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1345 lines
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#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "builddef.h"
#include "visual-details.h"
#include "internal.h"
#include "sixel.h"
// ncvisual core code has a basic implementation in libnotcurses-core, and can
// be augmented with a "multimedia engine" -- currently FFmpeg or OpenImageIO,
// or the trivial "none" engine. all libnotcurses (built against one of these
// engines, selected at compile time) actually does is set this
// visual_implementation pointer, and then call libnotcurses_core_init(). the
// "none" implementation exists to facilitate linking programs written against
// libnotcurses in environments without a true multimedia engine, and does not
// set this pointer. all this machination exists to support building notcurses
// (and running notcurses programs) without the need of heavy media engines.
static ncvisual_implementation null_visual_implementation = {0};
ncvisual_implementation* visual_implementation = &null_visual_implementation;
// to be called at startup -- performs any necessary engine initialization.
int ncvisual_init(int logl){
return visual_implementation->visual_init(logl);
return 0;
void ncvisual_printbanner(fbuf* f){
// you need an actual multimedia implementation for functions which work with
// codecs, including ncvisual_decode(), ncvisual_decode_loop(),
// ncvisual_from_file(), ncvisual_stream(), and ncvisual_subtitle_plane().
int ncvisual_decode(ncvisual* nc){
return -1;
return visual_implementation->visual_decode(nc);
int ncvisual_decode_loop(ncvisual* nc){
return -1;
return visual_implementation->visual_decode_loop(nc);
ncvisual* ncvisual_from_file(const char* filename){
return NULL;
ncvisual* n = visual_implementation->visual_from_file(filename);
if(n == NULL){
logerror("error loading %s", filename);
return n;
int ncvisual_stream(notcurses* nc, ncvisual* ncv, float timescale,
ncstreamcb streamer, const struct ncvisual_options* vopts,
void* curry){
return -1;
int ret = visual_implementation->visual_stream(nc, ncv, timescale, streamer, vopts, curry);
if(ret < 0){
logerror("error streaming media");
return ret;
ncplane* ncvisual_subtitle_plane(ncplane* parent, const ncvisual* ncv){
return NULL;
return visual_implementation->visual_subtitle(parent, ncv);
int ncvisual_blit_internal(const ncvisual* ncv, int rows, int cols, ncplane* n,
const struct blitset* bset, const blitterargs* barg){
if(visual_implementation->visual_blit(ncv, rows, cols, n, bset, barg) < 0){
return -1;
return 0;
// generic implementation
int stride = 4 * cols;
uint32_t* data = resize_bitmap(ncv->data, ncv->pixy, ncv->pixx,
ncv->rowstride, rows, cols, stride);
if(data == NULL){
return -1;
int ret = -1;
if(rgba_blit_dispatch(n, bset, stride, data, rows, cols, barg) >= 0){
ret = 0;
if(data != ncv->data){
return ret;
// ncv constructors other than ncvisual_from_file() need to set up the
// AVFrame* 'frame' according to their own data, which is assumed to
// have been prepared already in 'ncv'.
void ncvisual_details_seed(struct ncvisual* ncv){
ncvisual* ncvisual_create(void){
return visual_implementation->visual_create();
ncvisual* ret = malloc(sizeof(*ret));
memset(ret, 0, sizeof(*ret));
return ret;
static inline void
ncvisual_origin(const struct ncvisual_options* vopts, unsigned* restrict begy,
unsigned* restrict begx){
*begy = vopts ? vopts->begy : 0;
*begx = vopts ? vopts->begx : 0;
// create a plane in which to blit the sprixel. |disppixx| and |disppixy| are
// scaled pixel geometry on output, and unused on input. |placey| and |placex|
// are used to position the new plane, and reset to 0 on output. |outy| and
// |outx| are true output geometry on output, and unused on input (actual input
// pixel geometry come from ncv->pixy and ncv->pixx).
// |pxoffy| and |pxoffx| are pixel offset within the origin cell. they are not
// included within |disppixx| nor |disppixy|, but count towards |outx| and
// |outy|. these last two are furthermore clamped to sixel maxima, and |outy|
// accounts for sixels being a multiple of six pixels tall.
// cellpxy/cellpxx and dimy/dimx ought describe the cell-pixel and cell
// geometry of the target pile or, in Direct Mode, the tcache.
static void
shape_sprixel_plane(const tinfo* ti, unsigned cellpxy, unsigned cellpxx,
unsigned dimy, unsigned dimx,
ncplane* parent, const ncvisual* ncv,
ncscale_e scaling, unsigned* disppixy, unsigned* disppixx,
uint64_t flags, unsigned* outy, unsigned* outx,
int* placey, int* placex, int pxoffy, int pxoffx){
if(scaling != NCSCALE_NONE && scaling != NCSCALE_NONE_HIRES){
// disppixy/disppix are treated initially as cells
if(parent == NULL){
*disppixy = dimy;
*disppixx = dimx;
ncplane_dim_yx(parent, disppixy, disppixx);
// FIXME why do we clamp only vertical, not horizontal, here?
if(*placey + *disppixy >= dimy){
*disppixy = dimy - *placey;
*disppixy -= *placey;
*disppixx -= *placex;
*disppixx *= cellpxx;
*disppixy *= cellpxy;
*disppixx += pxoffx;
*disppixy += pxoffy;
*outx = *disppixx;
clamp_to_sixelmax(ti, disppixy, disppixx, outy, scaling);
if(scaling == NCSCALE_SCALE || scaling == NCSCALE_SCALE_HIRES){
scale_visual(ncv, disppixy, disppixx); // can only shrink
*outx = *disppixx;
clamp_to_sixelmax(ti, disppixy, disppixx, outy, scaling);
*disppixx = ncv->pixx + pxoffx;
*disppixy = ncv->pixy + pxoffy;
*outx = *disppixx;
clamp_to_sixelmax(ti, disppixy, disppixx, outy, scaling);
// pixel offsets ought be counted for clamping purposes, but not returned
// as part of the scaled geometry (they are included in outx/outy).
*disppixy -= pxoffy;
*disppixx -= pxoffx;
// in addition to the fields in 'geom', we pass out:
// * 'disppixx'/'disppixy': scaled output size in pixels
// * 'outy'/'outx': true output size in pixels (ie post-sixel clamping)
// * 'placey'/'placex': offset at which to draw
// * 'bset': blitter that will be used
// we take in:
// * 'p': target pile (for cell-pixel and cell geometry)
// * 'ti': used if p is NULL (direct mode only!)
