You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

3057 lines
129 KiB

#include <time.h>
#include <uchar.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <notcurses/nckeys.h>
#include <notcurses/ncerrs.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define RESTRICT
#define RESTRICT restrict
#define API __attribute__((visibility("default")))
// Get a human-readable string describing the running notcurses version.
API const char* notcurses_version(void);
// Cannot be inline, as we want to get the versions of the actual notcurses
// library we loaded, not what we compile against.
API void notcurses_version_components(int* major, int* minor, int* patch, int* tweak);
struct notcurses; // notcurses state for a given terminal, composed of ncplanes
struct ncplane; // a drawable notcurses surface, composed of cells
struct cell; // a coordinate on an ncplane: an EGC plus styling
struct ncvisual; // a visual bit of multimedia opened with LibAV|OIIO
struct ncuplot; // a histogram, bound to a plane (uint64_ts)
struct ncdplot; // a histogram, bound to a plane (non-negative doubles)
struct ncfdplane; // i/o wrapper to dump file descriptor to plane
struct ncsubproc; // ncfdplane wrapper with subprocess management
struct ncselector;// widget supporting selecting 1 from a list of options
struct ncmultiselector; // widget supporting selecting 0..n from n options
struct ncreader; // widget supporting free string input ala readline
struct ncfadectx; // context for a palette fade operation
// each has the empty cell in addition to the product of its dimensions. i.e.
// NCBLIT_1x1 has two states: empty and full block. NCBLIT_1x1x4 has five
// states: empty, the three shaded blocks, and the full block.
typedef enum {
NCBLIT_DEFAULT, // let the ncvisual pick
NCBLIT_1x1, // full block █
NCBLIT_2x1, // upper half + 1x1 ▀█
NCBLIT_1x1x4, // shaded full blocks ▓▒░█
NCBLIT_2x2, // quadrants + 2x1 ▗▐ ▖▀▟▌▙█
NCBLIT_4x1, // four vertical levels █▆▄▂
NCBLIT_BRAILLE, // 4 rows, 2 cols (braille) ⡀⡄⡆⡇⢀⣀⣄⣆⣇⢠⣠⣤⣦⣧⢰⣰⣴⣶⣷⢸⣸⣼⣾⣿
NCBLIT_8x1, // eight vertical levels █▇▆▅▄▃▂▁
NCBLIT_SIXEL, // 6 rows, 1 col (RGB), spotty support among terminals
} ncblitter_e;
// Alignment within a plane or terminal. Left/right-justified, or centered.
typedef enum {
} ncalign_e;
// How to scale an ncvisual during rendering. NCSCALE_NONE will apply no
// scaling. NCSCALE_SCALE scales a visual to the plane's size, maintaining
// aspect ratio. NCSCALE_STRETCH stretches and scales the image in an
// attempt to fill the entirety of the plane.
typedef enum {
} ncscale_e;
// Returns the number of columns occupied by a multibyte (UTF-8) string, or
// -1 if a non-printable/illegal character is encountered.
static inline int
mbswidth(const char* mbs){
int offset = 0; // offset into mbs
int cols = 0; // number of columns consumed thus far
mbstate_t ps;
memset(&ps, 0, sizeof(ps));
wchar_t wcs;
size_t r = mbrtowc(&wcs, mbs + offset, SIZE_MAX, &ps);
if(r == (size_t)-1 || r == (size_t)-2){
return -1;
int w = wcwidth(wcs);
if(w < 0){
return -1;
cols += w;
offset += r;
return cols;
// extract these bits to get a channel's alpha value
#define NCCHANNEL_ALPHA_MASK 0x30000000ull
// background cannot be highcontrast, only foreground
#define CELL_ALPHA_HIGHCONTRAST 0x30000000ull
#define CELL_ALPHA_TRANSPARENT 0x20000000ull
#define CELL_ALPHA_BLEND 0x10000000ull
#define CELL_ALPHA_OPAQUE 0x00000000ull
// if this bit is set, the cell is part of a multicolumn glyph. whether a
// cell is the left or right side of the glyph can be determined by checking
// whether ->gcluster is zero.
#define CELL_WIDEASIAN_MASK 0x8000000000000000ull
#define CELL_NOBACKGROUND_MASK 0x0400000000000000ull
// if this bit is set, we are *not* using the default background color
#define CELL_BGDEFAULT_MASK 0x0000000040000000ull
// if this bit is set, we are *not* using the default foreground color
// extract these bits to get the background RGB value
#define CELL_BG_RGB_MASK 0x0000000000ffffffull
// extract these bits to get the foreground RGB value
// if this bit *and* CELL_BGDEFAULT_MASK are set, we're using a
// palette-indexed background color
#define CELL_BG_PALETTE 0x0000000008000000ull
// if this bit *and* CELL_FGDEFAULT_MASK are set, we're using a
// palette-indexed foreground color
// extract these bits to get the background alpha mask
// extract these bits to get the foreground alpha mask
// initialize a 64-bit channel pair with specified RGB fg/bg
#define CHANNELS_RGB_INITIALIZER(fr, fg, fb, br, bg, bb) \
(((((uint64_t)(fr) << 16u) + ((uint64_t)(fg) << 8u) + (uint64_t)(fb)) << 32ull) + \
(((br) << 16u) + ((bg) << 8u) + (bb)) + CELL_BGDEFAULT_MASK + CELL_FGDEFAULT_MASK)
#define CHANNEL_RGB_INITIALIZER(r, g, b) \
(((uint32_t)r << 16u) + ((uint32_t)g << 8u) + (b) + CELL_BGDEFAULT_MASK)
// These lowest-level functions manipulate a 64-bit channel encoding directly.
// Users will typically manipulate ncplane and cell channels through those APIs,
// rather than calling these directly.
// Extract the 8-bit red component from a 32-bit channel.
static inline unsigned
channel_r(unsigned channel){
return (channel & 0xff0000u) >> 16u;
// Extract the 8-bit green component from a 32-bit channel.
static inline unsigned
channel_g(unsigned channel){
return (channel & 0x00ff00u) >> 8u;
// Extract the 8-bit blue component from a 32-bit channel.
static inline unsigned
channel_b(unsigned channel){
return (channel & 0x0000ffu);
// Extract the three 8-bit R/G/B components from a 32-bit channel.
static inline unsigned
channel_rgb(unsigned channel, unsigned* RESTRICT r, unsigned* RESTRICT g,
unsigned* RESTRICT b){
*r = channel_r(channel);
*g = channel_g(channel);
*b = channel_b(channel);
return channel;
// Set the three 8-bit components of a 32-bit channel, and mark it as not using
// the default color. Retain the other bits unchanged.
static inline int
channel_set_rgb(unsigned* channel, int r, int g, int b){
if(r >= 256 || g >= 256 || b >= 256){
return -1;
if(r < 0 || g < 0 || b < 0){
return -1;
unsigned c = (r << 16u) | (g << 8u) | b;
*channel = (*channel & ~CELL_BG_RGB_MASK) | CELL_BGDEFAULT_MASK | c;
return 0;
// Set the three 8-bit components of a 32-bit channel, and mark it as not using
// the default color. Retain the other bits unchanged. r, g, and b will be
// clipped to the range [0..255].
static inline void
channel_set_rgb_clipped(unsigned* channel, int r, int g, int b){
if(r >= 256){
r = 255;
if(g >= 256){
g = 255;
if(b >= 256){
b = 255;
if(r <= -1){
r = 0;
if(g <= -1){
g = 0;
if(b <= -1){
b = 0;
unsigned c = (r << 16u) | (g << 8u) | b;
*channel = (*channel & ~CELL_BG_RGB_MASK) | CELL_BGDEFAULT_MASK | c;
// Same, but provide an assembled, packed 24 bits of rgb.
static inline int
channel_set(unsigned* channel, unsigned rgb){
if(rgb > 0xffffffu){
return -1;
*channel = (*channel & ~CELL_BG_RGB_MASK) | CELL_BGDEFAULT_MASK | rgb;
return 0;
// Extract the 2-bit alpha component from a 32-bit channel.
static inline unsigned
channel_alpha(unsigned channel){
return channel & NCCHANNEL_ALPHA_MASK;
// Set the 2-bit alpha component of the 32-bit channel.
static inline int
channel_set_alpha(unsigned* channel, unsigned alpha){
return -1;
*channel = alpha | (*channel & ~NCCHANNEL_ALPHA_MASK);
if(alpha != CELL_ALPHA_OPAQUE){
return 0;
// Is this channel using the "default color" rather than RGB/palette-indexed?
static inline bool
channel_default_p(unsigned channel){
return !(channel & CELL_BGDEFAULT_MASK);
// Is this channel using palette-indexed color rather than RGB?
static inline bool
channel_palindex_p(unsigned channel){
return !channel_default_p(channel) && (channel & CELL_BG_PALETTE);
// Mark the channel as using its default color, which also marks it opaque.
static inline unsigned
channel_set_default(unsigned* channel){
// Extract the 32-bit background channel from a channel pair.
static inline uint32_t
channels_bchannel(uint64_t channels){
return channels & 0xfffffffflu;
// Extract the 32-bit foreground channel from a channel pair.
static inline uint32_t
channels_fchannel(uint64_t channels){
return channels_bchannel(channels >> 32u);
// Set the 32-bit background channel of a channel pair.
static inline uint64_t
channels_set_bchannel(uint64_t* channels, uint32_t channel){
return *channels = (*channels & 0xffffffff00000000llu) | channel;
// Set the 32-bit foreground channel of a channel pair.
static inline uint64_t
channels_set_fchannel(uint64_t* channels, uint32_t channel){
return *channels = (*channels & 0xfffffffflu) | ((uint64_t)channel << 32u);
static inline uint64_t
channels_combine(uint32_t fchan, uint32_t bchan){
uint64_t channels = 0;
channels_set_fchannel(&channels, fchan);
channels_set_bchannel(&channels, bchan);
return channels;
// Extract 24 bits of foreground RGB from 'channels', shifted to LSBs.
static inline unsigned
channels_fg(uint64_t channels){
return channels_fchannel(channels) & CELL_BG_RGB_MASK;
// Extract 24 bits of background RGB from 'channels', shifted to LSBs.
static inline unsigned
channels_bg(uint64_t channels){
return channels_bchannel(channels) & CELL_BG_RGB_MASK;
// Extract 2 bits of foreground alpha from 'channels', shifted to LSBs.
static inline unsigned
channels_fg_alpha(uint64_t channels){
return channel_alpha(channels_fchannel(channels));
// Extract 2 bits of background alpha from 'channels', shifted to LSBs.
static inline unsigned
channels_bg_alpha(uint64_t channels){
return channel_alpha(channels_bchannel(channels));
// Extract 24 bits of foreground RGB from 'channels', split into subchannels.
static inline unsigned
channels_fg_rgb(uint64_t channels, unsigned* r, unsigned* g, unsigned* b){
return channel_rgb(channels_fchannel(channels), r, g, b);
// Extract 24 bits of background RGB from 'channels', split into subchannels.
static inline unsigned
channels_bg_rgb(uint64_t channels, unsigned* r, unsigned* g, unsigned* b){
return channel_rgb(channels_bchannel(channels), r, g, b);
// Set the r, g, and b channels for the foreground component of this 64-bit
// 'channels' variable, and mark it as not using the default color.
static inline int
channels_set_fg_rgb(uint64_t* channels, int r, int g, int b){
unsigned channel = channels_fchannel(*channels);
if(channel_set_rgb(&channel, r, g, b) < 0){
return -1;
*channels = ((uint64_t)channel << 32llu) | (*channels & 0xffffffffllu);
return 0;
// Same, but clips to [0..255].
static inline void
channels_set_fg_rgb_clipped(uint64_t* channels, int r, int g, int b){
unsigned channel = channels_fchannel(*channels);
channel_set_rgb_clipped(&channel, r, g, b);
*channels = ((uint64_t)channel << 32llu) | (*channels & 0xffffffffllu);
// Set the 2-bit alpha component of the foreground channel.
static inline int
channels_set_fg_alpha(uint64_t* channels, unsigned alpha){
unsigned channel = channels_fchannel(*channels);
if(channel_set_alpha(&channel, alpha) < 0){
return -1;
*channels = ((uint64_t)channel << 32llu) | (*channels & 0xffffffffllu);
return 0;
static inline int
channels_set_fg_palindex(uint64_t* channels, int idx){
if(idx < 0 || idx >= NCPALETTESIZE){
return -1;
*channels |= CELL_FG_PALETTE;
channels_set_fg_alpha(channels, CELL_ALPHA_OPAQUE);
*channels &= 0xff000000ffffffffull;
*channels |= ((uint64_t)idx << 32u);
return 0;
// Same, but set an assembled 24 bit channel at once.
static inline int
channels_set_fg(uint64_t* channels, unsigned rgb){
unsigned channel = channels_fchannel(*channels);
if(channel_set(&channel, rgb) < 0){
return -1;
*channels = ((uint64_t)channel << 32llu) | (*channels & 0xffffffffllu);
return 0;
// Set the r, g, and b channels for the background component of this 64-bit
// 'channels' variable, and mark it as not using the default color.
static inline int
channels_set_bg_rgb(uint64_t* channels, int r, int g, int b){
unsigned channel = channels_bchannel(*channels);
if(channel_set_rgb(&channel, r, g, b) < 0){
return -1;
channels_set_bchannel(channels, channel);
return 0;
// Same, but clips to [0..255].
static inline void
channels_set_bg_rgb_clipped(uint64_t* channels, int r, int g, int b){
unsigned channel = channels_bchannel(*channels);
channel_set_rgb_clipped(&channel, r, g, b);
channels_set_bchannel(channels, channel);
// Set the 2-bit alpha component of the background channel.
static inline int
channels_set_bg_alpha(uint64_t* channels, unsigned alpha){
if(alpha == CELL_ALPHA_HIGHCONTRAST){ // forbidden for background alpha
return -1;
unsigned channel = channels_bchannel(*channels);
if(channel_set_alpha(&channel, alpha) < 0){
return -1;
channels_set_bchannel(channels, channel);
return 0;
// Set the cell's background palette index, set the background palette index
// bit, set it background-opaque, and clear the background default color bit.
static inline int
channels_set_bg_palindex(uint64_t* channels, int idx){
if(idx < 0 || idx >= NCPALETTESIZE){
return -1;
*channels |= CELL_BG_PALETTE;
channels_set_bg_alpha(channels, CELL_ALPHA_OPAQUE);
*channels &= 0xffffffffff000000;
*channels |= idx;
return 0;
// Same, but set an assembled 24 bit channel at once.
static inline int
channels_set_bg(uint64_t* channels, unsigned rgb){
unsigned channel = channels_bchannel(*channels);
if(channel_set(&channel, rgb) < 0){
return -1;
channels_set_bchannel(channels, channel);
return 0;
// Is the foreground using the "default foreground color"?
static inline bool
channels_fg_default_p(uint64_t channels){
return channel_default_p(channels_fchannel(channels));
// Is the foreground using indexed palette color?
static inline bool
channels_fg_palindex_p(uint64_t channels){
return channel_palindex_p(channels_fchannel(channels));
// Is the background using the "default background color"? The "default
// background color" must generally be used to take advantage of
// terminal-effected transparency.
static inline bool
channels_bg_default_p(uint64_t channels){
return channel_default_p(channels_bchannel(channels));
// Is the background using indexed palette color?
static inline bool
channels_bg_palindex_p(uint64_t channels){
return channel_palindex_p(channels_bchannel(channels));
// Mark the foreground channel as using its default color.
static inline uint64_t
channels_set_fg_default(uint64_t* channels){
unsigned channel = channels_fchannel(*channels);
*channels = ((uint64_t)channel << 32llu) | (*channels & 0xffffffffllu);
return *channels;
// Mark the background channel as using its default color.
static inline uint64_t
channels_set_bg_default(uint64_t* channels){
unsigned channel = channels_bchannel(*channels);
channels_set_bchannel(channels, channel);
return *channels;
// A cell corresponds to a single character cell on some plane, which can be
// occupied by a single grapheme cluster (some root spacing glyph, along with
// possible combining characters, which might span multiple columns). At any
// cell, we can have a theoretically arbitrarily long UTF-8 string, a foreground
// color, a background color, and an attribute set. Valid grapheme cluster
// contents include:
// * A NUL terminator,
// * A single control character, followed by a NUL terminator,
// * At most one spacing character, followed by zero or more nonspacing
// characters, followed by a NUL terminator.
