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#include "internal.h"
// these are never allocated themselves, but always as arrays of object
typedef struct nctree_int_item {
void* curry;
ncplane* ncp;
unsigned subcount;
struct nctree_int_item* subs;
} nctree_int_item;
typedef struct nctree {
int (*cbfxn)(ncplane*, void*, int);
nctree_int_item items; // topmost set of items, holds widget plane
nctree_int_item* curitem; // item addressed by the path
unsigned maxdepth; // maximum hierarchy level
unsigned* currentpath; // array of |maxdepth|+1 elements, ended by UINT_MAX
int activerow; // active row -1 <= activerow < dimy
int indentcols; // cols to indent per level
uint64_t bchannels; // border glyph channels
} nctree;
static void
nctree_debug_path(const unsigned* path, const void* pr){
fprintf(stderr, "PATH ");
for(const unsigned* p = path ; *p != UINT_MAX ; ++p){
fprintf(stderr, "%03u ", *p);
fprintf(stderr, "%p\n", pr);
static void
nctree_debug_internal(const nctree_int_item* nii, unsigned* path, unsigned depth){
nctree_debug_path(path, nii->curry);
for(unsigned z = 0 ; z < nii->subcount ; ++z){
path[depth] = z;
path[depth + 1] = UINT_MAX;
nctree_debug_internal(&nii->subs[z], path, depth + 1);
path[depth] = UINT_MAX;
__attribute__ ((unused)) static void
nctree_debug(const nctree* n){
unsigned* path = malloc(sizeof(*path) * (n->maxdepth + 2));
path[0] = UINT_MAX;
nctree_debug_internal(&n->items, path, 0);
// recursively free an array of nctree_int_item; nctree_int_item structs are
// never individually free()d, just their innards
static void
free_tree_items(nctree_int_item* iarray){
for(unsigned c = 0 ; c < iarray->subcount ; ++c){
// allocates a |count|-sized array of nctree_int_items, and fills |fill| in,
// using |items|. updates |*maxdepth| when appropriate.
static int
dup_tree_items(nctree_int_item* fill, const struct nctree_item* items,
unsigned count, unsigned depth, unsigned* maxdepth){
fill->subcount = count;
// FIXME perhaps better to alloc a page at a time and take all items from
// there, for better TLB performance?
fill->subs = malloc(sizeof(*fill->subs) * count);
if(fill->subs == NULL){
return -1;
for(unsigned c = 0 ; c < fill->subcount ; ++c){
nctree_int_item* nii = &fill->subs[c];
nii->curry = items[c].curry;
if(nii->curry == NULL){
return -1;
nii->ncp = NULL;
if(dup_tree_items(nii, items[c].subs, items[c].subcount, depth + 1, maxdepth)){
return -1;
if(depth > *maxdepth){
*maxdepth = depth;
return 0;
static void
goto_last_item(nctree* n){
void* prev = NULL;
void* r;
while((r = nctree_next(n))){
if(r == prev){
prev = r;
static void
goto_first_item(nctree* n){
if(n->maxdepth == 0){
n->currentpath[0] = UINT_MAX;
n->curitem = NULL;
n->activerow = -1;
n->currentpath[0] = 0;
n->currentpath[1] = UINT_MAX;
n->curitem = &n->items.subs[0];
n->activerow = 0;
// the initial path ought point to the first item.
static int
prep_initial_path(nctree* n, unsigned maxdepth){
n->currentpath = malloc(sizeof(*n->currentpath) * (maxdepth + 2));
if(n->currentpath == NULL){
return -1;
return 0;
static nctree*
nctree_inner_create(ncplane* n, const nctree_options* opts){
nctree* ret = malloc(sizeof(*ret));
ret->cbfxn = opts->nctreecb;
ret->indentcols = opts->indentcols;
ret->maxdepth = 0;
if(dup_tree_items(&ret->items, opts->items, opts->count, 0, &ret->maxdepth)){
return NULL;
//fprintf(stderr, "MAXDEPTH: %u\n", ret->maxdepth);
if(prep_initial_path(ret, ret->maxdepth)){
return NULL;
ret->items.ncp = n;
ret->items.curry = NULL;
return ret;
// add the single item (*not* the hierarchy) of |add| at |spec|. the |spec|
// must be valid along the path.
