#include "main.h" TEST_CASE("Piles") { auto nc_ = testing_notcurses(); if(!nc_){ return; } int dimy, dimx; struct ncplane* n_ = notcurses_stddim_yx(nc_, &dimy, &dimx); REQUIRE(nullptr != n_); // create a plane bigger than the standard plane, and render it as a pile SUBCASE("SmallerPileRender") { struct ncplane_options nopts = { 1, 1, dimy - 2, dimx - 2, nullptr, "small", nullptr, 0, }; auto np = ncpile_create(nc_, &nopts); REQUIRE(nullptr != np); CHECK(np == ncplane_parent_const(np)); CHECK(1 == ncplane_y(np)); CHECK(1 == ncplane_x(np)); cell c = CELL_CHAR_INITIALIZER('X'); CHECK(0 < ncplane_polyfill_yx(np, 0, 0, &c)); cell o = CELL_CHAR_INITIALIZER('O'); CHECK(0 < ncplane_polyfill_yx(n_, 0, 0, &o)); CHECK(0 == ncpile_render(np)); CHECK(0 == ncpile_render(n_)); CHECK(0 == ncpile_rasterize(n_)); uint16_t style; uint64_t chan; auto egc = notcurses_at_yx(nc_, 1, 1, &style, &chan); REQUIRE(nullptr != egc); CHECK(0 == strcmp(egc, "O")); free(egc); CHECK(0 == ncpile_rasterize(np)); egc = notcurses_at_yx(nc_, 1, 1, &style, &chan); REQUIRE(nullptr != egc); CHECK(0 == strcmp(egc, "X")); free(egc); // notcurses_render() ought render the standard pile, back to "O" CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_)); egc = notcurses_at_yx(nc_, 1, 1, &style, &chan); REQUIRE(nullptr != egc); CHECK(0 == strcmp(egc, "O")); free(egc); ncplane_destroy(np); } // create a plane bigger than the standard plane, and render it as a pile SUBCASE("BiggerPileRender") { struct ncplane_options nopts = { -1, -1, dimy + 2, dimx + 2, nullptr, "big", nullptr, 0, }; auto np = ncpile_create(nc_, &nopts); REQUIRE(nullptr != np); CHECK(np == ncplane_parent_const(np)); CHECK(-1 == ncplane_y(np)); CHECK(-1 == ncplane_x(np)); cell c = CELL_CHAR_INITIALIZER('X'); CHECK(0 < ncplane_polyfill_yx(np, 0, 0, &c)); cell o = CELL_CHAR_INITIALIZER('O'); CHECK(0 < ncplane_polyfill_yx(n_, 0, 0, &o)); CHECK(0 == ncpile_render(np)); CHECK(0 == ncpile_render(n_)); CHECK(0 == ncpile_rasterize(n_)); uint16_t style; uint64_t chan; auto egc = notcurses_at_yx(nc_, 0, 0, &style, &chan); REQUIRE(nullptr != egc); CHECK(0 == strcmp(egc, "O")); free(egc); CHECK(0 == ncpile_rasterize(np)); egc = notcurses_at_yx(nc_, 0, 0, &style, &chan); REQUIRE(nullptr != egc); CHECK(0 == strcmp(egc, "X")); free(egc); // notcurses_render() ought render the standard pile, back to "O" CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_)); egc = notcurses_at_yx(nc_, 0, 0, &style, &chan); REQUIRE(nullptr != egc); CHECK(0 == strcmp(egc, "O")); free(egc); ncplane_destroy(np); } // create a new pile, and rotate subplanes through the root set SUBCASE("ShufflePile") { struct ncplane_options nopts = { 1, 1, dimy - 2, dimx - 2, nullptr, "new1", nullptr, 0, }; auto n1 = ncpile_create(nc_, &nopts); REQUIRE(nullptr != n1); CHECK(n1 == ncplane_parent_const(n1)); nopts.name = "new2"; auto n2 = ncplane_create(n1, &nopts); REQUIRE(nullptr != n2); CHECK(n1 == ncplane_parent_const(n2)); nopts.name = "new3"; auto n3 = ncplane_create(n1, &nopts); REQUIRE(nullptr != n3); CHECK(n1 == ncplane_parent_const(n3)); CHECK(n3 == n1->blist); CHECK(&n3->bnext == n2->bprev); CHECK(n2 == *n2->bprev); CHECK(nullptr == n2->bnext); // we now have n1 -> { n3, n2 } // now rotate n2 into the root plane, not touching n3: { n3, n2 } -> n1 CHECK(nullptr != ncplane_reparent(n1, n2)); CHECK(n2 == ncplane_parent_const(n2)); CHECK(n2 == ncplane_parent_const(n1)); CHECK(n3 == ncplane_parent_const(n3)); // now rotate n3 under n2, not touching n1: n2 -> { n1, n3 } CHECK(nullptr != ncplane_reparent(n3, n2)); CHECK(n2 == ncplane_parent_const(n1)); CHECK(n2 == ncplane_parent_const(n3)); CHECK(n2 == ncplane_parent_const(n2)); // now rotate n2 under n3, not touching n1: { n1, n3 } -> n2 CHECK(nullptr != ncplane_reparent(n2, n3)); CHECK(n1 == ncplane_parent_const(n1)); CHECK(n3 == ncplane_parent_const(n3)); CHECK(n3 == ncplane_parent_const(n2)); // now rotate n3 under n1, not touching n2: { n1, n2 } -> n3 (start state) CHECK(nullptr != ncplane_reparent(n3, n1)); CHECK(n1 == ncplane_parent_const(n1)); CHECK(n1 == ncplane_parent_const(n3)); CHECK(n2 == ncplane_parent_const(n2)); ncplane_destroy(n3); ncplane_destroy(n2); ncplane_destroy(n1); } SUBCASE("ShufflePileFamilies") { struct ncplane_options nopts = { 1, 1, dimy - 2, dimx - 2, nullptr, "new1", nullptr, 0, }; auto n1 = ncpile_create(nc_, &nopts); REQUIRE(nullptr != n1); CHECK(n1 == ncplane_parent_const(n1)); nopts.name = "new2"; auto n2 = ncplane_create(n1, &nopts); REQUIRE(nullptr != n2); CHECK(n1 == ncplane_parent_const(n2)); nopts.name = "new3"; auto n3 = ncplane_create(n1, &nopts); REQUIRE(nullptr != n3); CHECK(n1 == ncplane_parent_const(n3)); CHECK(n3 == n1->blist); CHECK(&n3->bnext == n2->bprev); CHECK(n2 == *n2->bprev); CHECK(nullptr == n2->bnext); nopts.name = "new4"; auto n4 = ncplane_create(n2, &nopts); REQUIRE(nullptr != n4); CHECK(n2 == ncplane_parent_const(n4)); // we now have n1 -> { n3, n2 } -> n4 // n1 to any ought be refused CHECK(nullptr == ncplane_reparent_family(n1, n2)); CHECK(nullptr == ncplane_reparent_family(n1, n3)); CHECK(nullptr == ncplane_reparent_family(n1, n4)); // n2 to n4 ought be refused CHECK(nullptr == ncplane_reparent_family(n2, n4)); ncplane_destroy(n4); ncplane_destroy(n3); ncplane_destroy(n2); ncplane_destroy(n1); } // common teardown CHECK(0 == notcurses_stop(nc_)); }