n->align, ncplane_dim_x(n));
return ncplane_move_yx(n, ncplane_y(n), xpos);
// The standard plane cannot be reparented; we return NULL in that case.
// If provided |newparent|==|n|, we are moving |n| to its own stack. If |n|
// is already bound to |newparent|, this is a no-op, and we return |n|.
// This is essentially a wrapper around ncplane_reparent_family() that first
// reparents any children to the parent of 'n', or makes them root planes if
// 'n' is a root plane.
ncplane* ncplane_reparent(ncplane* n, ncplane* newparent){
if(n == ncplane_notcurses(n)->stdplane){
return NULL; // can't reparent standard plane
if(n->boundto == newparent){
return n;
//notcurses_debug(ncplane_notcurses(n), stderr);
if(n->boundto == n){ // children become new root planes
ncplane* lastlink;
for(ncplane* child = n->blist ; child ; child = child->bnext){
child->boundto = child;
lastlink = child;
} // n->blist != NULL -> lastlink != NULL
if( (lastlink->bnext = ncplane_pile(n)->roots) ){
lastlink->bnext->bprev = &lastlink->bnext;
n->blist->bprev = &ncplane_pile(n)->roots;
ncplane_pile(n)->roots = n->blist;
}else{ // children are rebound to current parent
ncplane* lastlink;
for(ncplane* child = n->blist ; child ; child = child->bnext){
child->boundto = n->boundto;
lastlink = child;
} // n->blist != NULL -> lastlink != NULL
if( (lastlink->bnext = n->boundto->blist) ){
lastlink->bnext->bprev = &lastlink->bnext;
n->blist->bprev = &n->boundto->blist;
n->boundto->blist = n->blist;
n->blist = NULL;
// FIXME would be nice to skip ncplane_descendant_p() on this call...:/
return ncplane_reparent_family(n, newparent);
// unsplice self from the z-axis, and then unsplice all children, recursively.
// to be called before unbinding 'n' from old pile.
static void
unsplice_zaxis_recursive(ncplane* n){
if(ncplane_pile(n)->top == n){
ncplane_pile(n)->top = n->below;
n->above->below = n->below;
if(ncplane_pile(n)->bottom == n){
ncplane_pile(n)->bottom = n->above;
n->below->above = n->above;
for(ncplane* child = n->blist ; child ; child = child->bnext){
// recursively splice 'n' and children into the z-axis, above 'n->boundto'.
// handles 'n' == 'n->boundto'. to be called after binding 'n' into new pile.
static void
splice_zaxis_recursive(ncplane* n){
if(n != n->boundto){
if((n->above = n->boundto->above) == NULL){
n->pile->top = n;
n->boundto->above->below = n;
n->below = n->boundto;
n->boundto->above = n;
for(ncplane* child = n->blist ; child ; child = child->bnext){
ncplane* ncplane_reparent_family(ncplane* n, ncplane* newparent){
if(n == ncplane_notcurses(n)->stdplane){
return NULL; // can't reparent standard plane
if(ncplane_descendant_p(newparent, n)){
return NULL;
//notcurses_debug(ncplane_notcurses(n), stderr);
if(n->boundto == newparent){ // no-op
return n;
if(n->bprev){ // extract from sibling list
if( (*n->bprev = n->bnext) ){
n->bnext->bprev = n->bprev;
// if leaving a pile, extract n from the old zaxis
if(n == newparent || ncplane_pile(n) != ncplane_pile(newparent)){
n->boundto = newparent;
if(n == n->boundto){ // we're a new root plane
n->bnext = NULL;
n->bprev = NULL;
if(ncplane_pile(n)->top == NULL){ // did we just empty our pile?
