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#include <inttypes.h>
#include "internal.h"
// update timings for writeout. only call on success. call only under statlock.
void update_write_stats(const struct timespec* time1, const struct timespec* time0,
ncstats* stats, int bytes){
if(bytes >= 0){
const int64_t elapsed = timespec_to_ns(time1) - timespec_to_ns(time0);
if(elapsed > 0){ // don't count clearly incorrect information, egads
stats->writeout_ns += elapsed;
if(elapsed > stats->writeout_max_ns){
stats->writeout_max_ns = elapsed;
if(elapsed < stats->writeout_min_ns){
stats->writeout_min_ns = elapsed;
// negative 'bytes' are ignored as failures. call only while holding statlock.
// we don't increment failed_rasters here because 'bytes' < 0 actually indicates
// a rasterization failure -- we can't fail in rastering anymore.
void update_raster_bytes(ncstats* stats, int bytes){
if(bytes >= 0){
stats->raster_bytes += bytes;
if(bytes > stats->raster_max_bytes){
stats->raster_max_bytes = bytes;
if(bytes < stats->raster_min_bytes){
stats->raster_min_bytes = bytes;
// call only while holding statlock.
void update_render_stats(const struct timespec* time1, const struct timespec* time0,
ncstats* stats){
const int64_t elapsed = timespec_to_ns(time1) - timespec_to_ns(time0);
//fprintf(stderr, "Rendering took %ld.%03lds\n", elapsed / NANOSECS_IN_SEC,
// (elapsed % NANOSECS_IN_SEC) / 1000000);
if(elapsed > 0){ // don't count clearly incorrect information, egads
stats->render_ns += elapsed;
if(elapsed > stats->render_max_ns){
stats->render_max_ns = elapsed;
if(elapsed < stats->render_min_ns){
stats->render_min_ns = elapsed;
// call only while holding statlock.
void update_raster_stats(const struct timespec* time1, const struct timespec* time0,
ncstats* stats){
const int64_t elapsed = timespec_to_ns(time1) - timespec_to_ns(time0);
//fprintf(stderr, "Rasterizing took %ld.%03lds\n", elapsed / NANOSECS_IN_SEC,
// (elapsed % NANOSECS_IN_SEC) / 1000000);
if(elapsed > 0){ // don't count clearly incorrect information, egads
stats->raster_ns += elapsed;
if(elapsed > stats->raster_max_ns){
stats->raster_max_ns = elapsed;
if(elapsed < stats->raster_min_ns){
stats->raster_min_ns = elapsed;
void reset_stats(ncstats* stats){
uint64_t fbbytes = stats->fbbytes;
unsigned planes = stats->planes;
memset(stats, 0, sizeof(*stats));
stats->render_min_ns = 1ull << 62u;
stats->raster_min_bytes = 1ull << 62u;
stats->raster_min_ns = 1ull << 62u;
stats->writeout_min_ns = 1ull << 62u;
stats->fbbytes = fbbytes;
stats->planes = planes;
void notcurses_stats(notcurses* nc, ncstats* stats){
memcpy(stats, &nc->stats.s, sizeof(*stats));
ncstats* notcurses_stats_alloc(const notcurses* nc __attribute__ ((unused))){
ncstats* ret = malloc(sizeof(ncstats));
if(ret == NULL){
return NULL;
return ret;
void notcurses_stats_reset(notcurses* nc, ncstats* stats){
memcpy(stats, &nc->stats.s, sizeof(*stats));
// add the stats to the stashed stats, so that we can show true totals on
// shutdown in the closing banner
ncstats* stash = &nc->stashed_stats;
if(nc->stats.s.render_min_ns < stash->render_min_ns){