// Multi-column characters can only have a single style/color throughout.
// Existence is suffering, and thus wcwidth() is not reliable. It's just
// quoting whether or not the EGC contains a "Wide Asian" double-width
// character. This is set for some things, like most emoji, and not set for
// other things, like cuneiform. Fucccccck. True display width is a *property
// of the font*. Fuccccccccckkkkk. Among the longest Unicode codepoints is
// wcwidth() rather optimistically claims this suicide bomber of a glyph to
// occupy a single column, right before it explodes in your diner. BiDi text
// is too complicated for me to even get into here. It sucks ass. Be assured
// there are no easy answers. Allah, the All-Powerful, has fucked us again!
// Each cell occupies 16 static bytes (128 bits). The surface is thus ~1.6MB
// for a (pretty large) 500x200 terminal. At 80x43, it's less than 64KB.
// Dynamic requirements (the egcpool) can add up to 16MB to an ncplane, but
// such large pools are unlikely in common use.
// We implement some small alpha compositing. Foreground and background both
// have two bits of inverted alpha. The actual grapheme written to a cell is
// the topmost non-zero grapheme. If its alpha is 00, its foreground color is
// used unchanged. If its alpha is 10, its foreground color is derived entirely
// from cells underneath it. Otherwise, the result will be a composite.
// Likewise for the background. If the bottom of a coordinate's zbuffer is
// reached with a cumulative alpha of zero, the default is used. In this way,
// a terminal configured with transparent background can be supported through
// multiple occluding ncplanes. A foreground alpha of 11 requests high-contrast
// text (relative to the computed background). A background alpha of 11 is
// currently forbidden.
// Default color takes precedence over palette or RGB, and cannot be used with
// transparency. Indexed palette takes precedence over RGB. It cannot
// meaningfully set transparency, but it can be mixed into a cascading color.
// RGB is used if neither default terminal colors nor palette indexing are in
// play, and fully supports all transparency options.
typedef struct cell {
// These 32 bits, together with the associated plane's associated egcpool,
// completely define this cell's EGC. Unless the EGC requires more than four
// bytes to encode as UTF-8, it will be inlined here. If more than four bytes
// are required, it will be spilled into the egcpool. In either case, there's
// a NUL-terminated string available without copying, because (1) the egcpool
// is all NUL-terminated sequences and (2) the fifth byte of this struct (the
// gcluster_backstop field, see below) is guaranteed to be zero, as are any
// unused bytes in gcluster.
// A spilled EGC is indicated by the value 0x01XXXXXX. This cannot alias a
// true supra-ASCII EGC, because UTF-8 only encodes bytes <= 0x80 when they
// are single-byte ASCII-derived values. The XXXXXX is interpreted as a 24-bit
// index into the egcpool. These pools may thus be up to 16MB.
// The cost of this scheme is that the character 0x01 (SOH) cannot be encoded
// in a cell, which is absolutely fine because what 70s horseshit is SOH? It
// must not be allowed through the API, or havoc will result.
uint32_t gcluster; // 4B → 4B
uint8_t gcluster_backstop; // 1B → 5B (8 bits of zero)
uint8_t reserved; // 1B → 6B (8 reserved bits, ought be zero)
uint16_t stylemask; // 2B → 8B (16 bits of NCSTYLE_* attributes)
// (channels & 0x8000000000000000ull): part of a wide glyph
// (channels & 0x4000000000000000ull): foreground is *not* "default color"
// (channels & 0x3000000000000000ull): foreground alpha (2 bits)
// (channels & 0x0800000000000000ull): foreground uses palette index
// (channels & 0x0400000000000000ull): glyph is entirely foreground
// (channels & 0x0300000000000000ull): reserved, must be 0
// (channels & 0x00ffffff00000000ull): foreground in 3x8 RGB (rrggbb)
// (channels & 0x0000000080000000ull): reserved, must be 0
// (channels & 0x0000000040000000ull): background is *not* "default color"
// (channels & 0x0000000030000000ull): background alpha (2 bits)
// (channels & 0x0000000008000000ull): background uses palette index
// (channels & 0x0000000007000000ull): reserved, must be 0
// (channels & 0x0000000000ffffffull): background in 3x8 RGB (rrggbb)
// At render time, these 24-bit values are quantized down to terminal
// capabilities, if necessary. There's a clear path to 10-bit support should
// we one day need it, but keep things cagey for now. "default color" is
// best explained by color(3NCURSES). ours is the same concept. until the
// "not default color" bit is set, any color you load will be ignored.
uint64_t channels; // + 8B == 16B
} cell;
#define CELL_SIMPLE_INITIALIZER(c) { .gcluster = (c), .gcluster_backstop = 0, .reserved = 0, .stylemask = 0, .channels = 0, }
#define CELL_INITIALIZER(c, s, chan) { .gcluster = (c), .gcluster_backstop = 0, .reserved = 0, .stylemask = (s), .channels = (chan), }
static inline void
cell_init(cell* c){
memset(c, 0, sizeof(*c));
// Breaks the UTF-8 string in 'gcluster' down, setting up the cell 'c'. Returns
// the number of bytes copied out of 'gcluster', or -1 on failure. The styling
// of the cell is left untouched, but any resources are released.
__attribute__ ((nonnull (1, 2, 3)))
API int cell_load(struct ncplane* n, cell* c, const char* gcluster);
// cell_load(), plus blast the styling with 'attr' and 'channels'.
static inline int
cell_prime(struct ncplane* n, cell* c, const char* gcluster,
uint32_t stylemask, uint64_t channels){
c->stylemask = stylemask;
c->channels = channels;
int ret = cell_load(n, c, gcluster);
return ret;
// Duplicate 'c' into 'targ'; both must be/will be bound to 'n'.
API int cell_duplicate(struct ncplane* n, cell* targ, const cell* c);
// Release resources held by the cell 'c'.
API void cell_release(struct ncplane* n, cell* c);
#define NCSTYLE_MASK 0xffffu
#define NCSTYLE_STANDOUT 0x0080u
#define NCSTYLE_UNDERLINE 0x0040u
#define NCSTYLE_REVERSE 0x0020u
#define NCSTYLE_BLINK 0x0010u
#define NCSTYLE_DIM 0x0008u
#define NCSTYLE_BOLD 0x0004u
#define NCSTYLE_INVIS 0x0002u
#define NCSTYLE_PROTECT 0x0001u
#define NCSTYLE_ITALIC 0x0100u
#define NCSTYLE_NONE 0
// Set the specified style bits for the cell 'c', whether they're actively
// supported or not. Only the lower 16 bits are meaningful.
static inline void
cell_styles_set(cell* c, unsigned stylebits){
c->stylemask = stylebits & NCSTYLE_MASK;
// Extract the style bits from the cell.
static inline unsigned
cell_styles(const cell* c){
return c->stylemask;
// Add the specified styles (in the LSBs) to the cell's existing spec, whether
// they're actively supported or not.
static inline void
cell_styles_on(cell* c, unsigned stylebits){
c->stylemask |= (stylebits & NCSTYLE_MASK);
// Remove the specified styles (in the LSBs) from the cell's existing spec.
static inline void
cell_styles_off(cell* c, unsigned stylebits){
c->stylemask &= ~(stylebits & NCSTYLE_MASK);
// Use the default color for the foreground.
static inline void
cell_set_fg_default(cell* c){
// Use the default color for the background.
static inline void
cell_set_bg_default(cell* c){
static inline int
cell_set_fg_alpha(cell* c, int alpha){
return channels_set_fg_alpha(&c->channels, alpha);
static inline int
cell_set_bg_alpha(cell* c, int alpha){
return channels_set_bg_alpha(&c->channels, alpha);
// Does the cell contain an East Asian Wide codepoint?
static inline bool
cell_double_wide_p(const cell* c){
return (c->channels & CELL_WIDEASIAN_MASK);
// Is this the right half of a wide character?
static inline bool
cell_wide_right_p(const cell* c){
return cell_double_wide_p(c) && c->gcluster == 0;
// Is this the left half of a wide character?
static inline bool
cell_wide_left_p(const cell* c){
return cell_double_wide_p(c) && c->gcluster;
// return a pointer to the NUL-terminated EGC referenced by 'c'. this pointer
// can be invalidated by any further operation on the plane 'n', out!
// works on both simple and non-simple cells.
API const char* cell_extended_gcluster(const struct ncplane* n, const cell* c);
// copy the UTF8-encoded EGC out of the cell, whether simple or complex. the
// result is not tied to the ncplane, and persists across erases / destruction.
static inline char*
cell_strdup(const struct ncplane* n, const cell* c){
return strdup(cell_extended_gcluster(n, c));
// Extract the three elements of a cell.
static inline char*
cell_extract(const struct ncplane* n, const cell* c,
uint16_t* stylemask, uint64_t* channels){
*stylemask = c->stylemask;
*channels = c->channels;
return cell_strdup(n, c);
// Returns true if the two cells are distinct EGCs, attributes, or channels.
// The actual egcpool index needn't be the same--indeed, the planes needn't even
// be the same. Only the expanded EGC must be equal. The EGC must be bit-equal;
// it would probably be better to test whether they're Unicode-equal FIXME.
static inline bool
cellcmp(const struct ncplane* n1, const cell* RESTRICT c1,
const struct ncplane* n2, const cell* RESTRICT c2){
if(c1->stylemask != c2->stylemask){
return true;
if(c1->channels != c2->channels){
return true;
return strcmp(cell_extended_gcluster(n1, c1), cell_extended_gcluster(n2, c2));
static inline int
cell_load_simple(struct ncplane* n, cell* c, char ch){
cell_release(n, c);
c->gcluster = ch;
return 1;
// These log levels consciously map cleanly to those of libav; notcurses itself
// does not use this full granularity. The log level does not affect the opening
// and closing banners, which can be disabled via the notcurses_option struct's
// 'suppress_banner'. Note that if stderr is connected to the same terminal on
// which we're rendering, any kind of logging will disrupt the output.
typedef enum {
NCLOGLEVEL_SILENT, // default. print nothing once fullscreen service begins
NCLOGLEVEL_PANIC, // print diagnostics immediately related to crashing
NCLOGLEVEL_FATAL, // we're hanging around, but we've had a horrible fault
NCLOGLEVEL_ERROR, // we can't keep doin' this, but we can do other things
NCLOGLEVEL_WARNING, // you probably don't want what's happening to happen
NCLOGLEVEL_INFO, // "standard information"
NCLOGLEVEL_VERBOSE, // "detailed information"
NCLOGLEVEL_DEBUG, // this is honestly a bit much
NCLOGLEVEL_TRACE, // there's probably a better way to do what you want
} ncloglevel_e;
// Bits for notcurses_options->flags.
// notcurses_init() will call setlocale() to inspect the current locale. If
// that locale is "C" or "POSIX", it will call setlocale(LC_ALL, "") to set
// the locale according to the LANG environment variable. Ideally, this will
// result in UTF8 being enabled, even if the client app didn't call
// setlocale() itself. Unless you're certain that you're invoking setlocale()
// prior to notcurses_init(), you should not set this bit. Even if you are
// invoking setlocale(), this behavior shouldn't be an issue unless you're
// doing something weird (setting a locale not based on LANG).
// Checking for Sixel support requires writing an escape, and then reading an
// inline reply from the terminal. Since this can interact poorly with actual
// user input, it's not done unless Sixel will actually be used. Set this flag
// to unconditionally test for Sixel support in notcurses_init().
#define NCOPTION_VERIFY_SIXEL 0x0002ull
// We typically install a signal handler for SIGWINCH that generates a resize
// event in the notcurses_getc() queue. Set to inhibit this handler.
// We typically install a signal handler for SIG{INT, SEGV, ABRT, QUIT} that
// restores the screen, and then calls the old signal handler. Set to inhibit
// registration of these signal handlers.
// By default, we hide the cursor if possible. This flag inhibits use of
// the civis capability, retaining the cursor.
#define NCOPTION_RETAIN_CURSOR 0x0010ull
// Notcurses typically prints version info in notcurses_init() and performance
// info in notcurses_stop(). This inhibits that output.
// If smcup/rmcup capabilities are indicated, notcurses defaults to making use
// of the "alternate screen". This flag inhibits use of smcup/rmcup.
// Do not modify the font. Notcurses might attempt to change the font slightly,
// to support certain glyphs (especially on the Linux console). If this is set,
// no such modifications will be made. Note that font changes will not affect
// anything but the virtual console/terminal in which Notcurses is running.
#define NCOPTION_NO_FONT_CHANGES 0x0080ull
// Configuration for notcurses_init().
typedef struct notcurses_options {
// The name of the terminfo database entry describing this terminal. If NULL,
// the environment variable TERM is used. Failure to open the terminal
// definition will result in failure to initialize notcurses.
const char* termtype;
// If non-NULL, notcurses_render() will write each rendered frame to this
// FILE* in addition to outfp. This is used primarily for debugging.
FILE* renderfp;
// Progressively higher log levels result in more logging to stderr. By
// default, nothing is printed to stderr once fullscreen service begins.
ncloglevel_e loglevel;
// Desirable margins. If all are 0 (default), we will render to the entirety
// of the screen. If the screen is too small, we do what we can--this is
// strictly best-effort. Absolute coordinates are relative to the rendering
// area ((0, 0) is always the origin of the rendering area).
int margin_t, margin_r, margin_b, margin_l;
// General flags; see NCOPTION_*. This is expressed as a bitfield so that
// future options can be added without reshaping the struct. Undefined bits
// must be set to 0.
uint64_t flags;
} notcurses_options;
// Lex a margin argument according to the standard notcurses definition. There
// can be either a single number, which will define all margins equally, or
// there can be four numbers separated by commas.
API int notcurses_lex_margins(const char* op, notcurses_options* opts);
// Lex a blitter.
API int notcurses_lex_blitter(const char* op, ncblitter_e* blitter);
// Get the name of a blitter.
API const char* notcurses_str_blitter(ncblitter_e blitter);
// Lex a visual scaling mode (one of "none", "stretch", or "scale").
API int notcurses_lex_scalemode(const char* op, ncscale_e* scalemode);
// Get the name of a scaling mode.
API const char* notcurses_str_scalemode(ncscale_e scalemode);
// Initialize a notcurses context on the connected terminal at 'fp'. 'fp' must
// be a tty. You'll usually want stdout. NULL can be supplied for 'fp', in
// which case /dev/tty will be opened. Returns NULL on error, including any
// failure initializing terminfo.
API struct notcurses* notcurses_init(const notcurses_options* opts, FILE* fp);
// Destroy a notcurses context.
API int notcurses_stop(struct notcurses* nc);
// Make the physical screen match the virtual screen. Changes made to the
// virtual screen (i.e. most other calls) will not be visible until after a
// successful call to notcurses_render().
