#include "main.h" #include #include TEST_CASE("Plot") { auto nc_ = testing_notcurses(); if(!nc_){ return; } if(!notcurses_canutf8(nc_)){ CHECK(0 == notcurses_stop(nc_)); return; } auto n_ = notcurses_stdplane(nc_); REQUIRE(n_); REQUIRE(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 0, 0)); // setting miny == maxy with non-zero domain limits is invalid SUBCASE("DetectRangeBadY"){ ncplot_options popts{}; auto p = ncuplot_create(n_, &popts, -1, -1); CHECK(nullptr == p); p = ncuplot_create(n_, &popts, 1, 1); CHECK(nullptr == p); p = ncuplot_create(n_, &popts, 0, 0); REQUIRE(nullptr != p); ncuplot_destroy(p); } // maxy < miny is invalid SUBCASE("RejectMaxyLessMiny"){ ncplot_options popts{}; auto p = ncuplot_create(n_, &popts, 2, 1); CHECK(nullptr == p); } SUBCASE("SimplePlot"){ ncplot_options popts{}; auto p = ncuplot_create(n_, &popts, 0, 0); REQUIRE(p); CHECK(n_ == ncuplot_plane(p)); ncuplot_destroy(p); } // 5-ary slot space without any window movement SUBCASE("AugmentSamples5"){ ncplot_options popts{}; popts.rangex = 5; struct ncuplot* p = ncuplot_create(n_, &popts, 0, 10); uint64_t y; CHECK(0 == ncuplot_sample(p, 0, &y)); CHECK(0 == y); CHECK(0 == ncuplot_add_sample(p, (uint64_t)0, (uint64_t)1)); CHECK(0 == ncuplot_sample(p, 0, &y)); CHECK(1 == y); CHECK(0 == ncuplot_add_sample(p, (uint64_t)0, (uint64_t)1)); CHECK(0 == ncuplot_sample(p, 0, &y)); CHECK(2 == y); CHECK(-1 == ncuplot_sample(p, 1, &y)); CHECK(-1 == ncuplot_sample(p, 2, &y)); CHECK(0 == ncuplot_add_sample(p, (uint64_t)2, (uint64_t)3)); CHECK(0 == ncuplot_sample(p, 2, &y)); CHECK(3 == y); CHECK(0 == ncuplot_set_sample(p, (uint64_t)2, (uint64_t)3)); CHECK(0 == ncuplot_sample(p, 2, &y)); CHECK(3 == y); CHECK(-1 == ncuplot_sample(p, 3, &y)); CHECK(-1 == ncuplot_sample(p, 4, &y)); CHECK(0 == ncuplot_add_sample(p, (uint64_t)4, (uint64_t)6)); CHECK(0 == ncuplot_sample(p, 4, &y)); CHECK(6 == y); CHECK(0 == ncuplot_sample(p, 0, &y)); CHECK(2 == y); //CHECK(4 == p->slotx); ncuplot_destroy(p); } // 2-ary slot space with window movement SUBCASE("AugmentCycle2"){ ncplot_options popts{}; popts.rangex = 2; struct ncuplot* p = ncuplot_create(n_, &popts, 0, 10); uint64_t y; CHECK(0 == ncuplot_sample(p, 0, &y)); CHECK(0 == ncuplot_add_sample(p, (uint64_t)0, (uint64_t)1)); CHECK(0 == ncuplot_sample(p, 0, &y)); CHECK(1 == y); CHECK(0 == ncuplot_add_sample(p, (uint64_t)0, (uint64_t)1)); CHECK(0 == ncuplot_sample(p, 0, &y)); CHECK(2 == y); CHECK(0 == ncuplot_set_sample(p, (uint64_t)1, (uint64_t)5)); CHECK(0 == ncuplot_sample(p, 1, &y)); CHECK(5 == y); CHECK(0 == ncuplot_set_sample(p, (uint64_t)2, (uint64_t)9)); CHECK(0 == ncuplot_sample(p, 1, &y)); CHECK(5 == y); CHECK(-1 == ncuplot_sample(p, 0, &y)); CHECK(0 == ncuplot_add_sample(p, (uint64_t)3, (uint64_t)4)); CHECK(-1 == ncuplot_sample(p, 0, &y)); CHECK(-1 == ncuplot_sample(p, 1, &y)); //CHECK(3 == p->slotx); CHECK(0 == ncuplot_add_sample(p, (uint64_t)5, (uint64_t)1)); CHECK(-1 == ncuplot_sample(p, 0, &y)); CHECK(-1 == ncuplot_sample(p, 1, &y)); //CHECK(5 == p.slotx); ncuplot_destroy(p); } // augment past the window, ensuring everything gets zeroed SUBCASE("AugmentLong"){ ncplot_options popts{}; popts.rangex = 5; struct ncuplot* p = ncuplot_create(n_, &popts, 0, 10); uint64_t y; CHECK(0 == ncuplot_sample(p, 0, &y)); for(int x = 1 ; x < 5 ; ++x){ CHECK(-1 == ncuplot_sample(p, x, &y)); } CHECK(0 == ncuplot_add_sample(p, (uint64_t)4, (uint64_t)4)); for(int x = 1 ; x < 4 ; ++x){ CHECK(0 == ncuplot_sample(p, x, &y)); } CHECK(0 == ncuplot_sample(p, 4, &y)); CHECK(4 == y); CHECK(0 == ncuplot_add_sample(p, (uint64_t)10, (uint64_t)5)); for(int x = 0 ; x < 4 ; ++x){ CHECK(-1 == ncuplot_sample(p, x, &y)); } CHECK(0 == ncuplot_add_sample(p, (uint64_t)24, (uint64_t)7)); for(int x = 0 ; x < 5 ; ++x){ CHECK(-1 == ncuplot_sample(p, x, &y)); } CHECK(0 == ncuplot_add_sample(p, (uint64_t)100, (uint64_t)0)); for(int x = 0 ; x < 5 ; ++x){ CHECK(-1 == ncuplot_sample(p, x, &y)); } ncuplot_destroy(p); } SUBCASE("SimpleFloatPlot"){ ncplot_options popts{}; auto p = ncdplot_create(n_, &popts, 0, 0); REQUIRE(p); CHECK(n_ == ncdplot_plane(p)); ncdplot_destroy(p); } SUBCASE("BraillePlot") { ncplane_options nopts = { .y = 1, .x = 1, .rows = 6, .cols = 50, .userptr = nullptr, .name = "plot", .resizecb = nullptr, .flags = 0, }; auto ncp = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts); REQUIRE(ncp); ncplane_set_base(ncp, " ", 0, CHANNELS_RGB_INITIALIZER(0x80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x80)); ncplot_options popts; memset(&popts, 0, sizeof(popts)); popts.maxchannels = CHANNELS_RGB_INITIALIZER(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0, 0, 0); popts.minchannels = CHANNELS_RGB_INITIALIZER(0, 0xff, 0, 0, 0, 0); channels_set_bg_alpha(&popts.minchannels, CELL_ALPHA_BLEND); channels_set_fg_alpha(&popts.minchannels, CELL_ALPHA_BLEND); popts.gridtype = NCBLIT_BRAILLE; auto p = ncuplot_create(ncp, &popts, 0, 0); REQUIRE(p); for(auto i = 0 ; i < 100 ; ++i){ CHECK(0 == ncuplot_add_sample(p, i, i)); } CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_)); uint64_t channels; uint16_t smask; // FIXME loop throughout plane, check all cells auto egc = ncplane_at_yx(ncp, 5, 49, &smask, &channels); CHECK(0 == strcmp(egc, "⣿")); ncuplot_destroy(p); } SUBCASE("QuadPlot1Row") { ncplane_options nopts = { .y = 1, .x = 1, .rows = 1, .cols = 9, .userptr = nullptr, .name = "plot", .resizecb = nullptr, .flags = 0, }; auto ncp = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts); REQUIRE(ncp); ncplot_options popts; memset(&popts, 0, sizeof(popts)); popts.maxchannels = CHANNELS_RGB_INITIALIZER(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0, 0, 0); popts.minchannels = CHANNELS_RGB_INITIALIZER(0, 0xff, 0, 0, 0, 0); channels_set_bg_alpha(&popts.minchannels, CELL_ALPHA_BLEND); channels_set_fg_alpha(&popts.minchannels, CELL_ALPHA_BLEND); popts.gridtype = NCBLIT_2x2; auto p = ncuplot_create(ncp, &popts, 0, 0); REQUIRE(p); for(auto i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i){ for(auto