* Run tools/release.sh $OLDVERSION $VERSION * Finalize CHANGELOG.md * Bumps version numbers everywhere they need bumping * Commits changes, tags result with v$VERSION, pushes tag * Downloads new tarball and signs it * Upload signature to github * Draft new release at https://github.com/dankamongmen/notcurses/releases * Title is "v$VERSION—some quip" * That's an em dash (U+2014, UTF-8 e2 80 94), get it right * Finalize Debian changelog with `dch -r` * Repack DFSG-safe tarball with uscan, upload to github * `uscan --repack --compression xz -v` * upload to github * Build new Debian package * download DFSG tarball, unpack * debuild * Copy `../*notcurses*$VERSION*` to apt repo, import with `reprepro` * Upload new AUR information * Update `pkgver` and `sha256sums` entries * `makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO` * Test that package builds with `makepkg` * `git commit -a` * Upload new Rust crate with `cargo publish` * Upload new Python pip with * `python3 setup.py sdist` * `twine upload dist/*` * Generate and upload new HTML documentation via `make html` * `scp *.html ../doc/man/index.html qemfd.net:/var/www/notcurses/` * Generate and upload new Doxygen documentation via `doxygen ../doc/Doxyfile` * `scp -r html qemfd.net:/var/www/notcurses/` * Update Debian changelog with `dch -v $NEXTVERSION-1` * Update `doc/FreeBSD-Makefile` version * Update CMakeLists.txt with next version