API int notcurses_render(struct notcurses* nc);
// Write the last rendered frame, in its entirety, to 'fp'. If
// notcurses_render() has not yet been called, nothing will be written.
API int notcurses_render_to_file(struct notcurses* nc, FILE* fp);
// Return the topmost ncplane, of which there is always at least one.
API struct ncplane* notcurses_top(struct notcurses* n);
// Destroy all ncplanes other than the stdplane.
API void notcurses_drop_planes(struct notcurses* nc);
// All input is currently taken from stdin, though this will likely change. We
// attempt to read a single UTF8-encoded Unicode codepoint, *not* an entire
// Extended Grapheme Cluster. It is also possible that we will read a special
// keypress, i.e. anything that doesn't correspond to a Unicode codepoint (e.g.
// arrow keys, function keys, screen resize events, etc.). These are mapped
// into Unicode's Supplementary Private Use Area-B, starting at U+100000.
// notcurses_getc() and notcurses_getc_nblock() are both nonblocking.
// notcurses_getc_blocking() blocks until a codepoint or special key is read,
// or until interrupted by a signal.
// In the case of a valid read, a 32-bit Unicode codepoint is returned. 0 is
// returned to indicate that no input was available, but only by
// notcurses_getc(). Otherwise (including on EOF) (char32_t)-1 is returned.
// Is this char32_t a Supplementary Private Use Area-B codepoint?
static inline bool
nckey_supppuab_p(char32_t w){
return w >= 0x100000 && w <= 0x10fffd;
// Is the event a synthesized mouse event?
static inline bool
nckey_mouse_p(char32_t r){
return r >= NCKEY_BUTTON1 && r <= NCKEY_RELEASE;
// An input event. Cell coordinates are currently defined only for mouse events.
typedef struct ncinput {
char32_t id; // identifier. Unicode codepoint or synthesized NCKEY event
int y; // y cell coordinate of event, -1 for undefined
int x; // x cell coordinate of event, -1 for undefined
bool alt; // was alt held?
bool shift; // was shift held?
bool ctrl; // was ctrl held?
uint64_t seqnum; // input event number
} ncinput;
// See ppoll(2) for more detail. Provide a NULL 'ts' to block at length, a 'ts'
// of 0 for non-blocking operation, and otherwise a timespec to bound blocking.
// Signals in sigmask (less several we handle internally) will be atomically
// masked and unmasked per ppoll(2). It should generally contain all signals.
// Returns a single Unicode code point, or (char32_t)-1 on error. 'sigmask' may
// be NULL. Returns 0 on a timeout. If an event is processed, the return value
// is the 'id' field from that event. 'ni' may be NULL.
API char32_t notcurses_getc(struct notcurses* n, const struct timespec* ts,
sigset_t* sigmask, ncinput* ni);
// Get a file descriptor suitable for input event poll()ing. When this
// descriptor becomes available, you can call notcurses_getc_nblock(),
// and input ought be ready. This file descriptor is *not* necessarily
// the file descriptor associated with stdin (but it might be!).
API int notcurses_inputready_fd(struct notcurses* n);
// 'ni' may be NULL if the caller is uninterested in event details. If no event
// is ready, returns 0.
static inline char32_t
notcurses_getc_nblock(struct notcurses* n, ncinput* ni){
sigset_t sigmask;
struct timespec ts = { .tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 0 };
return notcurses_getc(n, &ts, &sigmask, ni);
// 'ni' may be NULL if the caller is uninterested in event details. Blocks
// until an event is processed or a signal is received.
static inline char32_t
notcurses_getc_blocking(struct notcurses* n, ncinput* ni){
sigset_t sigmask;
return notcurses_getc(n, NULL, &sigmask, ni);
// Enable the mouse in "button-event tracking" mode with focus detection and
// UTF8-style extended coordinates. On failure, -1 is returned. On success, 0
// is returned, and mouse events will be published to notcurses_getc().
API int notcurses_mouse_enable(struct notcurses* n);
// Disable mouse events. Any events in the input queue can still be delivered.
API int notcurses_mouse_disable(struct notcurses* n);
// Refresh the physical screen to match what was last rendered (i.e., without
// reflecting any changes since the last call to notcurses_render()). This is
// primarily useful if the screen is externally corrupted, or if an
// NCKEY_RESIZE event has been read and you're not yet ready to render.
API int notcurses_refresh(struct notcurses* n, int* RESTRICT y, int* RESTRICT x);
// Extract the notcurses context to which this plane is attached.
API struct notcurses* ncplane_notcurses(struct ncplane* n);
API const struct notcurses* ncplane_notcurses_const(const struct ncplane* n);
// Return the dimensions of this ncplane.
API void ncplane_dim_yx(const struct ncplane* n, int* RESTRICT y, int* RESTRICT x);
// Get a reference to the standard plane (one matching our current idea of the
// terminal size) for this terminal. The standard plane always exists, and its
// origin is always at the uppermost, leftmost cell of the terminal.
API struct ncplane* notcurses_stdplane(struct notcurses* nc);
API const struct ncplane* notcurses_stdplane_const(const struct notcurses* nc);
// notcurses_stdplane(), plus free bonus dimensions written to non-NULL y/x!
static inline struct ncplane*
notcurses_stddim_yx(struct notcurses* nc, int* RESTRICT y, int* RESTRICT x){
struct ncplane* s = notcurses_stdplane(nc); // can't fail
ncplane_dim_yx(s, y, x); // accepts NULL
return s;
static inline int
ncplane_dim_y(const struct ncplane* n){
int dimy;
ncplane_dim_yx(n, &dimy, NULL);
return dimy;
static inline int
ncplane_dim_x(const struct ncplane* n){
int dimx;
ncplane_dim_yx(n, NULL, &dimx);
return dimx;
// Return our current idea of the terminal dimensions in rows and cols.
static inline void
notcurses_term_dim_yx(const struct notcurses* n, int* RESTRICT rows, int* RESTRICT cols){
ncplane_dim_yx(notcurses_stdplane_const(n), rows, cols);
// Retrieve the contents of the specified cell as last rendered. Returns the EGC
// or NULL on error. This EGC must be free()d by the caller. The stylemask and
// channels are written to 'stylemask' and 'channels', respectively.
API char* notcurses_at_yx(struct notcurses* nc, int yoff, int xoff,
uint16_t* stylemask, uint64_t* channels);
// Create a new ncplane at the specified offset (relative to the standard plane)
// and the specified size. The number of rows and columns must both be positive.
// This plane is initially at the top of the z-buffer, as if ncplane_move_top()
// had been called on it. The void* 'opaque' can be retrieved (and reset) later.
API struct ncplane* ncplane_new(struct notcurses* nc, int rows, int cols,
int yoff, int xoff, void* opaque);
// Create a named plane ala ncplane_new(). Names are only used for debugging.
API struct ncplane* ncplane_new_named(struct notcurses* nc, int rows, int cols,
int yoff, int xoff, void* opaque,
const char* name);
// Create a plane bound to plane 'n'. Being bound to 'n' means that 'yoff' and
// 'xoff' are interpreted relative to that plane's origin, and that if that
// plane is moved later, this new plane is moved by the same amount.
API struct ncplane* ncplane_bound(struct ncplane* n, int rows, int cols,
int yoff, int xoff, void* opaque);
// Create a named plane ala ncplane_bound(). Names are used only for debugging.
API struct ncplane* ncplane_bound_named(struct ncplane* n, int rows, int cols,
int yoff, int xoff, void* opaque,
const char* name);
// Create a plane bound to 'n', and aligned relative to it using 'align'.
API struct ncplane* ncplane_aligned(struct ncplane* n, int rows, int cols,
int yoff, ncalign_e align, void* opaque);
// Create a named plane ala ncplane_aligned(). Names are used only for debugging.
API struct ncplane* ncplane_aligned_named(struct ncplane* n, int rows, int cols,
int yoff, ncalign_e align,
void* opaque, const char* name);
// Plane 'n' will be unbound from its parent plane, if it is currently bound,
// and will be made a bound child of 'newparent', if 'newparent' is not NULL.
API struct ncplane* ncplane_reparent(struct ncplane* n, struct ncplane* newparent);
// Duplicate an existing ncplane. The new plane will have the same geometry,
// will duplicate all content, and will start with the same rendering state.
// The new plane will be immediately above the old one on the z axis.
API struct ncplane* ncplane_dup(const struct ncplane* n, void* opaque);
// provided a coordinate relative to the origin of 'src', map it to the same
// absolute coordinate relative to thte origin of 'dst'. either or both of 'y'
// and 'x' may be NULL. if 'dst' is NULL, it is taken to be the standard plane.
API void ncplane_translate(const struct ncplane* src, const struct ncplane* dst,
int* RESTRICT y, int* RESTRICT x);
// Fed absolute 'y'/'x' coordinates, determine whether that coordinate is
// within the ncplane 'n'. If not, return false. If so, return true. Either
// way, translate the absolute coordinates relative to 'n'. If the point is not
// within 'n', these coordinates will not be within the dimensions of the plane.
API bool ncplane_translate_abs(const struct ncplane* n, int* RESTRICT y, int* RESTRICT x);
// All planes are created with scrolling disabled. Scrolling can be dynamically
// controlled with ncplane_set_scrolling(). Returns true if scrolling was
// previously enabled, or false if it was disabled.
API bool ncplane_set_scrolling(struct ncplane* n, bool scrollp);
// Capabilities
// Returns a 16-bit bitmask of supported curses-style attributes
// (NCSTYLE_UNDERLINE, NCSTYLE_BOLD, etc.) The attribute is only
// indicated as supported if the terminal can support it together with color.
// For more information, see the "ncv" capability in terminfo(5).
API unsigned notcurses_supported_styles(const struct notcurses* nc);
// Returns the number of simultaneous colors claimed to be supported, or 1 if
// there is no color support. Note that several terminal emulators advertise
// more colors than they actually support, downsampling internally.
API unsigned notcurses_palette_size(const struct notcurses* nc);
// Can we directly specify RGB values per cell, or only use palettes?
API bool notcurses_cantruecolor(const struct notcurses* nc);
// Can we fade? Fading requires either the "rgb" or "ccc" terminfo capability.
API bool notcurses_canfade(const struct notcurses* nc);
// Can we set the "hardware" palette? Requires the "ccc" terminfo capability.
API bool notcurses_canchangecolor(const struct notcurses* nc);
// Can we load images? This requires being built against FFmpeg/OIIO.
API bool notcurses_canopen_images(const struct notcurses* nc);
// Can we load videos? This requires being built against FFmpeg.
API bool notcurses_canopen_videos(const struct notcurses* nc);
// Is our encoding UTF-8? Requires LANG being set to a UTF8 locale.
API bool notcurses_canutf8(const struct notcurses* nc);
// Can we blit to Sixel?
API bool notcurses_cansixel(const struct notcurses* nc);
typedef struct ncstats {
// purely increasing stats
uint64_t renders; // number of successful notcurses_render() runs
uint64_t failed_renders; // number of aborted renders, should be 0
uint64_t render_bytes; // bytes emitted to ttyfp
int64_t render_max_bytes; // max bytes emitted for a frame
int64_t render_min_bytes; // min bytes emitted for a frame
uint64_t render_ns; // nanoseconds spent in notcurses_render()
int64_t render_max_ns; // max ns spent in notcurses_render()
int64_t render_min_ns; // min ns spent in successful notcurses_render()
uint64_t cellelisions; // cells we elided entirely thanks to damage maps
uint64_t cellemissions; // cells we emitted due to inferred damage
uint64_t fgelisions; // RGB fg elision count
uint64_t fgemissions; // RGB fg emissions
uint64_t bgelisions; // RGB bg elision count
uint64_t bgemissions; // RGB bg emissions
uint64_t defaultelisions; // default color was emitted
uint64_t defaultemissions; // default color was elided
// current state -- these can decrease
uint64_t fbbytes; // total bytes devoted to all active framebuffers
unsigned planes; // number of planes currently in existence
} ncstats;
// Acquire an atomic snapshot of the notcurses object's stats.
API void notcurses_stats(const struct notcurses* nc, ncstats* stats);
// Reset all cumulative stats (immediate ones, such as fbbytes, are not reset).
API void notcurses_reset_stats(struct notcurses* nc, ncstats* stats);
// Resize the specified ncplane. The four parameters 'keepy', 'keepx',
// 'keepleny', and 'keeplenx' define a subset of the ncplane to keep,
// unchanged. This may be a section of size 0, though none of these four
// parameters may be negative. 'keepx' and 'keepy' are relative to the ncplane.
// They must specify a coordinate within the ncplane's totality. 'yoff' and
// 'xoff' are relative to 'keepy' and 'keepx', and place the upper-left corner
// of the resized ncplane. Finally, 'ylen' and 'xlen' are the dimensions of the
// ncplane after resizing. 'ylen' must be greater than or equal to 'keepleny',
// and 'xlen' must be greater than or equal to 'keeplenx'. It is an error to
// attempt to resize the standard plane. If either of 'keepleny' or 'keeplenx'
// is non-zero, both must be non-zero.
// Essentially, the kept material does not move. It serves to anchor the
// resized plane. If there is no kept material, the plane can move freely.
API int ncplane_resize(struct ncplane* n, int keepy, int keepx, int keepleny,
int keeplenx, int yoff, int xoff, int ylen, int xlen);
// Resize the plane, retaining what data we can (everything, unless we're
// shrinking in some dimension). Keep the origin where it is.
static inline int
ncplane_resize_simple(struct ncplane* n, int ylen, int xlen){
int oldy, oldx;
ncplane_dim_yx(n, &oldy, &oldx); // current dimensions of 'n'
int keepleny = oldy > ylen ? ylen : oldy;
int keeplenx = oldx > xlen ? xlen : oldx;
return ncplane_resize(n, 0, 0, keepleny, keeplenx, 0, 0, ylen, xlen);
// Destroy the specified ncplane. None of its contents will be visible after
// the next call to notcurses_render(). It is an error to attempt to destroy
// the standard plane.
API int ncplane_destroy(struct ncplane* ncp);
// Set the ncplane's base cell to this cell. It will be used for purposes of
// rendering anywhere that the ncplane's gcluster is 0. Erasing the ncplane
// does not reset the base cell; this function must be called with a zero 'c'.
API int ncplane_set_base_cell(struct ncplane* ncp, const cell* c);
// Set the ncplane's base cell to this cell. It will be used for purposes of
// rendering anywhere that the ncplane's gcluster is 0. Erasing the ncplane
// does not reset the base cell; this function must be called with an empty
// 'egc'. 'egc' must be a single extended grapheme cluster.
API int ncplane_set_base(struct ncplane* ncp, const char* egc,
uint32_t stylemask, uint64_t channels);
// Extract the ncplane's base cell into 'c'. The reference is invalidated if
// 'ncp' is destroyed.
API int ncplane_base(struct ncplane* ncp, cell* c);
// Move this plane relative to the standard plane, or the plane to which it is
// bound (if it is bound to a plane). It is an error to attempt to move the
// standard plane.
API int ncplane_move_yx(struct ncplane* n, int y, int x);
// Get the origin of this plane relative to the standard plane, or the plane to
// which it is bound (if it is bound to a plane).
API void ncplane_yx(const struct ncplane* n, int* RESTRICT y, int* RESTRICT x);
// Get the plane to which the plane 'n' is bound, if any.
API struct ncplane* ncplane_parent(struct ncplane* n);
API const struct ncplane* ncplane_parent_const(const struct ncplane* n);
// Splice ncplane 'n' out of the z-buffer, and reinsert it at the top or bottom.