// precondition: spec[0] != UINT_MAX
static int
nctree_add_internal(nctree* n, nctree_int_item* nii, const unsigned* spec,
const struct nctree_item* add){
const unsigned* p = spec;
unsigned depth = 0;
while(p[1] != UINT_MAX){ // we know p[0] isn't UINT_MAX
if(*p >= nii->subcount){
logerror("invalid path element (%u >= %u)", *p, nii->subcount);
return -1;
nii = &nii->subs[*p];
// we're at the node into which |add| ought be inserted
// this last one can be equal to subcount; we're placing it at the end
if(*p > nii->subcount){
logerror("invalid path element (%u >= %u)", *p, nii->subcount);
return -1;
struct nctree_int_item* tmparr = realloc(nii->subs, sizeof(*nii->subs) * (nii->subcount + 1));
if(tmparr == NULL){
return -1;
nii->subs = tmparr;
if(*p != nii->subcount){
memmove(&nii->subs[*p + 1], &nii->subs[*p],
sizeof(*nii->subs) * (nii->subcount - *p));
if((unsigned)(p - spec) >= n->maxdepth){
unsigned max = p - spec + 1;
unsigned* tmp = realloc(n->currentpath, sizeof(*n->currentpath) * (max + 2));
if(tmp == NULL){
return -1;
n->currentpath = tmp;
n->currentpath[max] = UINT_MAX;
n->maxdepth = max;
nii->subs[*p].subs = NULL;
nii->subs[*p].subcount = 0;
nii->subs[*p].curry = add->curry;
nii->subs[*p].ncp = NULL;
return 0;
int nctree_add(nctree* n, const unsigned* spec, const struct nctree_item* add){
// it's illegal to pass an empty path for addition; one must pass { 0, UINT_MAX }
if(spec[0] == UINT_MAX){
logerror("invalid empty path");
return -1;
logerror("invalid subs %p", add->subs);
return -1;
logerror("invalid subcount %u", add->subcount);
return -1;
if(nctree_add_internal(n, &n->items, spec, add)){
return -1;
if(n->activerow == -1){
n->activerow = 0;
n->curitem = &n->items.subs[0];
n->currentpath = malloc(sizeof(*n->currentpath) * 3);
n->currentpath[0] = 0;
n->currentpath[1] = UINT_MAX;
n->maxdepth = 1;
return 0;
int nctree_del(nctree* n, const unsigned* spec){
nctree_int_item* parent = NULL;
nctree_int_item* nii = &n->items;
const unsigned* p = spec;
while(*p != UINT_MAX){
if(*p >= nii->subcount){
logerror("invalid path element (%u >= %u)", *p, nii->subcount);
return -1;
parent = nii;
nii = &nii->subs[*p];
// parent can only be defined if we had at least one path element
unsigned lastelem = spec[-1];
if(lastelem != --parent->subcount){
memmove(&parent->subs[lastelem], &parent->subs[lastelem + 1],
sizeof(*parent->subs) * (parent->subcount - lastelem));
if(n->items.subcount == 0){
n->activerow = -1;
n->curitem = NULL;
return 0;
nctree* nctree_create(ncplane* n, const nctree_options* opts){
logwarn("passed invalid flags 0x%016" PRIx64, opts->flags);
if(n == notcurses_stdplane(ncplane_notcurses(n))){
logerror("can't use the standard plane");
goto error;
if(opts->nctreecb == NULL){
logerror("can't use NULL callback");
goto error;
if(opts->indentcols < 0){
logerror("can't indent negative columns");
goto error;
nctree* ret = nctree_inner_create(n, opts);
if(ret == NULL){
logerror("couldn't prepare nctree");
goto error;
return ret;
return NULL;
void nctree_destroy(nctree* n){
// Returns the ncplane on which this nctree lives.
ncplane* nctree_plane(nctree* n){
return n->items.ncp;
// the prev is either:
// the item to the left, if the last path component is 0, or
// a drop from the rightmost non-zero path component, extended out to the right, or
// the current item
// so we can always just go to the last path component, act there, and possibly
// extend it out to the maximal topright.
