//! Example 'direct-image' //! //! Explore image rendering in direct mode use std::ffi::CString; // This time we are gonna use the notcurses library through the `sys` namespace use libnotcurses_sys as sys; fn main() { unsafe { let ncd = sys::NcDirect::new(); render_image(&mut *ncd, sys::NCBLIT_1x1); render_image(&mut *ncd, sys::NCBLIT_2x1); render_image(&mut *ncd, sys::NCBLIT_BRAILLE); sys::ncdirect_stop(ncd); } } fn render_image(ncd: &mut sys::NcDirect, blit: sys::NcBlitter) { unsafe { if sys::ncdirect_render_image( ncd, CString::new("image-16x16.png").unwrap().as_ptr(), sys::NCALIGN_CENTER, blit, sys::NCSCALE_NONE, ) != 0 { panic!("ERR: ncdirect_render_image. Make sure \ you are running this example from the examples folder"); } } }