// * 'n': input ncvisual
// * 'vopts': requested ncvisual_options
int ncvisual_geom_inner(const tinfo* ti, const ncvisual* n,
const struct ncvisual_options* vopts, ncvgeom* geom,
const struct blitset** bset,
unsigned* disppixy, unsigned* disppixx,
unsigned* outy, unsigned* outx,
int* placey, int* placex){
if(ti == NULL && n == NULL){
logerror("got NULL for both sources");
return -1;
struct ncvisual_options fakevopts;
if(vopts == NULL){
memset(&fakevopts, 0, sizeof(fakevopts));
vopts = &fakevopts;
// check basic vopts preconditions
if(vopts->flags >= (NCVISUAL_OPTION_NOINTERPOLATE << 1u)){
logwarn("warning: unknown ncvisual options %016" PRIx64, vopts->flags);
if((vopts->flags & NCVISUAL_OPTION_CHILDPLANE) && !vopts->n){
logerror("requested child plane with NULL n");
return -1;
if(vopts->x < NCALIGN_UNALIGNED || vopts->x > NCALIGN_RIGHT){
logerror("bad x %d for horizontal alignment", vopts->x);
return -1;
if(vopts->y < NCALIGN_UNALIGNED || vopts->y > NCALIGN_RIGHT){
logerror("bad y %d for vertical alignment", vopts->y);
return -1;
geom->pixy = n->pixy;
geom->pixx = n->pixx;
// when ti is NULL, we only report properties intrinsic to the ncvisual,
// i.e. only its original pixel geometry.
if(ti == NULL){
return 0;
// determine our blitter
*bset = rgba_blitter(ti, vopts);
logerror("couldn't get a blitter for %d", vopts ? vopts->blitter : NCBLIT_DEFAULT);
return -1;
const ncpile* p = vopts->n ? ncplane_pile_const(vopts->n) : NULL;
geom->cdimy = p ? p->cellpxy : ti->cellpxy;
geom->cdimx = p ? p->cellpxx : ti->cellpxx;
if((geom->blitter = (*bset)->geom) == NCBLIT_PIXEL){
geom->maxpixely = ti->sixel_maxy;
geom->maxpixelx = ti->sixel_maxx;
geom->scaley = encoding_y_scale(ti, *bset);
geom->scalex = encoding_x_scale(ti, *bset);
// when n is NULL, we only report properties unrelated to the ncvisual,
// i.e. the cell-pixel geometry, max bitmap geometry, blitter, and scaling.
if(n == NULL){
return 0;
ncscale_e scaling = vopts ? vopts->scaling : NCSCALE_NONE;
// determine how much of the original image we're using (leny/lenx)
ncvisual_origin(vopts, &geom->begy, &geom->begx);
geom->lenx = vopts->lenx;
geom->leny = vopts->leny;
*placey = vopts->y;
*placex = vopts->x;
logdebug("vis %ux%u+%ux%u %p", geom->begy, geom->begx, geom->leny, geom->lenx, n->data);
if(n->data == NULL){
logerror("no data in visual");
return -1;
if(geom->begx >= n->pixx || geom->begy >= n->pixy){
logerror("visual too large %u > %d or %u > %d", geom->begy, n->pixy, geom->begx, n->pixx);
return -1;
if(geom->lenx == 0){ // 0 means "to the end"; use all available source material
geom->lenx = n->pixx - geom->begx;
if(geom->leny == 0){
geom->leny = n->pixy - geom->begy;
if(geom->lenx <= 0 || geom->leny <= 0){ // no need to draw zero-size object, exit
logerror("zero-size object %d %d", geom->leny, geom->lenx);
return -1;
if(geom->begx + geom->lenx > n->pixx || geom->begy + geom->leny > n->pixy){
logerror("geometry too large %d > %d or %d > %d", geom->begy + geom->leny, n->pixy, geom->begx + geom->lenx, n->pixx);
return -1;
if((*bset)->geom == NCBLIT_PIXEL){
// FIXME does this work from direct mode?
if(vopts->n == notcurses_stdplane_const(ncplane_notcurses_const(vopts->n))){
if(!(vopts->flags & NCVISUAL_OPTION_CHILDPLANE)){
logerror("won't blit bitmaps to the standard plane");
return -1;
logerror("non-origin y placement %d for sprixel", vopts->y);
return -1;
logerror("non-origin x placement %d for sprixel", vopts->x);
return -1;
if(vopts->pxoffy >= geom->cdimy){
logerror("pixel y-offset %d too tall for cell %d", vopts->pxoffy, geom->cdimy);
return -1;
if(vopts->pxoffx >= geom->cdimx){
logerror("pixel x-offset %d too wide for cell %d", vopts->pxoffx, geom->cdimx);
return -1;
if(scaling == NCSCALE_NONE || scaling == NCSCALE_NONE_HIRES){
// FIXME clamp to sprixel limits
unsigned rows = ((geom->leny + geom->cdimy - 1) / geom->cdimy) + !!vopts->pxoffy;
if(rows > ncplane_dim_y(vopts->n)){
logerror("sprixel too tall %d for plane %d", geom->leny + vopts->pxoffy,
ncplane_dim_y(vopts->n) * geom->cdimy);
return -1;
unsigned cols = ((geom->lenx + geom->cdimx - 1) / geom->cdimx) + !!vopts->pxoffx;
if(cols > ncplane_dim_x(vopts->n)){
logerror("sprixel too wide %d for plane %d", geom->lenx + vopts->pxoffx,
ncplane_dim_x(vopts->n) * geom->cdimx);
return -1;
if(vopts->n == NULL || (vopts->flags & NCVISUAL_OPTION_CHILDPLANE)){
// we'll need to create the plane
const int dimy = p ? p->dimy : ti->dimy;
const int dimx = p ? p->dimx : ti->dimx;
shape_sprixel_plane(ti, geom->cdimy, geom->cdimx, dimy, dimx,
vopts->n, n, scaling, disppixy, disppixx,
vopts->flags, outy, outx, placey, placex,
vopts->pxoffy, vopts->pxoffx);
if(scaling != NCSCALE_NONE && scaling != NCSCALE_NONE_HIRES){
ncplane_dim_yx(vopts->n, disppixy, disppixx);
*disppixx *= geom->cdimx;
*disppixx += vopts->pxoffx;
*disppixy *= geom->cdimy;
*disppixy += vopts->pxoffy;
clamp_to_sixelmax(ti, disppixy, disppixx, outy, scaling);
int absplacex = 0, absplacey = 0;
if(!(vopts->flags & NCVISUAL_OPTION_HORALIGNED)){
absplacex = *placex;