static nctree_int_item*
nctree_prev_internal(nctree* n, unsigned* newpath){
nctree_int_item* nii = &n->items;
nctree_int_item* wedge = NULL; // tracks the rightmost non-zero path
int idx = 0;
while(newpath[idx] != UINT_MAX){
nii = &nii->subs[newpath[idx]];
if(idx == 0){
wedge = &n->items;
}else{// if(idx > 1){
wedge = &wedge->subs[newpath[idx - 1]];
nii = &wedge->subs[newpath[idx]];
//fprintf(stderr, "nii->subcount: %u idx: %d\n", nii->subcount, idx);
newpath[idx] = nii->subcount - 1;
nii = &nii->subs[newpath[idx]];
//fprintf(stderr, "nii->subcount: %u idx: %d\n", nii->subcount, idx);
newpath[idx] = UINT_MAX;
return nii;
if(wedge == &n->items){
return nii; // no change
newpath[idx] = UINT_MAX;
return wedge;
void* nctree_prev(nctree* n){
int rows = 0;
rows = ncplane_dim_y(n->curitem->ncp);
nctree_int_item* tmp = nctree_prev_internal(n, n->currentpath);
if(tmp != n->curitem){
n->curitem = tmp;
n->activerow -= rows;
if(n->activerow < 0){
n->activerow = 0;
return n->curitem->curry;
// the next is either:
// - an extension to the right, if subs are available, or
// - a bump to the rightmost path component with subcount available, or
// - the current item
static nctree_int_item*
nctree_next_internal(nctree* n, unsigned* newpath){
nctree_int_item* nii = &n->items;
nctree_int_item* wedge = NULL; // tracks the rightmost with room in subs
int idx = 0;
int wedidx = 0;
while(newpath[idx] != UINT_MAX){
if(newpath[idx] < nii->subcount - 1){
wedge = nii;
wedidx = idx;
nii = &nii->subs[newpath[idx]];
newpath[idx] = 0;
newpath[idx + 1] = UINT_MAX;
return &nii->subs[newpath[idx]];
newpath[wedidx + 1] = UINT_MAX;
return &wedge->subs[newpath[wedidx]];
return nii;
void* nctree_next(nctree* n){
int rows = 0;
rows = ncplane_dim_y(n->curitem->ncp);
nctree_int_item* tmp = nctree_next_internal(n, n->currentpath);
if(tmp != n->curitem){
n->curitem = tmp;
n->activerow += rows;
if(n->activerow >= (int)ncplane_dim_y(n->items.ncp)){
n->activerow = ncplane_dim_y(n->items.ncp) - 1;
return n->curitem->curry;
static int
tree_path_length(const unsigned* path){
int len = 0;
while(path[len] != UINT_MAX){
return len;
// draw the item. if *|frontiert| == *|frontierb|, we're the current item, and
// can use all the available space. if *|frontiert| < 0, draw down from
// *|frontierb|. otherwise, draw up from *|frontiert|.
static int
draw_tree_item(nctree* n, nctree_int_item* nii, const unsigned* path,
int* frontiert, int* frontierb, int distance){
const int startx = (tree_path_length(path) - 1) * n->indentcols;
int ymin, ymax;
if(*frontiert == *frontierb){
ymin = 0;
ymax = ncplane_dim_y(n->items.ncp) - 1;
}else if(*frontiert < 0){
ymin = *frontierb;
ymax = ncplane_dim_y(n->items.ncp) - 1;
ymin = 0;
ymax = *frontiert;
//fprintf(stderr, "x: %d y: %d\n", startx, ymin);
struct ncplane_options nopts = {
.x = startx,
.y = ymin,
.cols = ncplane_dim_x(n->items.ncp) - startx,
.rows = ymax - ymin + 1,
.userptr = NULL,
.name = NULL,
.resizecb = NULL,
.flags = 0,
nii->ncp = ncplane_create(n->items.ncp, &nopts);
if(nii->ncp == NULL){
return -1;
// FIXME possibly enlarge nii->ncp?
