#include "main.h" #include TEST_CASE("DirectMode") { struct ncdirect* nc_ = ncdirect_init(NULL, stdout, 0); if(!nc_){ return; } SUBCASE("SetItalic") { CHECK(0 == ncdirect_styles_set(nc_, NCSTYLE_ITALIC)); printf("DirectMode *italic*!\n"); fflush(stdout); CHECK(0 == ncdirect_styles_off(nc_, NCSTYLE_ITALIC)); } SUBCASE("SetBold") { CHECK(0 == ncdirect_styles_set(nc_, NCSTYLE_BOLD)); printf("DirectMode *bold*!\n"); fflush(stdout); CHECK(0 == ncdirect_styles_off(nc_, NCSTYLE_BOLD)); } SUBCASE("SetUnderline") { CHECK(0 == ncdirect_styles_set(nc_, NCSTYLE_UNDERLINE)); printf("DirectMode *underline*!\n"); fflush(stdout); CHECK(0 == ncdirect_styles_off(nc_, NCSTYLE_UNDERLINE)); } CHECK(0 == ncdirect_stop(nc_)); // make sure that we can pass undefined flags and still create the ncdirect SUBCASE("FutureFlags") { nc_ = ncdirect_init(NULL, stdout, ~0ULL); REQUIRE(nullptr != nc_); CHECK(0 == ncdirect_stop(nc_)); } }