notcurses man pages

Binaries (section 1)

notcurses-demo—shows off some notcurses features
notcurses-input—reads and decodes input events
notcurses-planereel—experiments with panelreels
notcurses-view—renders images and video to the terminal

C library (section 3)

notcurses—a blingful TUI library
notcurses_cell—operations on cell objects
notcurses_channels—operations on the channel type
notcurses_fade—fading and pulsing for ncplanes
notcurses_input—collecting input
notcurses_lines—drawing lines and boxes on ncplanes
notcurses_ncplane—operations on ncplane objects
notcurses_ncvisual—operations on ncvisual objects
notcurses_output—drawing text on ncplanes
notcurses_palette—operations on notcurses palettes
notcurses_panelreel—a high-level widget for hierarchical data
notcurses_render—sync the physical display
notcurses_stats—notcurses runtime statistics
notcurses_stdplane—acquire the standard ncplane

wide banner from notcurses 1.0.2 demo

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