make_ncpile(ncplane_notcurses(n), n);
}else{ // establish ourselves as a sibling of new parent's children
if( (n->bnext = newparent->blist) ){
n->bnext->bprev = &n->bnext;
n->bprev = &newparent->blist;
newparent->blist = n;
// place it immediately above the new binding plane if crossing piles
if(n->pile != ncplane_pile(n->boundto)){
n->pile = ncplane_pile(n->boundto);
return n;
bool ncplane_set_scrolling(ncplane* n, bool scrollp){
bool old = n->scrolling;
n->scrolling = scrollp;
return old;
// extract an integer, which must be non-negative, and followed by either a
// comma or a NUL terminator.
static int
lex_long(const char* op, int* i, char** endptr){
errno = 0;
long l = strtol(op, endptr, 10);
if(l < 0 || (l == LONG_MAX && errno == ERANGE) || (l > INT_MAX)){
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid margin: %s\n", op);
return -1;
if((**endptr != ',' && **endptr) || *endptr == op){
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid margin: %s\n", op);
return -1;
*i = l;
return 0;
int notcurses_lex_scalemode(const char* op, ncscale_e* scalemode){
if(strcasecmp(op, "stretch") == 0){
*scalemode = NCSCALE_STRETCH;
}else if(strcasecmp(op, "scalehi") == 0){
}else if(strcasecmp(op, "hires") == 0){
*scalemode = NCSCALE_NONE_HIRES;
}else if(strcasecmp(op, "scale") == 0){
*scalemode = NCSCALE_SCALE;
}else if(strcasecmp(op, "none") == 0){
*scalemode = NCSCALE_NONE;
return -1;
return 0;
const char* notcurses_str_scalemode(ncscale_e scalemode){
if(scalemode == NCSCALE_STRETCH){
return "stretch";
}else if(scalemode == NCSCALE_SCALE){
return "scale";
}else if(scalemode == NCSCALE_NONE){
return "none";
}else if(scalemode == NCSCALE_NONE_HIRES){
return "hires";
}else if(scalemode == NCSCALE_SCALE_HIRES){
return "scalehi";
return NULL;
int notcurses_lex_margins(const char* op, notcurses_options* opts){
char* eptr;
if(lex_long(op, &opts->margin_t, &eptr)){
return -1;
if(!*eptr){ // allow a single value to be specified for all four margins
opts->margin_r = opts->margin_l = opts->margin_b = opts->margin_t;
return 0;
op = ++eptr; // once here, we require four values
if(lex_long(op, &opts->margin_r, &eptr) || !*eptr){
return -1;
op = ++eptr;
if(lex_long(op, &opts->margin_b, &eptr) || !*eptr){
return -1;
op = ++eptr;
if(lex_long(op, &opts->margin_l, &eptr) || *eptr){ // must end in NUL
return -1;
return 0;
int notcurses_inputready_fd(notcurses* n){
return fileno(n->input.ttyinfp);
int ncdirect_inputready_fd(ncdirect* n){
return fileno(n->input.ttyinfp);
uint32_t* ncplane_rgba(const ncplane* nc, ncblitter_e blit,
int begy, int begx, int leny, int lenx){
if(begy < 0 || begx < 0){
return NULL;
if(begx >= nc->lenx || begy >= nc->leny){
return NULL;
if(lenx == -1){ // -1 means "to the end"; use all space available
lenx = nc->lenx - begx;
if(leny == -1){
leny = nc->leny - begy;
if(lenx < 0 || leny < 0){ // no need to draw zero-size object, exit
return NULL;
//fprintf(stderr, "sum: %d/%d avail: %d/%d\n", begy + leny, begx + lenx, nc->leny, nc->lenx);
if(begx + lenx > nc->lenx || begy + leny > nc->leny){
return NULL;
//fprintf(stderr, "ALLOCATING %zu\n", 4u * lenx * leny * 2);
uint32_t* ret = malloc(sizeof(*ret) * lenx * leny * 2);
for(int y = begy, targy = 0 ; y < begy + leny ; ++y, targy += 2){
for(int x = begx, targx = 0 ; x < begx + lenx ; ++x, ++targx){
// FIXME what if there's a wide glyph to the left of the selection?