if(ncplane_y(nii->ncp) <= *frontiert || *frontierb >= (int)ncplane_dim_y(n->items.ncp)){
ncplane_move_yx(nii->ncp, *frontiert, ncplane_x(nii->ncp));
ncplane_move_yx(nii->ncp, *frontierb, ncplane_x(nii->ncp));
int ret = n->cbfxn(nii->ncp, nii->curry, distance);
if(ret < 0){
return -1;
// FIXME shrink plane if it was enlarged
//fprintf(stderr, "ft: %d fb: %d %p ncplane_y: %d\n", *frontiert, *frontierb, nii->ncp, ncplane_y(nii->ncp));
if(ncplane_y(nii->ncp) <= *frontiert){
*frontiert = ncplane_y(nii->ncp) - 1;
if(ncplane_y(nii->ncp) + (int)ncplane_dim_y(nii->ncp) > *frontierb){
*frontierb = ncplane_y(nii->ncp) + ncplane_dim_y(nii->ncp);
return 0;
// iterate backwards from tmppath, destroying any ncplanes we find. they've
// been pushed off-screen. tmppath is changed as we iterate. nii will not be
// destroyed, only items above nii.
static int
destroy_above(nctree* n, nctree_int_item* nii, unsigned* path, int distance){
nctree_int_item* tmpnii;
while((tmpnii = nctree_prev_internal(n, path)) != nii){
nii = tmpnii;
nii->ncp = NULL;
n->cbfxn(nii->ncp, nii->curry, distance);
return 0;
// iterate forwards from tmppath, destroying any ncplanes we find. they've
// been pushed off-screen. tmppath is changed as we iterate. nii will not be
// destroyed, only items below nii.
static int
destroy_below(nctree* n, nctree_int_item* nii, unsigned* path, int distance){
nctree_int_item* tmpnii;
while((tmpnii = nctree_next_internal(n, path)) != nii){
nii = tmpnii;
nii->ncp = NULL;
n->cbfxn(nii->ncp, nii->curry, distance);
return 0;
// tmppath ought be initialized with currentpath, but having size sufficient
// to hold n->maxdepth + 1 unsigneds.
static int
nctree_inner_redraw(nctree* n, unsigned* tmppath){
if(n->activerow < 0){
return 0;
ncplane* ncp = n->items.ncp;
if(ncplane_cursor_move_yx(ncp, n->activerow, 0)){
return -1;
int frontiert = n->activerow;
int frontierb = n->activerow;
nctree_int_item* nii = n->curitem;
int distance = 0;
// draw the focused item
if(draw_tree_item(n, nii, tmppath, &frontiert, &frontierb, distance)){
return -1;
nctree_int_item* tmpnii;
// draw items above the current one
while(frontiert >= 0){
if((tmpnii = nctree_prev_internal(n, tmppath)) == nii){
nii = tmpnii;
if(draw_tree_item(n, nii, tmppath, &frontiert, &frontierb, distance)){
return -1;
destroy_above(n, nii, tmppath, distance);
// move items up if there is a gap at the top FIXME
if(frontiert >= 0){
distance = 0;
n->activerow = ncplane_y(n->curitem->ncp);
nii = n->curitem;
// draw items below the current one FIXME
memcpy(tmppath, n->currentpath, sizeof(*tmppath) * (n->maxdepth + 1));
while(frontierb < (int)ncplane_dim_y(n->items.ncp)){
if((tmpnii = nctree_next_internal(n, tmppath)) == nii){
nii = tmpnii;
if(draw_tree_item(n, nii, tmppath, &frontiert, &frontierb, distance)){
return -1;
destroy_below(n, nii, tmppath, distance);
return 0;
int nctree_redraw(nctree* n){
unsigned* tmppath = malloc(sizeof(*tmppath) * (n->maxdepth + 2));
if(tmppath == NULL){
return -1;
memcpy(tmppath, n->currentpath, sizeof(*tmppath) * (n->maxdepth + 1));
int ret = nctree_inner_redraw(n, tmppath);
return ret;
bool nctree_offer_input(nctree* n, const ncinput* ni){
if(ni->evtype == NCTYPE_RELEASE){
return false;
if(ni->id == NCKEY_UP){
return true;
}else if(ni->id == NCKEY_DOWN){
return true;
}else if(ni->id == NCKEY_PGUP){
nctree_prev(n); // more FIXME
return true;
}else if(ni->id == NCKEY_PGDOWN){
nctree_next(n); // more FIXME
return true;
}else if(ni->id == NCKEY_HOME){
return true;
}else if(ni->id == NCKEY_END){
return true;
// FIXME implement left, right, +, - (expand/collapse)
return false;
void* nctree_focused(nctree* n){
return n->curitem->curry;
void* nctree_goto(nctree* n, const unsigned* spec, int* failspec){
n->activerow = 0;
return NULL;