API void ncplane_move_top(struct ncplane* n);
API void ncplane_move_bottom(struct ncplane* n);
// Splice ncplane 'n' out of the z-buffer, and reinsert it above 'above'.
// Returns non-zero if 'n' is already in the desired location. 'n' and
// 'above' must not be the same plane.
API int ncplane_move_above(struct ncplane* RESTRICT n,
struct ncplane* RESTRICT above);
// Splice ncplane 'n' out of the z-buffer, and reinsert it below 'below'.
// Returns non-zero if 'n' is already in the desired location. 'n' and
// 'below' must not be the same plane.
API int ncplane_move_below(struct ncplane* RESTRICT n,
struct ncplane* RESTRICT below);
// Return the plane below this one, or NULL if this is at the bottom.
API struct ncplane* ncplane_below(struct ncplane* n);
// Rotate the plane π/2 radians clockwise or counterclockwise. This cannot
// be performed on arbitrary planes, because glyphs cannot be arbitrarily
// rotated. The glyphs which can be rotated are limited: line-drawing
// characters, spaces, half blocks, and full blocks. The plane must have
// an even number of columns. Use the ncvisual rotation for a more
// flexible approach.
API int ncplane_rotate_cw(struct ncplane* n);
API int ncplane_rotate_ccw(struct ncplane* n);
// Retrieve the current contents of the cell under the cursor. The EGC is
// returned, or NULL on error. This EGC must be free()d by the caller. The
// stylemask and channels are written to 'stylemask' and 'channels', respectively.
API char* ncplane_at_cursor(struct ncplane* n, uint16_t* stylemask, uint64_t* channels);
// Retrieve the current contents of the cell under the cursor into 'c'. This
// cell is invalidated if the associated plane is destroyed.
static inline int
ncplane_at_cursor_cell(struct ncplane* n, cell* c){
char* egc = ncplane_at_cursor(n, &c->stylemask, &c->channels);
return -1;
int r = cell_load(n, c, egc);
if(r < 0){
return r;
// Retrieve the current contents of the specified cell. The EGC is returned, or
// NULL on error. This EGC must be free()d by the caller. The stylemask and
// channels are written to 'stylemask' and 'channels', respectively.
API char* ncplane_at_yx(const struct ncplane* n, int y, int x,
uint16_t* stylemask, uint64_t* channels);
// Retrieve the current contents of the specified cell into 'c'. This cell is
// invalidated if the associated plane is destroyed.
static inline int
ncplane_at_yx_cell(struct ncplane* n, int y, int x, cell* c){
char* egc = ncplane_at_yx(n, y, x, &c->stylemask, &c->channels);
return -1;
uint64_t channels = c->channels; // need to preserve wide flag
int r = cell_load(n, c, egc);
c->channels = channels;
return r;
// Create a flat string from the EGCs of the selected region of the ncplane
// 'nc'. Start at the plane's 'begy'x'begx' coordinate (which must lie on the
// plane), continuing for 'leny'x'lenx' cells. Either or both of 'leny' and
// 'lenx' can be specified as -1 to go through the boundary of the plane.
API char* ncplane_contents(const struct ncplane* nc, int begy, int begx,
int leny, int lenx);
// Manipulate the opaque user pointer associated with this plane.
// ncplane_set_userptr() returns the previous userptr after replacing
// it with 'opaque'. the others simply return the userptr.
API void* ncplane_set_userptr(struct ncplane* n, void* opaque);
API void* ncplane_userptr(struct ncplane* n);
API void ncplane_center_abs(const struct ncplane* n, int* RESTRICT y,
int* RESTRICT x);
// return the offset into 'availcols' at which 'cols' ought be output given the
// requirements of 'align'.
static inline int
notcurses_align(int availcols, ncalign_e align, int cols){
if(align == NCALIGN_LEFT){
return 0;
if(cols > availcols){
return 0;
if(align == NCALIGN_CENTER){
return (availcols - cols) / 2;
return availcols - cols; // NCALIGN_RIGHT
// Return the column at which 'c' cols ought start in order to be aligned
// according to 'align' within ncplane 'n'. Returns INT_MAX on invalid 'align'.
// Undefined behavior on negative 'c'.
static inline int
ncplane_align(const struct ncplane* n, ncalign_e align, int c){
return notcurses_align(ncplane_dim_x(n), align, c);
// Move the cursor to the specified position (the cursor needn't be visible).
// Returns -1 on error, including negative parameters, or ones exceeding the
// plane's dimensions.
API int ncplane_cursor_move_yx(struct ncplane* n, int y, int x);
// Move the cursor to 0, 0. Can't fail.
API void ncplane_home(struct ncplane* n);
// Get the current position of the cursor within n. y and/or x may be NULL.
API void ncplane_cursor_yx(const struct ncplane* n, int* RESTRICT y, int* RESTRICT x);
// Get the current channels or attribute word for ncplane 'n'.
API uint64_t ncplane_channels(const struct ncplane* n);
// Return the current styling for this ncplane.
API uint16_t ncplane_attr(const struct ncplane* n);
API unsigned ncplane_styles(const struct ncplane* n);
// Replace the cell at the specified coordinates with the provided cell 'c',
// and advance the cursor by the width of the cell (but not past the end of the
// plane). On success, returns the number of columns the cursor was advanced.
// On failure, -1 is returned.
API int ncplane_putc_yx(struct ncplane* n, int y, int x, const cell* c);
// Call ncplane_putc_yx() for the current cursor location.
static inline int
ncplane_putc(struct ncplane* n, const cell* c){
return ncplane_putc_yx(n, -1, -1, c);
// Replace the EGC underneath us, but retain the styling. The current styling
// of the plane will not be changed.
// Replace the cell at the specified coordinates with the provided 7-bit char
// 'c'. Advance the cursor by 1. On success, returns 1. On failure, returns -1.
// This works whether the underlying char is signed or unsigned.
static inline int
ncplane_putsimple_yx(struct ncplane* n, int y, int x, char c){
cell ce = CELL_INITIALIZER((uint32_t)c, ncplane_attr(n), ncplane_channels(n));
return ncplane_putc_yx(n, y, x, &ce);
// Call ncplane_putsimple_yx() at the current cursor location.
static inline int
ncplane_putsimple(struct ncplane* n, char c){
return ncplane_putsimple_yx(n, -1, -1, c);
// Replace the EGC underneath us, but retain the styling. The current styling
// of the plane will not be changed.
API int ncplane_putsimple_stainable(struct ncplane* n, char c);
// Replace the cell at the specified coordinates with the provided EGC, and
// advance the cursor by the width of the cluster (but not past the end of the
// plane). On success, returns the number of columns the cursor was advanced.
// On failure, -1 is returned. The number of bytes converted from gclust is
// written to 'sbytes' if non-NULL.
API int ncplane_putegc_yx(struct ncplane* n, int y, int x, const char* gclust, int* sbytes);
// Call ncplane_putegc() at the current cursor location.
static inline int
ncplane_putegc(struct ncplane* n, const char* gclust, int* sbytes){
return ncplane_putegc_yx(n, -1, -1, gclust, sbytes);
// Replace the EGC underneath us, but retain the styling. The current styling
// of the plane will not be changed.
API int ncplane_putegc_stainable(struct ncplane* n, const char* gclust, int* sbytes);
// 0x0--0x10ffff can be UTF-8-encoded with only 4 bytes...but we aren't
// yet actively guarding against higher values getting into wcstombs FIXME
// ncplane_putegc(), but following a conversion from wchar_t to UTF-8 multibyte.
static inline int
ncplane_putwegc(struct ncplane* n, const wchar_t* gclust, int* sbytes){
// maximum of six UTF8-encoded bytes per wchar_t
const size_t mbytes = (wcslen(gclust) * WCHAR_MAX_UTF8BYTES) + 1;
char* mbstr = (char*)malloc(mbytes); // need cast for c++ callers
if(mbstr == NULL){
return -1;
size_t s = wcstombs(mbstr, gclust, mbytes);
if(s == (size_t)-1){
return -1;
int ret = ncplane_putegc(n, mbstr, sbytes);
return ret;
// Call ncplane_putwegc() after successfully moving to y, x.
static inline int
ncplane_putwegc_yx(struct ncplane* n, int y, int x, const wchar_t* gclust,
int* sbytes){
if(ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, y, x)){
return -1;
return ncplane_putwegc(n, gclust, sbytes);
// Replace the EGC underneath us, but retain the styling. The current styling
// of the plane will not be changed.
API int ncplane_putwegc_stainable(struct ncplane* n, const wchar_t* gclust, int* sbytes);
// Write a series of EGCs to the current location, using the current style.
// They will be interpreted as a series of columns (according to the definition
// of ncplane_putc()). Advances the cursor by some positive number of columns
// (though not beyond the end of the plane); this number is returned on success.
// On error, a non-positive number is returned, indicating the number of columns
// which were written before the error.
API int ncplane_putstr_yx(struct ncplane* n, int y, int x, const char* gclusters);
static inline int
ncplane_putstr(struct ncplane* n, const char* gclustarr){
return ncplane_putstr_yx(n, -1, -1, gclustarr);
API int ncplane_putstr_aligned(struct ncplane* n, int y, ncalign_e align,
const char* s);
// Replace a string's worth of glyphs at the current cursor location, but
// retain the styling. The current styling of the plane will not be changed.
API int ncplane_putstr_stainable(struct ncplane* n, const char* s);
// Write a series of EGCs to the current location, using the current style.
// They will be interpreted as a series of columns (according to the definition
// of ncplane_putc()). Advances the cursor by some positive number of columns
// (though not beyond the end of the plane); this number is returned on success.
// On error, a non-positive number is returned, indicating the number of columns
// which were written before the error. No more than 's' bytes will be written.
API int ncplane_putnstr_yx(struct ncplane* n, int y, int x, size_t s, const char* gclusters);
static inline int
ncplane_putnstr(struct ncplane* n, size_t s, const char* gclustarr){
return ncplane_putnstr_yx(n, -1, -1, s, gclustarr);
API int ncplane_putnstr_aligned(struct ncplane* n, int y, ncalign_e align,
size_t s, const char* gclustarr);
// ncplane_putstr(), but following a conversion from wchar_t to UTF-8 multibyte.
static inline int
ncplane_putwstr_yx(struct ncplane* n, int y, int x, const wchar_t* gclustarr){
// maximum of six UTF8-encoded bytes per wchar_t
const size_t mbytes = (wcslen(gclustarr) * WCHAR_MAX_UTF8BYTES) + 1;
char* mbstr = (char*)malloc(mbytes); // need cast for c++ callers
if(mbstr == NULL){
return -1;
size_t s = wcstombs(mbstr, gclustarr, mbytes);
if(s == (size_t)-1){
return -1;
int ret = ncplane_putstr_yx(n, y, x, mbstr);
return ret;
static inline int
ncplane_putwstr_aligned(struct ncplane* n, int y, ncalign_e align,
const wchar_t* gclustarr){
int width = wcswidth(gclustarr, INT_MAX);
int xpos = ncplane_align(n, align, width);
return ncplane_putwstr_yx(n, y, xpos, gclustarr);
static inline int
ncplane_putwstr(struct ncplane* n, const wchar_t* gclustarr){
return ncplane_putwstr_yx(n, -1, -1, gclustarr);
// Replace the cell at the specified coordinates with the provided wide char
// 'w'. Advance the cursor by the character's width as reported by wcwidth().
// On success, returns 1. On failure, returns -1.
static inline int
ncplane_putwc_yx(struct ncplane* n, int y, int x, wchar_t w){
wchar_t warr[2] = { w, L'\0' };
return ncplane_putwstr_yx(n, y, x, warr);
// Call ncplane_putwc() at the current cursor position.
static inline int
ncplane_putwc(struct ncplane* n, wchar_t w){
return ncplane_putwc_yx(n, -1, -1, w);
// The ncplane equivalents of printf(3) and vprintf(3).
API int ncplane_vprintf_aligned(struct ncplane* n, int y, ncalign_e align,
const char* format, va_list ap);
API int ncplane_vprintf_yx(struct ncplane* n, int y, int x,
const char* format, va_list ap);
static inline int
ncplane_vprintf(struct ncplane* n, const char* format, va_list ap){
return ncplane_vprintf_yx(n, -1, -1, format, ap);
API int ncplane_vprintf_stainable(struct ncplane* n, const char* format, va_list ap);
static inline int
ncplane_printf(struct ncplane* n, const char* format, ...)
__attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));
static inline int
ncplane_printf(struct ncplane* n, const char* format, ...){
va_list va;
va_start(va, format);
int ret = ncplane_vprintf(n, format, va);
return ret;
static inline int
ncplane_printf_yx(struct ncplane* n, int y, int x, const char* format, ...)
__attribute__ ((format (printf, 4, 5)));
static inline int
ncplane_printf_yx(struct ncplane* n, int y, int x, const char* format, ...){
va_list va;
va_start(va, format);
int ret = ncplane_vprintf_yx(n, y, x, format, va);
return ret;
static inline int
ncplane_printf_aligned(struct ncplane* n, int y, ncalign_e align,
const char* format, ...)
__attribute__ ((format (printf, 4, 5)));
static inline int
ncplane_printf_aligned(struct ncplane* n, int y, ncalign_e align, const char* format, ...){
va_list va;
va_start(va, format);
int ret = ncplane_vprintf_aligned(n, y, align, format, va);
return ret;
static inline int
ncplane_printf_stainable(struct ncplane* n, const char* format, ...)
__attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));
static inline int
ncplane_printf_stainable(struct ncplane* n, const char* format, ...){
va_list va;
va_start(va, format);
int ret = ncplane_vprintf_stainable(n, format, va);
return ret;
// Write the specified text to the plane, breaking lines sensibly, beginning at
// the specified line. Returns the number of columns written. When breaking a
// line, the line will be cleared to the end of the plane (the last line will
// *not* be so cleared). The number of bytes written from the input is written
// to '*bytes' if it is not NULL. Cleared columns are included in the return
// value, but *not* included in the number of bytes written. Leaves the cursor
// at the end of output. A partial write will be accomplished as far as it can;
// determine whether the write completed by inspecting '*bytes'. Can output to
// multiple rows even in the absence of scrolling, but not more rows than are
// available. With scrolling enabled, arbitrary amounts of data can be emitted.
// All provided whitespace is preserved -- ncplane_puttext() followed by an
// appropriate ncplane_contents() will read back the original output.
// If 'y' is -1, the first row of output is taken relative to the current
// cursor: it will be left-, right-, or center-aligned in whatever remains
// of the row. On subsequent rows -- or if 'y' is not -1 -- the entire row can
// be used, and alignment works normally.
// A newline at any point will move the cursor to the next row.
API int ncplane_puttext(struct ncplane* n, int y, ncalign_e align,
const char* text, size_t* bytes);
// Draw horizontal or vertical lines using the specified cell, starting at the
// current cursor position. The cursor will end at the cell following the last
// cell output (even, perhaps counter-intuitively, when drawing vertical
// lines), just as if ncplane_putc() was called at that spot. Return the
// number of cells drawn on success. On error, return the negative number of
// cells drawn.