uint16_t stylemask;
uint64_t channels;
char* c = ncplane_at_yx(nc, y, x, &stylemask, &channels);
if(c == NULL){
return NULL;
uint32_t* top = &ret[targy * lenx + targx];
uint32_t* bot = &ret[(targy + 1) * lenx + targx];
unsigned fr, fg, fb, br, bg, bb;
channels_fg_rgb8(channels, &fr, &fb, &fg);
channels_bg_rgb8(channels, &br, &bb, &bg);
// FIXME how do we deal with transparency?
uint32_t frgba = (fr) + (fg << 16u) + (fb << 8u) + 0xff000000;
uint32_t brgba = (br) + (bg << 16u) + (bb << 8u) + 0xff000000;
// FIXME integrate 'blit'
// FIXME need to be able to pick up quadrants!
if((strcmp(c, " ") == 0) || (strcmp(c, "") == 0)){
*top = *bot = brgba;
}else if(strcmp(c, "") == 0){
*top = frgba;
*bot = brgba;
}else if(strcmp(c, "") == 0){
*top = brgba;
*bot = frgba;
}else if(strcmp(c, "") == 0){
*top = *bot = frgba;
//fprintf(stderr, "bad rgba character: %s\n", c);
return NULL;
return ret;
// return a heap-allocated copy of the contents
char* ncplane_contents(const ncplane* nc, int begy, int begx, int leny, int lenx){
if(begy < 0 || begx < 0){
logerror(ncplane_notcurses_const(nc), "Beginning coordinates (%d/%d) below 0\n", begy, begx);
return NULL;
if(begx >= nc->lenx || begy >= nc->leny){
logerror(ncplane_notcurses_const(nc), "Beginning coordinates (%d/%d) exceeded lengths (%d/%d)\n",
begy, begx, nc->leny, nc->lenx);
return NULL;
if(lenx == -1){ // -1 means "to the end"; use all space available
lenx = nc->lenx - begx;
if(leny == -1){
leny = nc->leny - begy;
if(lenx < 0 || leny < 0){ // no need to draw zero-size object, exit
logerror(ncplane_notcurses_const(nc), "Lengths (%d/%d) below 0\n", leny, lenx);
return NULL;
if(begx + lenx > nc->lenx || begy + leny > nc->leny){
logerror(ncplane_notcurses_const(nc), "Ending coordinates (%d/%d) exceeded lengths (%d/%d)\n",
begy + leny, begx + lenx, nc->leny, nc->lenx);
return NULL;
size_t retlen = 1;
char* ret = malloc(retlen);
for(int y = begy, targy = 0 ; y < begy + leny ; ++y, targy += 2){
for(int x = begx, targx = 0 ; x < begx + lenx ; ++x, ++targx){
uint16_t stylemask;
uint64_t channels;
char* c = ncplane_at_yx(nc, y, x, &stylemask, &channels);
return NULL;
size_t clen = strlen(c);
char* tmp = realloc(ret, retlen + clen);
return NULL;
ret = tmp;
memcpy(ret + retlen - 1, c, clen);
retlen += clen;
ret[retlen - 1] = '\0';
return ret;
int cells_ascii_box(struct ncplane* n, uint32_t attr, uint64_t channels,
nccell* ul, nccell* ur, nccell* ll, nccell* lr, nccell* hl, nccell* vl){
return cells_load_box(n, attr, channels, ul, ur, ll, lr, hl, vl, "/\\\\/-|");
int cells_double_box(struct ncplane* n, uint32_t attr, uint64_t channels,
nccell* ul, nccell* ur, nccell* ll, nccell* lr, nccell* hl, nccell* vl){
return cells_load_box(n, attr, channels, ul, ur, ll, lr, hl, vl, "╔╗╚╝═║");
return cells_ascii_box(n, attr, channels, ul, ur, ll, lr, hl, vl);
int cells_rounded_box(struct ncplane* n, uint32_t attr, uint64_t channels,
nccell* ul, nccell* ur, nccell* ll, nccell* lr, nccell* hl, nccell* vl){
return cells_load_box(n, attr, channels, ul, ur, ll, lr, hl, vl, "╭╮╰╯─│");
return cells_ascii_box(n, attr, channels, ul, ur, ll, lr, hl, vl);
// find the center coordinate of a plane, preferring the top/left in the
// case of an even number of rows/columns (in such a case, there will be one
// more cell to the bottom/right of the center than the top/left). the
// center is then modified relative to the plane's origin.