j = 0 ; j < 3 ; ++j){ CHECK(0 == ncuplot_add_sample(p, i * 6 + j * 2, i)); CHECK(0 == ncuplot_add_sample(p, i * 6 + j * 2 + 1, j)); } } CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_)); ncuplot_destroy(p); } SUBCASE("EighthsPlot1Row") { ncplane_options nopts = { .y = 1, .x = 1, .rows = 1, .cols = 9, .userptr = nullptr, .name = "plot", .resizecb = nullptr, .flags = 0, }; auto ncp = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts); REQUIRE(ncp); ncplot_options popts; memset(&popts, 0, sizeof(popts)); popts.maxchannels = CHANNELS_RGB_INITIALIZER(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0, 0, 0); popts.minchannels = CHANNELS_RGB_INITIALIZER(0, 0xff, 0, 0, 0, 0); channels_set_bg_alpha(&popts.minchannels, CELL_ALPHA_BLEND); channels_set_fg_alpha(&popts.minchannels, CELL_ALPHA_BLEND); popts.gridtype = NCBLIT_8x1; auto p = ncuplot_create(ncp, &popts, 0, 0); REQUIRE(p); for(auto i = 0 ; i < 9 ; ++i){ CHECK(0 == ncuplot_add_sample(p, i, i)); } CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_)); ncuplot_destroy(p); } SUBCASE("SextantPlot1Row") { ncplane_options nopts = { .y = 1, .x = 1, .rows = 1, .cols = 16, .userptr = nullptr, .name = "plot", .resizecb = nullptr, .flags = 0, }; auto ncp = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts); REQUIRE(ncp); ncplot_options popts; memset(&popts, 0, sizeof(popts)); popts.maxchannels = CHANNELS_RGB_INITIALIZER(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0, 0, 0); popts.minchannels = CHANNELS_RGB_INITIALIZER(0, 0xff, 0, 0, 0, 0); channels_set_bg_alpha(&popts.minchannels, CELL_ALPHA_BLEND); channels_set_fg_alpha(&popts.minchannels, CELL_ALPHA_BLEND); popts.gridtype = NCBLIT_3x2; auto p = ncuplot_create(ncp, &popts, 0, 0); REQUIRE(p); for(auto i = 0 ; i < 4 ; ++i){ for(auto j = 0 ; j < 4 ; ++j){ CHECK(0 == ncuplot_add_sample(p, i * 8 + j * 2, i)); CHECK(0 == ncuplot_add_sample(p, i * 8 + j * 2 + 1, j)); } } CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_)); sleep(10); ncuplot_destroy(p); } SUBCASE("BraillePlot1Row") { ncplane_options nopts = { .y = 1, .x = 1, .rows = 1, .cols = 25, .userptr = nullptr, .name = "plot", .resizecb = nullptr, .flags = 0, }; auto ncp = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts); REQUIRE(ncp); ncplot_options popts; memset(&popts, 0, sizeof(popts)); popts.maxchannels = CHANNELS_RGB_INITIALIZER(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0, 0, 0); popts.minchannels = CHANNELS_RGB_INITIALIZER(0, 0xff, 0, 0, 0, 0); channels_set_bg_alpha(&popts.minchannels, CELL_ALPHA_BLEND); channels_set_fg_alpha(&popts.minchannels, CELL_ALPHA_BLEND); popts.gridtype = NCBLIT_BRAILLE; auto p = ncuplot_create(ncp, &popts, 0, 0); REQUIRE(p); for(auto i = 0 ; i < 5 ; ++i){ for(auto j = 0 ; j < 5 ; ++j){ CHECK(0 == ncuplot_add_sample(p, i * 10 + j * 2, i)); CHECK(0 == ncuplot_add_sample(p, i * 10 + j * 2 + 1, j)); } } CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_)); ncuplot_destroy(p); } CHECK(0 == notcurses_stop(nc_)); }