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#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "internal.h"
typedef struct ncfadectx {
int rows; // number of rows when allocated
int cols; // number of columns when allocated
int maxsteps; // maximum number of iterations
unsigned maxr, maxg, maxb; // maxima across foreground channels
unsigned maxbr, maxbg, maxbb; // maxima across background channels
uint64_t nanosecs_step; // nanoseconds per iteration
uint64_t startns; // time fade started
uint64_t* channels; // all channels from the framebuffer
} ncfadectx;
int ncfadectx_iterations(const ncfadectx* nctx){
return nctx->maxsteps;
// These arrays are too large to be safely placed on the stack. Get an atomic
// snapshot of all channels on the plane. While copying the snapshot, determine
// the maxima across each of the six components.
static int
alloc_ncplane_palette(ncplane* n, ncfadectx* pp, const struct timespec* ts){
ncplane_dim_yx(n, &pp->rows, &pp->cols);
// add an additional element for the background cell
int size = pp->rows * pp->cols + 1;
if((pp->channels = malloc(sizeof(*pp->channels) * size)) == NULL){
return -1;
pp->maxr = pp->maxg = pp->maxb = 0;
pp->maxbr = pp->maxbg = pp->maxbb = 0;
unsigned r, g, b, br, bg, bb;
uint64_t channels;
int y, x;
for(y = 0 ; y < pp->rows ; ++y){
for(x = 0 ; x < pp->cols ; ++x){
channels = n->fb[nfbcellidx(n, y, x)].channels;
pp->channels[y * pp->cols + x] = channels;
channels_fg_rgb8(channels, &r, &g, &b);
if(r > pp->maxr){
pp->maxr = r;
if(g > pp->maxg){
pp->maxg = g;
if(b > pp->maxb){
pp->maxb = b;
channels_bg_rgb8(channels, &br, &bg, &bb);
if(br > pp->maxbr){
pp->maxbr = br;
if(bg > pp->maxbg){
pp->maxbg = bg;
if(bb > pp->maxbb){
pp->maxbb = bb;
channels = n->basecell.channels;
pp->channels[y * pp->cols] = channels;
channels_fg_rgb8(channels, &r, &g, &b);
if(r > pp->maxr){
pp->maxr = r;
if(g > pp->maxg){
pp->maxg = g;
if(b > pp->maxb){
pp->maxb = b;
channels_bg_rgb8(channels, &br, &bg, &bb);
if(br > pp->maxbr){
pp->maxbr = br;
if(bg > pp->maxbg){
pp->maxbg = bg;
if(bb > pp->maxbb){
pp->maxbb = bb;
int maxfsteps = pp->maxg > pp->maxr ? (pp->maxb > pp->maxg ? pp->maxb : pp->maxg) :
(pp->maxb > pp->maxr ? pp->maxb : pp->maxr);
int maxbsteps = pp->maxbg > pp->maxbr ? (pp->maxbb > pp->maxbg ? pp->maxbb : pp->maxbg) :
(pp->maxbb > pp->maxbr ? pp->maxbb : pp->maxbr);
pp->maxsteps = maxfsteps > maxbsteps ? maxfsteps : maxbsteps;
if(pp->maxsteps == 0){
pp->maxsteps = 1;
uint64_t nanosecs_total;
nanosecs_total = timespec_to_ns(ts);
pp->nanosecs_step = nanosecs_total / pp->maxsteps;
if(pp->nanosecs_step == 0){
pp->nanosecs_step = 1;
pp->nanosecs_step = 1;
struct timespec times;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &times);
// Start time in absolute nanoseconds
pp->startns = timespec_to_ns(&times);
return 0;
int ncplane_fadein_iteration(ncplane* n, ncfadectx* nctx, int iter,
fadecb fader, void* curry){
int y, x;
// each time through, we need look each cell back up, due to the
// possibility of a resize event :/
int dimy, dimx;
ncplane_dim_yx(n, &dimy, &dimx);
for(y = 0 ; y < nctx->rows && y < dimy ; ++y){
for(x = 0 ; x < nctx->cols && x < dimx; ++x){
unsigned r, g, b;
channels_fg_rgb8(nctx->channels[nctx->cols * y + x], &r, &g, &b);
unsigned br, bg, bb;
channels_bg_rgb8(nctx->channels[nctx->cols * y + x], &br, &bg, &bb);
nccell* c = &n->fb[dimx * y + x];
r = r * iter / nctx->maxsteps;
g = g * iter / nctx->maxsteps;
b = b * iter / nctx->maxsteps;
cell_set_fg_rgb8(c, r, g, b);
br = br * iter / nctx->maxsteps;
bg = bg * iter / nctx->maxsteps;
bb = bb * iter / nctx->maxsteps;
cell_set_bg_rgb8(c, br, bg, bb);
uint64_t nextwake = (iter + 1) * nctx->nanosecs_step + nctx->startns;
struct timespec sleepspec;
sleepspec.tv_sec = nextwake / NANOSECS_IN_SEC;
sleepspec.tv_nsec = nextwake % NANOSECS_IN_SEC;
int ret = 0;
ret |= fader(ncplane_notcurses(n), n, &sleepspec, curry);
ret |= notcurses_render(ncplane_notcurses(n));
// clock_nanosleep() has no love for CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, at least as
// of Glibc 2.29 + Linux 5.3 (or FreeBSD 12) :/.
clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, TIMER_ABSTIME, &sleepspec, NULL);
return ret;
static int
ncplane_fadein_internal(ncplane* n, fadecb fader, ncfadectx* pp, void* curry){
// Current time, sampled each iteration
uint64_t curns;
struct timespec times;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &times);
curns = times.tv_sec * NANOSECS_IN_SEC + times.tv_nsec;
int iter = (curns - pp->startns) / pp->nanosecs_step + 1;
if(iter > pp->maxsteps){
int r = ncplane_fadein_iteration(n, pp, iter, fader, curry);
return r;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &times);
return 0;
int ncplane_fadeout_iteration(ncplane* n, ncfadectx* nctx, int iter,
fadecb fader, void* curry){
unsigned br, bg, bb;
unsigned r, g, b;
int y, x;
// each time through, we need look each cell back up, due to the
// possibility of a resize event :/
int dimy, dimx;
ncplane_dim_yx(n, &dimy, &dimx);
for(y = 0 ; y < nctx->rows && y < dimy ; ++y){
for(x = 0 ; x < nctx->cols && x < dimx; ++x){
nccell* c = &n->fb[dimx * y + x];
channels_fg_rgb8(nctx->channels[nctx->cols * y + x], &r, &g, &b);
r = r * (nctx->maxsteps - iter) / nctx->maxsteps;
g = g * (nctx->maxsteps - iter) / nctx->maxsteps;
b = b * (nctx->maxsteps - iter) / nctx->maxsteps;
cell_set_fg_rgb8(c, r, g, b);
channels_bg_rgb8(nctx->channels[nctx->cols * y + x], &br, &bg, &bb);
br = br * (nctx->maxsteps - iter) / nctx->maxsteps;
bg = bg * (nctx->maxsteps - iter) / nctx->maxsteps;
bb = bb * (nctx->maxsteps - iter) / nctx->maxsteps;
cell_set_bg_rgb8(c, br, bg, bb);
nccell* c = &n->basecell;
channels_fg_rgb8(nctx->channels[nctx->cols * y], &r, &g, &b);
r = r * (nctx->maxsteps - iter) / nctx->maxsteps;
g = g * (nctx->maxsteps - iter) / nctx->maxsteps;
b = b * (nctx->maxsteps - iter) / nctx->maxsteps;
cell_set_fg_rgb8(&n->basecell, r, g, b);
channels_bg_rgb8(nctx->channels[nctx->cols * y], &br, &bg, &bb);
br = br * (nctx->maxsteps - iter) / nctx->maxsteps;
bg = bg * (nctx->maxsteps - iter) / nctx->maxsteps;
bb = bb * (nctx->maxsteps - iter) / nctx->maxsteps;
cell_set_bg_rgb8(&n->basecell, br, bg, bb);
uint64_t nextwake = (iter + 1) * nctx->nanosecs_step + nctx->startns;
struct timespec sleepspec;
sleepspec.tv_sec = nextwake / NANOSECS_IN_SEC;
sleepspec.tv_nsec = nextwake % NANOSECS_IN_SEC;
int ret;
ret = fader(ncplane_notcurses(n), n, &sleepspec, curry);
ret = notcurses_render(ncplane_notcurses(n));
// clock_nanosleep() has no love for CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, at least as
// of Glibc 2.29 + Linux 5.3 (or FreeBSD 12) :/.
clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, TIMER_ABSTIME, &sleepspec, NULL);
return ret;
static ncfadectx*
ncfadectx_setup_internal(ncplane* n, const struct timespec* ts){
if(!ncplane_notcurses(n)->tcache.RGBflag &&
!ncplane_notcurses(n)->tcache.CCCflag){ // terminal can't fade
return NULL;
ncfadectx* nctx = malloc(sizeof(*nctx));
if(alloc_ncplane_palette(n, nctx, ts) == 0){
return nctx;
return NULL;
ncfadectx* ncfadectx_setup(ncplane* n){
return ncfadectx_setup_internal(n, NULL);
void ncfadectx_free(ncfadectx* nctx){
int ncplane_fadeout(ncplane* n, const struct timespec* ts, fadecb fader, void* curry){
ncfadectx* pp = ncfadectx_setup_internal(n, ts);
return -1;
struct timespec times;
ns_to_timespec(pp->startns, &times);
uint64_t curns = times.tv_sec * NANOSECS_IN_SEC + times.tv_nsec;
int iter = (curns - pp->startns) / pp->nanosecs_step + 1;
if(iter > pp->maxsteps){
int r = ncplane_fadeout_iteration(n, pp, iter, fader, curry);
return r;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &times);
return 0;
int ncplane_fadein(ncplane* n, const struct timespec* ts, fadecb fader, void* curry){
ncfadectx* nctx = ncfadectx_setup_internal(n, ts);
if(nctx == NULL){
struct timespec now;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now);
fader(ncplane_notcurses(n), n, &now, curry);
return -1;
int ret = ncplane_fadein_internal(n, fader, nctx, curry);
return ret;
int ncplane_pulse(ncplane* n, const struct timespec* ts, fadecb fader, void* curry){
ncfadectx pp;
int ret;
if(!ncplane_notcurses(n)->tcache.RGBflag &&
!ncplane_notcurses(n)->tcache.CCCflag){ // terminal can't fade
return -1;
if(alloc_ncplane_palette(n, &pp, ts)){
return -1;
ret = ncplane_fadein_internal(n, fader, &pp, curry);
ret = ncplane_fadeout(n, ts, fader, curry);
return ret;