You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

227 lines
7.0 KiB

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "demo.h"
// FIXME do the bigger dimension on the screen's bigger dimension
#define CHUNKS_VERT 6
#define CHUNKS_HORZ 12
#define MOVES 20
static int
move_square(struct notcurses* nc, struct ncplane* chunk, int* holey, int* holex,
uint64_t movens){
int newholex, newholey;
ncplane_yx(chunk, &newholey, &newholex);
// we need to move from newhole to hole over the course of movetime
int deltay, deltax;
deltay = *holey - newholey;
deltax = *holex - newholex;
// divide movetime into abs(max(deltay, deltax)) units, and move delta
int units = abs(deltay) > abs(deltax) ? abs(deltay) : abs(deltax);
movens /= units;
struct timespec movetime;
ns_to_timespec(movens, &movetime);
int i;
int targy = newholey;
int targx = newholex;
deltay = deltay < 0 ? -1 : deltay == 0 ? 0 : 1;
deltax = deltax < 0 ? -1 : deltax == 0 ? 0 : 1;
// FIXME do an adaptive time, like our fades, so we whip along under load
for(i = 0 ; i < units ; ++i){
targy += deltay;
targx += deltax;
ncplane_move_yx(chunk, targy, targx);
demo_nanosleep(nc, &movetime);
*holey = newholey;
*holex = newholex;
return 0;
// we take demodelay * 5 to play MOVES moves
static int
play(struct notcurses* nc, struct ncplane** chunks, uint64_t startns){
const uint64_t delayns = timespec_to_ns(&demodelay);
const int chunkcount = CHUNKS_VERT * CHUNKS_HORZ;
// we don't want to spend more than demodelay * 5
const uint64_t totalns = delayns * 5;
const uint64_t deadline_ns = startns + totalns;
const uint64_t movens = totalns / MOVES;
int hole = rand() % chunkcount;
int holex, holey;
ncplane_yx(chunks[hole], &holey, &holex);
chunks[hole] = NULL;
int m;
int lastdir = -1;
for(m = 0 ; m < MOVES ; ++m){
uint64_t now = clock_getns(CLOCK_MONOTONIC);
if(now >= deadline_ns){
int mover = chunkcount;
int direction;
direction = rand() % 4;
case 3: // up
if(lastdir != 1 && hole >= CHUNKS_HORZ){ mover = hole - CHUNKS_HORZ; } break;
case 2: // right
if(lastdir != 0 && hole % CHUNKS_HORZ < CHUNKS_HORZ - 1){ mover = hole + 1; } break;
case 1: // down
if(lastdir != 3 && hole < chunkcount - CHUNKS_HORZ){ mover = hole + CHUNKS_HORZ; } break;
case 0: // left
if(lastdir != 2 && hole % CHUNKS_HORZ){ mover = hole - 1; } break;
}while(mover == chunkcount);
lastdir = direction;
int err = move_square(nc, chunks[mover], &holey, &holex, movens);
return err;
chunks[hole] = chunks[mover];
chunks[mover] = NULL;
hole = mover;
return 0;
static int
fill_chunk(struct ncplane* n, int idx){
const int hidx = idx % CHUNKS_HORZ;
const int vidx = idx / CHUNKS_HORZ;
unsigned maxy, maxx;
ncplane_dim_yx(n, &maxy, &maxx);
uint64_t channels = 0;
int r = 64 + hidx * 10;
int b = 64 + vidx * 30;
int g = 225 - ((hidx + vidx) * 12);
ncchannels_set_fg_rgb8(&channels, r, g, b);
uint32_t ul = 0, ur = 0, ll = 0, lr = 0;
ncchannel_set_rgb8(&ul, r, g, b);
ncchannel_set_rgb8(&lr, r, g, b);
ncchannel_set_rgb8(&ur, g, b, r);
ncchannel_set_rgb8(&ll, b, r, g);
int ret = 0;
if(ncplane_gradient2x1(n, -1, -1, 0, 0, ul, ur, ll, lr) <= 0){
ret = -1;