if(!(vopts->flags & NCVISUAL_OPTION_VERALIGNED)){
absplacey = *placey;
*disppixx -= absplacex * geom->cdimx;
*disppixy -= absplacey * geom->cdimy;
*disppixx = geom->lenx + vopts->pxoffx;
*disppixy = geom->leny + vopts->pxoffy;
logdebug("pixel prescale: %d %d %d %d", n->pixy, n->pixx, *disppixy, *disppixx);
if(scaling == NCSCALE_SCALE || scaling == NCSCALE_SCALE_HIRES){
clamp_to_sixelmax(ti, disppixy, disppixx, outy, scaling);
scale_visual(n, disppixy, disppixx);
clamp_to_sixelmax(ti, disppixy, disppixx, outy, scaling);
// FIXME use a closed form
while((*outy + geom->cdimy - 1) / geom->cdimy > ncplane_dim_y(vopts->n)){
*outy -= ti->sprixel_scale_height;
*disppixy = *outy;
*outx = *disppixx;
*disppixx -= vopts->pxoffx;
*disppixy -= vopts->pxoffy;
logdebug("pblit: %dx%d ← %dx%d of %d/%d stride %u @%dx%d %p %u", *disppixy, *disppixx, geom->begy, geom->begx, n->pixy, n->pixx, n->rowstride, *placey, *placex, n->data, geom->cdimx);
geom->rpixy = *disppixy;
geom->rpixx = *disppixx;
geom->rcellx = *outx / geom->cdimx + !!(*outx % geom->cdimx);
geom->rcelly = *outy / geom->cdimy + !!(*outy % geom->cdimy);
}else{ // cellblit
if(vopts->pxoffx || vopts->pxoffy){
logerror("pixel offsets cannot be used with cell blitting");
return -1;
unsigned dispcols, disprows;
if(vopts->n == NULL || (vopts->flags & NCVISUAL_OPTION_CHILDPLANE)){ // create plane
//fprintf(stderr, "CPATH1, create beg %dx%d len %dx%d\n", geom->begy, geom->begx, geom->leny, geom->lenx);
if(scaling == NCSCALE_NONE || scaling == NCSCALE_NONE_HIRES){
dispcols = geom->lenx;
disprows = geom->leny;
if(vopts->n == NULL){
disprows = ti->dimy;
dispcols = ti->dimx;
ncplane_dim_yx(vopts->n, &disprows, &dispcols);
dispcols *= geom->scalex;
disprows *= geom->scaley;
if(scaling == NCSCALE_SCALE || scaling == NCSCALE_SCALE_HIRES){
scale_visual(n, &disprows, &dispcols);
} // else stretch
//fprintf(stderr, "CPATH2, reuse beg %dx%d len %dx%d\n", geom->begy, geom->begx, geom->leny, geom->lenx);
if(scaling == NCSCALE_NONE || scaling == NCSCALE_NONE_HIRES){
dispcols = geom->lenx;
disprows = geom->leny;
ncplane_dim_yx(vopts->n, &disprows, &dispcols);
dispcols *= geom->scalex;
disprows *= geom->scaley;
if(!(vopts->flags & NCVISUAL_OPTION_HORALIGNED)){
dispcols -= *placex;
if(!(vopts->flags & NCVISUAL_OPTION_VERALIGNED)){
disprows -= *placey;
if(scaling == NCSCALE_SCALE || scaling == NCSCALE_SCALE_HIRES){
scale_visual(n, &disprows, &dispcols);
} // else stretch
*placex = ncplane_halign(vopts->n, *placex, dispcols / geom->scalex);
*placey = ncplane_valign(vopts->n, *placey, disprows / geom->scaley);
geom->rpixy = disprows;
geom->rpixx = dispcols;
geom->rcellx = dispcols / geom->scalex + !!(dispcols % geom->scalex);
geom->rcelly = disprows / geom->scaley + !!(disprows % geom->scaley);
logdebug("rgeom: %d %d %d %d @ %d/%d (%d on %p)", geom->rcelly, geom->rcellx,
geom->rpixy, geom->rpixx, *placey, *placex, (*bset)->geom, vopts->n);
return 0;
int ncvisual_geom(const notcurses* nc, const ncvisual* n,
const struct ncvisual_options* vopts, ncvgeom* geom){
const struct blitset* bset;
unsigned disppxy, disppxx, outy, outx;
int placey, placex;
return ncvisual_geom_inner(nc ? &nc->tcache : NULL, n, vopts, geom, &bset,
&disppxy, &disppxx, &outy, &outx, &placey, &placex);
void* rgb_loose_to_rgba(const void* data, int rows, int* rowstride, int cols, int alpha){
if(*rowstride % 4){ // must be a multiple of 4 bytes
return NULL;
if(*rowstride < cols * 4){
return NULL;
uint32_t* ret = malloc(4 * cols * rows);
for(int y = 0 ; y < rows ; ++y){
for(int x = 0 ; x < cols ; ++x){
const uint32_t* src = (const uint32_t*)data + (*rowstride / 4) * y + x;
uint32_t* dst = ret + cols * y + x;
ncpixel_set_a(dst, alpha);
ncpixel_set_r(dst, ncpixel_r(*src));
ncpixel_set_g(dst, ncpixel_g(*src));
ncpixel_set_b(dst, ncpixel_b(*src));
*rowstride = cols * 4;
return ret;
void* rgb_packed_to_rgba(const void* data, int rows, int* rowstride, int cols, int alpha){
if(*rowstride < cols * 3){
return NULL;
uint32_t* ret = malloc(4 * cols * rows);
for(int y = 0 ; y < rows ; ++y){
for(int x = 0 ; x < cols ; ++x){
const unsigned char* src = (const unsigned char*)data + *rowstride * y + x;
uint32_t* dst = ret + cols * y + x;
ncpixel_set_a(dst, alpha);
ncpixel_set_r(dst, src[0]);
ncpixel_set_g(dst, src[1]);
ncpixel_set_b(dst, src[2]);
*rowstride = cols * 4;
return ret;
void* bgra_to_rgba(const void* data, int rows, int* rowstride, int cols, int alpha){
if(*rowstride % 4){ // must be a multiple of 4 bytes
return NULL;
if(*rowstride < cols * 4){
return NULL;
uint32_t* ret = malloc(4 * cols * rows);
for(int y = 0 ; y < rows ; ++y){
for(int x = 0 ; x < cols ; ++x){
const uint32_t* src = (const uint32_t*)data + (*rowstride / 4) * y + x;
uint32_t* dst = ret + cols * y + x;
ncpixel_set_a(dst, alpha);
ncpixel_set_r(dst, ncpixel_b(*src));
ncpixel_set_g(dst, ncpixel_g(*src));
ncpixel_set_b(dst, ncpixel_r(*src));
*rowstride = cols * 4;
return ret;
// Inspects the visual to find the minimum rectangle that can contain all
// "real" pixels, where "real" pixels are, by convention, all zeroes.
