#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "demo.h" // (non-)ansi terminal definition-4-life static const int MIN_SUPPORTED_ROWS = 24; static const int MIN_SUPPORTED_COLS = 76; // allow a bit of margin, sigh static char *datadir; static int democount; static demoresult* results; static const char DEFAULT_DEMO[] = "ixetunchdmbkywjgarvlsfqzo"; atomic_bool interrupted = ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(false); // checked following demos, whether aborted, failed, or otherwise static atomic_bool restart_demos = ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(false); void interrupt_demo(void){ atomic_store(&interrupted, true); } void interrupt_and_restart_demos(void){ atomic_store(&restart_demos, true); atomic_store(&interrupted, true); } const demoresult* demoresult_lookup(int idx){ if(idx < 0 || idx >= democount){ return NULL; } return &results[idx]; } char* find_data(const char* datum){ return notcurses_data_path(datadir, datum); } float delaymultiplier = 1; // scaled in getopt() by delaymultiplier struct timespec demodelay = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0, }; // the "jungle" demo has non-free material embedded into it, and is thus // entirely absent (can't just be disabled). supply a stub here. #ifdef DFSG_BUILD int jungle_demo(struct notcurses* nc, uint64_t startns){ (void)nc; (void)startns; return -1; } #endif // Demos can be disabled either due to a DFSG build (any non-free material must // be disabled) or a non-multimedia build (all images/videos must be disabled). static struct { const char* name; int (*fxn)(struct notcurses*, uint64_t startns); bool dfsg_disabled; // disabled for DFSG builds } demos[26] = { { "animate", animate_demo, false, }, { "box", box_demo, false, }, { "chunli", chunli_demo, true, }, { "dragon", dragon_demo, false, }, { "eagle", eagle_demo, true, }, { "fission", fission_demo, false, }, { "grid", grid_demo, false, }, { "highcon", highcon_demo, false, }, { "intro", intro_demo, false, }, { "jungle", jungle_demo, true, }, { "keller", keller_demo, true, }, { "luigi", luigi_demo, true, }, { "mojibake", mojibake_demo, false, }, { "normal", normal_demo, false, }, { "outro", outro_demo, false, }, { NULL, NULL, false, }, // it's a secret to everyone { "qrcode", qrcode_demo, false, }, // is blank without USE_QRCODEGEN { "reel", reel_demo, false, }, { "sliders", sliders_demo, false, }, { "trans", trans_demo, false, }, { "uniblock", uniblock_demo, false, }, { "view", view_demo, true, }, { "whiteout", whiteout_demo, false, }, { "xray", xray_demo, false, }, { "yield", yield_demo, false, }, { "zoo", zoo_demo, false, }, }; static void usage_option(struct ncplane* n, const char* op){ ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80); ncplane_printf(n, " [ "); ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n, 0xff, 0xff, 0x80); ncplane_printf(n, "%s", op); ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80); ncplane_printf(n, " ] "); ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff); } static void usage_expo(struct ncplane* n, const char* op, const char* expo){ ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n, 0xff, 0xff, 0x80); ncplane_printf(n, " %s: ", op); ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff); ncplane_printf(n, "%s\n", expo); } static void usage(const char* exe, int status){ FILE* out = status == EXIT_SUCCESS ? stdout : stderr; struct notcurses_options opts = {0}; opts.flags = NCOPTION_NO_ALTERNATE_SCREEN | NCOPTION_DRAIN_INPUT | NCOPTION_NO_CLEAR_BITMAPS | NCOPTION_PRESERVE_CURSOR | NCOPTION_SUPPRESS_BANNERS; struct notcurses* nc = notcurses_init(&opts, out); if(!nc){ exit(status); } struct ncplane* n = notcurses_stdplane(nc); ncplane_set_scrolling(n, true); ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n, 