ret |= ncplane_double_box(n, 0, channels, maxy - 1, maxx - 1, 0);
if(ncplane_gradient(n, -1, -1, 0, 0, " ", NCSTYLE_NONE, ul, ur, ll, lr) <= 0){
ret = -1;
ret |= ncplane_ascii_box(n, 0, channels, maxy - 1, maxx - 1, 0);
if(maxx >= 4 && maxy >= 3){
// don't zero-index to viewer
ret |= (ncplane_printf_yx(n, (maxy - 1) / 2, (maxx - 1) / 2, "%02d", idx + 1) < 0);
return ret;
static int
draw_bounding_box(struct ncplane* n, int yoff, int xoff, int chunky, int chunkx){
int ret;
uint64_t channels = 0;
ncchannels_set_fg_rgb8(&channels, 180, 80, 180);
//channels_set_bg_rgb8(&channels, 0, 0, 0);
ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n, yoff, xoff);
ret = ncplane_rounded_box(n, 0, channels,
CHUNKS_VERT * chunky + yoff + 1,
CHUNKS_HORZ * chunkx + xoff + 1, 0);
ret = ncplane_ascii_box(n, 0, channels,
CHUNKS_VERT * chunky + yoff + 1,
CHUNKS_HORZ * chunkx + xoff + 1, 0);
return ret;
// make a bunch of boxes with gradients and use them to play a sliding puzzle.
int sliders_demo(struct notcurses* nc, uint64_t startns){
int ret = -1, z;
unsigned maxx, maxy;
struct ncplane* n = notcurses_stddim_yx(nc, &maxy, &maxx);
int chunky, chunkx;
// want at least 2x2 for each sliding chunk
if(maxy < CHUNKS_VERT * 2 || maxx < CHUNKS_HORZ * 2){
return -1;
// we want an 8x8 grid of chunks with a border. the leftover space will be unused
chunky = (maxy - 2) / CHUNKS_VERT;
chunkx = (maxx - 2) / CHUNKS_HORZ;
// want an even width so our 2-digit IDs are centered exactly
chunkx -= (chunkx % 2);
// don't allow them to be too rectangular, but keep aspect ratio in mind!
if(chunky > chunkx + 1){
chunky = chunkx + 1;
}else if(chunkx > chunky * 2){
chunkx = chunky * 2;
int wastey = ((maxy - 2) - (CHUNKS_VERT * chunky)) / 2;
int wastex = ((maxx - 2) - (CHUNKS_HORZ * chunkx)) / 2;
const int chunkcount = CHUNKS_VERT * CHUNKS_HORZ;
struct ncplane** chunks = malloc(sizeof(*chunks) * chunkcount);
if(chunks == NULL){
return -1;
memset(chunks, 0, sizeof(*chunks) * chunkcount);
// draw the 72 boxes in a nice color pattern, in order
int cy, cx;
for(cy = 0 ; cy < CHUNKS_VERT ; ++cy){
for(cx = 0 ; cx < CHUNKS_HORZ ; ++cx){
const int idx = cy * CHUNKS_HORZ + cx;
struct ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = cy * chunky + wastey + 1,
.x = cx * chunkx + wastex + 1,
.rows = chunky,
.cols = chunkx,
chunks[idx] = ncplane_create(n, &nopts);
if(chunks[idx] == NULL){
goto done;
if(fill_chunk(chunks[idx], idx)){
goto done;
// draw a box around the playing area
if(draw_bounding_box(n, wastey, wastex, chunky, chunkx)){
goto done;
// shuffle up the chunks
int i;
demo_nanosleep(nc, &demodelay);
for(i = 0 ; i < 200 ; ++i){
int i0 = rand() % chunkcount;
int i1 = rand() % chunkcount;
while(i1 == i0){
i1 = rand() % chunkcount;
int targy0, targx0;
int targy, targx;
ncplane_yx(chunks[i0], &targy0, &targx0);
ncplane_yx(chunks[i1], &targy, &targx);
struct ncplane* t = chunks[i0];
ncplane_move_yx(t, targy, targx);
chunks[i0] = chunks[i1];
ncplane_move_yx(chunks[i0], targy0, targx0);
chunks[i1] = t;
ret = play(nc, chunks, startns);
for(z = 0 ; z < chunkcount ; ++z){
return ret;