// Placing this box at offyXoffx relative to the visual will encompass all
// pixels. Returns the area of the box (0 if there are no pixels).
int ncvisual_bounding_box(const ncvisual* ncv, int* leny, int* lenx,
int* offy, int* offx){
unsigned lcol = 0;
unsigned rcol = UINT_MAX;
unsigned trow;
// first, find the topmost row with a real pixel. if there is no such row,
// there are no such pixels. if we find one, we needn't look in this region
// for other extrema, so long as we keep the leftmost and rightmost through
// this row (from the top). said leftmost and rightmost will be the leftmost
// and rightmost pixel of whichever row has the topmost valid pixel. unlike
// the topmost, they'll need be further verified.
for(trow = 0 ; trow < ncv->pixy ; ++trow){
for(unsigned x = 0 ; x < ncv->pixx ; ++x){
uint32_t rgba = ncv->data[trow * ncv->rowstride / 4 + x];
lcol = x; // leftmost pixel of topmost row
// now find rightmost pixel of topmost row
unsigned xr;
for(xr = ncv->pixx - 1 ; xr > x ; --xr){
rgba = ncv->data[trow * ncv->rowstride / 4 + xr];
if(rgba){ // rightmost pixel of topmost row
rcol = xr;
if(rcol < INT_MAX){
if(trow == ncv->pixy){ // no real pixels
*leny = 0;
*lenx = 0;
*offy = 0;
*offx = 0;
assert(rcol < ncv->pixx);
// we now know topmost row, and left/rightmost through said row. now we must
// find the bottommost row, checking left/rightmost throughout.
unsigned brow;
for(brow = ncv->pixy - 1 ; brow > trow ; --brow){
unsigned x;
for(x = 0 ; x < ncv->pixx ; ++x){
uint32_t rgba = ncv->data[brow * ncv->rowstride / 4 + x];
if(x < lcol){
lcol = x;
unsigned xr;
for(xr = ncv->pixx - 1 ; xr > x && xr > rcol ; --xr){
rgba = ncv->data[brow * ncv->rowstride / 4 + xr];
if(rgba){ // rightmost pixel of bottommost row
if(xr > rcol){
rcol = xr;
if(x < ncv->pixx){
// we now know topmost and bottommost row, and left/rightmost within those
// two sections. now check the rest for left and rightmost.
for(unsigned y = trow + 1 ; y < brow ; ++y){
for(unsigned x = 0 ; x < lcol ; ++x){
uint32_t rgba = ncv->data[y * ncv->rowstride / 4 + x];
lcol = x;
for(unsigned x = ncv->pixx - 1 ; x > rcol ; --x){
uint32_t rgba = ncv->data[y * ncv->rowstride / 4 + x];
rcol = x;
*offy = trow;
*leny = brow - trow + 1;
*offx = lcol;
*lenx = rcol - lcol + 1;
return *leny * *lenx;
// find the "center" cell of a visual. in the case of even rows/columns, we
// place the center on the top/left. in such a case there will be one more
// cell to the bottom/right of the center.
static inline void
ncvisual_center(const ncvisual* n, int* RESTRICT y, int* RESTRICT x){
*y = n->pixy;
*x = n->pixx;
center_box(y, x);
// rotate the 0-indexed (origin-indexed) ['y', 'x'] through 'ctheta' and
// 'stheta' around the centerpoint at ['centy', 'centx']. write the results
// back to 'y' and 'x'.
static void
rotate_point(int* y, int* x, double stheta, double ctheta, int centy, int centx){
// convert coordinates from origin to left-handed cartesian
const int convx = *x - centx;
const int convy = *y - centy;
//fprintf(stderr, "%d, %d -> conv %d, %d\n", *y, *x, convy, convx);
*x = round(convx * ctheta - convy * stheta);
*y = round(convx * stheta + convy * ctheta);
// rotate the specified bounding box by the specified sine and cosine of some
// theta radians, enlarging or shrinking it as necessary. returns the area.
// 'leny', 'lenx', 'offy', and 'offx' describe the bounding box to be rotated,
// and might all be updated (in either direction).