void ncplane_center_abs(const ncplane* n, int* RESTRICT y, int* RESTRICT x){
ncplane_center(n, y, x);
*y += n->absy;
*x += n->absx;
void nclog(const char* fmt, ...){
va_list va;
va_start(va, fmt);
vfprintf(stderr, fmt, va);
int ncplane_putstr_yx(struct ncplane* n, int y, int x, const char* gclusters){
int ret = 0;
// FIXME speed up this blissfully naive solution
int wcs;
int cols = ncplane_putegc_yx(n, y, x, gclusters, &wcs);
//fprintf(stderr, "wrote %.*s %d cols %d bytes now at %d/%d\n", wcs, gclusters, cols, wcs, n->y, n->x);
if(cols < 0){
return -ret;
if(wcs == 0){
// after the first iteration, just let the cursor code control where we
// print, so that scrolling is taken into account
y = -1;
x = -1;
gclusters += wcs;
ret += cols;
return ret;
int ncplane_putstr_stained(struct ncplane* n, const char* gclusters){
int ret = 0;
// FIXME speed up this blissfully naive solution
int wcs;
int cols = ncplane_putegc_stained(n, gclusters, &wcs);
if(cols < 0){
return -ret;
if(wcs == 0){
gclusters += wcs;
ret += cols;
return ret;
int ncplane_putwstr_stained(ncplane* n, const wchar_t* gclustarr){
// maximum of six UTF8-encoded bytes per wchar_t
const size_t mbytes = (wcslen(gclustarr) * WCHAR_MAX_UTF8BYTES) + 1;
char* mbstr = malloc(mbytes); // need cast for c++ callers
if(mbstr == NULL){
return -1;
size_t s = wcstombs(mbstr, gclustarr, mbytes);
if(s == (size_t)-1){
return -1;
int r = ncplane_putstr_stained(n, mbstr);
return r;
int ncplane_putnstr_aligned(struct ncplane* n, int y, ncalign_e align, size_t s, const char* str){
char* chopped = strndup(str, s);
int ret = ncplane_putstr_aligned(n, y, align, chopped);
return ret;
int ncplane_putnstr_yx(struct ncplane* n, int y, int x, size_t s, const char* gclusters){
int ret = 0;
int offset = 0;
//fprintf(stderr, "PUT %zu at %d/%d [%.*s]\n", s, y, x, (int)s, gclusters);
// FIXME speed up this blissfully naive solution
while((size_t)offset < s && gclusters[offset]){
int wcs;
int cols = ncplane_putegc_yx(n, y, x, gclusters + offset, &wcs);
if(cols < 0){
return -ret;
if(wcs == 0){
// after the first iteration, just let the cursor code control where we
// print, so that scrolling is taken into account
y = -1;
x = -1;
offset += wcs;
ret += cols;
return ret;
int notcurses_ucs32_to_utf8(const char32_t* ucs32, unsigned ucs32count,
unsigned char* resultbuf, size_t buflen){
if(u32_to_u8(ucs32, ucs32count, resultbuf, &buflen) == NULL){
return -1;
return buflen;
int ncstrwidth(const char* mbs){
int cols = 0; // number of columns consumed thus far
int thesecols, thesebytes;
thesebytes = utf8_egc_len(mbs, &thesecols);
if(thesebytes < 0){
return -1;
mbs += thesebytes;
cols += thesecols;
return cols;