#include "demo.h" #include static int drop_bricks(struct notcurses* nc, struct ncplane** arr, int arrcount){ if(arrcount == 0 || arr == NULL){ return -1; } int stdy, stdx; notcurses_term_dim_yx(nc, &stdy, &stdx); // an erase+render cycle ought not change the screen, as we duplicated it struct timespec iterdelay; // 5 * demodelay total ns_to_timespec(timespec_to_ns(&demodelay) / arrcount / 2, &iterdelay); // we've got a range of up to 10% total blocks falling at any given time. they // accelerate as they fall. [ranges, reange) covers the active range. int ranges = 0; int rangee = 0; const int FALLINGMAX = arrcount < 10 ? 1 : arrcount / 10; int speeds[FALLINGMAX]; while(ranges < arrcount){ // if we don't have a full set active, and there is another available, go // ahead and get it kicked off if(rangee - ranges + 1 < FALLINGMAX){ if(rangee < arrcount){ int y; ncplane_yx(arr[ranges], &y, NULL); speeds[rangee - ranges] = y < stdy / 2 ? 1 : -1; ++rangee; } } do{ DEMO_RENDER(nc); // don't allow gaps in the active range. so long as felloff is true, we've only handled // planes which have fallen off the screen, and can be collected. bool felloff = true; for(int i = 0 ; i < rangee - ranges ; ++i){ struct ncplane* ncp = arr[ranges + i]; ncplane_move_top(ncp); int x, y; ncplane_yx(ncp, &y, &x); if(felloff){ if(y + speeds[i] >= stdy || y + speeds[i] + ncplane_dim_y(ncp) < 0){ ncplane_destroy(ncp); arr[ranges + i] = NULL; if(ranges + i + 1 == rangee){ ranges += i + 1; break; } }else{ // transition point if(i){ if(rangee - ranges - i){ memmove(speeds, speeds + i, (rangee - ranges - i) * sizeof(*speeds)); } ranges += i; i = 0; } felloff = false; } } if(!felloff){ ncplane_move_yx(ncp, y + speeds[i], x); if(speeds[i] < 0){ --speeds[i]; }else{ ++speeds[i]; } }else if(i){ if(rangee - ranges - i){ memmove(speeds, speeds + i, (rangee - ranges - i) * sizeof(*speeds)); } ranges += i; i = 0; } demo_nanosleep(nc, &iterdelay); } }while(rangee - ranges + 1 >= FALLINGMAX); } return 0; } // Shuffle a new ncplane into the array of ncplanes having 'count' elements. static struct ncplane** shuffle_in(struct ncplane** arr, int count, struct ncplane* n){ struct ncplane** tmp = realloc(arr, sizeof(*arr) * (count + 1)); if(tmp == NULL){ return NULL; } arr = tmp; // location of new element int pos = rand() % (count + 1); if(pos < count){ // move everything, starting at our new location, one spot right memmove(arr + pos + 1, arr + pos, sizeof(*arr) * (count - pos)); } arr[pos] = n; return arr; } // you played yourself https://genius.com/De-la-soul-fallin-lyrics int fission_demo(struct notcurses* nc){ struct ncplane* npl = NULL; int dimx, dimy; struct ncplane* stdn = notcurses_stddim_yx(nc, &dimy, &dimx); size_t usesize = sizeof(bool) * dimy * dimx; bool* usemap = malloc(usesize); if(usemap == NULL){ return -1; } memset(usemap, 0, usesize); // brick size is relative to the screen size const int maxx = dimx > 39 ? dimx / 10 : 2; const int maxy = dimy > 19 ? dimy / 10 : 2; // proceed from top to bottom, left to right, and partition the existing // content into 'arrcount' copies into small ncplanes in 'arr'. struct ncplane** arr = NULL; int arrcount = 0; // There are a lot of y/x pairs at this point: // * dimx/dimy: geometry of standard plane // * y/x: iterators through standard plane // * maxy/maxx: maximum geometry of randomly-generated bricks // * newy/newx: actual geometry of current brick // * usey/usex: ncplane_greyscale(stdn); for(int y = 1 ; y < dimy ; ++y){ int x = 0; while(x < dimx){ if(usemap[y * dimx + x]){ // skip if we've already been copied ++x; continue; } int newy, newx; newy = rand() % (maxy - 1) + 2; newx = rand() % (maxx - 1) + 2; if(x + newx >= dimx){ newx = dimx - x; } if(y + newy >= dimy){ newy = dimy - y; } struct ncplane_options nopts = { .y = y, .x = x, .rows = newy, .cols = newx, }; struct ncplane* n = ncplane_create(stdn, &nopts); if(n == NULL){ goto err; } // copy the old content into this new ncplane for(int usey = y ; usey < y + newy ; ++usey){ for(int usex = x ; usex < x + newx ; ++usex){ if(usemap[usey * dimx + usex]){ newx = usex - x; ncplane_resize_simple(n, newy, newx); continue; } nccell c = CELL_TRIVIAL_INITIALIZER; uint16_t smask; uint64_t channels; char* egc = ncplane_at_yx(stdn, usey, usex, &smask, &channels); if(egc == NULL){ goto err; } if(*egc){ if(nccell_prime(n, &c, egc, smask, channels) <= 0){ free(egc); goto err; } free(egc); if(ncplane_putc_yx(n, usey - y, usex - x, &c) < 0){ // allow a fail if we were printing a wide char to the // last column of our plane if(!nccell_double_wide_p(&c) || usex + nccell_cols(&c) - 1 < x + newx){ nccell_release(n, &c); goto err; } } }else{ free(egc); } usemap[usey * dimx + usex] = true; nccell_release(n, &c); } } // shuffle the new ncplane into the array struct ncplane **tmp; tmp = shuffle_in(arr, arrcount, n); if(tmp == NULL){ goto err; } arr = tmp; ++arrcount; x += newx; } } ncplane_erase(stdn); #ifndef DFSG_BUILD if(notcurses_canopen_images(nc)){ char* path = find_data("lamepatents.jpg"); struct ncvisual* ncv = ncvisual_from_file(path); free(path); if(ncv == NULL){ goto err; } struct ncvisual_options vopts = { .n = stdn, .scaling = NCSCALE_STRETCH, .flags = NCVISUAL_OPTION_CHILDPLANE, }; if((npl = ncvisual_blit(nc, ncv, &vopts)) == NULL){ ncvisual_destroy(ncv); goto err; } assert(ncvisual_decode(ncv) == 1); ncvisual_destroy(ncv); ncplane_move_above(npl, stdn); } #endif int ret = drop_bricks(nc, arr, arrcount); free(arr); free(usemap); ncplane_destroy(npl); return ret; err: free(usemap); free(arr); ncplane_destroy(npl); return -1; }