static int
rotate_bounding_box(double stheta, double ctheta, int* leny, int* lenx,
int* offy, int* offx){
//fprintf(stderr, "Incoming bounding box: %dx%d @ %dx%d rotate s(%f) c(%f)\n", *leny, *lenx, *offy, *offx, stheta, ctheta);
int xs[4], ys[4]; // x and y locations of rotated coordinates
int centy = *leny;
int centx = *lenx;
center_box(&centy, &centx);
ys[0] = 0;
xs[0] = 0;
rotate_point(ys, xs, stheta, ctheta, centy, centx);
//fprintf(stderr, "rotated %d, %d -> %d %d\n", 0, 0, ys[0], xs[0]);
ys[1] = 0;
xs[1] = *lenx - 1;
rotate_point(ys + 1, xs + 1, stheta, ctheta, centy, centx);
//fprintf(stderr, "rotated %d, %d -> %d %d\n", 0, *lenx - 1, ys[1], xs[1]);
ys[2] = *leny - 1;
xs[2] = *lenx - 1;
rotate_point(ys + 2, xs + 2, stheta, ctheta, centy, centx);
//fprintf(stderr, "rotated %d, %d -> %d %d\n", *leny - 1, *lenx - 1, ys[2], xs[2]);
ys[3] = *leny - 1;
xs[3] = 0;
rotate_point(ys + 3, xs + 3, stheta, ctheta, centy, centx);
//fprintf(stderr, "rotated %d, %d -> %d %d\n", *leny - 1, 0, ys[3], xs[3]);
int trow = ys[0];
int brow = ys[0];
int lcol = xs[0];
int rcol = xs[0];
for(size_t i = 1 ; i < sizeof(xs) / sizeof(*xs) ; ++i){
if(xs[i] < lcol){
lcol = xs[i];
if(xs[i] > rcol){
rcol = xs[i];
if(ys[i] < trow){
trow = ys[i];
if(ys[i] > brow){
brow = ys[i];
*offy = trow;
*leny = brow - trow + 1;
*offx = lcol;
*lenx = rcol - lcol + 1;
//fprintf(stderr, "Rotated bounding box: %dx%d @ %dx%d\n", *leny, *lenx, *offy, *offx);
return *leny * *lenx;
int ncvisual_rotate(ncvisual* ncv, double rads){
assert(ncv->rowstride / 4 >= ncv->pixx);
rads = -rads; // we're a left-handed Cartesian
int centy, centx;
ncvisual_center(ncv, &centy, &centx); // pixel center (center of 'data')
double stheta, ctheta; // sine, cosine
stheta = sin(rads);
ctheta = cos(rads);
// bounding box for real data within the ncvisual. we must only resize to
// accommodate real data, lest we grow without band as we rotate.
// see
int bby = ncv->pixy;
int bbx = ncv->pixx;
int bboffy = 0;
int bboffx = 0;
if(ncvisual_bounding_box(ncv, &bby, &bbx, &bboffy, &bboffx) <= 0){
logerror("couldn't find a bounding box");
return -1;
int bbarea;
bbarea = rotate_bounding_box(stheta, ctheta, &bby, &bbx, &bboffy, &bboffx);
if(bbarea <= 0){
logerror("couldn't rotate the visual (%d, %d, %d, %d)", bby, bbx, bboffy, bboffx);
return -1;
int bbcentx = bbx, bbcenty = bby;
center_box(&bbcenty, &bbcentx);
//fprintf(stderr, "stride: %d height: %d width: %d\n", ncv->rowstride, ncv->pixy, ncv->pixx);
assert(ncv->rowstride / 4 >= ncv->pixx);
uint32_t* data = malloc(bbarea * 4);
if(data == NULL){
return -1;
memset(data, 0, bbarea * 4);
//fprintf(stderr, "bbarea: %d bby: %d bbx: %d centy: %d centx: %d bbcenty: %d bbcentx: %d\n", bbarea, bby, bbx, centy, centx, bbcenty, bbcentx);
for(unsigned y = 0 ; y < ncv->pixy ; ++y){
for(unsigned x = 0 ; x < ncv->pixx ; ++x){
int targx = x, targy = y;
rotate_point(&targy, &targx, stheta, ctheta, centy, centx);
if(targx > bboffx && targy > bboffy){
const int deconvx = targx - bboffx;
const int deconvy = targy - bboffy;
if(deconvy < bby && deconvx < bbx){
data[deconvy * bbx + deconvx] = ncv->data[y * (ncv->rowstride / 4) + x];
//fprintf(stderr, "CW: %d/%d (%08x) -> %d/%d (stride: %d)\n", y, x, ncv->data[y * (ncv->rowstride / 4) + x], targy, targx, ncv->rowstride);
//fprintf(stderr, "wrote %08x to %d (%d)\n", data[targy * ncv->pixy + targx], targy * ncv->pixy + targx, (targy * ncv->pixy + targx) * 4);
ncvisual_set_data(ncv, data, true);
ncv->pixx = bbx;
ncv->pixy = bby;
ncv->rowstride = bbx * 4;
return 0;
static inline size_t
pad_for_image(size_t stride, int cols){
if(visual_implementation->rowalign == 0){
return 4 * cols;
}else if(stride < cols * 4u){
return (4 * cols + visual_implementation->rowalign) /
visual_implementation->rowalign * visual_implementation->rowalign;
}else if(stride % visual_implementation->rowalign == 0){
return stride;
return (stride + visual_implementation->rowalign) /
visual_implementation->rowalign * visual_implementation->rowalign;
ncvisual* ncvisual_from_rgba(const void* rgba, int rows, int rowstride, int cols){
if(rowstride % 4){
logerror("rowstride %d not a multiple of 4", rowstride);
return NULL;
ncvisual* ncv = ncvisual_create();
// ffmpeg needs inputs with rows aligned on 192-byte boundaries
ncv->rowstride = pad_for_image(rowstride, cols);
ncv->pixx = cols;
ncv->pixy = rows;
uint32_t* data = malloc(ncv->rowstride * ncv->pixy);
if(data == NULL){
return NULL;
for(int y = 0 ; y < rows ; ++y){
//fprintf(stderr, "ROWS: %d STRIDE: %d (%d) COLS: %d %08x\n", ncv->pixy, ncv->rowstride, rowstride, cols, data[ncv->rowstride * y / 4]);
memcpy(data + (ncv->rowstride * y) / 4, (const char*)rgba + rowstride * y, rowstride);
ncvisual_set_data(ncv, data, true);
return ncv;
ncvisual* ncvisual_from_sixel(const char* s, unsigned leny, unsigned lenx){
uint32_t* rgba = ncsixel_as_rgba(s, leny, lenx);
if(rgba == NULL){
logerror("failed converting sixel to rgba");
return NULL;