0x00, 0xc0, 0xc0); ncplane_putstr(n, "usage: "); ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n, 0x80, 0xff, 0x80); ncplane_printf(n, "%s ", exe); const char* options[] = { "-hVkc", "-m margins", "-p path", "-l loglevel", "-d mult", "-J jsonfile", "demospec", NULL }; for(const char** op = options ; *op ; ++op){ usage_option(n, *op); } ncplane_putstr(n, "\n\n"); ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff); const char* optexpo[] = { "-h|--help", "this message", "-V|--version", "print program name and version", "-k", "keep screen; do not switch to alternate", "-d", "delay multiplier (non-negative float)", "-J", "emit JSON summary to file", "-c", "constant PRNG seed, useful for benchmarking", "-m", "margin, or 4 comma-separated margins", NULL }; for(const char** op = optexpo ; *op ; op += 2){ const char* expo = op[1]; usage_expo(n, *op, expo); } ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n, 0xff, 0xff, 0x80); ncplane_printf(n, " -l:"); ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff); ncplane_printf(n, " logging level (%d: silent..%d: manic)\n", NCLOGLEVEL_SILENT, NCLOGLEVEL_TRACE); ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n, 0xff, 0xff, 0x80); ncplane_printf(n, " -p:"); ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff); ncplane_printf(n, " data file path (default: %s)\n", notcurses_data_dir()); ncplane_printf(n, "\nspecify demos via their first letter. repetitions are allowed.\n"); ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n, 0x80, 0xff, 0x80); ncplane_printf(n, " default spec: %s\n\n", DEFAULT_DEMO); ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff); int printed = 0; for(size_t i = 0 ; i < sizeof(demos) / sizeof(*demos) ; ++i){ if(demos[i].name){ if(printed % 5 == 0){ ncplane_printf(n, " "); } // U+24D0: CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER A ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n, 0xff, 0xff, 0x80); ncplane_printf(n, "%lc ", (wint_t)(*demos[i].name - 'a' + 0x24d0)); ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff); ncplane_printf(n, "%-*.*s", 8, 8, demos[i].name + 1); if(++printed % 5 == 0){ ncplane_printf(n, "\n"); } } } if(printed % 5){ ncplane_printf(n, "\n"); } notcurses_render(nc); notcurses_stop(nc); exit(status); } static int ext_demos(struct notcurses* nc, const char* spec){ int ret = 0; results = malloc(sizeof(*results) * strlen(spec)); if(results == NULL){ return -1; } memset(results, 0, sizeof(*results) * strlen(spec)); democount = strlen(spec); uint64_t prevns = clock_getns(CLOCK_MONOTONIC); for(size_t i = 0 ; i < strlen(spec) ; ++i){ results[i].selector = spec[i]; } struct ncplane* n = notcurses_stdplane(nc); for(size_t i = 0 ; i < strlen(spec) ; ++i){ if(interrupted){ break; } int idx = spec[i] - 'a'; #ifdef DFSG_BUILD if(demos[idx].dfsg_disabled){ continue; } #endif // set the standard plane's base character to an opaque black, but don't // erase the plane (we let one demo bleed through to the next, an effect // we exploit in a few transitions). uint64_t stdc = NCCHANNELS_INITIALIZER(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ncplane_set_base(n, "", 0, stdc); hud_schedule(demos[idx].name, prevns); ret = demos[idx].fxn(nc, prevns); notcurses_stats_reset(nc, &results[i].stats); uint64_t nowns = clock_getns(CLOCK_MONOTONIC); results[i].timens = nowns - prevns; prevns = nowns; results[i].result = ret; hud_completion_notify(&results[i]); if(ret){ break; } } return 0; } // returns the demos to be run as a string. on error, returns NULL. on no // specification, also returns NULL, heh. determine this by argv[optind]; // if it's NULL, there were valid options, but no spec. static const char* handle_opts(int argc, char** argv, notcurses_options* opts, FILE** json_output){ bool constant_seed = false; *json_output = NULL; int c; const struct option longopts[] = { { .name = "help", .has_arg = 0, .flag = NULL, .val = 'h', }, { .name = "version", .has_arg = 0, .flag = NULL, .val = 'V', }, { .name = NULL, .has_arg = 0, .flag = NULL, .val = 0, }, }; int lidx; while((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "VhckJ:l:d:p:m:", longopts, &lidx)) != EOF){ switch(c){ case 'h': usage(*argv, EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case 'l':{ int loglevel; if(sscanf(optarg, "%d", &loglevel) != 1){ fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get an int from %s\n", optarg); usage(*argv, EXIT_FAILURE); } opts->loglevel = loglevel; if(opts->loglevel < NCLOGLEVEL_SILENT || opts->loglevel > NCLOGLEVEL_TRACE){ fprintf(stderr, "Invalid log level: %d\n", opts->loglevel); usage(*argv, EXIT_FAILURE); } break; }case 'm':{ if(opts->margin_t || opts->margin_r || opts->margin_b || opts->margin_l){ fprintf(stderr, "Provided margins twice!\n"); usage(*argv, EXIT_FAILURE); } if(notcurses_lex_margins(optarg, opts)){ usage(*argv, EXIT_FAILURE); } break; }case 'V': printf("notcurses-demo version %s\n", notcurses_version()); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case 'J': if(*json_output){ fprintf(stderr, "Supplied -J twice: %s\n", optarg); usage(*argv, EXIT_FAILURE); } if((*json_output = fopen(optarg, "wb")) == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s for JSON (%s?)\n", optarg, strerror(errno)); usage(*argv, EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 'c': constant_seed = true; break; case 'k': opts->flags |= NCOPTION_NO_ALTERNATE_SCREEN; break; case 'p': datadir = strdup(optarg); break; case 'd':{ float f; if(sscanf(optarg, "%f", &f) != 1){ fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get a float from %s\n", optarg); usage(*argv, EXIT_FAILURE); } if(f < 0){ fprintf(stderr, "Invalid multiplier: %f\n", f); usage(*argv, EXIT_FAILURE); } delaymultiplier = f; uint64_t ns = f * NANOSECS_IN_SEC; demodelay.tv_sec = ns / NANOSECS_IN_SEC; demodelay.tv_nsec = ns % NANOSECS_IN_SEC; break; }default: usage(*argv, EXIT_FAILURE); } } if(!constant_seed){ srand(time(NULL)); // a classic blunder lol } if(optind < argc - 1){ fprintf(stderr, "Extra argument: %s\n", argv[optind + 1]); usage(*argv, EXIT_FAILURE); } if(datadir == NULL){ datadir = notcurses_data_dir(); } const char* spec = argv[optind]; return spec; } static int table_segment_color(struct ncplane* n, const char* str, const char* delim, const char* ascdelim, unsigned color){ ncplane_set_fg_rgb(n, color); if(ncplane_putstr(n, str) < 0){ return -1; } ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n, 178, 102, 255); if(notcurses_canutf8(ncplane_notcurses(n))){ if(ncplane_putstr(n, delim) < 0){ return -1; } }else{ if(ncplane_putstr(n, ascdelim) < 0){ return -1; } } return 0; } static int table_segment(struct ncplane* n, const char* str, const char* delim, const char* ascdelim){ return table_segment_color(n, str, delim, ascdelim, 0xffffff); } static int table_printf(struct ncplane* n, const char* delim, const char* fmt, ...){ ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n, 0xD4, 0xAF, 0x37); va_list va; va_start(va, fmt); int r = ncplane_vprintf(n, fmt, va); va_end(va); ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n, 178, 102, 255); ncplane_putstr(n, delim); return r; } static int summary_json(FILE* f, const char* spec, int rows, int cols){ int ret = 0; ret |= (fprintf(f, "{\"notcurses-demo\":{\"spec\":\"%s\",\"TERM\":\"%s\",\"rows\":\"%d\",\"cols\":\"%d\",\"runs\":{", spec, getenv("TERM"), rows, cols) < 0); for(size_t i = 0 ; i < strlen(spec) ; ++i){ if(results[i].result || !results[i].stats.renders){ continue; } ret |= (fprintf(f, "\"%s\":{\"bytes\":\"%"PRIu64"\",\"frames\":\"%"PRIu64"\",\"ns\":\"%"PRIu64"\"}%s", demos[results[i].selector - 'a'].name, results[i].stats.raster_bytes, results[i].stats.renders, results[i].timens, i < strlen(spec) - 1 ? "," : "") < 0); } ret |= (fprintf(f, "}}}\n") < 0); return ret; } static int summary_table(struct notcurses* nc, const char* spec, bool canimage, bool canvideo){ notcurses_leave_alternate_screen(nc); struct ncplane* n = notcurses_stdplane(nc); ncplane_set_bg_default(n); ncplane_set_scrolling(n, true); bool failed = false; uint64_t totalbytes = 0; long unsigned totalframes = 0; ncplane_putchar(n, '\n'); // FIXME this shouldn't be necessary, but without it, late in 2.4.x we // stopped printing the table header. see #2389. notcurses_render(nc); const char* sep; if(notcurses_canutf8(ncplane_notcurses(n))){ sep = u8"│"; }else{ sep = "|"; } table_segment(n, " runtime", "│", "|"); table_segment(n, " frames", "│", "|"); table_segment(n, "output(B)", "│", "|"); table_segment(n, " FPS", "│", "|"); table_segment(n, "%r", "│", "|"); table_segment(n, "%a", "│", "|"); table_segment(n, "%w", "│", "|"); table_segment(n, "TheoFPS", "║\n══╤════════╤════════╪═══════╪═════════╪═══════╪══╪══╪══╪═══════╣\n", "|\n--+--------+--------+-------+---------+-------+--+--+--+-------|\n"); char timebuf[NCPREFIXSTRLEN + 1]; char tfpsbuf[NCPREFIXSTRLEN + 1]; char totalbuf[NCBPREFIXSTRLEN + 1]; uint64_t nsdelta = 0; for(size_t i = 0 ; i < strlen(spec) ; ++i){ nsdelta += results[i].timens; ncqprefix(results[i].timens, NANOSECS_IN_SEC, timebuf, 0); ncbprefix(results[i].stats.raster_bytes, 1, totalbuf, 0); uint64_t divisor = results[i].stats.render_ns + results[i].stats.writeout_ns + results[i].stats.raster_ns; if(divisor){ ncqprefix((uintmax_t)results[i].stats.writeouts * NANOSECS_IN_SEC * 1000 / divisor, 1000, tfpsbuf, 0); }else{ ncqprefix(0, NANOSECS_IN_SEC, tfpsbuf, 0); } uint32_t rescolor; if(results[i].result < 0){ rescolor = 0xff303c; }else if(results[i].result > 0){ rescolor = 0xffaa22; }else if(!results[i].stats.renders){ rescolor = 0xbbbbbb; }else{ rescolor = 0x32CD32; } ncplane_set_fg_rgb(n, rescolor); ncplane_printf(n, "%2llu", (unsigned long long)(i + 1)); // windows has %zu problems ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n, 178, 102, 255); ncplane_putegc(n, sep, NULL); ncplane_set_fg_rgb(n, rescolor); ncplane_printf(n, "%8s", demos[results[i].selector - 'a'].name); ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n, 178, 102, 255); ncplane_printf(n, "%s%*ss%s%7" PRIu64 "%s%*s%s%7.1f%s%2" PRId64 "%s%2" PRId64 "%s%2" PRId64 "%s%*s%s", sep, NCPREFIXFMT(timebuf), sep, results[i].stats.renders, sep, NCBPREFIXFMT(totalbuf), sep, results[i].timens ? results[i].stats.renders / ((double)results[i].timens / NANOSECS_IN_SEC) : 0.0, sep, (results[i].timens ? results[i].stats.render_ns * 100 / results[i].timens : 0), sep, (results[i].timens ? results[i].stats.raster_ns * 100 / results[i].timens : 0), sep, (results[i].timens ? results[i].stats.writeout_ns * 100 / results[i].timens : 0), sep, NCPREFIXFMT(tfpsbuf), notcurses_canutf8(ncplane_notcurses(n)) ? "║" : "|"); ncplane_set_fg_rgb(n, rescolor); ncplane_printf(n, "%s\n", results[i].result < 0 ? "FAILED" : results[i].result > 0 ? "ABORTED" : !results[i].stats.renders ? "SKIPPED" : ""); if(results[i].result < 0){ failed = true; } totalframes += results[i].stats.renders; totalbytes += results[i].stats.raster_bytes; } ncqprefix(nsdelta, NANOSECS_IN_SEC, timebuf, 0); ncbprefix(totalbytes, 1, totalbuf, 0); table_segment(n, "", "══╧════════╧════════╪═══════╪═════════╪═══════╧══╧══╧══╧═══════╝\n", "--+--------+--------+-------+---------+-------+--+--+--+-------+\n"); ncplane_putstr(n, " "); table_printf(n, sep, "%*ss", NCPREFIXFMT(timebuf)); table_printf(n, sep, "%7lu", totalframes); table_printf(n, sep, "%*s", NCBPREFIXFMT(totalbuf)); //table_printf(nc, sep, "%7.1f", nsdelta ? totalframes / ((double)nsdelta / NANOSECS_IN_SEC) : 0); ncplane_putchar(n, '\n'); ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n, 0xfe, 0x20, 0x76); // PANTONE Strong Red C + 3x0x20 #ifdef DFSG_BUILD ncplane_putstr(n, "\nDFSG version. Some demos are unavailable.