API int ncplane_hline_interp(struct ncplane* n, const cell* c, int len,
uint64_t c1, uint64_t c2);
static inline int
ncplane_hline(struct ncplane* n, const cell* c, int len){
return ncplane_hline_interp(n, c, len, c->channels, c->channels);
API int ncplane_vline_interp(struct ncplane* n, const cell* c, int len,
uint64_t c1, uint64_t c2);
static inline int
ncplane_vline(struct ncplane* n, const cell* c, int len){
return ncplane_vline_interp(n, c, len, c->channels, c->channels);
#define NCBOXMASK_TOP 0x0001
#define NCBOXMASK_RIGHT 0x0002
#define NCBOXMASK_BOTTOM 0x0004
#define NCBOXMASK_LEFT 0x0008
#define NCBOXGRAD_TOP 0x0010
#define NCBOXGRAD_RIGHT 0x0020
#define NCBOXGRAD_BOTTOM 0x0040
#define NCBOXGRAD_LEFT 0x0080
#define NCBOXCORNER_MASK 0x0300
// Draw a box with its upper-left corner at the current cursor position, and its
// lower-right corner at 'ystop'x'xstop'. The 6 cells provided are used to draw the
// upper-left, ur, ll, and lr corners, then the horizontal and vertical lines.
// 'ctlword' is defined in the least significant byte, where bits [7, 4] are a
// gradient mask, and [3, 0] are a border mask:
// * 7, 3: top
// * 6, 2: right
// * 5, 1: bottom
// * 4, 0: left
// If the gradient bit is not set, the styling from the hl/vl cells is used for
// the horizontal and vertical lines, respectively. If the gradient bit is set,
// the color is linearly interpolated between the two relevant corner cells.
// By default, vertexes are drawn whether their connecting edges are drawn or
// not. The value of the bits corresponding to NCBOXCORNER_MASK control this,
// and are interpreted as the number of connecting edges necessary to draw a
// given corner. At 0 (the default), corners are always drawn. At 3, corners
// are never drawn (since at most 2 edges can touch a box's corner).
API int ncplane_box(struct ncplane* n, const cell* ul, const cell* ur,
const cell* ll, const cell* lr, const cell* hline,
const cell* vline, int ystop, int xstop,
unsigned ctlword);
// Draw a box with its upper-left corner at the current cursor position, having
// dimensions 'ylen'x'xlen'. See ncplane_box() for more information. The
// minimum box size is 2x2, and it cannot be drawn off-screen.
static inline int
ncplane_box_sized(struct ncplane* n, const cell* ul, const cell* ur,
const cell* ll, const cell* lr, const cell* hline,
const cell* vline, int ylen, int xlen, unsigned ctlword){
int y, x;
ncplane_cursor_yx(n, &y, &x);
return ncplane_box(n, ul, ur, ll, lr, hline, vline, y + ylen - 1,
x + xlen - 1, ctlword);
static inline int
ncplane_perimeter(struct ncplane* n, const cell* ul, const cell* ur,
const cell* ll, const cell* lr, const cell* hline,
const cell* vline, unsigned ctlword){
if(ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, 0, 0)){
return -1;
int dimy, dimx;
ncplane_dim_yx(n, &dimy, &dimx);
return ncplane_box_sized(n, ul, ur, ll, lr, hline, vline, dimy, dimx, ctlword);
// Starting at the specified coordinate, if its glyph is different from that of
// 'c', 'c' is copied into it, and the original glyph is considered the fill
// target. We do the same to all cardinally-connected cells having this same
// fill target. Returns the number of cells polyfilled. An invalid initial y, x
// is an error. Returns the number of cells filled, or -1 on error.
API int ncplane_polyfill_yx(struct ncplane* n, int y, int x, const cell* c);
// Draw a gradient with its upper-left corner at the current cursor position,
// stopping at 'ystop'x'xstop'. The glyph composed of 'egc' and 'stylemask' is
// used for all cells. The channels specified by 'ul', 'ur', 'll', and 'lr'
// are composed into foreground and background gradients. To do a vertical
// gradient, 'ul' ought equal 'ur' and 'll' ought equal 'lr'. To do a
// horizontal gradient, 'ul' ought equal 'll' and 'ur' ought equal 'ul'. To
// color everything the same, all four channels should be equivalent. The
// resulting alpha values are equal to incoming alpha values. Returns the
// number of cells filled on success, or -1 on failure.
// Palette-indexed color is not supported.
// Preconditions for gradient operations (error otherwise):
// all: only RGB colors, unless all four channels match as default
// all: all alpha values must be the same
// 1x1: all four colors must be the same
// 1xN: both top and both bottom colors must be the same (vertical gradient)
// Nx1: both left and both right colors must be the same (horizontal gradient)
API int ncplane_gradient(struct ncplane* n, const char* egc, uint32_t stylemask,
uint64_t ul, uint64_t ur, uint64_t ll, uint64_t lr,
int ystop, int xstop);
// Do a high-resolution gradient using upper blocks and synced backgrounds.
// This doubles the number of vertical gradations, but restricts you to
// half blocks (appearing to be full blocks). Returns the number of cells
// filled on success, or -1 on error.
API int ncplane_highgradient(struct ncplane* n, uint32_t ul, uint32_t ur,
uint32_t ll, uint32_t lr, int ystop, int xstop);
// Draw a gradient with its upper-left corner at the current cursor position,
// having dimensions 'ylen'x'xlen'. See ncplane_gradient for more information.
static inline int
ncplane_gradient_sized(struct ncplane* n, const char* egc, uint32_t stylemask,
uint64_t ul, uint64_t ur, uint64_t ll, uint64_t lr,
int ylen, int xlen){
if(ylen < 1 || xlen < 1){
return -1;
int y, x;
ncplane_cursor_yx(n, &y, &x);
return ncplane_gradient(n, egc, stylemask, ul, ur, ll, lr,
y + ylen - 1, x + xlen - 1);
// ncplane_gradent_sized() meets ncplane_highgradient().
API int ncplane_highgradient_sized(struct ncplane* n, uint32_t ul, uint32_t ur,
uint32_t ll, uint32_t lr, int ylen, int xlen);
// Set the given style throughout the specified region, keeping content and
// channels unchanged. Returns the number of cells set, or -1 on failure.
API int ncplane_format(struct ncplane* n, int ystop, int xstop, uint32_t stylemask);
// Set the given channels throughout the specified region, keeping content and
// attributes unchanged. Returns the number of cells set, or -1 on failure.
API int ncplane_stain(struct ncplane* n, int ystop, int xstop, uint64_t ul,
uint64_t ur, uint64_t ll, uint64_t lr);
// If 'src' does not intersect with 'dst', 'dst' will not be changed, but it is
// not an error. If 'dst' is NULL, the operation will target the standard plane.
API int ncplane_mergedown_simple(const struct ncplane* RESTRICT src,
struct ncplane* RESTRICT dst);
// Merge the ncplane 'src' down onto the ncplane 'dst'. This is most rigorously
// defined as "write to 'dst' the frame that would be rendered were the entire
// stack made up only of the specified subregion of 'src' and, below it, the
// subregion of 'dst' having the specified origin. Merging is independent of
// the position of 'src' viz 'dst' on the z-axis. It is an error to define a
// subregion of zero area, or that is not entirely contained within 'src'. It
// is an error to define a target origin such that the projected subregion is
// not entirely contained within 'dst'. Behavior is undefined if 'src' and
// 'dst' are equivalent. 'dst' is modified, but 'src' remains unchanged.
API int ncplane_mergedown(const struct ncplane* RESTRICT src,
struct ncplane* RESTRICT dst,
int begsrcy, int begsrcx, int leny, int lenx,
int dsty, int dstx);
// Erase every cell in the ncplane, resetting all attributes to normal, all
// colors to the default color, and all cells to undrawn. All cells associated
// with this ncplane is invalidated, and must not be used after the call,
// *excluding* the base cell. The cursor is homed.
API void ncplane_erase(struct ncplane* n);
// Extract the 32-bit background channel from a cell.
static inline unsigned
cell_bchannel(const cell* cl){
return channels_bchannel(cl->channels);
// Extract the 32-bit foreground channel from a cell.
static inline unsigned
cell_fchannel(const cell* cl){
return channels_fchannel(cl->channels);
// Set the 32-bit background channel of a cell.
static inline uint64_t
cell_set_bchannel(cell* cl, uint32_t channel){
return channels_set_bchannel(&cl->channels, channel);
// Set the 32-bit foreground channel of a cell.
static inline uint64_t
cell_set_fchannel(cell* cl, uint32_t channel){
return channels_set_fchannel(&cl->channels, channel);
// Extract 24 bits of foreground RGB from 'cell', shifted to LSBs.
static inline unsigned
cell_fg(const cell* cl){
return channels_fg(cl->channels);
// Extract 24 bits of background RGB from 'cell', shifted to LSBs.
static inline unsigned
cell_bg(const cell* cl){
return channels_bg(cl->channels);
// Extract 2 bits of foreground alpha from 'cell', shifted to LSBs.
static inline unsigned
cell_fg_alpha(const cell* cl){
return channels_fg_alpha(cl->channels);
// Extract 2 bits of background alpha from 'cell', shifted to LSBs.
static inline unsigned
cell_bg_alpha(const cell* cl){
return channels_bg_alpha(cl->channels);
// Extract 24 bits of foreground RGB from 'cell', split into components.
static inline unsigned
cell_fg_rgb(const cell* cl, unsigned* r, unsigned* g, unsigned* b){
return channels_fg_rgb(cl->channels, r, g, b);
// Extract 24 bits of background RGB from 'cell', split into components.
static inline unsigned
cell_bg_rgb(const cell* cl, unsigned* r, unsigned* g, unsigned* b){
return channels_bg_rgb(cl->channels, r, g, b);
// Set the r, g, and b cell for the foreground component of this 64-bit
// 'cell' variable, and mark it as not using the default color.
static inline int
cell_set_fg_rgb(cell* cl, int r, int g, int b){
return channels_set_fg_rgb(&cl->channels, r, g, b);
// Same, but clipped to [0..255].
static inline void
cell_set_fg_rgb_clipped(cell* cl, int r, int g, int b){
channels_set_fg_rgb_clipped(&cl->channels, r, g, b);
// Same, but with an assembled 24-bit RGB value.
static inline int
cell_set_fg(cell* c, uint32_t channel){
return channels_set_fg(&c->channels, channel);
// Set the cell's foreground palette index, set the foreground palette index
// bit, set it foreground-opaque, and clear the foreground default color bit.
static inline int
cell_set_fg_palindex(cell* cl, int idx){
return channels_set_fg_palindex(&cl->channels, idx);
static inline unsigned
cell_fg_palindex(const cell* cl){
return (cl->channels & 0xff00000000ull) >> 32u;
// Set the r, g, and b cell for the background component of this 64-bit
// 'cell' variable, and mark it as not using the default color.
static inline int
cell_set_bg_rgb(cell* cl, int r, int g, int b){
return channels_set_bg_rgb(&cl->channels, r, g, b);
// Same, but clipped to [0..255].
static inline void
cell_set_bg_rgb_clipped(cell* cl, int r, int g, int b){
channels_set_bg_rgb_clipped(&cl->channels, r, g, b);
// Same, but with an assembled 24-bit RGB value. A value over 0xffffff
// will be rejected, with a non-zero return value.
static inline int
cell_set_bg(cell* c, uint32_t channel){
return channels_set_bg(&c->channels, channel);
// Set the cell's background palette index, set the background palette index
// bit, set it background-opaque, and clear the background default color bit.
static inline int
cell_set_bg_palindex(cell* cl, int idx){
return channels_set_bg_palindex(&cl->channels, idx);
static inline unsigned
cell_bg_palindex(const cell* cl){
return (cl->channels & 0xff);
// Is the foreground using the "default foreground color"?
static inline bool
cell_fg_default_p(const cell* cl){
return channels_fg_default_p(cl->channels);
static inline bool
cell_fg_palindex_p(const cell* cl){
return channels_fg_palindex_p(cl->channels);
// Is the background using the "default background color"? The "default
// background color" must generally be used to take advantage of
// terminal-effected transparency.
static inline bool
cell_bg_default_p(const cell* cl){
return channels_bg_default_p(cl->channels);
static inline bool
cell_bg_palindex_p(const cell* cl){
return channels_bg_palindex_p(cl->channels);
// Extract the 32-bit working background channel from an ncplane.
static inline unsigned
ncplane_bchannel(const struct ncplane* nc){
return channels_bchannel(ncplane_channels(nc));
// Extract the 32-bit working foreground channel from an ncplane.
static inline unsigned
ncplane_fchannel(const struct ncplane* nc){
return channels_fchannel(ncplane_channels(nc));
API void ncplane_set_channels(struct ncplane* n, uint64_t channels);
API void ncplane_set_attr(struct ncplane* n, unsigned stylebits);
// Set the specified style bits for the ncplane 'n', whether they're actively
// supported or not.
API void ncplane_styles_set(struct ncplane* n, unsigned stylebits);
// Add the specified styles to the ncplane's existing spec.
API void ncplane_styles_on(struct ncplane* n, unsigned stylebits);
// Remove the specified styles from the ncplane's existing spec.
API void ncplane_styles_off(struct ncplane* n, unsigned stylebits);
// Extract 24 bits of working foreground RGB from an ncplane, shifted to LSBs.
static inline unsigned
ncplane_fg(const struct ncplane* nc){
return channels_fg(ncplane_channels(nc));
// Extract 24 bits of working background RGB from an ncplane, shifted to LSBs.
static inline unsigned
ncplane_bg(const struct ncplane* nc){
return channels_bg(ncplane_channels(nc));
// Extract 2 bits of foreground alpha from 'struct ncplane', shifted to LSBs.
static inline unsigned
ncplane_fg_alpha(const struct ncplane* nc){
return channels_fg_alpha(ncplane_channels(nc));
// Is the plane's foreground using the "default foreground color"?
static inline bool
ncplane_fg_default_p(const struct ncplane* nc){
return channels_fg_default_p(ncplane_channels(nc));
// Extract 2 bits of background alpha from 'struct ncplane', shifted to LSBs.
static inline unsigned
ncplane_bg_alpha(const struct ncplane* nc){
return channels_bg_alpha(ncplane_channels(nc));
// Is the plane's background using the "default background color"?
static inline bool
ncplane_bg_default_p(const struct ncplane* nc){
return channels_bg_default_p(ncplane_channels(nc));
// Extract 24 bits of foreground RGB from 'n', split into components.
static inline unsigned
ncplane_fg_rgb(const struct ncplane* n, unsigned* r, unsigned* g, unsigned* b){
return channels_fg_rgb(ncplane_channels(n), r, g, b);
// Extract 24 bits of background RGB from 'n', split into components.
static inline unsigned
ncplane_bg_rgb(const struct ncplane* n, unsigned* r, unsigned* g, unsigned* b){
return channels_bg_rgb(ncplane_channels(n), r, g, b);
// Set the current fore/background color using RGB specifications. If the
// terminal does not support directly-specified 3x8b cells (24-bit "TrueColor",
// indicated by the "RGB" terminfo capability), the provided values will be
// interpreted in some lossy fashion. None of r, g, or b may exceed 255.
// "HP-like" terminals require setting foreground and background at the same
// time using "color pairs"; notcurses will manage color pairs transparently.
API int ncplane_set_fg_rgb(struct ncplane* n, int r, int g, int b);
API int ncplane_set_bg_rgb(struct ncplane* n, int r, int g, int b);
// Same, but clipped to [0..255].
API void ncplane_set_bg_rgb_clipped(struct ncplane* n, int r, int g, int b);
API void ncplane_set_fg_rgb_clipped(struct ncplane* n, int r, int g, int b);
// Same, but with rgb assembled into a channel (i.e. lower 24 bits).
API int ncplane_set_fg(struct ncplane* n, unsigned channel);
API int ncplane_set_bg(struct ncplane* n, unsigned channel);
// Use the default color for the foreground/background.
API void ncplane_set_fg_default(struct ncplane* n);
API void ncplane_set_bg_default(struct ncplane* n);
// Set the ncplane's foreground palette index, set the foreground palette index
// bit, set it foreground-opaque, and clear the foreground default color bit.
