#include #include #include #include "main.h" class NotcursesTest : public :: testing::Test { protected: void SetUp() override { setlocale(LC_ALL, nullptr); if(getenv("TERM") == nullptr){ GTEST_SKIP(); } notcurses_options nopts{}; nopts.outfp = stdin; nc_ = notcurses_init(&nopts); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, nc_); } void TearDown() override { if(nc_){ EXPECT_EQ(0, notcurses_stop(nc_)); } } struct notcurses* nc_{}; }; TEST_F(NotcursesTest, NotcursesVersionString) { const char* ver = notcurses_version(); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, ver); ASSERT_LT(0, strlen(ver)); std::cout << "notcurses version " << ver << std::endl; } TEST_F(NotcursesTest, BasicLifetime) { } TEST_F(NotcursesTest, TermDimensions) { int x, y; notcurses_term_dimyx(nc_, &y, &x); auto stry = getenv("LINES"); if(stry){ auto envy = std::stoi(stry, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(envy, y); } auto strx = getenv("COLUMNS"); if(stry){ auto envx = std::stoi(strx, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(envx, x); } } TEST_F(NotcursesTest, ResizeSameSize) { int x, y; notcurses_term_dimyx(nc_, &y, &x); EXPECT_EQ(0, notcurses_resize(nc_)); int newx, newy; notcurses_term_dimyx(nc_, &newy, &newx); EXPECT_EQ(newx, x); EXPECT_EQ(newy, y); } // we should at least have CELL_STYLE_BOLD everywhere, i should think? TEST_F(NotcursesTest, CursesStyles) { unsigned attrs = notcurses_supported_styles(nc_); EXPECT_EQ(1, !!(CELL_STYLE_BOLD & attrs)); } // it is an error to attempt to destroy the standard plane TEST_F(NotcursesTest, RejectDestroyStdPlane) { ncplane* ncp = notcurses_stdplane(nc_); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, ncp); ASSERT_NE(0, ncplane_destroy(nc_, ncp)); } // create planes partitioning the entirety of the screen, one at each coordinate TEST_F(NotcursesTest, TileScreenWithPlanes) { int maxx, maxy; notcurses_term_dimyx(nc_, &maxy, &maxx); auto total = maxx * maxy; struct ncplane** planes = new struct ncplane*[total]; int* planesecrets = new int[total]; for(int y = 0 ; y < maxy ; ++y){ for(int x = 0 ; x < maxx ; ++x){ const auto idx = y * maxx + x; planes[idx] = notcurses_newplane(nc_, 1, 1, y, x, &planesecrets[idx]); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, planes[idx]); } } ASSERT_EQ(0, notcurses_render(nc_)); for(int y = 0 ; y < maxy ; ++y){ for(int x = 0 ; x < maxx ; ++x){ const auto idx = y * maxx + x; auto userptr = ncplane_userptr(planes[idx]); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, userptr); EXPECT_EQ(userptr, &planesecrets[idx]); ASSERT_EQ(0, ncplane_destroy(nc_, planes[idx])); } } delete[] planesecrets; delete[] planes; ASSERT_EQ(0, notcurses_render(nc_)); }