% notcurses-tetris(1) % nick black % v1.2.4 # NAME notcurses-tetris - Render images and video to the console # SYNOPSIS **notcurses-tetris** [**-h|--help**] [**-l loglevel**] # DESCRIPTION **notcurses-tetris** implements Tetris using notcurses. # OPTIONS **-h**: Show help and exit. **-l loglevel**: Log everything (high log level) or nothing (log level 0) to stderr. # NOTES Optimal display requires a terminal advertising the **rgb** terminfo(5) capability, or that the environment variable **COLORTERM** is defined to **24bit** (and that the terminal honors this variable), along with a fixed-width font with good coverage of the Unicode Block Drawing Characters. # SEE ALSO **notcurses(3)**