#include "main.h" #include #include #include "internal.h" auto pulser(struct notcurses* nc, struct ncplane* ncp __attribute__ ((unused)), const struct timespec* ts __attribute__ ((unused)), void* curry) -> int { auto pulsestart = static_cast(curry); if(notcurses_render(nc)){ return -1; } struct timespec now; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now); auto delta = timespec_to_ns(&now) - timespec_to_ns(pulsestart); if(delta > 500000000){ return 1; } return 0; } auto fadeaborter(struct notcurses* nc, struct ncplane* ncp, const struct timespec* ts, void* curry) -> int { (void)nc; (void)ncp; (void)ts; (void)curry; return 1; } TEST_CASE("Fade") { notcurses_options nopts{}; nopts.suppress_banner = true; struct notcurses* nc_ = notcurses_init(&nopts, nullptr); if(!nc_){ return; } struct ncplane* n_ = notcurses_stdplane(nc_); REQUIRE(n_); if(!notcurses_canfade(nc_)){ CHECK(0 == notcurses_stop(nc_)); return; } REQUIRE(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 0, 0)); int dimy, dimx; ncplane_dim_yx(n_, &dimy, &dimx); cell c = CELL_TRIVIAL_INITIALIZER; c.gcluster = '*'; cell_set_fg_rgb(&c, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff); unsigned rgb = 0xffffffu; CHECK(!ncplane_set_scrolling(n_, true)); for(int y = 0 ; y < dimy ; ++y){ for(int x = 0 ; x < dimx ; ++x){ rgb -= 32; if(rgb < 32){ rgb = 0xffffffu; } cell_set_fg(&c, rgb); cell_set_bg_rgb(&c, rgb & 0xff, (rgb >> 16u) & 0xff, (rgb >> 8u) & 0xff); CHECK(0 < ncplane_putc(n_, &c)); } } SUBCASE("FadeOut") { CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_)); struct timespec ts; ts.tv_sec = 0; ts.tv_nsec = 500000000; CHECK(0 == ncplane_fadeout(n_, &ts, nullptr, nullptr)); } SUBCASE("FadeIn") { struct timespec ts; ts.tv_sec = 0; ts.tv_nsec = 500000000; CHECK(0 == ncplane_fadein(n_, &ts, nullptr, nullptr)); } SUBCASE("FadeOutAbort") { CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_)); struct timespec ts; ts.tv_sec = 0; ts.tv_nsec = 500000000; CHECK(0 < ncplane_fadeout(n_, &ts, fadeaborter, nullptr)); } SUBCASE("FadeInAbort") { struct timespec ts; ts.tv_sec = 0; ts.tv_nsec = 500000000; CHECK(0 < ncplane_fadein(n_, &ts, fadeaborter, nullptr)); } SUBCASE("Pulse") { struct timespec ts; ts.tv_sec = 0; ts.tv_nsec = 150000000; ncplane_erase(n_); ncplane_set_fg(n_, 0xffd700); CHECK(0 < ncplane_printf_aligned(n_, dimy - 1, NCALIGN_CENTER, "pulllllllse")); struct timespec pulsestart; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &pulsestart); CHECK(0 < ncplane_pulse(n_, &ts, pulser, &pulsestart)); } // drive fadeout with the more flexible api SUBCASE("FadeOutFlexible") { auto nctx = ncfadectx_setup(n_); REQUIRE(nctx); auto maxiter = ncfadectx_iterations(nctx); CHECK(0 < maxiter); for(int i = 0 ; i < maxiter ; ++i){ CHECK(0 == ncplane_fadeout_iteration(n_, nctx, i, nullptr, nullptr)); } ncfadectx_free(nctx); } SUBCASE("FadeOutFlexibleAbort") { auto nctx = ncfadectx_setup(n_); REQUIRE(nctx); auto maxiter = ncfadectx_iterations(nctx); CHECK(0 < maxiter); for(int i = 0 ; i < maxiter ; ++i){ CHECK(0 < ncplane_fadeout_iteration(n_, nctx, i, fadeaborter, nullptr)); } ncfadectx_free(nctx); } // drive fadein with the more flexible api SUBCASE("FadeInFlexible") { auto nctx = ncfadectx_setup(n_); REQUIRE(nctx); auto maxiter = ncfadectx_iterations(nctx); CHECK(0 < maxiter); for(int i = 0 ; i < maxiter ; ++i){ CHECK(0 == ncplane_fadein_iteration(n_, nctx, i, nullptr, nullptr)); } ncfadectx_free(nctx); } SUBCASE("FadeInFlexibleAbort") { auto nctx = ncfadectx_setup(n_); REQUIRE(nctx); auto maxiter = ncfadectx_iterations(nctx); CHECK(0 < maxiter); for(int i = 0 ; i < maxiter ; ++i){ CHECK(0 < ncplane_fadein_iteration(n_, nctx, i, fadeaborter, nullptr)); } ncfadectx_free(nctx); } CHECK(0 == notcurses_stop(nc_)); }