API int ncplane_set_fg_palindex(struct ncplane* n, int idx);
API int ncplane_set_bg_palindex(struct ncplane* n, int idx);
// Set the alpha parameters for ncplane 'n'.
API int ncplane_set_fg_alpha(struct ncplane* n, int alpha);
API int ncplane_set_bg_alpha(struct ncplane* n, int alpha);
// Called for each fade iteration on 'ncp'. If anything but 0 is returned,
// the fading operation ceases immediately, and that value is propagated out.
// The recommended absolute display time target is passed in 'tspec'.
typedef int (*fadecb)(struct notcurses* nc, struct ncplane* ncp,
const struct timespec*, void* curry);
// Fade the ncplane out over the provided time, calling 'fader' at each
// iteration. Requires a terminal which supports truecolor, or at least palette
// modification (if the terminal uses a palette, our ability to fade planes is
// limited, and affected by the complexity of the rest of the screen).
API int ncplane_fadeout(struct ncplane* n, const struct timespec* ts,
fadecb fader, void* curry);
// Fade the ncplane in over the specified time. Load the ncplane with the
// target cells without rendering, then call this function. When it's done, the
// ncplane will have reached the target levels, starting from zeroes.
API int ncplane_fadein(struct ncplane* n, const struct timespec* ts,
fadecb fader, void* curry);
// Rather than the simple ncplane_fade{in/out}(), ncfadectx_setup() can be
// paired with a loop over ncplane_fade{in/out}_iteration() + ncfadectx_free().
API struct ncfadectx* ncfadectx_setup(struct ncplane* n);
// Return the number of iterations through which 'nctx' will fade.
API int ncfadectx_iterations(const struct ncfadectx* nctx);
// Fade out through 'iter' iterations, where
// 'iter' < 'ncfadectx_iterations(nctx)'.
API int ncplane_fadeout_iteration(struct ncplane* n, struct ncfadectx* nctx,
int iter, fadecb fader, void* curry);
// Fade in through 'iter' iterations, where
// 'iter' < 'ncfadectx_iterations(nctx)'.
API int ncplane_fadein_iteration(struct ncplane* n, struct ncfadectx* nctx,
int iter, fadecb fader, void* curry);
// Pulse the plane in and out until the callback returns non-zero, relying on
// the callback 'fader' to initiate rendering. 'ts' defines the half-period
// (i.e. the transition from black to full brightness, or back again). Proper
// use involves preparing (but not rendering) an ncplane, then calling
// ncplane_pulse(), which will fade in from black to the specified colors.
API int ncplane_pulse(struct ncplane* n, const struct timespec* ts, fadecb fader, void* curry);
// Release the resources associated with 'nctx'.
API void ncfadectx_free(struct ncfadectx* nctx);
// load up six cells with the EGCs necessary to draw a box. returns 0 on
// success, -1 on error. on error, any cells this function might
// have loaded before the error are cell_release()d. There must be at least
// six EGCs in gcluster.
static inline int
cells_load_box(struct ncplane* n, uint32_t styles, uint64_t channels,
cell* ul, cell* ur, cell* ll, cell* lr,
cell* hl, cell* vl, const char* gclusters){
int ulen;
if((ulen = cell_prime(n, ul, gclusters, styles, channels)) > 0){
if((ulen = cell_prime(n, ur, gclusters += ulen, styles, channels)) > 0){
if((ulen = cell_prime(n, ll, gclusters += ulen, styles, channels)) > 0){
if((ulen = cell_prime(n, lr, gclusters += ulen, styles, channels)) > 0){
if((ulen = cell_prime(n, hl, gclusters += ulen, styles, channels)) > 0){
if((ulen = cell_prime(n, vl, gclusters += ulen, styles, channels)) > 0){
return 0;
cell_release(n, hl);
cell_release(n, lr);
cell_release(n, ll);
cell_release(n, ur);
cell_release(n, ul);
return -1;
API int cells_rounded_box(struct ncplane* n, uint32_t styles, uint64_t channels,
cell* ul, cell* ur, cell* ll, cell* lr,
cell* hl, cell* vl);
static inline int
ncplane_rounded_box(struct ncplane* n, uint32_t styles, uint64_t channels,
int ystop, int xstop, unsigned ctlword){
int ret = 0;
if((ret = cells_rounded_box(n, styles, channels, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl)) == 0){
ret = ncplane_box(n, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl, ystop, xstop, ctlword);
cell_release(n, &ul); cell_release(n, &ur);
cell_release(n, &ll); cell_release(n, &lr);
cell_release(n, &hl); cell_release(n, &vl);
return ret;
static inline int
ncplane_perimeter_rounded(struct ncplane* n, uint32_t stylemask,
uint64_t channels, unsigned ctlword){
if(ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, 0, 0)){
return -1;
int dimy, dimx;
ncplane_dim_yx(n, &dimy, &dimx);
if(cells_rounded_box(n, stylemask, channels, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl)){
return -1;
int r = ncplane_box_sized(n, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl, dimy, dimx, ctlword);
cell_release(n, &ul); cell_release(n, &ur);
cell_release(n, &ll); cell_release(n, &lr);
cell_release(n, &hl); cell_release(n, &vl);
return r;
static inline int
ncplane_rounded_box_sized(struct ncplane* n, uint32_t styles, uint64_t channels,
int ylen, int xlen, unsigned ctlword){
int y, x;
ncplane_cursor_yx(n, &y, &x);
return ncplane_rounded_box(n, styles, channels, y + ylen - 1,
x + xlen - 1, ctlword);
API int cells_double_box(struct ncplane* n, uint32_t styles, uint64_t channels,
cell* ul, cell* ur, cell* ll, cell* lr,
cell* hl, cell* vl);
static inline int
ncplane_double_box(struct ncplane* n, uint32_t styles, uint64_t channels,
int ystop, int xstop, unsigned ctlword){
int ret = 0;
if((ret = cells_double_box(n, styles, channels, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl)) == 0){
ret = ncplane_box(n, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl, ystop, xstop, ctlword);
cell_release(n, &ul); cell_release(n, &ur);
cell_release(n, &ll); cell_release(n, &lr);
cell_release(n, &hl); cell_release(n, &vl);
return ret;
static inline int
ncplane_perimeter_double(struct ncplane* n, uint32_t stylemask,
uint64_t channels, unsigned ctlword){
if(ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, 0, 0)){
return -1;
int dimy, dimx;
ncplane_dim_yx(n, &dimy, &dimx);
if(cells_double_box(n, stylemask, channels, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl)){
return -1;
int r = ncplane_box_sized(n, &ul, &ur, &ll, &lr, &hl, &vl, dimy, dimx, ctlword);
cell_release(n, &ul); cell_release(n, &ur);
cell_release(n, &ll); cell_release(n, &lr);
cell_release(n, &hl); cell_release(n, &vl);
return r;
static inline int
ncplane_double_box_sized(struct ncplane* n, uint32_t styles, uint64_t channels,
int ylen, int xlen, unsigned ctlword){
int y, x;
ncplane_cursor_yx(n, &y, &x);
return ncplane_double_box(n, styles, channels, y + ylen - 1,
x + xlen - 1, ctlword);
// Open a visual at 'file', extract a codec and parameters, decode the first
// image to memory.
API struct ncvisual* ncvisual_from_file(const char* file, nc_err_e* ncerr);
// Prepare an ncvisual, and its underlying plane, based off RGBA content in
// memory at 'rgba'. 'rgba' must be a flat array of 32-bit 8bpc RGBA pixels.
// These must be arranged in 'rowstride' lines, where the first 'cols' * 4b
// are actual data. There must be 'rows' lines. The total size of 'rgba'
// must thus be at least (rows * rowstride) bytes, of which (rows * cols * 4)
// bytes are actual data. Resulting planes are ceil('rows' / 2) x 'cols'.
API struct ncvisual* ncvisual_from_rgba(const void* rgba, int rows,
int rowstride, int cols);
// ncvisual_from_rgba(), but 'bgra' is arranged as BGRA.
API struct ncvisual* ncvisual_from_bgra(const void* rgba, int rows,
int rowstride, int cols);
// Promote an ncplane 'n' to an ncvisual. The plane may contain only spaces,
// half blocks, and full blocks. The latter will be checked, and any other
// glyph will result in a NULL being returned. This function exists so that
// planes can be subjected to ncvisual transformations. If possible, it's
// better to create the ncvisual from memory using ncvisual_from_rgba().
API struct ncvisual* ncvisual_from_plane(const struct ncplane* n,
ncblitter_e blit,
int begy, int begx,
int leny, int lenx);
#define NCVISUAL_OPTION_NODEGRADE 0x0001ull // fail rather than degrade
#define NCVISUAL_OPTION_BLEND 0x0002ull // use CELL_ALPHA_BLEND with visual
struct ncvisual_options {
// if no ncplane is provided, one will be created using the exact size
// necessary to render the source with perfect fidelity (this might be
// smaller or larger than the rendering area).
struct ncplane* n;
// the scaling is ignored if no ncplane is provided (it ought be NCSCALE_NONE
// in this case). otherwise, the source is stretched/scaled relative to the
// provided ncplane.
ncscale_e scaling;
// if an ncplane is provided, y and x specify where the visual will be
// rendered on that plane. otherwise, they specify where the created ncplane
// will be placed relative to the standard plane's origin.
int y, x;
// the section of the visual that ought be rendered. for the entire visual,
// pass an origin of 0, 0 and a size of 0, 0 (or the true height and width).
// these numbers are all in terms of ncvisual pixels. negative values are
// prohibited.
int begy, begx; // origin of rendered section
int leny, lenx; // size of rendered section
// use NCBLIT_DEFAULT if you don't care, to use NCBLIT_2x2 (assuming
// UTF8) or NCBLIT_1x1 (in an ASCII environment)
ncblitter_e blitter; // glyph set to use (maps input to output cells)
uint64_t flags; // bitmask over NCVISUAL_OPTION_*
// Create an RGBA flat array from the selected region of the ncplane 'nc'.
// Start at the plane's 'begy'x'begx' coordinate (which must lie on the
// plane), continuing for 'leny'x'lenx' cells. Either or both of 'leny' and
// 'lenx' can be specified as -1 to go through the boundary of the plane.
// Only glyphs from the specified blitset may be present.
API uint32_t* ncplane_rgba(const struct ncplane* nc, ncblitter_e blit,
int begy, int begx, int leny, int lenx);
// Get the size and ratio of ncvisual pixels to output cells along the y
// ('toy') and x ('tox') axes. A ncvisual of '*y'X'*x' pixels will require
// ('*y' * '*toy')X('x' * 'tox') cells for full output. Returns non-zero
// for an invalid 'vopts->blitter'. Scaling is taken into consideration.
API int ncvisual_geom(const struct notcurses* nc, const struct ncvisual* n,
const struct ncvisual_options* vopts,
int* y, int* x, int* toy, int* tox);
// Destroy an ncvisual. Rendered elements will not be disrupted, but the visual
// can be neither decoded nor rendered any further.
API void ncvisual_destroy(struct ncvisual* ncv);
// extract the next frame from an ncvisual. returns NCERR_EOF on end of file,
// and NCERR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise some other NCERR.
API nc_err_e ncvisual_decode(struct ncvisual* nc);
// Rotate the visual 'rads' radians. Only M_PI/2 and -M_PI/2 are
// supported at the moment, but this will change FIXME.
API nc_err_e ncvisual_rotate(struct ncvisual* n, double rads);
// Resize the visual so that it is 'rows' X 'columns'. This is a lossy
// transformation, unless the size is unchanged.
API nc_err_e ncvisual_resize(struct ncvisual* n, int rows, int cols);
// Polyfill at the specified location within the ncvisual 'n', using 'rgba'.
API int ncvisual_polyfill_yx(struct ncvisual* n, int y, int x, uint32_t rgba);
// Get the specified pixel from the specified ncvisual.
API int ncvisual_at_yx(const struct ncvisual* n, int y, int x, uint32_t* pixel);
// Set the specified pixel in the specified ncvisual.
API int ncvisual_set_yx(const struct ncvisual* n, int y, int x, uint32_t pixel);
// Render the decoded frame to the specified ncplane (if one is not provided,
// one will be created, having the exact size necessary to display the visual.
// In this case, 'style' must be NCSTYLE_NONE). A subregion of the visual can
// be rendered using 'begx', 'begy', 'lenx', and 'leny'. Negative values for
// 'begy' or 'begx' are an error. It is an error to specify any region beyond
// the boundaries of the frame. Returns the plane to which we drew (if ncv->n
// is NULL, a new plane will be created).
API struct ncplane* ncvisual_render(struct notcurses* nc, struct ncvisual* ncv,
const struct ncvisual_options* vopts);
// If a subtitle ought be displayed at this time, return a heap-allocated copy
// of the UTF8 text.
API char* ncvisual_subtitle(const struct ncvisual* ncv);
// Called for each frame rendered from 'ncv'. If anything but 0 is returned,
// the streaming operation ceases immediately, and that value is propagated out.
// The recommended absolute display time target is passed in 'tspec'.
typedef int (*streamcb)(struct ncvisual*, struct ncvisual_options*,
const struct timespec*, void*);
// Shut up and display my frames! Provide as an argument to ncvisual_stream().
// If you'd like subtitles to be decoded, provide an ncplane as the curry. If the
// curry is NULL, subtitles will not be displayed.
API int ncvisual_simple_streamer(struct ncvisual* ncv, struct ncvisual_options* vopts,
const struct timespec* tspec, void* curry);
// Stream the entirety of the media, according to its own timing. Blocking,
// obviously. streamer may be NULL; it is otherwise called for each frame, and
// its return value handled as outlined for streamcb. If streamer() returns
// non-zero, the stream is aborted, and that value is returned. By convention,
// return a positive number to indicate intentional abort from within
// streamer(). 'timescale' allows the frame duration time to be scaled. For a
// visual naturally running at 30FPS, a 'timescale' of 0.1 will result in
// 300FPS, and a 'timescale' of 10 will result in 3FPS. It is an error to
// supply 'timescale' less than or equal to 0.
API int ncvisual_stream(struct notcurses* nc, struct ncvisual* ncv,
nc_err_e* ncerr, float timescale, streamcb streamer,
const struct ncvisual_options* vopts, void* curry);
// Blit a flat array 'data' of RGBA 32-bit values to the ncplane 'vopts->n',
// which mustn't be NULL. the blit begins at 'vopts->y' and 'vopts->x' relative
// to the specified plane. Each source row ought occupy 'linesize' bytes (this
// might be greater than 'vopts->lenx' * 4 due to padding or partial blits). A
// subregion of the input can be specified with the 'begy'x'begx' and
// 'leny'x'lenx' fields from 'vopts'. Returns the number of pixels blitted, or
// -1 on error.
API int ncblit_rgba(const void* data, int linesize,
const struct ncvisual_options* vopts);
// Same as ncblit_rgba(), but for BGRx.
API int ncblit_bgrx(const void* data, int linesize,
const struct ncvisual_options* vopts);
// The ncpixel API facilitates direct management of the pixels within an
// ncvisual (ncvisuals keep a backing store of 32-bit RGBA pixels, and render
// them down to terminal graphics in ncvisual_render()).