stash->render_min_ns = nc->stats.s.render_min_ns;
if(nc->stats.s.raster_min_bytes < stash->raster_min_bytes){
stash->raster_min_bytes = nc->stats.s.raster_min_bytes;
if(nc->stats.s.raster_min_ns < stash->raster_min_ns){
stash->raster_min_ns = nc->stats.s.raster_min_ns;
if(nc->stats.s.writeout_min_ns < stash->writeout_min_ns){
stash->writeout_min_ns = nc->stats.s.writeout_min_ns;
if(nc->stats.s.render_max_ns > stash->render_max_ns){
stash->render_max_ns = nc->stats.s.render_max_ns;
if(nc->stats.s.raster_max_bytes > stash->raster_max_bytes){
stash->raster_max_bytes = nc->stats.s.raster_max_bytes;
if(nc->stats.s.raster_max_ns > stash->raster_max_ns){
stash->raster_max_ns = nc->stats.s.raster_max_ns;
if(nc->stats.s.writeout_max_ns > stash->writeout_max_ns){
stash->writeout_max_ns = nc->stats.s.writeout_max_ns;
stash->writeout_ns += nc->stats.s.writeout_ns;
stash->raster_ns += nc->stats.s.raster_ns;
stash->render_ns += nc->stats.s.render_ns;
stash->raster_bytes += nc->stats.s.raster_bytes;
stash->failed_renders += nc->stats.s.failed_renders;
stash->failed_writeouts += nc->stats.s.failed_writeouts;
stash->renders += nc->stats.s.renders;
stash->writeouts += nc->stats.s.writeouts;
stash->cellelisions += nc->stats.s.cellelisions;
stash->cellemissions += nc->stats.s.cellemissions;
stash->fgelisions += nc->stats.s.fgelisions;
stash->fgemissions += nc->stats.s.fgemissions;
stash->bgelisions += nc->stats.s.bgelisions;
stash->bgemissions += nc->stats.s.bgemissions;
stash->defaultelisions += nc->stats.s.defaultelisions;
stash->defaultemissions += nc->stats.s.defaultemissions;
stash->refreshes += nc->stats.s.refreshes;
stash->sprixelemissions += nc->stats.s.sprixelemissions;
stash->sprixelelisions += nc->stats.s.sprixelelisions;
stash->sprixelbytes += nc->stats.s.sprixelbytes;
stash->appsync_updates += nc->stats.s.appsync_updates;
stash->input_errors += nc->stats.s.input_errors;
stash->input_events += nc->stats.s.input_events;
stash->hpa_gratuitous += nc->stats.s.hpa_gratuitous;
stash->cell_geo_changes += nc->stats.s.cell_geo_changes;
stash->pixel_geo_changes += nc->stats.s.pixel_geo_changes;
stash->fbbytes = nc->stats.s.fbbytes;
stash->planes = nc->stats.s.planes;
// remember, by this time, we no longer have terminal info
void summarize_stats(notcurses* nc){
const ncstats *stats = &nc->stashed_stats;
char totalbuf[NCBPREFIXSTRLEN + 1];
char minbuf[NCBPREFIXSTRLEN + 1];
char maxbuf[NCBPREFIXSTRLEN + 1];
char avgbuf[NCBPREFIXSTRLEN + 1];
ncqprefix(stats->render_ns, NANOSECS_IN_SEC, totalbuf, 0);
ncqprefix(stats->render_min_ns, NANOSECS_IN_SEC, minbuf, 0);
ncqprefix(stats->render_max_ns, NANOSECS_IN_SEC, maxbuf, 0);
ncqprefix(stats->render_ns / stats->renders, NANOSECS_IN_SEC, avgbuf, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "%"PRIu64" render%s, %ss (%ss min, %ss avg, %ss max)" NL,
stats->renders, stats->renders == 1 ? "" : "s",
totalbuf, minbuf, avgbuf, maxbuf);
if(stats->writeouts || stats->failed_writeouts){
ncqprefix(stats->raster_ns, NANOSECS_IN_SEC, totalbuf, 0);
ncqprefix(stats->raster_min_ns, NANOSECS_IN_SEC, minbuf, 0);
ncqprefix(stats->raster_max_ns, NANOSECS_IN_SEC, maxbuf, 0);
