% notcurses-info(1) % nick black % v2.3.4 # NAME notcurses-info - Display information about the terminal environment # SYNOPSIS **notcurses-info** # DESCRIPTION **notcurses-info** prints all the information it knows about the current terminal environment, including material loaded from **terminfo(5)** (based on the **TERM** environment variable), replies from the terminal in response to our queries, and built-in heuristics. The Unicode half block, quadrant, sextant, and Braille glyphs are all included in the output. If their appearance is irregular, it might behoove you to choose another font. # OPTIONS # NOTES The behavior of **notcurses-info** (and indeed all of Notcurses) depends on the **TERM** and **LANG** environment variables, the installed POSIX locales, and the installed **terminfo(5)** databases. # SEE ALSO **tack(1)**, **notcurses(3)**, **terminfo(5)**