// Extract the 8-bit alpha component from a pixel
static inline uint32_t
ncpixel(int r, int g, int b){
if(r < 0) r = 0;
if(r > 255) r = 255;
if(g < 0) g = 0;
if(g > 255) g = 255;
if(b < 0) b = 0;
if(b > 255) b = 255;
return 0xff000000ul | r | (b << 8u) | (g << 16u);
// Extract the 8-bit alpha component from a pixel
static inline unsigned
ncpixel_a(uint32_t pixel){
return (pixel & 0xff000000ul) >> 24u;
// Extract the 8-bit red component from a pixel
static inline unsigned
ncpixel_r(uint32_t pixel){
return (pixel & 0x000000fful);
// Extract the 8-bit green component from a pixel
static inline unsigned
ncpixel_g(uint32_t pixel){
return (pixel & 0x00ff0000ul) >> 16u;
// Extract the 8-bit blue component from a pixel
static inline unsigned
ncpixel_b(uint32_t pixel){
return (pixel & 0x0000ff00ul) >> 8u;
// Set the 8-bit alpha component of a pixel
static inline int
ncpixel_set_a(uint32_t* pixel, int a){
if(a > 255 || a < 0){
return -1;
*pixel = (*pixel & 0x00fffffful) | (a << 24u);
return 0;
// Set the 8-bit red component of a pixel
static inline int
ncpixel_set_r(uint32_t* pixel, int r){
if(r > 255 || r < 0){
return -1;
*pixel = (*pixel & 0xffffff00ul) | r;
return 0;
// Set the 8-bit green component of a pixel
static inline int
ncpixel_set_g(uint32_t* pixel, int g){
if(g > 255 || g < 0){
return -1;
*pixel = (*pixel & 0xff00fffful) | (g << 16u);
return 0;
// Set the 8-bit blue component of a pixel
static inline int
ncpixel_set_b(uint32_t* pixel, int b){
if(b > 255 || b < 0){
return -1;
*pixel = (*pixel & 0xffff00fful) | (b << 8u);
return 0;
// set the RGB values of an RGB pixel
static inline int
ncpixel_set_rgb(uint32_t* pixel, int r, int g, int b){
if(ncpixel_set_r(pixel, r) || ncpixel_set_g(pixel, g) || ncpixel_set_b(pixel, b)){
return -1;
return 0;
// An ncreel is a notcurses region devoted to displaying zero or more
// line-oriented, contained tablets between which the user may navigate. If at
// least one tablets exists, there is a "focused tablet". As much of the focused
// tablet as is possible is always displayed. If there is space left over, other
// tablets are included in the display. Tablets can come and go at any time, and
// can grow or shrink at any time.
// This structure is amenable to line- and page-based navigation via keystrokes,
// scrolling gestures, trackballs, scrollwheels, touchpads, and verbal commands.
// is scrolling infinite (can one move down or up forever, or is an end
// reached?). if true, 'circular' specifies how to handle the special case of
// an incompletely-filled reel.
// is navigation circular (does moving down from the last tablet move to the
// first, and vice versa)? only meaningful when infinitescroll is true. if
// infinitescroll is false, this must be false.
#define NCREEL_OPTION_CIRCULAR 0x0002ull
typedef struct ncreel_options {
// notcurses can draw a border around the ncreel, and also around the
// component tablets. inhibit borders by setting all valid bits in the masks.
// partially inhibit borders by setting individual bits in the masks. the
// appropriate attr and pair values will be used to style the borders.
// focused and non-focused tablets can have different styles. you can instead
// draw your own borders, or forgo borders entirely.
unsigned bordermask; // bitfield; 1s will not be drawn (see bordermaskbits)
uint64_t borderchan; // attributes used for ncreel border
unsigned tabletmask; // bitfield; same as bordermask but for tablet borders
uint64_t tabletchan; // tablet border styling channel
uint64_t focusedchan;// focused tablet border styling channel
uint64_t bgchannel; // background colors
uint64_t flags; // bitfield over NCREEL_OPTION_*
} ncreel_options;
struct nctablet;
struct ncreel;
// Take over the ncplane 'nc' and use it to draw a reel according to 'popts'.
// The plane will be destroyed by ncreel_destroy(); this transfers ownership.
API struct ncreel* ncreel_create(struct ncplane* nc, const ncreel_options* popts);
// Returns the ncplane on which this ncreel lives.
API struct ncplane* ncreel_plane(struct ncreel* pr);
// Tablet draw callback, provided a tablet (from which the ncplane and userptr
// may be extracted), and a bool indicating whether output ought be drawn from
// the top (true) or bottom (false). Returns non-negative count of output lines,
// which must be less than or equal to ncplane_dim_y(nctablet_plane(t)).
typedef int (*tabletcb)(struct nctablet* t, bool drawfromtop);
// Add a new nctablet to the provided ncreel, having the callback object
// opaque. Neither, either, or both of after and before may be specified. If
// neither is specified, the new tablet can be added anywhere on the reel. If
// one or the other is specified, the tablet will be added before or after the
// specified tablet. If both are specified, the tablet will be added to the
// resulting location, assuming it is valid (after->next == before->prev); if
// it is not valid, or there is any other error, NULL will be returned.
API struct nctablet* ncreel_add(struct ncreel* pr, struct nctablet* after,
struct nctablet* before, tabletcb cb,
void* opaque);
// Return the number of nctablets in the ncreel.
API int ncreel_tabletcount(const struct ncreel* pr);
// Delete the tablet specified by t from the ncreel specified by pr. Returns
// -1 if the tablet cannot be found.
API int ncreel_del(struct ncreel* pr, struct nctablet* t);
// Redraw the ncreel in its entirety.
API int ncreel_redraw(struct ncreel* pr);
// Offer the input to the ncreel. If it's relevant, this function returns
// true, and the input ought not be processed further. If it's irrelevant to
// the reel, false is returned. Relevant inputs include:
// * a mouse click on a tablet (focuses tablet)
// * a mouse scrollwheel event (rolls reel)
// * up, down, pgup, or pgdown (navigates among items)
API bool ncreel_offer_input(struct ncreel* n, const struct ncinput* nc);
// Return the focused tablet, if any tablets are present. This is not a copy;
// be careful to use it only for the duration of a critical section.
API struct nctablet* ncreel_focused(struct ncreel* pr);
// Change focus to the next tablet, if one exists
API struct nctablet* ncreel_next(struct ncreel* pr);
// Change focus to the previous tablet, if one exists
API struct nctablet* ncreel_prev(struct ncreel* pr);
// Destroy an ncreel allocated with ncreel_create(). Returns non-zero on failure.
API int ncreel_destroy(struct ncreel* pr);
// Returns a pointer to a user pointer associated with this nctablet.
API void* nctablet_userptr(struct nctablet* t);
// Access the ncplane associated with this nctablet, if one exists.
API struct ncplane* nctablet_ncplane(struct nctablet* t);
// The number of columns is one fewer, as the STRLEN expressions must leave
// an extra byte open in case 'µ' (U+00B5, 0xC2 0xB5) shows up. PREFIXCOLUMNS
// is the maximum number of columns used by a mult == 1000 (standard)
// ncmetric() call. IPREFIXCOLUMNS is the maximum number of columns used by a
// mult == 1024 (digital information) ncmetric(). BPREFIXSTRLEN is the maximum
// number of columns used by a mult == 1024 call making use of the 'i' suffix.
// This is the true number of columns; to set up a printf()-style maximum
// field width, you should use [IB]PREFIXFMT (see below).
#define PREFIXSTRLEN (PREFIXCOLUMNS + 1) // Does not include a '\0' (xxx.xxU)
#define IPREFIXSTRLEN (IPREFIXCOLUMNS + 1) // Does not include a '\0' (xxxx.xxU)
#define BPREFIXSTRLEN (BPREFIXCOLUMNS + 1) // Does not include a '\0' (xxxx.xxUi), i == prefix
// Used as arguments to a variable field width (i.e. "%*s" -- these are the *).
// We need this convoluted grotesquery to properly handle 'µ'.
#define NCMETRICFWIDTH(x, cols) ((int)(strlen(x) - mbswidth(x) + (cols)))
// Takes an arbitrarily large number, and prints it into a fixed-size buffer by
// adding the necessary SI suffix. Usually, pass a |[IB]PREFIXSTRLEN+1|-sized
// buffer to generate up to |[IB]PREFIXCOLUMNS| columns' worth of EGCs. The
// characteristic can occupy up through |mult-1| characters (3 for 1000, 4 for
// 1024). The mantissa can occupy either zero or two characters.
// Floating-point is never used, because an IEEE758 double can only losslessly
// represent integers through 2^53-1.
// 2^64-1 is 18446744073709551615, 18.45E(xa). KMGTPEZY thus suffice to handle
// an 89-bit uintmax_t. Beyond Z(etta) and Y(otta) lie lands unspecified by SI.
// 2^-63 is 0.000000000000000000108, 1.08a(tto).
// val: value to print
// decimal: scaling. '1' if none has taken place.
// buf: buffer in which string will be generated
// omitdec: inhibit printing of all-0 decimal portions
// mult: base of suffix system (almost always 1000 or 1024)
// uprefix: character to print following suffix ('i' for kibibytes basically).
// only printed if suffix is actually printed (input >= mult).
API const char* ncmetric(uintmax_t val, uintmax_t decimal, char* buf,
int omitdec, uintmax_t mult, int uprefix);
// Mega, kilo, gigafoo. Use PREFIXSTRLEN + 1.
static inline const char*
qprefix(uintmax_t val, uintmax_t decimal, char* buf, int omitdec){
return ncmetric(val, decimal, buf, omitdec, 1000, '\0');
// Mibi, kebi, gibibytes sans 'i' suffix. Use IPREFIXSTRLEN + 1.
static inline const char*
iprefix(uintmax_t val, uintmax_t decimal, char* buf, int omitdec){
return ncmetric(val, decimal, buf, omitdec, 1024, '\0');
// Mibi, kebi, gibibytes. Use BPREFIXSTRLEN + 1.
static inline const char*
bprefix(uintmax_t val, uintmax_t decimal, char* buf, int omitdec){
return ncmetric(val, decimal, buf, omitdec, 1024, 'i');
// Enable or disable the terminal's cursor, if supported. Immediate effect.
API void notcurses_cursor_enable(struct notcurses* nc);
API void notcurses_cursor_disable(struct notcurses* nc);
// Palette API. Some terminals only support 256 colors, but allow the full
// palette to be specified with arbitrary RGB colors. In all cases, it's more
// performant to use indexed colors, since it's much less data to write to the
// terminal. If you can limit yourself to 256 colors, that's probably best.
typedef struct palette256 {
uint32_t chans[NCPALETTESIZE]; // RGB values as regular ol' channels
} palette256;
// Create a new palette store. It will be initialized with notcurses' best
// knowledge of the currently configured palette. The palette upon startup
// cannot be reliably detected, sadly.
API palette256* palette256_new(struct notcurses* nc);
// Attempt to configure the terminal with the provided palette 'p'. Does not
// transfer ownership of 'p'; palette256_free() can (ought) still be called.
API int palette256_use(struct notcurses* nc, const palette256* p);
// Manipulate entries in the palette store 'p'. These are *not* locked.
static inline int
palette256_set_rgb(palette256* p, int idx, int r, int g, int b){
if(idx < 0 || (size_t)idx > sizeof(p->chans) / sizeof(*p->chans)){
return -1;
return channel_set_rgb(&p->chans[idx], r, g, b);
static inline int
palette256_set(palette256* p, int idx, unsigned rgb){
if(idx < 0 || (size_t)idx > sizeof(p->chans) / sizeof(*p->chans)){
return -1;
return channel_set(&p->chans[idx], rgb);
static inline int
palette256_get_rgb(const palette256* p, int idx, unsigned* RESTRICT r, unsigned* RESTRICT g, unsigned* RESTRICT b){
if(idx < 0 || (size_t)idx > sizeof(p->chans) / sizeof(*p->chans)){
return -1;
return channel_rgb(p->chans[idx], r, g, b);
// Free the palette store 'p'.
API void palette256_free(palette256* p);
// Convert the plane's content to greyscale.
API void ncplane_greyscale(struct ncplane* n);
// selection widget -- an ncplane with a title header and a body section. the
// body section supports infinite scrolling up and down. the widget looks like:
// ╭──────────────────────────╮
// │This is the primary header│
// ╭──────────────────────this is the secondary header──────╮
// │ │
// │ option1 Long text #1 │
// │ option2 Long text #2 │
// │ option3 Long text #3 │
// │ option4 Long text #4 │
// │ option5 Long text #5 │
// │ option6 Long text #6 │
// │ │
// ╰────────────────────────────────────here's the footer───╯
// At all times, exactly one item is selected.
struct ncselector_item {
char* option;
char* desc;
size_t opcolumns; // filled in by library
size_t desccolumns; // filled in by library
typedef struct ncselector_options {
char* title; // title may be NULL, inhibiting riser, saving two rows.
char* secondary; // secondary may be NULL
char* footer; // footer may be NULL
struct ncselector_item* items; // initial items and descriptions
// default item (selected at start), must be < itemcount unless itemcount is
// 0, in which case 'defidx' must also be 0
unsigned defidx;
// maximum number of options to display at once, 0 to use all available space
unsigned maxdisplay;
// exhaustive styling options
uint64_t opchannels; // option channels
uint64_t descchannels; // description channels
uint64_t titlechannels;// title channels
uint64_t footchannels; // secondary and footer channels
uint64_t boxchannels; // border channels
uint64_t bgchannels; // background channels, used only in body
uint64_t flags; // bitfield of NCSELECTOR_OPTION_*
} ncselector_options;
API struct ncselector* ncselector_create(struct ncplane* n, int y, int x,
const ncselector_options* opts);
// Dynamically add or delete items. It is usually sufficient to supply a static
// list of items via ncselector_options->items.
API int ncselector_additem(struct ncselector* n, const struct ncselector_item* item);
API int ncselector_delitem(struct ncselector* n, const char* item);
// Return reference to the selected option, or NULL if there are no items.
API const char* ncselector_selected(const struct ncselector* n);
// Return a reference to the ncselector's underlying ncplane.
API struct ncplane* ncselector_plane(struct ncselector* n);
// Move up or down in the list. A reference to the newly-selected item is
// returned, or NULL if there are no items in the list.
API const char* ncselector_previtem(struct ncselector* n);
API const char* ncselector_nextitem(struct ncselector* n);
// Offer the input to the ncselector. If it's relevant, this function returns
// true, and the input ought not be processed further. If it's irrelevant to
// the selector, false is returned. Relevant inputs include:
// * a mouse click on an item
// * a mouse scrollwheel event
// * a mouse click on the scrolling arrows
// * up, down, pgup, or pgdown on an unrolled menu (navigates among items)
API bool ncselector_offer_input(struct ncselector* n, const struct ncinput* nc);
// Destroy the ncselector. If 'item' is not NULL, the last selected option will
// be strdup()ed and assigned to '*item' (and must be free()d by the caller).
API void ncselector_destroy(struct ncselector* n, char** item);
struct ncmselector_item {
char* option;
char* desc;
bool selected;
// multiselection widget -- a selector supporting multiple selections.