\n"); #endif if(!canimage){ ncplane_putstr(n, "\nNo multimedia support. Some demos are unavailable.\n"); }else if(!canvideo){ ncplane_putstr(n, "\nNo video support. Some demos are unavailable.\n"); } ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(n, 0xff, 0xb0, 0xb0); if(failed){ ncplane_printf(n, "\nError running demo.\nIs \"%s\" the correct data path? Supply it with -p.\n", datadir); } return failed; } static int scrub_stdplane(struct notcurses* nc){ struct ncplane* n = notcurses_stdplane(nc); uint64_t channels = 0; ncchannels_set_fg_rgb(&channels, 0); // explicit black + opaque ncchannels_set_bg_rgb(&channels, 0); if(ncplane_set_base(n, "", 0, channels)){ return -1; } ncplane_erase(n); return 0; } int main(int argc, char** argv){ #ifndef __MINGW32__ sigset_t sigmask; // ensure SIGWINCH is delivered only to a thread doing input sigemptyset(&sigmask); sigaddset(&sigmask, SIGWINCH); pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sigmask, NULL); #endif const char* spec; FILE* json = NULL; // emit JSON summary to this file? (-J) notcurses_options nopts = {0}; if((spec = handle_opts(argc, argv, &nopts, &json)) == NULL){ if(argv[optind] != NULL){ usage(*argv, EXIT_FAILURE); } spec = DEFAULT_DEMO; } for(size_t i = 0 ; i < strlen(spec) ; ++i){ int nameidx = spec[i] - 'a'; if(nameidx < 0 || nameidx > 25 || !demos[nameidx].name){ fprintf(stderr, "Invalid demo specification: %c\n", spec[i]); usage(*argv, EXIT_FAILURE); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } struct timespec starttime; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &starttime); struct notcurses* nc; if((nc = notcurses_init(&nopts, NULL)) == NULL){ return EXIT_FAILURE; } notcurses_mice_enable(nc, NCMICE_BUTTON_EVENT | NCMICE_DRAG_EVENT); const bool canimage = notcurses_canopen_images(nc); const bool canvideo = notcurses_canopen_videos(nc); unsigned dimx, dimy; ncplane_dim_yx(notcurses_stdplane(nc), &dimy, &dimx); if(input_dispatcher(nc)){ goto err; } if(dimy < MIN_SUPPORTED_ROWS || dimx < MIN_SUPPORTED_COLS){ goto err; } if((nopts.flags & NCOPTION_NO_ALTERNATE_SCREEN)){ // no one cares. 1s max. if(demodelay.tv_sec >= 1){ sleep(1); }else{ nanosleep(&demodelay, NULL); } } struct ncmenu* menu = NULL; do{ restart_demos = false; interrupted = false; notcurses_drop_planes(nc); if(scrub_stdplane(nc)){ goto err; } if(!hud_create(nc)){ goto err; } if(fpsgraph_init(nc)){ goto err; } if((menu = menu_create(nc)) == NULL){ goto err; } if(notcurses_render(nc)){ goto err; } notcurses_stats_reset(nc, NULL); if(ext_demos(nc, spec)){ goto err; } if(hud_destroy()){ // destroy here since notcurses_drop_planes will kill it goto err; } if(fpsgraph_stop()){ goto err; } about_destroy(nc); // also kills debug window }while(restart_demos); ncmenu_destroy(menu); stop_input(); notcurses_render(nc); // rid ourselves of any remaining demo output int r = summary_table(nc, spec, canimage, canvideo); notcurses_render(nc); // render our summary table free(results); if(notcurses_stop(nc)){ return EXIT_FAILURE; } if(json && summary_json(json, spec, dimy, dimx)){ return EXIT_FAILURE; } free(datadir); return r ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS; err: stop_input(); notcurses_stop(nc); if(dimy < MIN_SUPPORTED_ROWS || dimx < MIN_SUPPORTED_COLS){ fprintf(stderr, "At least a %dx%d terminal is required (current: %dx%d)\n", MIN_SUPPORTED_ROWS, MIN_SUPPORTED_COLS, dimy, dimx); } return EXIT_FAILURE; }