ncqprefix(stats->raster_ns / (stats->writeouts + stats->failed_writeouts),
NANOSECS_IN_SEC, avgbuf, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "%"PRIu64" raster%s, %ss (%ss min, %ss avg, %ss max)" NL,
stats->writeouts, stats->writeouts == 1 ? "" : "s",
totalbuf, minbuf, avgbuf, maxbuf);
ncqprefix(stats->writeout_ns, NANOSECS_IN_SEC, totalbuf, 0);
ncqprefix(stats->writeout_ns ? stats->writeout_min_ns : 0,
NANOSECS_IN_SEC, minbuf, 0);
ncqprefix(stats->writeout_max_ns, NANOSECS_IN_SEC, maxbuf, 0);
ncqprefix(stats->writeouts ? stats->writeout_ns / stats->writeouts : 0,
NANOSECS_IN_SEC, avgbuf, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "%"PRIu64" write%s, %ss (%ss min, %ss avg, %ss max)" NL,
stats->writeouts, stats->writeouts == 1 ? "" : "s",
totalbuf, minbuf, avgbuf, maxbuf);
if(stats->renders || stats->input_events){
ncbprefix(stats->raster_bytes, 1, totalbuf, 1),
ncbprefix(stats->raster_bytes ? stats->raster_min_bytes : 0,
1, minbuf, 1),
ncbprefix(stats->renders ? stats->raster_bytes / stats->renders : 0, 1, avgbuf, 1);
ncbprefix(stats->raster_max_bytes, 1, maxbuf, 1),
fprintf(stderr, "%sB (%sB min, %sB avg, %sB max) %"PRIu64" input%s Ghpa: %"PRIu64 NL,
totalbuf, minbuf, avgbuf, maxbuf,
stats->input_events == 1 ? "" : "s",
fprintf(stderr, "%"PRIu64" failed render%s, %"PRIu64" failed raster%s, %"
PRIu64" refresh%s, %"PRIu64" input error%s" NL,
stats->failed_renders, stats->failed_renders == 1 ? "" : "s",
stats->failed_writeouts, stats->failed_writeouts == 1 ? "" : "s",
stats->refreshes, stats->refreshes == 1 ? "" : "es",
stats->input_errors, stats->input_errors == 1 ? "" : "s");
fprintf(stderr, "RGB emits:elides: def %"PRIu64":%"PRIu64" fg %"PRIu64":%"
PRIu64" bg %"PRIu64":%"PRIu64 NL,
fprintf(stderr, "Cell emits:elides: %"PRIu64":%"PRIu64" (%.2f%%) %.2f%% %.2f%% %.2f%%" NL,
stats->cellemissions, stats->cellelisions,
(stats->cellemissions + stats->cellelisions) == 0 ? 0 :
(stats->cellelisions * 100.0) / (stats->cellemissions + stats->cellelisions),
(stats->defaultemissions + stats->defaultelisions) == 0 ? 0 :
(stats->defaultelisions * 100.0) / (stats->defaultemissions + stats->defaultelisions),
(stats->fgemissions + stats->fgelisions) == 0 ? 0 :
(stats->fgelisions * 100.0) / (stats->fgemissions + stats->fgelisions),
(stats->bgemissions + stats->bgelisions) == 0 ? 0 :
(stats->bgelisions * 100.0) / (stats->bgemissions + stats->bgelisions));
ncbprefix(stats->sprixelbytes, 1, totalbuf, 1);
fprintf(stderr, "Bmap emits:elides: %"PRIu64":%"PRIu64" (%.2f%%) %sB (%.2f%%) SuM: %"PRIu64" (%.2f%%)" NL,
stats->sprixelemissions, stats->sprixelelisions,
(stats->sprixelemissions + stats->sprixelelisions) == 0 ? 0 :
(stats->sprixelelisions * 100.0) / (stats->sprixelemissions + stats->sprixelelisions),
stats->raster_bytes ? (stats->sprixelbytes * 100.0) / stats->raster_bytes : 0,
stats->writeouts ? stats->appsync_updates * 100.0 / stats->writeouts : 0);
if(stats->cell_geo_changes || stats->pixel_geo_changes){
fprintf(stderr,"Screen/cell geometry changes: %"PRIu64"/%"PRIu64 NL,
stats->cell_geo_changes, stats->pixel_geo_changes);