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#include "internal.h"
typedef struct nctabbed_opsint {
uint64_t selchan; // channel for the selected tab header
uint64_t hdrchan; // channel for unselected tab headers
uint64_t sepchan; // channel for the tab separator
char* separator; // separator string (copied by nctabbed_create())
uint64_t flags; // bitmask of NCTABBED_OPTION_*
} nctabbed_opsint;
typedef struct nctabbed {
ncplane* ncp; // widget ncplane
ncplane* p; // tab content ncplane
ncplane* hp; // tab headers ncplane
// a doubly-linked circular list of tabs
nctab* leftmost; // the tab most to the left
nctab* selected; // the currently selected tab
int tabcount; // tab separator (can be NULL)
int sepcols; // separator with in columns
nctabbed_opsint opts; // copied in nctabbed_create()
} nctabbed;
void nctabbed_redraw(nctabbed* nt){
nctab* t;
unsigned drawn_cols = 0;
unsigned rows, cols;
if(nt->tabcount == 0){
// no tabs = nothing to draw
// update sizes for planes
ncplane_dim_yx(nt->ncp, &rows, &cols);
if(nt->opts.flags & NCTABBED_OPTION_BOTTOM){
ncplane_resize_simple(nt->hp, -1, cols);
ncplane_resize_simple(nt->p, rows - 1, cols);
ncplane_move_yx(nt->hp, rows - 2, 0);
ncplane_resize_simple(nt->hp, -1, cols);
ncplane_resize_simple(nt->p, rows - 1, cols);
// the callback draws the tab contents
nt->selected->cb(nt->selected, nt->p, nt->selected->curry);
// now we draw the headers
t = nt->leftmost;
ncplane_set_channels(nt->hp, nt->opts.hdrchan);
if(t == nt->selected){
ncplane_set_channels(nt->hp, nt->opts.selchan);
drawn_cols += ncplane_putstr(nt->hp, t->name);
ncplane_set_channels(nt->hp, nt->opts.hdrchan);
drawn_cols += ncplane_putstr(nt->hp, t->name);
// avoid drawing the separator after the last tab, or when we
// ran out of space, or when it's not set
if((t->next != nt->leftmost || drawn_cols >= cols) && nt->opts.separator){
ncplane_set_channels(nt->hp, nt->opts.sepchan);
drawn_cols += ncplane_putstr(nt->hp, nt->opts.separator);
ncplane_set_channels(nt->hp, nt->opts.hdrchan);
t = t->next;
}while(t != nt->leftmost && drawn_cols < cols);
void nctabbed_ensure_selected_header_visible(nctabbed* nt){
nctab* t = nt->leftmost;
int cols = ncplane_dim_x(nt->hp);
int takencols = 0;
//fprintf(stderr, "ensuring selected header visible\n");
if(t == nt->selected){
takencols += t->namecols + nt->sepcols;
if(takencols >= cols){
//fprintf(stderr, "not enough space, rotating\n");
takencols -= nt->leftmost->namecols + nt->sepcols;
nctabbed_rotate(nt, -1);
t = t->next;
//fprintf(stderr, "iteration over: takencols = %d, cols = %d\n", takencols, cols);
}while(t != nt->leftmost);
//fprintf(stderr, "ensuring done\n");
static bool
nctabbed_validate_opts(const nctabbed_options* opts){
if(opts->flags > NCTABBED_OPTION_BOTTOM){
logwarn("provided unsupported flags 0x%016" PRIx64, opts->flags);
if(opts->sepchan && !opts->separator){
logwarn("provided non-zero separator channel when separator is NULL")
return true;
nctab* nctabbed_selected(nctabbed* nt){
return nt->selected;
nctab* nctabbed_leftmost(nctabbed* nt){
return nt->leftmost;
int nctabbed_tabcount(nctabbed* nt){
return nt->tabcount;
ncplane* nctabbed_plane(nctabbed* nt){
return nt->ncp;
ncplane* nctabbed_content_plane(nctabbed* nt){
return nt->p;
tabcb nctab_cb(nctab* t){
return t->cb;
const char* nctab_name(nctab* t){
