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#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stdint.h>
struct ncinput;
struct esctrie;
struct inputctx;
typedef int (*triefunc)(struct inputctx*);
// the state necessary for matching input against our automaton of control
// sequences. we *do not* match the bulk UTF-8 input. we match online (i.e.
// we can be passed a byte at a time). initialize with all zeroes.
typedef struct automaton {
unsigned escapes; // head Esc node of trie
int used; // bytes consumed thus far
int instring; // are we in an ST-terminated string?
unsigned state;
const unsigned char* matchstart; // beginning of active match
// we keep a node pool not to save time when allocating, but because
// trying to free the automaton without reference counting otherwise
// sucks worse than three bitches in a bitchboat.
unsigned poolsize;
unsigned poolused;
struct esctrie* nodepool;
} automaton;
// wipe out all storage internal to |a| (but not |a| itself).
void input_free_esctrie(automaton *a);
int inputctx_add_input_escape(automaton* a, const char* esc,
uint32_t special, unsigned modifiers);
int inputctx_add_cflow(automaton* a, const char* csi, triefunc fxn)
__attribute__ ((nonnull (1, 2)));
int walk_automaton(automaton* a, struct inputctx* ictx, unsigned candidate,
struct ncinput* ni)
__attribute__ ((nonnull (1, 2, 4)));
uint32_t esctrie_id(const struct esctrie* e);
#ifdef __cplusplus