You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

185 lines
6.4 KiB

#include "internal.h"
// print the first 'bytes' bytes of 'text' to 'n', using alignment 'align'
// and requiring 'cols' columns, relative to the current cursor position.
// it is an error to call ncplane_putline() with more data than can be printed
// on the current row.
static inline int
ncplane_putline(ncplane* n, ncalign_e align, int cols, const char* text, size_t bytes){
const int avail = ncplane_dim_x(n) - n->x - 1;
const int offset = (align == NCALIGN_UNALIGNED ? 0 :
notcurses_align(avail, align, cols));
return ncplane_putnstr_yx(n, -1, n->x + offset, bytes, text);
static int
puttext_advance_line(ncplane* n, unsigned truebreak){
//fprintf(stderr, "ADVANCING LINE FROM %d/%d\n", n->y, n->x);
if(n->scrolling || n->autogrow){
if(ncplane_putchar(n, '\n') < 1){
return -1;
return 0;
// will fail on last line in the absence of scrolling, which is proper
return ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, n->y + 1, 0);
// put up to a line of text down at the current cursor position. returns the
// number of columns consumed, or -1 on error. the number of bytes consumed is
// added to '*bytes', if 'bytes' is not NULL. any alignment is done relative to
// the current cursor position. any line-breaking character will immediately
// end the output, and move the cursor to the beginning of the next row. on an
// error, '*bytes' is not updated, and nothing is printed.
// an input with C columns available on the row can be one of a few things:
// * text wholly within C columns -- print it, advance x
// * text + newline within C columns -- print through newline, ++y, x = 0
// * text + wordbreak at C columns -- print through C, ++y, x = 0
// * text + text at C columns:
// * breaker (some text followed by whitespace): print through breaker, ++y, x = 0
// * no breaker (all one word, with possible leading whitespace):
// * leading whitespace? dump it, ++y, x = 0
// * C == dimx: print through C, ++y, x = 0
// * C < dimx: ++y, x = 0
static int
puttext_line(ncplane* n, ncalign_e align, const char* text, size_t* bytes){
unsigned cursx; // current cursor location
ncplane_cursor_yx(n, NULL, &cursx);
const int dimx = ncplane_dim_x(n);
const int avail = dimx - cursx - 1;
//fprintf(stderr, "LINE %d starts at %d, len %d, avail %d\n", n->y, cursx, dimx, avail);
int bytes_leading_ws; // bytes thus far of leading whitespace
int cols_leading_ws; // cols thus far of leading whitespace
int bytes_leading_break; // bytes through last wordbreaker, 0 for no break yet
int cols_leading_break; // cols through last wordbreaker, 0 for no break yet
int cols = 0; // columns consumed thus far, cols > cols_leading_ws -> got_glyph
int b = 0; // bytes consumed thus far
bytes_leading_ws = cols_leading_ws = 0;
bytes_leading_break = cols_leading_break = 0;
while(cols <= avail){ // we can print everything we've read, if desired
mbstate_t mbstate = {0};
wchar_t w;
const size_t consumed = mbrtowc(&w, text + b, MB_CUR_MAX, &mbstate);
if(consumed == (size_t)-2 || consumed == (size_t)-1){
logerror("invalid UTF-8 after %d bytes", b);
return -1;
//fprintf(stderr, "converted [%s] -> %lc\n", text + b, w);
if(consumed == 0){ // text was wholly within destination row, print it
if(ncplane_putline(n, align, cols, text, b) < 0){
return -1;
*bytes = b;
return cols;
// if w is a linebreaker, print what we have, advance, and return
//fprintf(stderr, "LINEBREAK at %d/%d\n", n->y, n->x);
if(ncplane_putline(n, align, cols, text, b) < 0){
return -1;
if(puttext_advance_line(n, true)){
return -1;
*bytes += b + consumed;
return cols;
b += consumed;
int width = wcwidth(w);
if(width < 0){
width = 0; // FIXME
cols += width;
if(cols > cols_leading_ws){
bytes_leading_break = b;
cols_leading_break = cols;
bytes_leading_ws = b;
cols_leading_ws = cols;
//fprintf(stderr, "%d approved [%lc] (tbytes: %d tcols: %d)\n", n->y, w, b, cols);
int colsreturn = 0;
if(ncplane_putline(n, align, cols, text, bytes_leading_break) < 0){
return -1;
*bytes += bytes_leading_break;
colsreturn = cols_leading_break;
}else if(bytes_leading_ws){
if(ncplane_putline(n, align, cols, text, bytes_leading_ws) < 0){
return -1;
*bytes += bytes_leading_ws;
colsreturn = cols_leading_ws;
}else if(cols == dimx){
if(ncplane_putline(n, align, cols, text, b) < 0){
return -1;
*bytes = b;
colsreturn = cols;
//fprintf(stderr, "FELL OFF line %d after %d cols %dB returning %d\n", n->y, cols, b, colsreturn);
if(puttext_advance_line(n, false)){
return -1;
return colsreturn;
// FIXME probably best to use u8_wordbreaks() and get all wordbreaks at once...
int ncplane_puttext(ncplane* n, int y, ncalign_e align, const char* text, size_t* bytes){
*bytes = 0;
int totalcols = 0;
// text points to the text we have *not* yet output. at each step, we see
// how much space we have available, and begin iterating from text. remember
// the most recent linebreaker that we see. when we exhaust our line, print
// through the linebreaker, and advance text.
// if we're using NCALIGN_LEFT, we'll be printing with x==-1, i.e. wherever
// the cursor is. if there's insufficient room to print anything, we need to
// try moving to the next line first. FIXME this ought actually apply to all
// alignments, which ought be taken relative to n->x. no change for
// NCALIGN_RIGHT, but NCALIGN_CENTER needs explicitly handle it...
if(y != -1){
if(ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, y, -1)){
return -1;
size_t linebytes = 0;
int cols = puttext_line(n, align, text, &linebytes);
if(cols < 0){
return -1;
totalcols += cols;
*bytes += linebytes;
text += linebytes;
//fprintf(stderr, "new cursor: %d/%d consumed: %zu\n", n->y, n->x, linebytes);
y = n->y;
return totalcols;