.TH notcurses-planereel 1 "2019-12-25" .SH NAME notcurses-planereel \- Experiment with panelreels .SH SYNOPSIS .B notcurses-planereel [ \fB\-\-ob \fIbottomoffset \fR] [ \fB\-\-ot \fItopoffset \fR] [ \fB\-\-ol \fIleftoffset \fR] [ \fB\-\-or \fIrightoffset \fR] [ \fB\-t \fItabletmask \fR] [ \fB\-b \fIbordermask \fR] .SH OPTIONS .TP .BR \-\-ob \fIbottomoffset\fR Offset the panelreel some number of rows from the bottom. .TP .BR \-\-ot \fItopoffset\fR Offset the panelreel some number of rows from the top. .TP .BR \-\-ol \fIleftoffset\fR Offset the panelreel some number of columns from the left. .TP .BR \-\-or \fIrightoffset\fR Offset the panelreel some number of columns from the right. .SH DESCRIPTION .B notcurses-planereel A testing and exploration tool for notcurses panelreels. With the program open, press 'a' to create a new panel, or 'd' to delete the focused panel. 'q' quits at any time. .SH NOTES Proper display requires a terminal advertising the RGB terminfo(5) capability (necessary for specification of arbitrary 24bpp colors), and a monospaced font with good Unicode support. .SH SEE ALSO notcurses(3notcurses), terminfo(5)