ncvisual* ncv = ncvisual_from_rgba(rgba, leny, lenx * sizeof(*rgba), lenx);
return ncv;
ncvisual* ncvisual_from_rgb_packed(const void* rgba, int rows, int rowstride,
int cols, int alpha){
ncvisual* ncv = ncvisual_create();
ncv->rowstride = pad_for_image(cols * 4, cols);
ncv->pixx = cols;
ncv->pixy = rows;
uint32_t* data = malloc(ncv->rowstride * ncv->pixy);
if(data == NULL){
return NULL;
const unsigned char* src = rgba;
for(int y = 0 ; y < rows ; ++y){
//fprintf(stderr, "ROWS: %d STRIDE: %d (%d) COLS: %d %08x\n", ncv->pixy, ncv->rowstride, ncv->rowstride / 4, cols, data[ncv->rowstride * y / 4]);
for(int x = 0 ; x < cols ; ++x){
unsigned char r, g, b;
memcpy(&r, src + rowstride * y + 3 * x, 1);
memcpy(&g, src + rowstride * y + 3 * x + 1, 1);
memcpy(&b, src + rowstride * y + 3 * x + 2, 1);
ncpixel_set_a(&data[y * ncv->rowstride / 4 + x], alpha);
ncpixel_set_r(&data[y * ncv->rowstride / 4 + x], r);
ncpixel_set_g(&data[y * ncv->rowstride / 4 + x], g);
ncpixel_set_b(&data[y * ncv->rowstride / 4 + x], b);
//fprintf(stderr, "RGBA: 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x\n", r, g, b, alpha);
ncvisual_set_data(ncv, data, true);
return ncv;
ncvisual* ncvisual_from_rgb_loose(const void* rgba, int rows, int rowstride,
int cols, int alpha){
if(rowstride % 4){
logerror("rowstride %d not a multiple of 4", rowstride);
return NULL;
ncvisual* ncv = ncvisual_create();
ncv->rowstride = pad_for_image(cols * 4, cols);
ncv->pixx = cols;
ncv->pixy = rows;
uint32_t* data = malloc(ncv->rowstride * ncv->pixy);
if(data == NULL){
return NULL;
for(int y = 0 ; y < rows ; ++y){
//fprintf(stderr, "ROWS: %d STRIDE: %d (%d) COLS: %d %08x\n", ncv->pixy, ncv->rowstride, ncv->rowstride / 4, cols, data[ncv->rowstride * y / 4]);
memcpy(data + (ncv->rowstride * y) / 4, (const char*)rgba + rowstride * y, rowstride);
for(int x = 0 ; x < cols ; ++x){
ncpixel_set_a(&data[y * ncv->rowstride / 4 + x], alpha);
ncvisual_set_data(ncv, data, true);
return ncv;
ncvisual* ncvisual_from_bgra(const void* bgra, int rows, int rowstride, int cols){
if(rowstride % 4){
return NULL;
ncvisual* ncv = ncvisual_create();
ncv->rowstride = pad_for_image(rowstride, cols);
ncv->pixx = cols;
ncv->pixy = rows;
uint32_t* data = malloc(ncv->rowstride * ncv->pixy);
if(data == NULL){
return NULL;
for(int y = 0 ; y < rows ; ++y){
for(int x = 0 ; x < cols ; ++x){
uint32_t src;
memcpy(&src, (const char*)bgra + y * rowstride + x * 4, 4);
uint32_t* dst = &data[ncv->rowstride * y / 4 + x];
ncpixel_set_a(dst, ncpixel_a(src));
ncpixel_set_r(dst, ncpixel_b(src));
ncpixel_set_g(dst, ncpixel_g(src));
ncpixel_set_b(dst, ncpixel_r(src));
//fprintf(stderr, "BGRA PIXEL: %02x%02x%02x%02x RGBA result: %02x%02x%02x%02x\n", ((const char*)&src)[0], ((const char*)&src)[1], ((const char*)&src)[2], ((const char*)&src)[3], ((const char*)dst)[0], ((const char*)dst)[1], ((const char*)dst)[2], ((const char*)dst)[3]);
ncvisual_set_data(ncv, data, true);
return ncv;
ncvisual* ncvisual_from_palidx(const void* pdata, int rows, int rowstride,
int cols, int palsize, int pstride,
const uint32_t* palette){
if(rowstride % pstride){
logerror("bad pstride (%d) for rowstride (%d)", pstride, rowstride);
return NULL;
if(palsize > 256 || palsize <= 0){
logerror("palettes size (%d) is unsupported", palsize);
return NULL;
ncvisual* ncv = ncvisual_create();
ncv->rowstride = pad_for_image(rowstride, cols);
ncv->pixx = cols;
ncv->pixy = rows;
uint32_t* data = malloc(ncv->rowstride * ncv->pixy);
if(data == NULL){
return NULL;
for(int y = 0 ; y < rows ; ++y){
for(int x = 0 ; x < cols ; ++x){
int palidx = ((const unsigned char*)pdata)[y * rowstride + x * pstride];
if(palidx >= palsize){
logerror("invalid palette idx %d >= %d", palidx, palsize);
return NULL;
uint32_t src = palette[palidx];
uint32_t* dst = &data[ncv->rowstride * y / 4 + x];
// FIXME use default color as detected, or just 0xffffff
ncpixel_set_a(dst, 255 - palidx);
ncpixel_set_r(dst, palidx);
ncpixel_set_g(dst, 220 - (palidx / 2));
ncpixel_set_b(dst, palidx);
*dst = 0;
//fprintf(stderr, "BGRA PIXEL: %02x%02x%02x%02x RGBA result: %02x%02x%02x%02x\n", ((const char*)&src)[0], ((const char*)&src)[1], ((const char*)&src)[2], ((const char*)&src)[3], ((const char*)dst)[0], ((const char*)dst)[1], ((const char*)dst)[2], ((const char*)dst)[3]);
ncvisual_set_data(ncv, data, true);
return ncv;
int ncvisual_resize(ncvisual* n, int rows, int cols){
return ncvisual_resize_noninterpolative(n, rows, cols);
if(visual_implementation->visual_resize(n, rows, cols)){
return -1;
return 0;
int ncvisual_resize_noninterpolative(ncvisual* n, int rows, int cols){
size_t dstride = pad_for_image(cols * 4, cols);
uint32_t* r = resize_bitmap(n->data, n->pixy, n->pixx, n->rowstride,
rows, cols, dstride);
if(r == NULL){
return -1;
ncvisual_set_data(n, r, true);
n->rowstride = dstride;
n->pixy = rows;
n->pixx = cols;
return 0;
// by the end, disprows/dispcols refer to the number of source rows/cols (in
// pixels), which will be mapped to a region of cells scaled by the encodings).
