* Verify version in CMakeLists.txt * Finalize Debian changelog with `dch -r` * git commit -a -m v$VERSION * Tag with `git tag -a v$VERSION -m "v$VERSION"` * `git push && git push origin --tags` * Draft new release at https://github.com/dankamongmen/notcurses/releases * Title is "v$VERSION—some quip" * That's an em dash (U+2014, UTF-8 e2 80 94), get it right * Build new Debian package * git clean -d -f -x * `tar -cJf ../notcurses_$VERSION.orig.tar.xz --exclude=.git --exclude=debian -C.. notcurses-$VERSION` * debuild * Copy `../*notcurses*$VERSION*` to apt repo, import with `reprepro` * Upload new AUR information * Update `pkgver` and `sha256sums` entries * `makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO` * Test that package builds with `makepkg` * `git commit -a` * Update Debian changelog with `dch -v $NEXTVERSION-1` * Update CMakeLists.txt with next version