return t->name;
int nctab_name_width(nctab* t){
return t->namecols;
void* nctab_userptr(nctab* t){
return t->curry;
nctab* nctab_next(nctab* t){
return t->next;
nctab* nctab_prev(nctab* t){
return t->prev;
nctabbed* nctabbed_create(ncplane* n, const nctabbed_options* topts){
nctabbed_options zeroed = {0};
ncplane_options nopts = {0};
unsigned nrows, ncols;
nctabbed* nt = NULL;
topts = &zeroed;
goto err;
if((nt = malloc(sizeof(*nt))) == NULL){
logerror("Couldn't allocate nctabbed");
goto err;
nt->ncp = n;
nt->leftmost = nt->selected = NULL;
nt->tabcount = 0;
nt->sepcols = 0;
nt->opts.separator = NULL;
nt->opts.selchan = topts->selchan;
nt->opts.hdrchan = topts->hdrchan;
nt->opts.sepchan = topts->sepchan;
nt->opts.flags = topts->flags;
if((nt->sepcols = ncstrwidth(topts->separator, NULL, NULL)) < 0){
logerror("Separator string contains illegal characters");
goto err;
if((nt->opts.separator = strdup(topts->separator)) == NULL){
logerror("Couldn't allocate nctabbed separator");
goto err;
ncplane_dim_yx(n, &nrows, &ncols);
if(topts->flags & NCTABBED_OPTION_BOTTOM){
nopts.y = nopts.x = 0;
nopts.cols = ncols;
nopts.rows = nrows - 1;
if((nt->p = ncplane_create(n, &nopts)) == NULL){
logerror("Couldn't create the tab content plane");
goto err;
nopts.y = nrows - 2;
nopts.rows = 1;
if((nt->hp = ncplane_create(n, &nopts)) == NULL){
logerror("Couldn't create the tab headers plane");
goto err;
nopts.y = nopts.x = 0;
nopts.cols = ncols;
nopts.rows = 1;
if((nt->hp = ncplane_create(n, &nopts)) == NULL){
logerror("Couldn't create the tab headers plane");
goto err;
nopts.y = 1;
nopts.rows = nrows - 1;
if((nt->p = ncplane_create(n, &nopts)) == NULL){
logerror("Couldn't create the tab content plane");
goto err;
if(ncplane_set_widget(nt->ncp, nt, (void(*)(void*))nctabbed_destroy)){
goto err;
return nt;
return NULL;
nctab* nctabbed_add(nctabbed* nt, nctab* after, nctab* before, tabcb cb,
const char* name, void* opaque){
nctab* t;
if(after && before){
if(after->next != before || before->prev != after){
logerror("bad before (%p) / after (%p) spec", before, after);
return NULL;
}else if(!after && !before){
// add it to the right of the selected tab
after = nt->selected;
if((t = malloc(sizeof(*t))) == NULL){
logerror("Couldn't allocate nctab")
return NULL;
if((t->name = strdup(name)) == NULL){
logerror("Couldn't allocate the tab name");
return NULL;
if((t->namecols = ncstrwidth(name, NULL, NULL)) < 0){
logerror("Tab name contains illegal characters")
return NULL;
t->next = after->next;
t->prev = after;
after->next = t;
t->next->prev = t;
}else if(before){
t->next = before;
t->prev = before->prev;
before->prev = t;
t->prev->next = t;
// the first tab
t->prev = t->next = t;
nt->leftmost = nt->selected = t;
t->nt = nt;
t->cb = cb;
t->curry = opaque;
return t;
int nctabbed_del(nctabbed* nt, nctab* t){
logerror("Provided NULL nctab");
return -1;
if(nt->tabcount == 1){
nt->leftmost = nt->selected = NULL;
if(nt->selected == t){
nt->selected = t->next;
if(nt->leftmost == t){
nt->leftmost = t->next;
t->next->prev = t->prev;
t->prev->next = t->next;
return 0;
int nctab_move(nctabbed* nt __attribute__ ((unused)), nctab* t, nctab* after, nctab* before){
if(after && before){
if(after->prev != before || before->next != after){
logerror("bad before (%p) / after (%p) spec", before, after);
return -1;