// the blit will begin at placey/placex (in terms of cells). begy/begx define
// the origin of the source region to draw (in pixels). leny/lenx define the
// geometry of the source region to draw, again in pixels. ncv->pixy and
// ncv->pixx define the source geometry in pixels.
ncplane* ncvisual_render_cells(ncvisual* ncv, const struct blitset* bset,
int placey, int placex,
ncvgeom* geom, ncplane* n,
uint64_t flags, uint32_t transcolor){
logdebug("cblit: rows/cols: %dx%d plane: %d/%d pix: %d/%d", geom->rcelly, geom->rcellx, ncplane_dim_y(n), ncplane_dim_x(n), geom->rpixy, geom->rpixx);
blitterargs bargs;
bargs.transcolor = transcolor;
bargs.begy = geom->begy;
bargs.begx = geom->begx;
bargs.leny = geom->leny;
bargs.lenx = geom->lenx;
bargs.flags = flags;
bargs.u.cell.placey = placey;
bargs.u.cell.placex = placex;
if(ncvisual_blit_internal(ncv, geom->rpixy, geom->rpixx, n, bset, &bargs)){
return NULL;
return n;
// when a sprixel is blitted to a plane, that plane becomes a sprixel plane. it
// must not be used with other output mechanisms unless erased. the plane will
// be shrunk to fit the output, and the output is always placed at the origin.
// sprixels cannot be blitted to the standard plane.
// the placey/placex arguments thus refer to the position of the *plane*, not
// the sprixel. if creating a new plane, they will be used to place it. if
// using an existing plane, the plane will be moved. they are interpreted
// relative to the parent plane, as they would be in ncplane_create().
// by the end, disppixy/disppixx refer to the number of target rows/cols (in
// pixels), aka the scaled geometry. outy refers to the output height, subject
// to Sixel considerations. leny/lenx refer to the number of source rows/cols
// (likewise in pixels). begy/begx refer to the starting offset within the
// source. the sum of begy+leny must not exceed ncv->rows; the sum of begx+lenx
// must not exceed ncv->cols. these sums define the selected geometry. the
// output width is always equal to the scaled width; it has no distinct name.
ncplane* ncvisual_render_pixels(notcurses* nc, ncvisual* ncv, const struct blitset* bset,
int placey, int placex, const ncvgeom* geom,
ncplane* n, uint64_t flags, uint32_t transcolor,
int pxoffy, int pxoffx){
logdebug("pblit: rows/cols: %dx%d plane: %d/%d", geom->rcelly, geom->rcellx, ncplane_dim_y(n), ncplane_dim_x(n));
const tinfo* ti = &nc->tcache;
blitterargs bargs;
bargs.transcolor = transcolor;
bargs.begy = geom->begy;
bargs.begx = geom->begx;
bargs.leny = geom->leny;
bargs.lenx = geom->lenx;
bargs.flags = flags;
bargs.u.pixel.colorregs = ti->color_registers;
bargs.u.pixel.pxoffy = pxoffy;
bargs.u.pixel.pxoffx = pxoffx;
bargs.u.pixel.cellpxy = geom->cdimy;
bargs.u.pixel.cellpxx = geom->cdimx;
const ncpile* p = ncplane_pile_const(n);
if(n->sprite == NULL){
if((n->sprite = sprixel_alloc(n, geom->rcelly, geom->rcellx)) == NULL){
return NULL;
if((n->tam = create_tam(geom->rcelly, geom->rcellx)) == NULL){
return NULL;;
n->sprite = sprixel_recycle(n);
if(n->sprite->dimy != geom->rcelly || n->sprite->dimx != geom->rcellx){
if((n->tam = create_tam(geom->rcelly, geom->rcellx)) == NULL){
return NULL;
n->sprite->dimx = geom->rcellx;
n->sprite->dimy = geom->rcelly;
bargs.u.pixel.spx = n->sprite;
// FIXME need to pull off the ncpile's sprixellist if anything below fails!
if(ncvisual_blit_internal(ncv, geom->rpixy, geom->rpixx, n, bset, &bargs)){
return NULL;
// if we created the plane earlier, placex/placey were taken into account, and
// zeroed out, thus neither of these will have any effect.
if(placex == NCALIGN_CENTER){
placex = (ncplane_dim_x(ncplane_parent_const(n)) * p->cellpxx - geom->rpixx) / 2 / p->cellpxx;
}else if(placex == NCALIGN_RIGHT){
placex = (ncplane_dim_x(ncplane_parent_const(n)) * p->cellpxx - geom->rpixx) / p->cellpxx;
if(placex < 0){
return NULL;
if(placey == NCALIGN_CENTER){
placey = (ncplane_dim_y(ncplane_parent_const(n)) * p->cellpxy - geom->rpixy) / 2 / p->cellpxy;
}else if(placey == NCALIGN_BOTTOM){
placey = (ncplane_dim_y(ncplane_parent_const(n)) * p->cellpxy - geom->rpixy) / p->cellpxy;
if(placey < 0){
return NULL;
// ncplane_resize() hides any attached sprixel, so lift it (the sprixel) out
// for a moment as we shrink the plane to fit. we keep the origin and move to
// the intended location.
sprixel* s = n->sprite;
n->sprite = NULL;
//fprintf(stderr, "ABOUT TO RESIZE: yoff/xoff: %d/%d\n", placey, placex);
// FIXME might need shrink down the TAM and kill unnecessary auxvecs
if(ncplane_resize(n, 0, 0, s->dimy, s->dimx, placey, placex, s->dimy, s->dimx)){
// if we blow up here, then we've got a TAM sized to the sprixel, rather
// than the plane. running it through destroy_tam() via ncplane_destroy()
// will use incorrect bounds for scrubbing said TAM. do it manually here.
