% notcurses-direct-pydemo(1) % nick black % v1.6.20 # NAME notcurses-direct-pydemo - Verify that the ncdirect Python wrappers work # SYNOPSIS **notcurses-direct-pydemo** # DESCRIPTION **notcurses-direct-pydemo** dumps some stylized output to the attached terminal using the notcurses Python module's "direct mode" capability (see **notcurses-direct(3)**. This output is a minimal means of verifying that the module is correctly installed and can be used in the current environment. For a more full-featured demonstration, see **notcurses-demo(1)**. # OPTIONS # NOTES Notcurses supports only Python 3. # BUGS # SEE ALSO **notcurses-demo(1)**, **notcurses-pydemo(1)**, **python(1)**, **notcurses(3)**, **notcurses-direct(3)**