// ╭────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
// │ this is truly an awfully long example of a MULTISELECTOR title │
//╭─────┴─────────────────────────────pick one (you will die regardless)─┤
//│ ↑ │
//│ ☐ 1 Across the Atlantic Ocean, there was a place called North America│
//│ ☐ 2 Discovered by an Italian in the employ of the queen of Spain │
//│ ☐ 3 Colonized extensively by the Spanish and the French │
//│ ☐ 4 Developed into a rich nation by Dutch-supplied African slaves │
//│ ☐ 5 And thus became the largest English-speaking nation on earth │
//│ ☐ 6 Namely, the United States of America │
//│ ☐ 7 The inhabitants of the United States called themselves Yankees │
//│ ☐ 8 For some reason │
//│ ☐ 9 And, eventually noticing the rest of the world was there, │
//│ ☐ 10 Decided to rule it. │
//│ ↓ │
//╰─────────────────────────press q to exit (there is sartrev("no exit")─╯
// Unlike the selector widget, zero to all of the items can be selected, but
// also the widget does not support adding or removing items at runtime.
typedef struct ncmultiselector_options {
char* title; // title may be NULL, inhibiting riser, saving two rows.
char* secondary; // secondary may be NULL
char* footer; // footer may be NULL
struct ncmselector_item* items; // initial items, descriptions, and statuses
// maximum number of options to display at once, 0 to use all available space
unsigned maxdisplay;
// exhaustive styling options
uint64_t opchannels; // option channels
uint64_t descchannels; // description channels
uint64_t titlechannels;// title channels
uint64_t footchannels; // secondary and footer channels
uint64_t boxchannels; // border channels
uint64_t bgchannels; // background channels, used only in body
uint64_t flags; // bitfield of NCMULTISELECTOR_OPTION_*
} ncmultiselector_options;
API struct ncmultiselector* ncmultiselector_create(struct ncplane* n, int y, int x,
const ncmultiselector_options* opts);
// Return selected vector. An array of bools must be provided, along with its
// length. If that length doesn't match the itemcount, it is an error.
API int ncmultiselector_selected(struct ncmultiselector* n, bool* selected, unsigned count);
// Return a reference to the ncmultiselector's underlying ncplane.
API struct ncplane* ncmultiselector_plane(struct ncmultiselector* n);
// Offer the input to the ncmultiselector. If it's relevant, this function
// returns true, and the input ought not be processed further. If it's
// irrelevant to the multiselector, false is returned. Relevant inputs include:
// * a mouse click on an item
// * a mouse scrollwheel event
// * a mouse click on the scrolling arrows
// * up, down, pgup, or pgdown on an unrolled menu (navigates among items)
API bool ncmultiselector_offer_input(struct ncmultiselector* n, const struct ncinput* nc);
// Destroy the ncmultiselector.
API void ncmultiselector_destroy(struct ncmultiselector* n);
// Menus. Horizontal menu bars are supported, on the top and/or bottom rows.
// If the menu bar is longer than the screen, it will be only partially
// visible. Menus may be either visible or invisible by default. In the event of
// a screen resize, menus will be automatically moved/resized. Elements can be
// dynamically enabled or disabled at all levels (menu, section, and item),
struct ncmenu_item {
char* desc; // utf-8 menu item, NULL for horizontal separator
ncinput shortcut; // shortcut, all should be distinct
struct ncmenu_section {
char* name; // utf-8 c string
int itemcount;
struct ncmenu_item* items;
ncinput shortcut; // shortcut, will be underlined if present in name
#define NCMENU_OPTION_BOTTOM 0x0001ull // bottom row (as opposed to top row)
#define NCMENU_OPTION_HIDING 0x0002ull // hide the menu when not unrolled
typedef struct ncmenu_options {
struct ncmenu_section* sections; // array of 'sectioncount' menu_sections
int sectioncount; // must be positive
uint64_t headerchannels; // styling for header
uint64_t sectionchannels; // styling for sections
uint64_t flags; // flag word of NCMENU_OPTION_*
} ncmenu_options;
// Create a menu with the specified options. Menus are currently bound to an
// overall notcurses object (as opposed to a particular plane), and are
// implemented as ncplanes kept atop other ncplanes.
API struct ncmenu* ncmenu_create(struct ncplane* nc, const ncmenu_options* opts);
// Unroll the specified menu section, making the menu visible if it was
// invisible, and rolling up any menu section that is already unrolled.
API int ncmenu_unroll(struct ncmenu* n, int sectionidx);
// Roll up any unrolled menu section, and hide the menu if using hiding.
API int ncmenu_rollup(struct ncmenu* n);
// Unroll the previous/next section (relative to current unrolled). If no
// section is unrolled, the first section will be unrolled.
API int ncmenu_nextsection(struct ncmenu* n);
API int ncmenu_prevsection(struct ncmenu* n);
// Move to the previous/next item within the currently unrolled section. If no
// section is unrolled, the first section will be unrolled.
API int ncmenu_nextitem(struct ncmenu* n);
API int ncmenu_previtem(struct ncmenu* n);
// Return the selected item description, or NULL if no section is unrolled. If
// 'ni' is not NULL, and the selected item has a shortcut, 'ni' will be filled
// in with that shortcut--this can allow faster matching.
API const char* ncmenu_selected(const struct ncmenu* n, struct ncinput* ni);
// Return the item description corresponding to the mouse click 'click'. The
// item must be on an actively unrolled section, and the click must be in the
// area of a valid item. If 'ni' is not NULL, and the selected item has a
// shortcut, 'ni' will be filled in with the shortcut.
API const char* ncmenu_mouse_selected(const struct ncmenu* n,
const struct ncinput* click,
struct ncinput* ni);
// Return the ncplane backing this ncmenu.
API struct ncplane* ncmenu_plane(struct ncmenu* n);
// Offer the input to the ncmenu. If it's relevant, this function returns true,
// and the input ought not be processed further. If it's irrelevant to the
// menu, false is returned. Relevant inputs include:
// * mouse movement over a hidden menu
// * a mouse click on a menu section (the section is unrolled)
// * a mouse click outside of an unrolled menu (the menu is rolled up)
// * left or right on an unrolled menu (navigates among sections)
// * up or down on an unrolled menu (navigates among items)
// * escape on an unrolled menu (the menu is rolled up)
API bool ncmenu_offer_input(struct ncmenu* n, const struct ncinput* nc);
// Destroy a menu created with ncmenu_create().
API int ncmenu_destroy(struct ncmenu* n);
// Plots. Given a rectilinear area, an ncplot can graph samples along some axis.
// There is some underlying independent variable--this could be e.g. measurement
// sequence number, or measurement time. Samples are tagged with this variable, which
// should never fall, but may grow non-monotonically. The desired range in terms
// of the underlying independent variable is provided at creation time. The
// desired domain can be specified, or can be autosolved. Granularity of the
// dependent variable depends on glyph selection.
// For instance, perhaps we're sampling load as a time series. We want to
// display an hour's worth of samples in 40 columns and 5 rows. We define the
// x-axis to be the independent variable, time. We'll stamp at second
// granularity. In this case, there are 60 * 60 == 3600 total elements in the
// range. Each column will thus cover a 90s span. Using vertical blocks (the
// most granular glyph), we have 8 * 5 == 40 levels of domain. If we report the
// following samples, starting at 0, using autosolving, we will observe:
// 60 -- 1% |domain: 1--1, 0: 20 levels
// 120 -- 50% |domain: 1--50, 0: 0 levels, 1: 40 levels
// 180 -- 50% |domain: 1--50, 0: 0 levels, 1: 40 levels, 2: 40 levels
// 240 -- 100% |domain: 1--75, 0: 1, 1: 27, 2: 40
// 271 -- 100% |domain: 1--100, 0: 0, 1: 20, 2: 30, 3: 40
// 300 -- 25% |domain: 1--75, 0: 0, 1: 27, 2: 40, 3: 33
// At the end, we have data in 4 90s spans: [0--89], [90--179], [180--269], and
// [270--359]. The first two spans have one sample each, while the second two
// have two samples each. Samples within a span are averaged (FIXME we could
// probably do better), so the results are 0, 50, 75, and 62.5. Scaling each of
// these out of 90 and multiplying by 40 gets our resulting levels. The final
// domain is 75 rather than 100 due to the averaging of 100+25/2->62.5 in the
// third span, at which point the maximum span value is once again 75.
// The 20 levels at first is a special case. When the domain is only 1 unit,
// and autoscaling is in play, assign 50%.
// This options structure works for both the ncuplot (uint64_t) and ncdplot
// (double) types.
#define NCPLOT_OPTION_LABELTICKSD 0x0001u // show labels for dependent axis
#define NCPLOT_OPTION_EXPONENTIALD 0x0002u // exponential dependent axis
#define NCPLOT_OPTION_VERTICALI 0x0004u // independent axis is vertical
#define NCPLOT_OPTION_NODEGRADE 0x0008u // fail rather than degrade blitter
#define NCPLOT_OPTION_DETECTMAXONLY 0x0010u // use domain detection only for max
typedef struct ncplot_options {
// channels for the maximum and minimum levels. linear or exponential
// interpolation will be applied across the domain between these two.
uint64_t maxchannels;
uint64_t minchannels;
// styling used for the legend, if NCPLOT_OPTION_LABELTICKSD is set
uint16_t legendstyle;
// if you don't care, pass NCBLIT_DEFAULT and get NCBLIT_8x1 (assuming
// UTF8) or NCBLIT_1x1 (in an ASCII environment)
ncblitter_e gridtype; // number of "pixels" per row x column
// independent variable can either be a contiguous range, or a finite set
// of keys. for a time range, say the previous hour sampled with second
// resolution, the independent variable would be the range [0..3600): 3600.
// if rangex is 0, it is dynamically set to the number of columns.
int rangex;
uint64_t flags; // bitfield over NCPLOT_OPTION_*
const char* title; // optional, printed by the labels
} ncplot_options;
// Use the provided plane 'n' for plotting according to the options 'opts'.
// The plot will make free use of the entirety of the plane.
// for domain autodiscovery, set miny == maxy == 0.
API struct ncuplot* ncuplot_create(struct ncplane* n, const ncplot_options* opts,
uint64_t miny, uint64_t maxy);
API struct ncdplot* ncdplot_create(struct ncplane* n, const ncplot_options* opts,
double miny, double maxy);
// Return a reference to the ncplot's underlying ncplane.
API struct ncplane* ncuplot_plane(struct ncuplot* n);
API struct ncplane* ncdplot_plane(struct ncdplot* n);
// Add to or set the value corresponding to this x. If x is beyond the current
// x window, the x window is advanced to include x, and values passing beyond
// the window are lost. The first call will place the initial window. The plot
// will be redrawn, but notcurses_render() is not called.
API int ncuplot_add_sample(struct ncuplot* n, uint64_t x, uint64_t y);
API int ncdplot_add_sample(struct ncdplot* n, uint64_t x, double y);
API int ncuplot_set_sample(struct ncuplot* n, uint64_t x, uint64_t y);
API int ncdplot_set_sample(struct ncdplot* n, uint64_t x, double y);
API int ncuplot_sample(const struct ncuplot* n, uint64_t x, uint64_t* y);
API int ncdplot_sample(const struct ncdplot* n, uint64_t x, double* y);
API void ncuplot_destroy(struct ncuplot* n);
API void ncdplot_destroy(struct ncdplot* n);
typedef int(*ncfdplane_callback)(struct ncfdplane* n, const void* buf, size_t s, void* curry);
typedef int(*ncfdplane_done_cb)(struct ncfdplane* n, int fderrno, void* curry);
// read from an fd until EOF (or beyond, if follow is set), invoking the user's
// callback each time. runs in its own context. on EOF or error, the finalizer
// callback will be invoked, and the user ought destroy the ncfdplane. the
// data is *not* guaranteed to be nul-terminated, and may contain arbitrary
// zeroes.
typedef struct ncfdplane_options {
void* curry; // parameter provided to callbacks
bool follow; // keep reading after hitting end? (think tail -f)
uint64_t flags; // bitfield over NCOPTION_FDPLANE_*
} ncfdplane_options;
// Create an ncfdplane around the fd 'fd'. Consider this function to take
// ownership of the file descriptor, which will be closed in ncfdplane_destroy().
API struct ncfdplane* ncfdplane_create(struct ncplane* n, const ncfdplane_options* opts,
int fd, ncfdplane_callback cbfxn, ncfdplane_done_cb donecbfxn);
API struct ncplane* ncfdplane_plane(struct ncfdplane* n);
API int ncfdplane_destroy(struct ncfdplane* n);
typedef struct ncsubproc_options {
void* curry;
uint64_t restart_period; // restart this many seconds after an exit (watch)
uint64_t flags; // bitfield over NCOPTION_SUBPROC_*
} ncsubproc_options;
// see exec(2). p-types use $PATH. e-type passes environment vars.
API struct ncsubproc* ncsubproc_createv(struct ncplane* n, const ncsubproc_options* opts,
const char* bin, char* const arg[],
ncfdplane_callback cbfxn, ncfdplane_done_cb donecbfxn);
API struct ncsubproc* ncsubproc_createvp(struct ncplane* n, const ncsubproc_options* opts,
const char* bin, char* const arg[],
ncfdplane_callback cbfxn, ncfdplane_done_cb donecbfxn);
API struct ncsubproc* ncsubproc_createvpe(struct ncplane* n, const ncsubproc_options* opts,
const char* bin, char* const arg[], char* const env[],
ncfdplane_callback cbfxn, ncfdplane_done_cb donecbfxn);
API struct ncplane* ncsubproc_plane(struct ncsubproc* n);
API int ncsubproc_destroy(struct ncsubproc* n);
// Draw a QR code at the current position on the plane. If there is insufficient
// room to draw the code here, or there is any other error, non-zero will be
// returned. Otherwise, the QR code "version" (size) is returned. The QR code
// is (version * 4 + 17) columns wide, and ⌈version * 4 + 17⌉ rows tall (the
// properly-scaled values are written back to '*ymax' and '*xmax').
API int ncplane_qrcode(struct ncplane* n, ncblitter_e blitter, int* ymax,
int* xmax, const void* data, size_t len);
typedef struct ncreader_options {
uint64_t tchannels; // channels used for input
uint64_t echannels; // channels used for empty space
uint32_t tattrword; // attributes used for input
uint32_t eattrword; // attributes used for empty space
const char* egc; // egc used for empty space
int physrows;
int physcols;
uint64_t flags; // bitfield of NCREADER_OPTION_*
} ncreader_options;
// ncreaders provide freeform input in a (possibly multiline) region,
// supporting readline keybindings. 'rows' and 'cols' both must be negative.
// there are no restrictions on 'y' or 'x'. creates its own plane.
API struct ncreader* ncreader_create(struct ncplane* nc, int y, int x,
const ncreader_options* opts);
// empty the ncreader of any user input, and home the cursor.
API int ncreader_clear(struct ncreader* n);
API struct ncplane* ncreader_plane(struct ncreader* n);
// Offer the input to the ncreader. If it's relevant, this function returns
// true, and the input ought not be processed further. Almost all inputs
// are relevant to an ncreader, save synthesized ones.
API bool ncreader_offer_input(struct ncreader* n, const struct ncinput* ni);
// return a heap-allocated copy of the current (UTF-8) contents.
API char* ncreader_contents(const struct ncreader* n);
// destroy the reader and its bound plane. if 'contents' is not NULL, the
// UTF-8 input will be heap-duplicated and written to 'contents'.
API void ncreader_destroy(struct ncreader* n, char** contents);
// Dump selected notcurses state to the supplied 'debugfp'. Output is freeform,
// and subject to change. It includes geometry of all planes.
API void notcurses_debug(struct notcurses* nc, FILE* debugfp);
// a system for rendering RGBA pixels as text glyphs
struct blitset {
ncblitter_e geom;
int width;
int height;
// the EGCs which form the various levels of a given geometry. if the geometry
// is wide, things are arranged with the rightmost side increasing most
// quickly, i.e. it can be indexed as height arrays of 1 + height glyphs. i.e.
// the first five braille EGCs are all 0 on the left, [0..4] on the right.
const wchar_t* egcs;
int (*blit)(struct ncplane* nc, int placey, int placex, int linesize,
const void* data, int begy, int begx, int leny, int lenx,
bool bgr, bool blendcolors);
const char* name;
bool fill;
API extern const struct blitset notcurses_blitters[];
#undef API
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"