cleanup_tam(n->tam, geom->rcelly, geom->rcellx);
n->tam = NULL;
return NULL;
n->sprite = bargs.u.pixel.spx;
//fprintf(stderr, "RESIZED: %d/%d at %d/%d %p\n", ncplane_dim_y(n), ncplane_dim_x(n), ncplane_y(n), ncplane_x(n), n->sprite);
return n;
ncplane* ncvisual_blit(notcurses* nc, ncvisual* ncv, const struct ncvisual_options* vopts){
//fprintf(stderr, "%p tacache: %p\n", n, n->tacache);
struct ncvisual_options fakevopts;
if(vopts == NULL){
memset(&fakevopts, 0, sizeof(fakevopts));
vopts = &fakevopts;
loginfo("inblit %dx%d %d@%d %dx%d @ %dx%d %p", ncv->pixy, ncv->pixx, vopts->y, vopts->x,
vopts->leny, vopts->lenx, vopts->begy, vopts->begx, vopts->n);
ncvgeom geom;
const struct blitset* bset;
unsigned disppxy, disppxx, outy, outx;
int placey, placex;
if(ncvisual_geom_inner(&nc->tcache, ncv, vopts, &geom, &bset,
&disppxy, &disppxx, &outy, &outx,
&placey, &placex)){
// ncvisual_blitset_geom() emits its own diagnostics, no need for an error here
return NULL;
ncplane* n = vopts->n;
uint32_t transcolor = 0;
if(vopts->flags & NCVISUAL_OPTION_ADDALPHA){
transcolor = 0x1000000ull | vopts->transcolor;
ncplane* createdn = NULL; // to destroy on error
if(n == NULL || (vopts->flags & NCVISUAL_OPTION_CHILDPLANE)){ // create plane
struct ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = placey,
.x = placex,
.rows = geom.rcelly,
.cols = geom.rcellx,
.userptr = NULL,
.name = geom.blitter == NCBLIT_PIXEL ? "bmap" : "cvis",
.resizecb = NULL,
.flags = 0,
nopts.x = vopts->x;
nopts.y = vopts->y;
loginfo("placing new plane: %d/%d @ %d/%d 0x%016" PRIx64, nopts.rows, nopts.cols, nopts.y, nopts.x, nopts.flags);
if(n == NULL){
n = ncpile_create(nc, &nopts);
n = ncplane_create(n, &nopts);
if((createdn = n) == NULL){
return NULL;
placey = 0;
placex = 0;
logdebug("blit to plane %p at %d/%d geom %dx%d", n, ncplane_abs_y(n), ncplane_abs_x(n), ncplane_dim_y(n), ncplane_dim_x(n));
if(geom.blitter != NCBLIT_PIXEL){
n = ncvisual_render_cells(ncv, bset, placey, placex,
&geom, n, vopts->flags, transcolor);
n = ncvisual_render_pixels(nc, ncv, bset, placey, placex,
&geom, n,
vopts->flags, transcolor,
vopts->pxoffy, vopts->pxoffx);
if(n == NULL){
return n;
ncvisual* ncvisual_from_plane(const ncplane* n, ncblitter_e blit,
int begy, int begx,
unsigned leny, unsigned lenx){
unsigned py, px;
uint32_t* rgba = ncplane_as_rgba(n, blit, begy, begx, leny, lenx, &py, &px);
//fprintf(stderr, "snarg: %d/%d @ %d/%d (%p)\n", leny, lenx, begy, begx, rgba);
if(rgba == NULL){
return NULL;
unsigned dimy, dimx;
ncplane_dim_yx(n, &dimy, &dimx);
ncvisual* ncv = ncvisual_from_rgba(rgba, py, px * 4, px);
//fprintf(stderr, "RETURNING %p\n", ncv);
return ncv;
void ncvisual_destroy(ncvisual* ncv){
if(visual_implementation->visual_destroy == NULL){
int ncvisual_simple_streamer(ncvisual* ncv, struct ncvisual_options* vopts,
const struct timespec* tspec, void* curry){
struct ncplane* subtitle = NULL;
int ret = 0;
// FIXME improve this hrmmmmm
ncplane* subncp = curry;
subncp->blist = NULL;
subtitle = ncvisual_subtitle_plane(subncp, ncv);
return -1;
clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, TIMER_ABSTIME, tspec, NULL);
return ret;
int ncvisual_set_yx(const struct ncvisual* n, unsigned y, unsigned x, uint32_t pixel){
if(y >= n->pixy){
logerror("invalid coordinates %u/%u", y, x);
return -1;
if(x >= n->pixx){
logerror("invalid coordinates %u/%u", y, x);
return -1;
n->data[y * (n->rowstride / 4) + x] = pixel;
return 0;
int ncvisual_at_yx(const ncvisual* n, unsigned y, unsigned x, uint32_t* pixel){
if(y >= n->pixy){
logerror("invalid coordinates %u/%u (%d/%d)", y, x, n->pixy, n->pixx);
return -1;
if(x >= n->pixx){
logerror("invalid coordinates %u/%u (%d/%d)", y, x, n->pixy, n->pixx);
return -1;
*pixel = n->data[y * (n->rowstride / 4) + x];
return 0;
// originally i wrote this recursively, at which point it promptly began
// exploding once i multithreaded the [yield] demo. hence the clumsy stack
// and hand-rolled iteration. alas, poor yorick!
static int
ncvisual_polyfill_core(ncvisual* n, unsigned y, unsigned x, uint32_t rgba, uint32_t match){
struct topolyfill* stack = malloc(sizeof(*stack));
if(stack == NULL){
return -1;
stack->y = y;
stack->x = x;
stack->next = NULL;
int ret = 0;
struct topolyfill* s;
s = stack;
stack = s->next;
y = s->y;
x = s->x;
uint32_t* pixel = &n->data[y * (n->rowstride / 4) + x];
if(*pixel == match && *pixel != rgba){
// fprintf(stderr, "%d/%d: setting %08x to %08x\n", y, x, *pixel, rgba);
*pixel = rgba;
if(create_polyfill_op(y - 1, x, &stack) == NULL){
goto err;
if(y + 1 < n->pixy){
if(create_polyfill_op(y + 1, x, &stack) == NULL){
goto err;
if(create_polyfill_op(y, x - 1, &stack) == NULL){
goto err;
if(x + 1 < n->pixx){
if(create_polyfill_op(y, x + 1, &stack) == NULL){
goto err;
return ret;
s = stack->next;
stack = s;
return -1;
int ncvisual_polyfill_yx(ncvisual* n, unsigned y, unsigned x, uint32_t rgba){
if(y >= n->pixy){
logerror("invalid coordinates %u/%u", y, x);
return -1;
if(x >= n->pixx){
logerror("invalid coordinates %u/%u", y, x);
return -1;
uint32_t* pixel = &n->data[y * (n->rowstride / 4) + x];
return ncvisual_polyfill_core(n, y, x, rgba, *pixel);
bool notcurses_canopen_images(const notcurses* nc __attribute__ ((unused))){
return false;
return visual_implementation->canopen_images;
bool notcurses_canopen_videos(const notcurses* nc __attribute__ ((unused))){
return false;
return visual_implementation->canopen_videos;