- include new functions: ncdirect_stream, ncdirect_supported_styles, ncdirect_styles, nccell_width, ncinput_nomod_p.
- account for functions: ncplane_halign, ncplane_valign.
- rename ncpalette_get_rgb and ncpalette_set_rgb to ncpalette_get_rgb8 and ncpalette_set_rgb8 respectively.
- minor formatting fixes.
- update script `function_summary.sh`
- new script `compare_outputs.sh` to compile the differences between versions
- create changes files that summarizes diffs between versions
- remove outdated ouput folders
- add functions ncpile_create, ncpile_render, ncpile_rasterize
- add new script tools/blame-nick.sh
- upd script tools/function-summary.sh and the generated data
- upd bindgen version