.TH notcurses-demo 1 "2019-12-05" .SH NAME notcurses-demo \- Show off some notcurses features .SH SYNOPSIS .B notcurses-demo [ \fB\-d \fIdelaymult \fR] [ \fB\-k \fR] [ \fB\-h / \fB\-\-help \fR] .IR demospec .SH OPTIONS .TP .BR \-d \fIdelaymult\fR Apply a (floating-point) multiplier to the standard delay of 1s. .TP .BR \-k Inhibit use of the alternate screen. Necessary if you want the output left on your terminal after the program exits. .TP .BR \-h ", " \-\-help Print a usage message, and exit with success. .TP .IR demospec Select which demos to run, and what order to run them in. The default is "imbgsuwvpo". See below for a list of demos. .SH DESCRIPTION .B notcurses-demo contains a set of text-based demonstrations of capabilities from the notcurses library. The demonstrations include: .P (i)ntro—a setting of tone .P (s)liders—a missing-piece puzzle made up of colorful blocks .P (u)niblocks—a series of blocks detailing Unicode pages .P (m)axcolors—smoothly changing colors .P (b)oxes—pulsating boxes with a transparent center .P (g)rid—a gradient of color lain atop a great grid .P (w)idecolors—letters of many languages in many colors .P (v)iew—in which PNGs are rendered as text, and a video, too .P (p)anelreels—demonstration of the panelreel high-level widget .P (o)utro—a message of hope from the library author .SH NOTES Proper display requires a terminal advertising the RGB terminfo(5) capability (necessary for specification of arbitrary 24bpp colors), and a monospaced font with good Unicode support. .SH SEE ALSO notcurses(3notcurses), ncurses(3ncurses), terminfo(5)