#include "main.h" #include #include TEST_CASE("MenuTest") { if(getenv("TERM") == nullptr){ return; } notcurses_options nopts{}; nopts.inhibit_alternate_screen = true; nopts.suppress_banner = true; FILE* outfp_ = fopen("/dev/tty", "wb"); REQUIRE(outfp_); struct notcurses* nc_ = notcurses_init(&nopts, outfp_); REQUIRE(nc_); struct ncplane* n_ = notcurses_stdplane(nc_); REQUIRE(n_); REQUIRE(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 0, 0)); // an empty menu ought be rejected SUBCASE("EmptyMenuTopReject") { struct ncmenu_options opts{}; struct ncmenu* ncm = ncmenu_create(nc_, &opts); REQUIRE(nullptr == ncm); CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_)); ncmenu_destroy(nc_, ncm); } SUBCASE("EmptyMenuBottomReject") { struct ncmenu_options opts{}; opts.bottom = true; struct ncmenu* ncm = ncmenu_create(nc_, &opts); REQUIRE(nullptr == ncm); CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_)); ncmenu_destroy(nc_, ncm); } // an empty section ought be rejected SUBCASE("EmptySectionReject") { struct ncmenu_options opts{}; struct ncmenu_section sections[] = { { .name = strdup("Empty"), .itemcount = 0, .items = nullptr, .shortcut = ncinput(), }, }; opts.sections = sections; opts.sectioncount = sizeof(sections) / sizeof(*sections); struct ncmenu* ncm = ncmenu_create(nc_, &opts); REQUIRE(nullptr == ncm); CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_)); ncmenu_destroy(nc_, ncm); } // a section with only separators ought be rejected SUBCASE("SeparatorSectionReject") { struct ncmenu_item empty_items[] = { { .desc = nullptr, .shortcut = ncinput(), }, }; struct ncmenu_section sections[] = { { .name = strdup("Empty"), .itemcount = 1, .items = empty_items, .shortcut = ncinput(), }, }; struct ncmenu_options opts{}; opts.sections = sections; opts.sectioncount = sizeof(sections) / sizeof(*sections); struct ncmenu* ncm = ncmenu_create(nc_, &opts); REQUIRE(nullptr == ncm); CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_)); ncmenu_destroy(nc_, ncm); } SUBCASE("MenuOneSection") { struct ncmenu_item file_items[] = { { .desc = strdup("I would like a new file"), .shortcut = ncinput(), }, }; struct ncmenu_section sections[] = { { .name = strdup("File"), .itemcount = sizeof(file_items) / sizeof(*file_items), .items = file_items, .shortcut = ncinput(), }, }; struct ncmenu_options opts{}; opts.sections = sections; opts.sectioncount = sizeof(sections) / sizeof(*sections); struct ncmenu* ncm = ncmenu_create(nc_, &opts); REQUIRE(nullptr != ncm); CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_)); ncmenu_destroy(nc_, ncm); } // only one menu at a time per notcurses object SUBCASE("RejectDoubleMenu") { struct ncmenu_item file_items[] = { { .desc = strdup("I would like a new file"), .shortcut = ncinput(), }, }; struct ncmenu_section sections[] = { { .name = strdup("File"), .itemcount = sizeof(file_items) / sizeof(*file_items), .items = file_items, .shortcut = ncinput(), }, }; struct ncmenu_options opts{}; opts.sections = sections; opts.sectioncount = sizeof(sections) / sizeof(*sections); struct ncmenu* ncm = ncmenu_create(nc_, &opts); REQUIRE(nullptr != ncm); struct ncmenu* ncmdup = ncmenu_create(nc_, &opts); REQUIRE(nullptr == ncmdup); opts.bottom = true; ncmdup = ncmenu_create(nc_, &opts); REQUIRE(nullptr == ncmdup); CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_)); ncmenu_destroy(nc_, ncm); } // don't call ncmenu_destroy(), invoking destruction in notcurses_stop() SUBCASE("MenuNoFree") { struct ncmenu_item file_items[] = { { .desc = strdup("I would like a new file"), .shortcut = ncinput(), }, }; struct ncmenu_section sections[] = { { .name = strdup("File"), .itemcount = sizeof(file_items) / sizeof(*file_items), .items = file_items, .shortcut = ncinput(), }, }; struct ncmenu_options opts{}; opts.sections = sections; opts.sectioncount = sizeof(sections) / sizeof(*sections); struct ncmenu* ncm = ncmenu_create(nc_, &opts); REQUIRE(nullptr != ncm); CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_)); } SUBCASE("VeryLongMenu") { struct ncmenu_item items[] = { { .desc = strdup("Generic menu entry"), .shortcut = ncinput(), }, }; struct ncmenu_section sections[] = { { .name = strdup("antidisestablishmentarianism"), .itemcount = sizeof(items) / sizeof(*items), .items = items, .shortcut = ncinput(), }, { .name = strdup("floccinaucinihilipilification"), .itemcount = sizeof(items) / sizeof(*items), .items = items, .shortcut = ncinput(), }, { .name = strdup("pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis"), .itemcount = sizeof(items) / sizeof(*items), .items = items, .shortcut = ncinput(), }, { .name = strdup("supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"), .itemcount = sizeof(items) / sizeof(*items), .items = items, .shortcut = ncinput(), }, { .name = strdup("Incomprehensibilities"), .itemcount = sizeof(items) / sizeof(*items), .items = items, .shortcut = ncinput(), }, }; struct ncmenu_options opts{}; opts.sections = sections; opts.sectioncount = sizeof(sections) / sizeof(*sections); struct ncmenu* ncm = ncmenu_create(nc_, &opts); REQUIRE(nullptr != ncm); CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_)); ncmenu_destroy(nc_, ncm); } CHECK(0 == notcurses_stop(nc_)); CHECK(0 == fclose(outfp_)); }