% notcurses_ncvisual(3) % nick black % v1.3.3 # NAME notcurses_ncvisual - notcurses multimedia # SYNOPSIS **#include ** ```c typedef enum { NCSCALE_NONE, NCSCALE_SCALE, NCSCALE_STRETCH, } ncscale_e; typedef int (*streamcb)(struct notcurses*, struct ncvisual*, void*); ``` **bool notcurses_canopen(const struct notcurses* nc);** **struct ncvisual* ncplane_visual_open(struct ncplane* nc, const char* file, nc_err_e* err);** **struct ncvisual* ncvisual_from_file(struct notcurses* nc, const char* file, nc_err_e* err, int y, int x, ncscale_e style);** **struct ncvisual* ncvisual_from_rgba(struct notcurses* nc, const void* rgba, int rows, int rowstride, int cols);** **struct ncvisual* ncvisual_from_bgra(struct notcurses* nc, const void* bgra, int rows, int rowstride, int cols);** **void ncvisual_destroy(struct ncvisual* ncv);** **nc_err_e ncvisual_decode(struct ncvisual* nc);** **int ncvisual_render(const struct ncvisual* ncv, int begy, int begx, int leny, int lenx);** **int ncvisual_simple_streamer(struct notcurses* nc, struct ncvisual* ncv, void* curry);** **int ncvisual_stream(struct notcurses* nc, struct ncvisual* ncv, nc_err_e* err, float timescale, streamcb streamer, void* curry);** **struct ncplane* ncvisual_plane(struct ncvisual* ncv);** **int ncplane_rotate_cw(struct ncplane* n);** **int ncplane_rotate_ccw(struct ncplane* n);** **char* ncvisual_subtitle(const struct ncvisual* ncv);** # DESCRIPTION The frame will be scaled to the size of the ncplane per the ncscale_e style. **ncvisual_render** actually blits the decoded frame to its associated plane. A subregion of the frame can be specified using **begx**, **begy**, **lenx**, and **leny**. To render the rectangle having its origin at **begy**, **begx** and the lower-right corner, -1 can be supplied as **leny** and **lenx**. {0, 0, -1, -1} will thus render the entire visual. Negative values for **begy** or **begx** are an error. It is an error to specify any region beyond the boundaries of the frame. Supplying zero for either **leny** or **lenx** will result in a zero-area rendering. It is possible to create an **ncvisual** from memory, rather than from a disk, but only using raw RGBA/BGRA 8bpc content. For RGBA, use **ncvisual_from_rgba**. For BGRA, use **ncvisual_from_bgra**. Both require a number of **rows**, a number of image columns **cols**, and a virtual row length of **rowstride** columns. The input data must provide 32 bits per pixel, and thus must be at least **rowstride** * **rows** * 4 bytes, of which a **cols** * **rows** * 4-byte subset is used. It is not possible to **mmap(2)** an image file and use it directly--decompressed, decoded data is necessary. The resulting plane will be **rows** / 2 rows, and **cols** columns. It will not be necessary to call **ncvisual_decode**, but it is still necessary to call **ncvisual_render**. Both **ncplane_rotate_cw** and **ncplane_rotate_ccw** execute a rotation of π/2 radians, in the clockwise or counterclockwise direction respectively. **ncvisual_subtitle** will return a UTF-8-encoded subtitle corresponding to the current frame if such a subtitle was decoded. Note that a subtitle might be returned for multiple frames, or might not. # RETURN VALUES **notcurses_canopen** returns true if this functionality is enabled, or false if Notcurses was not built with multimedia support. **ncplane_visual_open** and **ncvisual_from_file** return an **ncvisual** object on success, or **NULL** on failure. Success from these functions indicates that the specified **file** was opened, and enough data was read to make a firm codec identification. It does not mean that the entire file is properly-formed. On failure, **err** will be updated. **ncvisual_decode** returns **NCERR_SUCCESS** on success, or **NCERR_EOF** on end of file, or some other **nc_err_e** on failure. It likewise updates **err** in the event of an error. **ncvisual_render** returns the number of cells emitted, or -1 on error. # NOTES Multimedia decoding requires that Notcurses be built with either FFmpeg or OpenImageIO support. What formats can be decoded is totally dependent on the linked library. OpenImageIO does not support subtitles. # SEE ALSO **notcurses(3)**, **notcurses_ncplane(3)**, **utf-8(7)**