}else if(!after && !before){
logerror("bad before (%p) / after (%p) spec", before, after);
return -1;
// bad things would happen
if(t == after || t == before){
logerror("Cannot move a tab before or after itself.");
return -1;
t->prev->next = t->next;
t->next->prev = t->prev;
t->next = after->next;
t->prev = after;
after->next = t;
t->next->prev = t;
t->next = before;
t->prev = before->prev;
before->prev = t;
t->prev->next = t;
return 0;
void nctab_move_right(nctabbed* nt, nctab* t){
if(t == nt->leftmost->prev){
nctab_move(nt, t, NULL, nt->leftmost);
nt->leftmost = t;
}else if(t == nt->leftmost){
nt->leftmost = t->next;
nctab_move(nt, t, t->next, NULL);
void nctab_move_left(nctabbed* nt, nctab* t){
if(t == nt->leftmost){
nt->leftmost = t->next;
nctab_move(nt, t, nt->leftmost->prev, NULL);
}else if(t == nt->leftmost->next){
nt->leftmost = t;
nctab_move(nt, t, NULL, t->prev);
void nctabbed_rotate(nctabbed* nt, int amt){
if(amt > 0){
for(int i = 0 ; i < amt ; ++i){
nt->leftmost = nt->leftmost->prev;
for(int i = 0 ; i < -amt ; ++i){
nt->leftmost = nt->leftmost->next;
nctab* nctabbed_next(nctabbed* nt){
if(nt->tabcount == 0){
return NULL;
nt->selected = nt->selected->next;
return nt->selected;
nctab* nctabbed_prev(nctabbed* nt){
if(nt->tabcount == 0){
return NULL;
nt->selected = nt->selected->prev;
return nt->selected;
nctab* nctabbed_select(nctabbed* nt, nctab* t){
nctab* prevsel = nt->selected;
nt->selected = t;
return prevsel;
void nctabbed_channels(nctabbed* nt, uint64_t* RESTRICT hdrchan,
uint64_t* RESTRICT selchan, uint64_t* RESTRICT sepchan){
memcpy(hdrchan, &nt->opts.hdrchan, sizeof(*hdrchan));
memcpy(selchan, &nt->opts.selchan, sizeof(*selchan));
memcpy(sepchan, &nt->opts.sepchan, sizeof(*sepchan));
const char* nctabbed_separator(nctabbed* nt){
return nt->opts.separator;
int nctabbed_separator_width(nctabbed* nt){
return nt->sepcols;
void nctabbed_destroy(nctabbed* nt){
if(ncplane_set_widget(nt->ncp, NULL, NULL) == 0){
nctab* t = nt->leftmost;
nctab* tmp;
t->prev->next = NULL;
t->next->prev = NULL;
tmp = t->next;
t = tmp;
void nctabbed_set_hdrchan(nctabbed* nt, uint64_t chan){
nt->opts.hdrchan = chan;
void nctabbed_set_selchan(nctabbed* nt, uint64_t chan){
nt->opts.selchan = chan;
void nctabbed_set_sepchan(nctabbed* nt, uint64_t chan){
nt->opts.sepchan = chan;
tabcb nctab_set_cb(nctab* t, tabcb newcb){
tabcb prevcb = t->cb;
t->cb = newcb;
return prevcb;
int nctab_set_name(nctab* t, const char* newname){
int newnamecols;
char* prevname = t->name;
if((newnamecols = ncstrwidth(newname, NULL, NULL)) < 0){
logerror("New tab name contains illegal characters");
return -1;
if((t->name = strdup(newname)) == NULL){
logerror("Couldn't allocate new tab name");
t->name = prevname;
return -1;
t->namecols = newnamecols;
return 0;
void* nctab_set_userptr(nctab* t, void* newopaque){
void* prevcurry = t->curry;
t->curry = newopaque;
return prevcurry;
int nctabbed_set_separator(nctabbed* nt, const char* separator){
int newsepcols;
char* prevsep = nt->opts.separator;
if((newsepcols = ncstrwidth(separator, NULL, NULL)) < 0){
logerror("New tab separator contains illegal characters");
return -1;
if((nt->opts.separator = strdup(separator)) == NULL){
logerror("Couldn't allocate new tab separator");
nt->opts.separator = prevsep;
return -1;
nt->sepcols = newsepcols;
return 0;